Finger Bang

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Finger Bang Page 9

by Jade C. Jamison

  He wasn’t hard and ramming into her anymore, maybe semi-erect, but she knew that would change quickly. Once she stopped shivering, she looked up at his face. Oh, he was beautiful, a man she’d admired for his looks for a long time, but that wasn’t all there was about Blaze. He was intelligent and witty—things she’d known about him before—but he seemed to be sensitive too, really in tune with what was going on around him. She liked that, because she was much the same way.

  She drowned in his dark eyes as he brought his lips to hers again. Yeah, her wet hair was the only thing cooling her off now, and even that wasn’t so bad. She felt a little brave again and lifted her body up off the bed, enough so she could pull at the towel around her. Blaze broke off the kiss to help her, so she sat up. Then she wrapped the towel around her head, hoping it would help her stay warm. It was then that he took one of her breasts in his mouth and she gasped at the unexpected sensation. Why the hell should she care if she felt a little cool when he could make her feel like that?

  She grabbed his damp hair in her fists as she let her head fall back, pushing her breasts out even farther. His hand cupped the one he’d been neglecting, his thumb flicking the nipple, but then he moved his mouth to that one to give it the same attention. She felt something guttural roll through her throat, expressing her pleasure at what he was doing.

  She felt his hand move to her back between her shoulder blades, and he eased her onto the bed. He hovered over her for a moment, his eyes boring into hers, and that was when she felt something a little more for Blaze, something she often felt with guys after having a few intimate moments, whether it was warranted or not. There was something more, though, something she was afraid to acknowledge, because they weren’t to the stage where they should be feeling deeply about one another. Right now, they were just exploring and sensing and…

  Oh, God. He’d been kissing down her torso, just as he’d done earlier when they were in the bathroom, but she’d been drowning in emotional bliss and not fully paying attention to what he was doing. His body was halfway down the bed now, though, and he was spreading her legs to position himself.

  Her last boyfriend had tried stimulating her orally. It had felt good, but he hadn’t hit that sweet spot just right. Somehow, Blaze had managed to find it just fine before. Maybe she hadn’t relaxed enough with her last boyfriend. She didn’t know; all she knew was that she’d experienced not one but two orgasms at the hand of Blaze, and she knew that if he touched her again, she could count on a third. The man knew what he was doing.

  Oh. Oh, wow. His tongue…totally different. It was softer than his finger had been but no less pleasurable. Just like the other night, he started out slowly, let her get used to and enjoy the sensation. Rachel had been right about one thing when she’d been going on and on about Orgasmic Meditation: the sensations, the undeniably good feelings Kaylee was experiencing right now—those should have been the goal. Well, maybe not, but the journey should be enjoyed as well, and Blaze made that possible. It wasn’t like her last boyfriend. It had felt like he was racing to paint her slit and be done with it. Blaze, though…it felt like he didn’t have a care in the world, like he could lick her all day and have a good time doing it.

  And that elicited a moan from her.

  She almost giggled, hearing herself, until he dragged his tongue over her clit again. She gasped once more, grabbing the bottom sheet in one of her fists. She couldn’t help it, though, and the other hand fisted his hair. What an odd sensation—his head moving, making her feel good with each motion, her hand along for the ride. Odd in a good way.

  Oh, shit. Another moan. Another gasp. She couldn’t help it. She was gulping down air, and now she was familiar with that almost-tingly, almost-shaky feeling, that one of getting so damn close she could taste it. It had only happened twice before, but she was learning what to expect, and just knowing it was on the way made her that much more excited. Her thighs started to quiver as she got closer and then…oh, then…BLAM! It happened and she cried out. Oh, God, it felt so damn good. It was like a drug, the heights she was reaching, and every stroke of his tongue brought another wave of pleasure washing over her body.

  She could feel her legs trying to clamp together, her muscles tight, contracting with each surge of delight coursing through her veins, but she fought the urge. Blaze helped, his hands pressing on the insides of her thighs, but his tongue kept its steady pace, lapping at her until she had nothing else in her.

  After that, she didn’t care if she went to hell for engaging in premarital sex. It was totally fucking worth it.

  Chapter Twelve

  SHIT. KAYLEE WAS like putty in his hands. It was a complete turn on to Blaze how she would get so wet for him, and then how she’d just cave at his touch. She would quiver and moan and fall apart, and he had to admit to himself that he hadn’t expected that from her. She’d seemed so uptight, so—well, icy—that he hadn’t thought she’d be so willing to give herself over to him so completely, so soon. That did more for his libido than perhaps anything else in his young life.

  She looked spent as he kissed his way up her belly. He really wanted to make love to her, to bury himself deep inside her, but he thought maybe she wouldn’t be able to deal with it. Maybe he’d already given her too much this afternoon. But as he continued kissing his way up her body, he paused in the valley between her breasts. “I don’t suppose you could handle me right now, could you?”

  She opened her eyes. Her smile was sleepy but wide. God, she was beautiful. He could look in those sparkling green eyes forever and not grow tired of them. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he brought his face closer to hers and she said, “I think I’d like to try.” She had that shy quality in her voice again, her cheeks rosy, and he had the sense that she had a hard time talking about all things sex. It was a feeling he’d gotten from her before…that she might have trouble telling him what she liked and what she didn’t, that she might struggle some with admitting what things made her feel good. They’d managed to work through some potentially awkward situations already, and he had faith that they could continue to do so. He didn’t want to push her, didn’t want to move her into a place where she’d feel backed into a corner, and somehow what she’d said made him feel like they’d made some kind of breakthrough already.

  He felt a sense of panic wash over him. Did he have a condom in the nightstand drawer? He hadn’t had need of one for a while. And, if not, did he have one in his wallet? Hunting around for his wallet might break the mood a bit, but not as much as calling things off because he didn’t have one. But he kissed Kaylee once for good measure and then reached for the drawer.

  He sat up some, leaning his head over so he could see inside it. He couldn’t see anything at first, but there was a lot of crap in there. Shuffling a few things around, he breathed a sigh of relief. One. He’d have to stock up, because he hoped Kaylee would be around for a long while.

  In the meantime, though, the gods had smiled down on him, and he planned to make good use of that damned rubber. She was ready now and he definitely was, so he slid the condom over his cock. Ah. It was always a strange sensation at first—not hard to get used to, but it took a second or two to adjust. It was like being hugged, and the embrace was snug, but it wasn’t bad. Just different. In a mere moment, he would be inside her, and he would barely feel the condom at all.

  He looked at her again and she looked so content, so at peace. Her eyes had a dreamy, faraway look in them, but she still had that touch of happiness she’d shown him moments before. He didn’t want her to lose that look, so he didn’t plan to ram into her and pummel her with his dick. Instead, he wanted to go slowly, just as he had with his tongue. He wanted her to build to an unrushed crescendo just like before.

  So, holding himself up, he leaned in to kiss her gently as he entered her. She sucked in a breath and he could feel her pussy clenching against him. Christ, he didn’t know how long he’d be able to hold it with her doing that, condom or not. Yeah, especiall
y since she was already making those tiny noises again, the ones telling him she was feeling good, that what he was doing was right on track. Funny, because—unlike oral—this was something he didn’t need to think about much. Once aroused, his body knew exactly what it wanted to do. So he did. The only challenge was to make sure he didn’t lose his load immediately.

  God, that was tough, because she felt unbelievably incredible. Her pussy was out of this world, and it felt like he belonged in there. Another minute and she was groaning, her legs clamping against his hips, gasping for air, crying aloud. He felt her clenching against his cock again as she tilted her pelvis as though she wanted to swallow him whole. He heard his throat make some weird noise as he let himself go, unable to hold back any longer. His eyes were closed but he could see her face in his mind, and his world felt perfect at that moment.

  Kaylee felt perfect.

  * * *

  “Mmm,” she said, snuggling up against him, resting her head on his chest. Kaylee had likely never felt this good in her entire life. She was pretty damn sure she’d have a hell of a time feeling this good again.

  Even still, she could barely believe she was with Blaze. She rubbed his chest with her hand, her fingers passing over a nipple off and on. She tilted her head enough so she could see his gorgeous face. His eyes were closed until he sensed her movement, and then he opened them a little, looking at her with a question in his eyes. “What?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, half shrugging her shoulders. That wasn’t exactly true, though. She did know. She was feeling some pretty deep things for this guy. But she wasn’t ready to tell him that. If he asked, there were other things she might feel more comfortable sharing. She trusted him, after all, as far as not telling the whole world about what they had done behind closed doors. However, she didn’t know that she was ready to trust him with her heart.

  He shifted underneath her and said, “Something bothering you?” His voice sounded strained, due to the angle, and she looked at him. He was craning his neck, trying to look in her eyes.

  She almost felt bad, because he’d been relaxing, feeling blissful, and her musing had interrupted that. Still, she wanted to tell him something, wanted to share something with him that she’d never tell another soul. He deserved to know, even if nothing ever came of their time together. So she continued rubbing his chest and she felt him rest his head back against the pillow again. She could feel his warm hand on her back, reciprocating, brushing against the skin there, reminding her that he was still plenty awake. “No, not at all.” She suddenly felt her feelings overwhelm her. This man…she felt so deeply for him. Nope, she wasn’t prepared to call it love, but it was pretty damn close. It was overpowering, almost crushing, but it was a good feeling. She held him more closely, wishing she could wrap her body around him forever, be enveloped by him. Her voice was quiet, but she couldn’t force it to be louder. “If I tell you something, do you promise not to tell another soul?”

  He was silent for a few seconds, and she worried that maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. But then she heard him say, “Yeah, of course.” He brought his other hand up to her head and stroked her hair down the side as if to assure her.

  Her finger was circling his nipple, as though it helped her focus. This was one of those times that she couldn’t—absolutely wouldn’t—look him in the eyes. She just couldn’t. She swallowed and then said, “The other night…you know, uh, in my house…when you came over and the other girls were in Boulder?”


  “Well, uh…” Oh, this was harder than she’d expected, but now she was committed and needed to follow through. “That was the first time I’ve ever had an orgasm.”

  He was quiet again, and then she felt him shift underneath her once more, as though he wanted to sit up. Instead, he said, “Are you serious?”

  She felt her cheeks grow hot, but she nodded her head. “Yeah.” She didn’t want to tell him all her secrets. She wasn’t going to tell him she’d never masturbated and she wasn’t going to talk about her boyfriends in the past.

  “That’s really cool.” She felt his hand on her cheek then, and it compelled her to shift her head so she could look him in the eyes. “That kind of makes me a first then.”

  She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. “Yeah, I guess it does.”

  It wasn’t long before she fell asleep on his chest, a smile still lighting up her features.

  Chapter Thirteen

  FUCK. SERIOUSLY? BLAZE hadn’t heard Sam come in the apartment, but his roommate’s noisy phone conversation had awakened him soon after. Had they really slept that long? Blaze leaned up a little, Kaylee’s head still heavy on his chest, so he could see the clock on the nightstand. Nope. It was only three-thirty, so Sam must have gotten off work early. He had no problems with that, but he knew Kaylee might feel weird about it. She was so shy sometimes, so unsure of herself when it came to other people that he wasn’t sure how she’d react.

  He hoped it wouldn’t be a big deal to her.

  Man, she was out like a light. He figured she must have really needed the sleep. He grinned. Maybe all those orgasms had worn her out. He got up, pulling himself out from under her as gently as possible, and rested her head on the pillow. Then he grabbed a pair of jeans out of his drawer. If nothing else, he’d fetch her clothes out of the bathroom. Knowing her, she’d want to die if she knew Sam had seen them. He hoped to spare her the embarrassment.

  He turned to look at her before twisting the doorknob in his hands. Yep—out cold. He grinned. It was kind of cool that she was that exhausted.

  Sam was being ridiculously noisy, but Blaze couldn’t be angry. It was afternoon, after all, and the guy had no idea what had gone on in their apartment earlier…not that it would stop Sam. He was the kind of person who laid things out.

  Blaze decided to take a piss while he was in the bathroom and he closed the door. He heard Sam yell down the hall. “Ah, Sleeping Beauty finally decided to get out of bed and grace the world with his presence, did he?”

  He wasn’t going to holler back and risk waking Kaylee up. When he was done, he scooped up their clothes and put them in his room on the floor just inside the doorway. He closed the door quietly and walked into the living room where Sam was.

  “Dude, you go to the trouble to get a coffee and then go back to bed. Maybe you need to ask for a double shot next time.”

  Blaze couldn’t help the grin as he realized Sam was talking about Kaylee’s paper cup still setting next to his keys. “It’s not my coffee.”

  “So whose is it?”

  Still smiling—he couldn’t lose it. He lowered his voice, though. “Kaylee Baker.”

  “She was over—?” Sam paused. “Wait…is she still over here?” Blaze nodded, and he knew the smile on his face must have looked cheesy as hell, but he couldn’t help it. “So the date worked?”

  Blaze kept his voice low. He didn’t want Kaylee overhearing, even though he wasn’t saying anything bad. “In a roundabout way, I guess it did.”

  “High five, man.” Blaze shook his head, still grinning, but slapped his friend’s hand. “Wait—I’m confused. You came home alone last night.”

  “Yeah…long story. But I didn’t want you waking her up. She’s really tired.”

  Sam started laughing. “My lips are sealed.”

  “She’s…really sweet.”

  “Ah—smitten already.”

  Blaze flipped his friend off, laughing, and walked back toward his bedroom. Kaylee was still asleep, so he pulled his jeans off and crawled back into bed with her. He’d spend all weekend there with her if she wanted.

  But she woke up an hour later. Blaze would never tell her, but he’d spent that hour just looking at her. No, not staring at her face, but holding her, stroking her hair, her arm, looking off at the wall. He’d try to drift off and then find that he couldn’t, so he’d resume rubbing her arm while watching her chest rise and fall under the sheet.

  He m
ight have wanted to tell Sam all about Kaylee, but no way. He already felt like they had secrets like a couple did, and he wasn’t going to tell Sam that he, Blaze the stud, had given Kaylee her first orgasm. Hell, he hadn’t fucked up once with her so far. With straight penetration, it wasn’t always easy to tell if a girl was faking (and he wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d been fooled once or twice), but when his finger or tongue was involved, there was no way a girl could pretend and get away with it. The body did too many things during climax, things that a woman couldn’t fake. Yeah, his cock wouldn’t always be able to tell, but his finger could. And that he’d been her first—amazing. Even better was that she’d felt like she could trust him with that information already. That was huge and it made his heart swell.

  When she woke up, she told Blaze she needed to get home. She had lots of studying to do and she didn’t say it out loud, but she implied that she’d wasted an entire day. He believed her, because he doubted she’d gone to her room after their date last night and started studying. No, he imagined she’d relived their uncomfortable moment in her head several times, and it had bothered her. That was why she’d called him that morning.

  He got the feeling that she wished she had her car with her, because she had to rely on him to take her home, but he hoped she’d get the sense that he wanted to take her. He didn’t feel obliged. It was something he wanted to do.

  So cute. Her hair was extra curly, and he suspected it was because it had gotten wet in the shower. She put her clothes back on—the snug but not tight jeans, the cream-colored sweater—and slipped her shoes on, then stood, smoothing her sweater with her hand and smiling. “Ready.”


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