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Someone Else's Dream

Page 13

by Colin Griffiths

  “I’m ready,” he announced. Smithy looked at him; he certainly was ready. He had never seen Darren dressed so smart; he wore trousers, not jeans, he wore a shirt, not a sweatshirt, his shoes were shiny, his hair was neat, he was freshly shaved and he smelled… well quite frankly gorgeous.

  “You done that all by yourself,” Smithy joked, standing there with a can in his hand and with his mouth wide open. Darren just brushed him away with his hand.

  “I can be smart when I want to,” he laughed.

  “Well, you should want to more often,” Smithy laughed along with him; “come on, let’s go. I want to pull tonight, I ain’t had it for ages and I’m gagging for it.”

  Darren grinned, as they left the flat; he himself had no intention to pull, however if he did run into a certain girl then he was sure she couldn’t help but be impressed by how he looked.

  “Yates is it then?” Smithy enquired.

  “Yeah, but I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere more upmarket later!”

  “I wonder why that would be?” teased Smithy,


  There was the usual crowd in Yates; the younger element gathering at their favourite pub where the beer was cheap and the atmosphere great. Smithy didn’t think he would ever grow out of a place like this. He imagined still going to Yates when he was in his sixties. The younger girls soon gathered around him, listening to his banter and charm. They were also gathering around Darren, the handsome hunk who most girls wanted; struggling to strike up much of a conversation with him though, but still wanting to bed. Tonight he was looking particularly handsome and most importantly, alone; no pretty, older, woman with him tonight.

  The handsome boyish hunk and the funny, slightly overweight, TV star lookalike, were on a roll tonight and were a formable team. They couldn’t fail to score. Could they? They stayed there for a while until Darren asked Smithy to go somewhere else.

  “Okay, but we are coming back here later, I think Julie wants me tonight.”

  * * *

  Carla was sat at home ready for an evening out, she wore her usual trousers and blouse; never daring to go out again in a skirt. The fear that had been instilled in her when she was fourteen still ruled her. She had her hair up today, showing off the beautiful curves of her face. She was in her lounge, sitting on the sofa and waiting for Donna. Donna was going to drive to Carla’s, before they would catch a taxi into town and then spend the night back at Carla’s. Donna had bought herself a small one-bedroomed apartment in a nice, well sought after, residential area just outside the town, but it was a bit small and didn’t offer the added attractions of the sea, the fresh air and the patio and veranda of Carla’s beach house. Donna treated the place as her own and Carla loved her for that, after all, she was the one who had saved her.

  Carla had her laptop open on her Facebook account, just browsing through the messages and the requests. She stopped when she saw a message from a guy called Matt from Doncaster. He looked particularly handsome. She read he was looking after his young daughter and immediately thought how hard that must be for a man to bring up a young girl of his own. At that moment, she wondered if she would ever have children and daydreamed, for a while, before reminding herself; you need a bloody man first! She browsed through some of his photos and pictures of his daughter. His daughter was beautiful Carla thought, and he’s a bit of all right too, she giggled to herself. She read his message over and over, debating whether to reply before she typed in the words,

  ‘Yeah, that would be good, hope to catch up soon. What a beautiful daughter you’ve got. Keep writing’

  She looked at it over and over again, before changing the word ‘yeah’ to ‘yes’. Her fingers were poised over the computer for a while, then she took a deep breath and pressed send as if she had just done something immoral. She could feel herself sweating and chided herself over her silliness. He’s hundreds of miles away. For God’s sake, get a grip Carla. She ran her tongue softly over her lips; wouldn’t mind a bit of Charlotte’s Dream with him, though.

  Her living room door opened which made her jump and as she looked up, she noticed Donna standing there. She had let herself in.

  “You always leave it on the latch, anyone can walk in,” she chided Carla. “Get a different lock put on so at least when it shuts it actually locks.”

  “I will, I keep meaning to,” replied Carla. “What do you think of him?” she added, turning the laptop around so Donna could see. Donna looked at the man on the laptop; he did look handsome but she wasn’t sure if he was Carla’s type.

  “He’s hot, wonder if he’s got a big dick!” she laughed.

  “Is that all you can think about?” Carla giggled back, closing the laptop.

  “Yep, what else is there? Come on I can see the taxi coming, where do you fancy going?”

  “Anywhere bar Yates,” answered Carla.

  “Oh the kindergarten just ain’t on my radar, tonight, anyway, I gotta be good, I promised Kelvin.”

  They made their way outside to meet the taxi.

  “How is it with you two?” asked Carla.

  “Oh, I’m sure he gets bigger every time we do it!” Donna replied quite ‘matter of factly. ’Carla giggled, secretly wishing she could be like her friend; beautiful, brazen, and having lots of good sex.

  Hogan’s bar was about half-full; it was still early on the Friday night and they served food until 9 pm. It was a popular place, with a reputation for reasonably priced beers and simple but excellent, quality food, again not overpriced. Carla and Donna sat at one of those tall tables with bar stools; they had both ordered steak, salad and curly fries and a bottle of white sat in an ice bucket on their table.

  The food was soon delivered and they ate it with relish, drinking the wine and chatting about anything and everything, as they usually did. They were an immediate centre of attraction, as people walked in; two beautiful ladies sitting at a table and not a wedding ring between them. They finished their meals and with the plates taken away, they ordered another bottle of wine, enjoying the ambience and each other’s company. There were two city gents dressed in smart suits standing at the bar. Donna had noticed them eyeing them both up. She aged them both at approaching forty. Donna made eye contact with one and smiled, just toying with him.

  “Don’t look now,” Donna whispered to Carla, “but, those two men are coming over.”

  Carla, of course, immediately looked and Donna tutted loudly.

  “Anyone sat here?” asked the first man, referring to the two empty stools at their table, Donna looked around mockingly.

  “Can’t see anyone!” The two men took a stool,

  “I’m Steven,” the first began, who had seated himself next to Donna,

  “And I’m Mark,” the one who sat beside Carla, added. The two girls were sitting together with a guy on either side. Carla couldn’t help but wonder if the choice of whom to sit by was deliberate or coincidence, as she thought the man beside Donna was the most handsome of the two.

  “Nice to meet you,” Carla replied formally. She felt Donna kick her under the table, but she said nothing and just sipped her wine.

  “And you are?” asked Mark. Carla was just about to say her name when she received another kick and all she could manage was “Ouch.”

  “I’m Charity and this is Charlotte,” Donna interjected. “Charlotte is a very successful author and I am her editor; we have just finished a business meeting, over dinner.” Steven was impressed,

  “All work and no play eh? Perhaps we could get you a drink and join you?”

  Carla didn’t know what to say, she didn’t want another kick from Donna, but then Donna did something that took them all completely by surprise, especially Carla. She leant over and kissed Carla on the lips.

  “Oh we find plenty of time to play; in fact, we often play together, don’t we sweetheart?”

  Carla was quite taken aback by it all and couldn’t understand how soft and tender Donna’s lips felt. She stuttered her wo
rds out, now realising what game they were playing,

  “Ohhhh... yyyyes... we do and tonight will be no exception.” Her words shocked everyone including herself. The two men stood up,

  “We’ll leave you to it then,” and off they went, back to the bar. “Did you see the look on their faces?” Donna roared, but Carla couldn’t stop giggling.

  “What on earth made you say that?” she asked.

  “Hey, this is a girl’s night and we don’t need no knobheads around.”

  “Yeah, but now they think we are lesbians,” the still giggling Carla, replied.

  “Well I’ve slept with two women, so I suppose that makes me bi!” Carla almost spilt the wine she was holding when she heard this revelation.

  “Have you really?” she questioned, with a look of utter disbelief on her face.

  “Don’t look so shocked and don’t knock what you haven’t tried; it’s hot and fun. Anyway, it’s all your fault,” Donna told her. Carla sipped her wine, before replying.

  “I am not shocked,” she retorted, “and how is it my fault?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Of course I do,” and she really did, she was more than just a little intrigued.

  “You were fourteen, you were naked, I was bathing you and, well, it gave me feelings I couldn’t help having.” Donna looked at Carla as if apologising. There was a moment’s silence as the memory hit Carla.

  “I had no idea,” Carla said thoughtfully.

  “Well, neither did I, “Donna explained, “we were both young, too young, but the feeling never went away. I tried it three times with the same girl when I was twenty-one. It just blew my mind and again two years ago; different girl, but just as hot.”

  “Well, I’m glad I was able to be of assistance, I think,” laughed Carla and she really meant it. It was like she was seeing a more delicate side of Donna and she liked it.

  “Yep, you were hot even then.” Donna glanced at the two men who were still standing at the bar, staring at them.

  “They’re watching us you know, probably thinking of us in bed together. I bet they both got hard-on’s.” Carla found herself looking for a bulge in their trousers.

  “Let’s give them something to get hard,” laughed Donna,

  “What do you mean?” Donna leant over and put her hand gently on the back of Carla’s head, their lips met tenderly. Carla found herself voluntarily responding as their tongues met. The tenderness of Donna’s lips was something she had never experienced and for that brief instant, Carla responded with vigour. They both reluctantly, it seemed, parted their lips to look over at the bar, still with each other’s hands behind their necks. Nearly everyone in the bar had seen it, but both Carla’s and Donna’s face was the ones full of shock. No more than three feet away stood Darren and Smithy, both open-mouthed at what they had just witnessed.

  “You’re a fucking les!” Darren shouted and ran out the door he had just walked through thirty seconds earlier, leaving Smithy standing there.

  “That was cool,” Smithy said. “I’d better go after him, though,” and off he went to rescue his mate once again.

  “Come on,” said Carla, “let’s go back to mine. I have wine and vodka. Let him think were lessies, he might take the hint.”

  “Good idea,” Donna agreed and they both stood up to leave, but as they did so Donna waved to Steven and Mark who was still standing at the bar staring at them. She pinched Carla’s bum for them to see.

  “What are you like,” Carla giggled.

  * * *

  Smithy soon caught up with Darren. He had only gone around the corner before he stopped, lit a cigarette and leant against a building, trying to comprehend what he had just seen.

  “You okay mate?” Smithy enquired, leaning against the wall beside him.

  “Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t know she was one of those,” he flicked his cigarette into the road.

  “Eighty quid fine, buddy!” Smithy, scolded. Darren didn’t respond. “Maybe she’s just trying to find herself, that’s why she broke it off. Maybe when she realises what she’s missing, she will come back,” Smithy counselled him, hopefully.

  “Maybe,” Darren murmured, then after a pause he added, “I still love her.”

  Smithy put an arm on his friend’s shoulder. “Come on mate, let’s go back to Yates, there’s some hot stuff there tonight.” Both boys started walking off together,

  “Nah, you go on Smithy, I’m off home.”

  “Not going to do anything stupid are you?”

  “Course not I just want to be on my own for a bit, see you later.”

  They went in different directions, Darren home to the flat he shared with Smithy. He had been hoping to see Carla, hoping beyond hope that she would fall for him again, in his smart gear. He certainly wasn’t expecting to see what he did see and as he walked home all he could think about was, at least, it wasn’t with another bloke!

  Smithy got back to Yates to find that the delectable Julie, his hope for the night had already moved on though it didn’t bother him too much. He had no intention of taking a girl back to the flat with Darren in that mood. Some of the old crowd were still there and he was soon drinking his beer and joining in the banter. He was thinking maybe some chick might take him back to hers. If not, then beer and a kebab later would be just as good.

  He saw her walk in on her own, it was late and most had moved on to the clubs. He watched her walk to the bar and order a drink, noticing she had only ordered one and that confirmed to him she was by herself. She sat on a stool at the bar and he was immediately drawn to her as soon as she walked in. She was a plump girl, a bit like himself, but he thought she held a natural beauty and he immediately desired her. Taking the stool next to her, he ordered a beer. She girl looked around at Smithy and gave a friendly smile.

  “Can I get you a drink?” was his opening gambit. The girl smiled once more which made Smithy fancy her even more. He thought her face just lit up when she smiled.

  “I just got this one, but thanks anyway,” she answered.

  “Maybe the next one?”

  “Maybe,” she said,

  Smithy swung his legs around to face her; the girl slightly leant his way. He found himself feeling nervous; this was one beautiful lady who he was instantly attracted to. He didn’t want to mess it up.

  “I’m Smithy,” he smiled,

  “Hi, I’m Marcia.” came the reply.

  * * *

  They took the short journey back to Carla’s by taxi and went in through the front door, Donna making sure it was locked this time. The evening had grown quite chilly and they’d decided on the way home to put on a chick-lit movie, from Carla’s vast collection and curl up on the sofa. The beach house was warm, as it had retained the day’s heat. Donna was sitting on the floor, looking through the DVD rack, when Carla came in with two large white wines and set them down on the coffee table. Donna had taken her cardigan off and her blouse was showing her ample cleavage.

  “I’m going to have a quick shower while you choose a film,” she told Donna and off she went.

  Donna was still flicking through the DVD’s when she heard Carla walk back in the lounge. “Let’s watch a horror,” she said as she looked up, then any thoughts of a film were completely gone from her head.

  Standing there as naked as the day she was born was Carla. Donna got to her feet and her own body shuddered with passion. She stood and faced Carla.

  “Is this what you saw all those years ago?” Carla whispered softly. Donna just yearned to reach out, to touch her and caress her, but she wasn’t really sure what was happening. She gently drew Carla to her and kissed her softly on the lips, her nakedness touching her clothing. She could see the perfectly formed landing strip between Carla’s legs, she so wanted to caress it, to taste it.

  “It is so, so, much better now,” she murmured to Carla,

  “I’m not that fourteen-year-old kid anymore. No one has ever seen me naked since tha
t day, until now. Please, make love to me Donna.”

  “Are you sure?” Donna asked, tentatively. Carla kissed her on the lips passionately.

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” Donna took her into the bedroom and both girls made love as they had never before; Carla finally experiencing some of ‘Charlotte’s Dream’.

  * * *

  8. Weekend Away

  The village of Hatfield and the surrounding villages of Doncaster were in an uproar over the news of the decimated grave of Amy Shaw. She had only passed on just over a year ago, having died when struck down by a lorry that passed through the village to get to the city centre. No one could understand why someone would do such a thing to an innocent persons grave. The horrific memory of her death was still in some people’s minds and this had just made things worse. The family and friends had gone around to tidy the grave and a fund was soon organised to raise money for a new headstone. Yes, it was true to say people were still in shock. Even Dale Simpson was in shock; shocked that someone could so stupidly get the wrong grave to decimate.


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