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Someone Else's Dream

Page 18

by Colin Griffiths

  Dale left to go to his office, he knew Cavan was not the cleverest of guys, but he was his only hope, all he wanted was to put doubt in his mind.

  Meanwhile Cavan stood back at the bar, refusing the offer of a drink from the barman, he took out his phone and search his contacts, it was answered on the second ring.

  “Mr Cavan, I was not expecting to hear from you so soon,” Hayleigh said into the phone.

  “I need to speak to you urgently, there’s been an interesting development,” he told her.

  * * *

  Matt Conner woke up at the crack of dawn, the summer sunshine shining brightly through the window of the room he slept in. he hadn’t had a particularly good sleep and as he sat naked on the end of his bed he recalled the dreams he had during the night, they were vivid as if he was still dreaming them. The dream about his daughter saddened him and he let his mind wander to when she was alive and they were watching the horses, then his mind roamed to his most haunting dream, the dream with the author in it and he was watching her laboured body as she slept. It sent a chill down his spine as he sat on his bed. He could only come to one conclusion, these are not my dreams, and they do not belong to me!

  He walked into the bathroom, admired his nakedness in the mirror, checking things were okay with his ‘buddy’ he was satisfied and soon showered to walk on down the stairs to meet the day. He paid particular attention to the photographs of Aimee that adorned the walls. He apologised to her for having to bring her back to life in order for him to achieve his goal. A single tear dropped onto his cheek as he took the last step and touched the last photograph. He prayed Aimee would understand for she was the one person he would never let down, the only person.

  He made himself a pot of coffee and cornflakes and loaded his laptop, he opened the document titled the stalker and began typing away, and the trip to Porthcawl had given him inspiration after all as the words flowed across the page. He spent hours typing and drinking coffee, he wanted to get a lot done so he could show Carla Reid.

  * * *

  Hayleigh had spent the weekend in a bit of a daze, she had been drinking in the evenings, knocking back the wine in order to try and get a good night’s sleep, ignoring the thing that was growing inside her, she had made a decision regarding that, and no one was going to change her mind.

  She had however had the time to think, she did not want the house that she shared with Dale, it was ‘his’ home and would afford her no solace. She had her own wealth and along with what she could get out of the man who had betrayed her, she intended setting up her life elsewhere. Her qualifications were such that most law firms would take her on, and she would make sure that she would get a glowing reference from one of Yorkshires leading law specialists. She could no longer love the man she had planned to marry, she had seen the evilness in him, and the lengths he would go to ensure he got his retribution had scared her, especially as it was something so close and dear to her own heart. She could never forgive him and she certainly could never forget. She wanted retribution of her own, revenge was all she could think about.

  The call from Cavan had taken her by surprise, and as soon as the call ended she went and grabbed a shower and done her make up. She didn’t know why she wanted to make herself presentable to the long haired, overweight biker, (without a bike) but it was something she instinctively chose to do. She had just poured herself an orange juice when the door knocked. Dressed to the nines she opened the door to her expected visitor. She invited him in to the extravagant lounge with its unrestrained furnishings. Cavan sat himself down in an armchair, bearing no attention to the surroundings. Materialism bore no interest to him, he was a man of few possessions other than his pictures and dreams.

  “So he’s going to pay you five grand for that?” Hayleigh spoke first,

  “He’s already given me two, but I have no intention of calling in the debt,” Hayleigh noticed the solemn look as Cavan averted his eyes from hers and set them down to look at his shoes. He met her eyes again, his face showed desolation, it hauntedly reminded Hayleigh of Jesus nailed to a cross. The wretchedness on his face was plain to see. “How can I put this right?” he appealed.

  “I have an idea, I think it’s time Matt knew the truth.” She responded. Hayleigh told Cavan of her idea.

  Fifth teen minutes later after travelling in Hayleigh’s car, they knocked on the door of Matt Conner.


  The knock on the door was the only thing that broke his concentration that morning as page after page was being spurned out of his new novel. He printed every completed page so that Carla Reid would have a hard copy to read. He stretched his stiffened body as he walked into the kitchen to open the door. He could see who it was and his thoughts grew confused as he could see his ex-wife and some scruffy leather clad guy with her. He opened the door with a look of surprise that both visitors noticed.

  “Can we come in?” asked Hayleigh, Matt didn’t speak but he opened the door wide to invite them in, “I have something to tell you Matt, but you need to sit down. Matt sat down along with Cavan and Hayleigh.

  “What’s all this about?” he asked.

  It was almost an hour later that they left Matt with his thoughts and his demons. Matt did not move from the table he sat at after both Hayleigh and Cavan had gone. He didn’t plan to move until he got a text to tell him to. He sat at the table looking at the phone, waiting for a text off his ex-wife.


  Cavan went back to Barnsley with the two grand still in his pocket, he had offered half to Hayleigh but she refused. She knew it was a lot of money to the likes of Cavan, Hayleigh drove to the bluebell pub. She knew it was early and they would have only just opened, but she needed a glass of wine and to gather her thoughts and to send a carefully thought out text message to her ex-boyfriend, Dale.

  She wasn’t surprised to see Marcia there, and for some reason it offered her comfort that she was there. One thing Marcia always provided was a happy face and Hayleigh needed a happy face more than anything. They exchanged smiles and pleasantries and Hayleigh took her wine and sat down, she was the only customer in there at the time, just her and Marcia. Marcia plodded along making sure the bar was clean and stacking glasses on the shelves, re-arranging the crisps and nuts out of shear boredom, anything to take her mind off the only customer she had.

  Hayleigh took out her phone and typed in a message to dale.

  Cavan explained to me.

  Meet me at the waterpark in an hour.

  The secluded place where we used to make love.


  She hit send, took a sip of her wine and she could not stop the tears falling on her cheek as she sent her second text.

  Marcia could not fail to see Hayleigh shaking with fear and the tears that she had wiped away with the back of her hand. Marcia had no beef with Hayleigh, she quite liked the woman, as formidable as she appeared, in some ways she was in awe of her. She walked from behind the bar and sat beside Hayleigh.

  “Are you okay?” she asked with genuine concerned, Hayleigh took out a handkerchief from her bag and wiped her eyes,

  “Not really,” she answered her amid her sniffles,

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Hayleigh asked with empathy,

  “Is that the job of barmaids to emphasize with their customers?” Hayleigh asked with sarcasm, wishing it hadn’t sounded so cold.

  “Only the ones I like,” Marcia replied with a smile. There was a slight pause as Hayleigh took a sip of her wine, Marcia understood the silence and stayed sitting as she felt Hayleigh had more to say. She was not wrong.

  “I’m pregnant to a man I thought I loved but just found out he’s nothing more than a monster.” Marcia could not help but feel shocked, she only thought the likes of her were the only people who got themselves into those situations, not the professional successful type. She said the only thing she could think of saying.

  “Oh my god, what are you going to do?”

  Hayleigh sneered and her face
grew angry, “I have an appointment Tuesday to see to this.” She put her hand on her stomach, “I do not want the child of saton.” Hayleigh turned her head to face Marcia, she was looking for the look of judgement on her face but could not see any. “Do not judge me please.” She added. Marcia actually took Hayleigh’s hand.

  “I would never judge, I could never imagine what you are going through,” she told her. Hayleigh finished her wine, resonating with Marcia’s comforting words. Do you want another?” Marcia asked. Hayleigh smiled indicating she did. Marcia went to the bar and poured a wine along with an orange juice for herself, putting no money in the till, she sat herself back down next to Hayleigh.

  “Would you like me to come with you?” she suggested. Hayleigh felt all sorts of emotions come over her and she involuntary shook.

  “You would do that for me?”

  “Of course, you should not be alone at a time like this,”

  With tears in her eyes once more, “Thank you. I would like that” Hayleigh said.

  * * *

  Dale Simpson was sat in his office doing nothing in particular when his mobile beeped indicating a text message. His heart missed several beats as he read it. He could certainly remember the place she was referring to. They had made love in that place loads of times, right by the water’s edge. What a perfect place for a reconciliation. He quickly left his office and made his way to his car. He was no more than 30 minutes away from Hatfield Waterpark. He drove smugly, thinking how clever he was, not only had he got her back, but now Hayleigh would hate Matt with a passion. He was even thinking of giving Cavan a bonus!

  Hatfield waterpark is set against an idyllic backdrop of woodlands and offer a range of water and land based activities, but if you cared to walk deeper into the woodlands and reach the smaller unkempt lakes you could find the seclusion you desired, if that was what you were looking for. Hayleigh and Dale came across this spot by accident and it was a favourite place of theirs, where they would often get naked and satisfy each other’s desires. Dale parked his car up in the water park car park, he could not see Hayleigh’s there, but he was early and bore it no significance. Less than a minute later a second car pulled up, Dale was already walking into the woods at that time. He was thinking it was such a nice day that they might even be able to make love, things were just about to return to normal. With a heart as proud as a lion he reached the secluded spot and stood by the water’s edge waiting, dreaming of his tomorrows and the wonders that came with them.

  It was only a few minutes later as he looked across the dirty lake that wasn’t kept to the standards of the other lakes that were used for boating activities, when he heard a rustling behind him, his excitement grew as he turned around, then his stomach dropped at whom he saw.

  “You he cried!”

  “I have a message from Hayleigh.” Matt told him.

  11. Two Authors Bond.

  “It’s Darren, Carla, the dirty bastard is just trying to torment you, and I swear I will kill him.” Donna told Carla. She had travelled over to Carla’s beach house to find her sitting on her sofa resembling an emotional wreck, the confidence of the woman she had been with earlier seemingly gone, or at least momentarily gone back into its shell.

  “I’m so sorry Donna, of course it’s him, I was just scared for a minute, why do I always have to call you when somethings wrong? Why can’t I just deal with it?” Carla protested.

  “Because I’m your best friend,” Donna assured her, “delete that bit we put on the websites about fear of umbrellas, it was meant to be quirky, but that limp dick has found a way to get at you with it?” Carla nodded in agreement. “Are you going to be okay?” Donna asked, Carla nodded with a reassuring smile. “I’m going to get back to Kelvin, I had to untie him before I left,” Donna giggled.

  “I’m awake now I may just have a cuppa and delete the umbrella bits before I go to bed, I’m going to see Darren tomorrow and tell him.”

  “No you’re not, you leave him to me, I shall see him tomorrow,” Carla started to protest but Donna interrupted her.

  “NO!” she shouted, she lowered her voice, “your too close to him, he has got to know it’s over, for his sake not just yours, I will sort it Carla.”

  Carla could only smile at her friend, with a sadness on her face, she knew Donna was right and besides she didn’t want to see Darren, she had hurt him too much and she didn’t want to hurt him anymore. “Go get back to Kelvin,” she uttered. That’s exactly what Donna did do.

  Feeling somewhat better and safer in her own home, Carla made herself a cup of tea, regretting once again for making a fool of herself by calling her friend over, for what was just a silly prank by her ex. She went onto the websites that made references to her phobia of umbrellas and deleted them all, satisfied she settled down for the night. It was one of the most pleasurable assuring sleeps she had in a long time, waking up in the morning refreshed. She spent the Sunday doing the household chores and she took a stroll down to the rocks and sat for a while looking out at the murky waters, watching and listening to the children playing in the sands, she felt in a good place at that time, she didn’t realise then that it was going to get even better. Well for a short time anyway.

  In the evening she wrote another chapter and went to bed contented, only to be awoken by a haunting dream, where she expected to see someone standing over her at the end of her bed, but there was no one there, it was just a dream. It took her a while to drift back off. There were no further episodes that evening.

  * * *

  Kelvin was fast asleep when Donna got back, she did not wake him, and she got undressed and cuddled up beside him. Kelvin brought her breakfast in bed the next morning. Donna repaid him by seducing him and kelvin left shortly before lunch. Carla drove into the town that Sunday lunch time. Yates was a popular Sunday lunch time drinking venue and knew she would find the person she was looking for.

  Darren and Smithy was sitting in Yates with the usual group. Smithy was in an unusual buoyant move with his love life seemingly taking a turn for the better. The girl from Yorkshire had really touched his heart strings and he was yearning to be close to her again. He knew it would only be days before he saw her again, but he guessed those days would drag and prolong his agony, before he could see the woman he was sure he had fell in love with. Darren was still feeling blue, he was finding it hard coming to terms with not being with the only woman he had ever loved. He had stopped pretending he was on a break, he knew it was over; though the lesbian episode had somehow given him hope. Smithy’s words resonating with him when he had told him that perhaps she was just experimenting and she may be back. At the time those words were spoken Smithy did not realise the further hurt he may be causing. He had left Darren with hope, when there was no hope to be had. Darren had not texted Carla or made any attempt to contact her since his futile last effort. He was still in dreamland most of the time, his head always seemed to be someplace else.

  Smithy saw her come in first, he noticed the look of determination and anger on the girls face as Donna marched into the pub and headed straight for Darren. Smithy immediately put himself between her and Darren as Darren suddenly realised who it was that was determinedly walking towards him. Darren stood up as Donna closed in with just Smithy in-between him and Donna.

  “What’s going on?” he asked Donna, Donna tried to brush Smithy aside but she was unable to do so.

  “I need to have a word with that idiot, before he gets into some real trouble,” pleaded Donna,

  “What have I done now?” shrieked Darren who was still hiding behind Smithy. Donna pointed at Darren from behind Smithy,

  “Stay away from her Darren, any more tricks like last night and I will make sure you pay, that’s not a threat that’s a promise,” both boys could see the venomous look strewn across Donna’s face, the pub grew silent as everyone seemed to be looking on.

  “I don’t know what you’re on about, I haven’t been anywhere near her,” Darren pleaded,

“He hasn’t Donna I can vouch for him.” Added Smithy.

  “Just stay away, I’m warning you,” threatened Donna as she turned around to walk out. Smithy turned to Darren,

  “Have you gone near her Darren?”

  “No! NO! I swear I haven’t,” cried Darren. Smithy quickly followed Donna out onto the street. She was stood on the pavement outside of Yates; Smithy thought he could still see the steam coming out of her ears,

  “What’s all this about?” he asked approaching her, Donna looked at Smithy, she knew he wasn’t as docile as his friend Darren; there was a sensible aura about Smithy.

  “Somebody left a multi coloured umbrella outside her patio door covered in spunk, it has to be Darren,” she told him.

  “Why would he do that?” asked Smithy, wanting to know the answer to his own question; the whole idea seemed absurd, “He loves her, that’s hardly the way to get her back, even Darren’s not that stupid.” Donna thought about it for a moment; she had not asked herself that question ‘why’ at that moment it did seem ridiculous.


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