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The Unwilling Mistress

Page 5

by Marie Kelly

  As the doors had once more opened in the foyer of the luxury building, the door man had appeared

  “Miss Jones” he had said respectfully, smiling warmly as she had nodded in confirmation to him “Your car is just being brought around to the front”

  As she was about to argue, a black limousine had appeared, Mia frowning slightly, while part of her had felt relief, glad that she did not have to hang around waiting for a taxi, worrying that he might come back down after her to try and talk her out of leaving

  “Mr Trent phoned down to let you know the car was at your disposal”

  Mia had stood, her whole body rigid with anger

  “Thank you” she finally managed moving into the car and allowing it to take her back home.

  As she had once more moved into her sisters living room Sarah had been surprised to see her so early

  “What happened” she had asked in concern seeing how upset Mia looked.

  “Nothing” Mia had bit out feeling as the tears had finally come to her eyes as her sister had jumped up to look closer at her

  “What happened Mia” she had cried with real concern in her voice, her eyes wide with surprise

  “I..I thought he was different” she had moaned softly “but he was only after one thing” she said bitterly, as Sarah had looked at her in shock

  “He didn’t look the type… I thought he was so nice” she had said softly as Mia had given a short mirthless laugh “Well he wasn’t, I should have known, just because he has money he thinks that he can have everything he wants”

  Sarah had sat her down, gently prompting her for more details. As Mia had told her the whole story, she had looked carefully at her

  “So he made sure that the car took you home” she had said causing Mia to stand up with annoyance, her hands flustered as they waved away the remark

  “I’m going to bed” she had stated, her whole body rigid with the anger she still felt towards Drake, annoyed by her sister finding any good in the man who had tried so transparently to get her into his bed .

  Standing in her room, she had pulled out her mobile, which was ringing persistently. frowning seeing his number before turning off the phone refusing to answer his call.

  Mia couldn’t sleep that night, her mind full of his kisses. The way she had clung to him returning his kisses with an equal passion as she had finally admitted to herself that she had been ready to go so much further. Angry with herself for being so weak, she had hated herself for even contemplating becoming the play thing of another rich man who thought that she would fall straight into his arms angrily dashing away the tears which had inexplicably risen to her eyes.

  For the next two days she had refused to answer any of his calls and there had been many of them both to her mobile and to Sarah’s flat. Each night she went home, Sarah would look at her

  “Won’t you talk to him Mia” he seems so upset.

  “No” would be her only answer, as Sarah had sighed sadly, remembering his tortured voice as he had begged her to make her sister see that he had not planned for anything that had happened, Sarah believing him, but knowing that Mia never would

  Chapter Four

  Friday was always a busy day at the club, full of business men looking to shake off the week with a little fun. As Mia had sat at her dressing table preparing for her set, she had once more thought of Drake, groaning with pain finding it hard to hold onto the anger she needed to. She had thought of his long lean body which had felt so hard against her, and had seen those wonderful black eyes, as they had looked at her with such need causing her to groan slightly at the way her body reacted just to the memories. With an angry motion she had grabbed a brush pulling it painfully through her hair, once more telling herself that he was no different than.......... this thought once more bringing back the sad memories of Ben, a tear sliding down her lovely cheek, as she had hardened her heart to keep out the pain.

  Beside her she saw yet another large bouquet of flowers containing yet another plea to talk to him which she had thrown in the bin, passing the flowers around to some of the other girls, aware that the large dressing area had began to look like a florists

  Outside Jake Black was stunned to see the tall man walk into the club. He had recognised Drake Trent immediately, having spent so long trying to get the man to talk with him. Quickly he had walked over to meet him, extending his hand to shake his with delight

  “Mr Trent” he cried “This is an honour, I wish you had let me know you were coming”

  Drake had looked at Jake with hooded eyes, not wanting to show the contempt he had for the man before him. For months now Jake had been trying to contact him, both personally and through others, to organise for certain services to be made available within his hotels. Drake had refused to even speak to the man never mind to give any thought to his ridiculous proposition. His hotels were classy respected establishments with great reputations, and he was not about to let some low life run sleazy private dance sessions for his patrons.

  However, he had not spoken his thoughts, still waiting to find out about Mia Jones and how she fitted into Jake Black’s operation.

  “I thought I would come and check out your establishment” he said his eyes moving around the room, his expression impenetrable.

  Jake Black had smiled, his sickliest smile, before directing Drake to the best table in the house.

  “Please, be my guest, Mr Trent” he fawned “Take your time, anything you want is totally on the house” he said adding, his voice full of innuendo“..and of course anyone”

  Drake had not liked the way the last comment had been made, suddenly thinking of Mia, but holding down the contempt in his voice.

  “That’s very kind of you…Mr Black” he said back his tone cool before accepting a whiskey from the young woman who was being pulled forward and introduced to him

  “Anything you want just tell Mitzy here and she’ll make sure you get it” the man had said before nervously looking at the man sitting before him, so cool and calm

  “I’ll leave you to it” he had added moving away, as he had realised that he had been dismissed by the opposing figure before him, who was now sipping his drink his whole attention focussed on the stage, on which one of his dancers moved sensually to the music.

  Drake had sat there for nearly an hour, glancing at his watch every few minutes as though he was in a rush. From the shadows Jake Black had watched him nervously, before seeing how the man had suddenly stiffened in interest, as his newest dancer had entered the stage.

  The compare had in his bored monotone voice introduced the beautiful woman who had moved onto the stage

  “Please gentlemen give a big welcome to the ice princess herself.........the lovely Mia”

  The loud music once more firing up

  As Drake had watched, Mia had move onto the stage and he had felt his stomach lurch with excitement. He had watched as she had grabbed the pole, her perfect shape swaying so seductively before it as she moved up and down using her whole body to such devastating effect.

  He had gasped as she had first entered, his whole being reacting to seeing her as he had run his hand across his mouth to stop the small moan escaping his lips. She wore a white Basque with white stockings which showed off the smooth flesh high on her thighs, and high stiletto shoes which lengthened her already long shapely legs, and he had felt his jaw drop at how sexy she looked. Her long hair fell loosely around her, as she swung it around her body, her head and back arching backwards to allow it to brush against her perfect bottom. He had remembered how she had felt in his arms, how she had kissed him back so passionately, throwing him over the edge with the desire to possess her, closing his eyes momentarily at the memory.

  Unlike many of the other girls, who had openly flirted with the crowd, Mia had not once looked at the many men who whistled and made comments at her. Instead she had seemed to look into the distance, an air of untouchability about her, which excited him even more, as she had moved up and down the p

ole, her actions graceful and at the same time so erotic. He had noticed how the many men ogled the beautiful girl on the stage, a feeling of jealousy filling him at the way they dared to look at her in that way, dared to look at his Mia, frowning at this thought and the realisation that he looked on her that way.

  As he had watched her finish she had bowed, for the first time looking at the men before her. As her eyes had landed on him she had looked surprised and shocked, before an almost contemptuous look had crossed her eyes as she had moved off the stage for the next girl who was even then being introduced to the crowd by the same bored compare.

  Lifting a hand he had called over the young waitress introduced to him earlier, who had pushed her cleavage into his face as she approached him

  “Can I help you” she had breathed seductively, giving him her most sensual smile

  With a small nod he had answered

  “The girl Mia, I would like a dance from her” he had said giving the young woman a winning smile

  “Could you arrange that for me?”

  The girl had looked flustered and unsure “I..I don’t think Mia does personal dances Mr Trent” she had said apologetically, before adding

  “But any of the other girls would be only too happy to oblige” she continued, seeing as Drake had frowned

  “No..I just wanted her” he had muttered, before looking back up at the nervous looking woman

  “Why don’t you see if she’ll make an exception” he said his wonderful smile and incredible looks working on the girl before him. With a wink she had nodded gently

  “I’ll see what I can do Mr Trent” she had said, smiling widely, moving off to see to his request. As she had moved behind the scenes, Jake Black had rushed over demanding to know what he had wanted

  “He wants a lap dance from Mia” she had replied “But Mia doesn’t do private dances” she had said with concern

  Jake Black had narrowed his eyes

  “She will tonight” he had said with determination, before moving to the area the girls used to get dressed. As he had moved to where Mia was sitting he had put a sickly smile on his face.

  “Mia…you were great” he had cried loudly, his eyes looking at the woman before him. He had made a mental note to himself that he should spend more private time with her himself, wondering how friendly she would be given the right persuasion, as his greedy eyes had devoured her wonderful face and body.

  Mia had sat quietly at her table, her hands still shaking from seeing Drake Trent in the audience. With a small grimace, it had confirmed to her that he really was no better than the other men who had tried to get her into bed, his appearance there proving what kind of man he really was. She had tried to hide the unpleasant feelings which the owner invoked within her, seeing the way his eyes had travelled up and down her, his intentions clearly written on his face

  “Thank you Mr Black” she had managed to say with a forced smile on her face

  “I have a small favour to ask of you” he had said as she had looked at him with surprise

  “We have had a request for you to do a private dance…and I think you should do it”

  Mia had frowned “I don’t do private dances” she said with a note of finality in her voice. However, Jake Black had looked at her unpleasantly

  “Let’s call this a one off” he said with determination, and seeing the way her mouth had opened had added “Because if you can’t do a favour for me… then maybe you should look for work somewhere else” he had said with a cold glint in his eyes.

  Mia had bit her lip. She hadn’t finished what she had come there to do yet, and with a small frown she had nodded

  “Ok, but just this once” she had said with annoyance

  With her agreement obtained the mans whole demeanour had changed as he had smiled at her as though she were his best friends

  “Now I appreciate that Mia..I really do” he said his hand gently stroking her cheek, as she had grit her teeth keeping her head still as her instinct had been to pull away from him while shouting at him to take his hands off her, instead smiling as sweetly as she could

  “No problem Mr Black” she managed scowling as he had turned away

  As Mia had stepped into the private room, she had been stunned to see Drake Trent sitting on the chair. Faltering, she had swithered her whole being wanting to turn around and flee, not to demean herself before the man who had tried to trick her into his bed. However, with Jakes words still ringing in her head, she had swallowed hard, pushing down those feelings and raising her head with her mouth firmly set she had moved forward

  “It’s nice to see you again Mia” Drake had said gently, seeing the anger in her eyes, along with the contempt. At that point he had known for sure that she had not wanted to come, wondering why she had, why she would allow herself to be made to come to this room to dance for him when her whole body screamed at wanting to be anywhere but there.

  Briefly he wondered if she had known who it was she was being sent to see, remembering the waitress’s comments that she didn’t do personal dances. Inside him the desire for her had burned even more strongly, as he looked at her wearing so little clothing, now fully able to appreciate her wonderful figure and her hair which he remembered the feel of, as he had run his fingers through it, the night things had gone so wrong. Even the fact that her eyes were glaring at him so coldly sent shivers of anticipation through him as she had started to dance as the music had began to play, refusing to answer him, her mouth set tight.

  Instead she had held his eyes as she had moved up and down his body with hers only inches away, ensuring that at no point did they actually touch. He had sat watching her, his eyes holding her look and not moving over her body as she had expected.

  Mia had been shocked to see him there, suddenly sure that everything she had thought of him was true, he had to be somebody really important to Jake Black to warrant a command to dance for him, and she had looked at him with more disdain in her eyes. Anybody that friendly with Jake Black was trouble. However she was surprised at how her whole body had reacted to his presence and the way his eyes held hers so steadily as she had moved even more sensually than she had meant too.

  As the music had stopped, she had wordlessly turned to leave the room, her mind in turmoil without really knowing why. Drake Trent was an arrogant, egotistical womaniser who meant nothing to her. His sole interest in her was to get her in between his sheets, as he had proven the night of their last date and Mia did not need that in her life. As she held out her hand to open the door, she had heard him quickly rise from his chair, before feeling as his hand had moved onto her shoulder as he turned her around, the touch of him on her causing an inexplicable soft pleasurable shiver to run though her

  “You aren’t allowed to touch me” she had hissed at him, her reaction to his touch shocking her.

  “I just wanted to see you” he replied dropping his hand from her, as those wonderful dark eyes had looked down on her so seductively

  She had looked evenly back at him with contempt “Did you see enough Drake” she had finally said, seeing the smouldering look in his eyes “Did you enjoy it”

  He had smiled softly at her

  “Yes, I did… you dance well”

  Mia had turned again as he added

  “Mia, let me take you out to dinner, you choose, anywhere you want, maybe when you have finished here” he had said gently, a small pleading not in his voice “I had to come…because you don’t seem to answer when I call, and we need to talk” he said huskily, his dark eyes watching her carefully

  Mia had given a small derisive laugh “Dinner?” she asked looking at her watch, which already read midnight, before once more turning to the tall man before her

  “Now Drake, perhaps we should just bypass the foreplay and jump straight into the sex” she had said with contempt, seeing the look of understanding cross his eyes as he had laughed throatily back the sound so masculine and pleasant to her ears

  “I’m game if y
ou are”

  Mia had thrown him another cold look

  “Thanks, but no thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed your dance” she said coldly, once again turning to leave as he had given a small chuckle

  “Now why are you always so angry with me Mia?” he asked softly “When really you know that you aren’t…what is it your blaming me for” he said before he had pulled her back around and into his arms, his mouth finding hers. Caught off guard, she had frozen for a second before pushing against him as he held her, feeling the desire she seemed totally unable to control rushing to the fore as her hands had held onto him, as her mouth had returned his kiss, their tongues entwining as she had groaned against him. She could feel his arousal against her naked thigh, fully aware of her own body’s reaction as her breasts tightened against the small Basque, the only clothing she wore.


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