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Flight SQA016 (The Flight Series)

Page 2

by A. E. Radley

  “Okay,” Emily pointed to a device embedded in the armrest. “Is that the inflight phone?”

  Jessica looked to the inner armrest. “Yep, well, it’s everything. It’s a phone for voice and text services. You can also watch TV, play games, or use it to call other passengers if you know their seat number.”

  Emily blew out a breath. “Wow, do they use all that?”

  “Nah.” Jessica laughed as the chair stopped moving once in its fully reclined position. “It’s just a gadget to sell seats.”

  Emily looked at the control panel. “This makes it go back into a seat, right?”

  “Yep. In the morning we slowly turn up the cabin lighting and they wake up and go to the washrooms. Once someone leaves, you strip the bed and press that button so when they get back it will be a chair again. It’s much easier than making the bed.”

  Emily pressed the button and watched as the chair started to move again. “Cool,” she said, “Seems easy enough.”

  Jessica smiled and started to walk towards the galley and Emily followed her. “So,” she said, “this is a scheduled weekend flight which means we have a few regulars on this trip. Some of our passengers live in New York and work in London so they have a weekly commute. These frequent flyers are the most important to us, they pay around twelve thousand dollars a flight, twice a week for most of the year. That’s more than a million dollars a year each and if they’re not one hundred percent satisfied then they won’t hesitate to complain and then the airline is in trouble. Simple as.”

  “Well, that’s done nothing to help my nerves.” Emily giggled nervously.

  Jessica removed a cabin trolley from the galley and guided it into the cabin. “There’s nothing to worry about, you’ve done the training and you’ll have me by your side. We’re going to smash this.” Jessica smiled and Emily felt immediately better to have an ally.

  Jessica set up the first seat. “So, bottle of water, overnight bag with all they’ll need, pillow, and a selection of today’s newspapers.”

  “Got it.” Emily nodded and started to repeat the process on the next seat.

  “The frequent flyers we have with us today are 9K, Liam Jones,” Jessica said as she angled her head towards the seat and grimaced. “He’s nice enough, he’s in the music business and as long as you keep the alcohol flowing he is fine, bit of a groper, though.”

  “Nice.” Emily grimaced.

  “Yeah, but in 9A we have Doctor Charles Harvey and he is lovely,” Jessica smiled as she set up the seat. “He’s a surgeon and travels back and forth to a training college in London. Let me tell you, if the whole plane was filled with Charles Harveys everything would be great.”

  “Cool.” Emily smiled. “It will be nice to see a friendly face.”

  “He doesn’t fly every week but he’ll be with us today,” Jessica said. “Lastly, we have 10A, Olivia Lewis. I don’t know exactly what she does, she’s a business woman of some sort. Doesn’t talk much, commutes regularly. She has this seat because it’s nearest to the exit door. Every Sunday she’s on flight sixteen to London and then returns on Friday’s flight nineteen. Same thing every week.”

  “Oh, that’s my return, I’ll see her twice a week.” Emily looked around the cabin to make sure that all the seats had been set up correctly.

  Jessica frowned. “You’re in London for a week before your turnaround?”

  “No.” Emily gave a soft laugh. “I have kind of a gruelling schedule, I’m over to London today and then after the required twenty-four hours break I’m back to New York on the Tuesday morning flight.”

  “Whoa.” Jessica blinked. “And then back out and back home again within a week?”

  “Yeah,” Emily admitted. “The Tuesday morning London flight gets me into New York for early Tuesday afternoon which means I can spend Tuesday evening and all of Wednesday with my five-year-old kid, Henry. Then I’m back to London on the Wednesday night, arriving Thursday morning and then back to New York on flight nineteen on Friday.”

  Jessica nodded in understanding. “And then you get Friday afternoon, all day Saturday and Sunday morning with Henry. You’re not kidding about that being a gruelling schedule.”

  Emily pushed the trolley back to the galley. “Yeah, I know, I need the money to clear some debts I have. I figure I can do this for six months and then I’ll have some breathing space. I’ve worked it out and it’s just within company policy.”

  “What about childcare?” Jessica asked before blushing. “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business, you’ve only just met me and here I am asking personal stuff.”

  “No, it’s fine.” Emily smiled. “My best friend, Lucy, runs a childcare service from home and she takes Henry. We live with her and her husband, Tom, at the moment so I’m really lucky there.”

  “Tom and Lucy? You mean First Officer Kent and his wife?”

  Emily blushed. “Yeah, that’s the one. They’re both good friends.”

  “They’re lovely people,” Jessica said. “But keep that a secret, you don’t want Iris finding out or she might say something.”

  “Yeah, I figured she wouldn’t like cabin crew fraternising with the cockpit.” Emily winked and Jessica laughed.

  She helped Emily to secure the trolley and started to show her the rest of the galley. “And just remember, if the passengers are using the toilets on either side of the galley and they are queuing in the corridor then they can probably overhear what we are saying.”

  “Gotcha. Be professional at all times.”

  “Exactly. Now, they’ll be boarding soon and they start with first-class so we better get some champagne flutes set up.”


  Iris Winter had just completed an unscheduled inspection of the first-class compartment and, aside from needlessly moving a few items a few centimetres, declared it suitable. Jessica assured Emily that suitable was the best they were going to do and told her to get ready to greet the passengers who would be boarding within the next five minutes.

  In the small washroom beside the galley, Emily checked her hair and makeup meticulously, knowing that even a hair out of place or a stray smudge of mascara could make a difference. When she was satisfied, she removed her dress jacket from the hook and put it on, ensuring the white collar of her blouse and the collar of her purple jacket balanced as per regulations.

  With a deep breath she pulled on a pair of white gloves and went to wait in the cabin while Jessica stood in the corridor to greet the passengers, by name if she knew them.

  Before long Emily heard Jessica greet Doctor Harvey and welcome him on board, she told him that Emily would assist him with his carry-on luggage and Emily waited for him to appear. She couldn’t help but smile, he was dressed in khaki trousers, a woollen shirt and tie with a tweed jacket. His messy red hair spoke of a man who didn’t fuss about his appearance.

  “Hello Emily,” he said warmly as he held out his hand to her. “Charles Harvey.”

  Emily shook his hand, surprised but delighted that her first ever first-class passenger was so friendly. “Doctor Harvey, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Emily said.

  “Oh, please, call me Charles,” he said as he handed her his overcoat.

  Emily gave a gentle laugh. “I think my boss would prefer it if I call you Doctor Harvey.”

  He nodded in reluctant agreement. “Very well, shall I put my bag in the closet?”

  “Oh, no.” Emily smiled. “I can do that.”

  “It is rather heavy.” He apologised.

  “Not a problem,” Emily said politely and took the bag. “Can I get you a drink? Champagne?”

  “Oh, just orange juice for me,” he said and took his seat.

  Emily placed his coat and bag in the closet before serving him a pre-poured glass of orange juice. The next two passengers to enter the cabin were a married couple on holiday. They were seated up front in 6A and 7A. Emily checked their boarding passes to ascertain their names without the need to ask.

  “Here you are,
Mr and Mrs Archer, can I get you both some champagne?”

  They seemed bewildered by the whole experience and Emily got the impression that she wouldn’t be the only person enjoying their first trip in first-class that evening. They eagerly accepted the champagne and asked Emily to explain the various buttons on their seats.

  While Emily showed the Archers how everything worked, Jessica greeted three incredibly tall and thin women who just had to be fashion models going by their dress and poise. They were shown to seats 6K, 7K, and 8K and all given champagne.

  Next a dark-haired, unshaven, leather-clad man approached the cabin. He was talking animatedly on his phone and looked Emily up and down lewdly as he waved his boarding pass in her face.

  “Mister Jones.” Emily knew who he was before she’d even read the pass and followed him into the cabin.

  “Champagne, please, love.” He checked out the models and fell into his seat with his leg hooked over the arm.

  “I’ll get that for him,” Jessica offered. “Can you seat the next passengers?”

  Emily greeted the next two passengers. She glanced around the cabin. Only one seat was still empty, 10A, but no sooner had she noticed than another passenger arrived. This had to be Olivia Lewis.

  She was a little under average height but made up for the fact with expensive high-heeled shoes. Her slightly olive skin tone and beautiful dark hair made it difficult for Emily to place her ethnicity, but she considered Miss Lewis easily more attractive than the models seated a few rows in front of her. She wore a navy business skirt suit, and quickly took her seat after handing her overcoat and one of her small luggage bags to Jessica who had arrived to greet her.

  Jessica looked at Emily in a silent indication to join her in the galley and both of them exited the cabin. While she hung up Miss Lewis’ overcoat Jessica explained, “Miss Lewis won’t want a drink, she prefers to stick to water. She’s happy with the bottled water provided, but she’ll need a glass. And you need to get her a fresh bottle if she finishes the first one, and obviously take the empty away with you.”

  “Okay.” Emily pulled out a tray and got a glass tumbler out and held it up to the light to check it was spotlessly clean.

  “For service tonight I want you to take row A and I’ll take K. If you need anything I’ll be right next to you,” Jessica said with a smile as she picked up a couple of glasses of champagne and took them into the cabin. Emily followed and walked over to 10A.

  “Good evening, Miss Lewis, here is a glass for your water.”

  Miss Lewis had settled into her seat and was reading one of the provided newspapers. A pair of black-rimmed spectacles perched on the end of her nose. She looked up at the interruption.

  “Thank you” she looked at Emily’s name badge which read ‘Miss E White’. “Miss White.”

  “Emily.” Emily supplied her first name with a polite smile as Olivia placed her glass on the drinks table built into the armrest.

  It quickly became clear that Olivia wasn’t about to say anything else, so Emily went to check that Doctor Harvey and the rest of her allocated passengers were comfortable and had everything they needed.

  When she was happy that her five wealthy passengers were satisfied she walked back to the galley and removed her white gloves and swapped her high-heels for her flat shoes for service. She quickly entered the washroom and checked to see if she was still looking up to first-class standards before returning to the galley.

  “It’s all going well so far.” Jessica kicked off her own heels and put on her flat shoes before removing her jacket.

  “Yeah,” Emily agreed. “But we’ve not even taken off yet.”

  The internal crew telephone bleeped once and lit up, Jessica answered the call and Emily assumed it was Iris asking for an update. Jessica reported that her section had boarded and were seated and a few seconds later she hung up the phone.

  “Okay, first and premium are all in. So it’s just economy now, but they are usually pretty quick so we need to do another sweep of the cabin, check everyone is okay and then the safety video will be played.”

  Emily returned to the front of the cabin and attended to Mr and Mrs Archer and politely conversed with them about their trip to London, which turned out to be a wedding anniversary trip. After a brief conversation with the Archers, she approached Doctor Harvey.

  “Can I get you anything, Doctor Harvey?”

  “No thank you,” he replied. “Is this your first flight with us?”

  “Yes,” Emily admitted. “I transferred to Crown three weeks ago.”

  “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” he told her enthusiastically. “I’ve been flying with Crown for fifteen years and I’ve always had the very best time.”

  “We aim to please,” Emily smiled at him as she moved onto her final passenger. “Can I get you anything, Miss Lewis?”

  Olivia looked up from her newspaper and regarded Emily for a moment before shaking her head. “No, thank you, Miss White.”

  Emily smiled politely and returned to the galley.

  “Everything okay?” Jessica was putting things away in preparation for take-off.

  “Yep, they’re all fine.”

  “Great. Once economy is seated we prepare the cabin for take-off while the safety vid is on, then we tell Iris we’re good to go and take our seats.” Jessica picked up a stack of menu cards and flicked through them while Emily checked that the correct trolleys had been delivered by the ground services team and signed for them. She then checked and signed the passenger manifest.

  “I’ll go take this to Iris.”

  Emily walked through the premium cabin towards the main galley where Iris was located. “All trolleys have been checked and our passenger manifest is correct,” she said. Iris checked every item meticulously before finally signing and handing the paperwork back.

  Tom Kent’s voice came over the intercom system introducing himself and welcoming everyone on board and Emily smothered a smile at his professional tone.

  “Everyone’s seated and Captain Locke said we are clear for push-back,” Sean, the steward working in economy appeared and told Iris.

  “Roll the safety video,” Iris told him. Emily quickly excused herself and made her way back to her own cabin as all the televisions in the premium cabin sprang to life with the safety video.

  She entered the first-class cabin and checked seatbelts were fastened and the aisles were clear. She could hear Jessica having a discussion with Mister Jones to encourage him to end his phone call.

  Once she was satisfied the cabin was secure, Emily took her seat by the emergency exit which was located between the last seat in row A and the first-class washrooms where three folding jump seats were available for crew members. A few moments later Jessica took the seat next to her. She picked up the telephone embedded in the wall next to her and pressed the button to indicate that their cabin was secure and that they were both seated and ready. Emily looked out of the porthole window and watched as the airport slowly rolled past them.

  As a scheduled flight leaving on time, Flight SQA016 had priority access to the runway, and before long the four giant engines were sending the aircraft up into the air. Ten minutes into the ascent, a single light indicated to the cabin crew when they could leave their seats and begin their duties. Emily and Jessica quickly entered the galley and began opening trolleys for the dinner service.

  “Okay,” Jessica said as she turned the ovens on. “We work from back to front. First we hand out menus, there are two choices of starters and three choices of mains. Take Miss Lewis’ order straight away, she likes to be served quickly so she can get to sleep, everyone else you can give a few more minutes. Take their full order including wine or any other drinks and then we’ll get everything cooking, again we’ll work back to front.”

  A few minutes later, the sound of the seatbelt warning light being turned off was accompanied by the sound of approximately one hundred and fifty seatbelts being simultaneously removed. Moments later, Iris Wi
nter’s voice filled the cabin as she welcomed everyone on board and reminded them, pointlessly, that although the seatbelt sign had been switched off it was recommended to keep the belt securely fastened when not moving around the cabin.

  Jessica and Emily entered the cabin and began handing out menus.

  “Can I take your order now, Miss Lewis? Or would you like a few more minutes?” Emily asked politely.

  “Salad starter, I’ll have the chicken for main, no dessert, please,” Olivia said as she handed the menu back.

  “Any wine with your meal?”

  “No.” Olivia shook her head. “I’ll have some more water though, still water.”

  “I’ll get on that immediately.” Emily pushed the button to release the table and unfolded it before heading into the galley where she gathered the cutlery, tablecloth, and condiments, and put a chicken meal in the oven to heat through.

  Jessica appeared and said to Emily, “Don’t bend over when you serve near Jones, he’s wasted already and he’ll probably try to grab you.”

  “Ugh, thanks for the warning.”

  In the cabin, she approached Miss Lewis’ table and prepared it to the exacting standards she had practiced over and over during training. Miss Lewis ignored her, content to flip through the in-flight magazine silently.

  Emily returned to the galley and picked up another bottle of water and a clean glass. “Miss Lewis doesn’t talk much, does she?”

  Jessica shook her head. “Nope, at first I used to think she was a bit of a snob but now I think she’s just quiet.”

  Emily placed a salad, bottle of water, and glass on a tray and exited the galley to serve the starter. “Here you are, Miss Lewis.”

  Olivia wordlessly unwrapped her metal cutlery from her thick linen napkin while Emily stepped forward to speak with Doctor Harvey.

  “Can I take your order, Doctor Harvey?”

  “One of everything,” Doctor Harvey laughed in a way that indicated that wasn’t the first time he had told the joke.

  Emily quickly took all of the orders up the row and on her return cleared away Olivia’s starter dish and cutlery. In the galley, she removed the main course for Olivia from the oven and turned to Jessica. “So, she’ll want this now?”


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