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The Unwilling Mistress

Page 7

by Marie Kelly

  This was the scene which met Jake Black, who had smiled widely seeing the two of them so intimately together already.

  “Drake, Mia” he cried “I see you two are getting along” he smiled, giving Drake a knowing look “Not joining the party”. The two had stood, but Drake had continued to hold her within his arms, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly

  “I think we are quite happy right here” he had said his voice soft against Mia’s hair “You know what they say Jake… threes a crowd”

  Jake Black had laughed unpleasantly back winking at Mia

  “I get you Drake….enjoy” he said his voice full of innuendo, as he had once more left the room.

  Breathing a sigh of relief Mia had moved away from Drake, suddenly realising she missed feeling him against her.

  “That was close”

  He in turn was looking at her with a small frown on his face

  “Why do you work for him” he asked, seeing the shutters go down on her lovely eyes

  “I have my reasons” she said firmly

  “And they are” he asked gently

  “Private” she bit back, looking at him with an expression which told him to back off. With a small sigh Drake had put down the queue, his face watching hers attentively

  “OK, Mia Jones” he smiled “maybe one day you will trust me enough to tell me what the hell is going on.. until then fancy a walk”

  Mia had flashed him a grin back “A walk sounds great” she said realising that she could use this as an opportunity to scout out the area.

  As the two had moved together around the large estate Mia had suddenly wondered again why he was there, Drake had said Jake wanted something from him and she found herself wondering what would be so important to Jake to make him go to all this trouble.

  “Why did he invite you here” she had asked him her large blue eyes questioning seeing how Drake had looked down on her, his face thoughtful

  “You really don’t know who I am” he said gently as she had shaken her head

  “All I know about you Drake Trent is that you like flowers…a lot” she had grinned, as he had laughed back with her, before looking warily at her

  “I own a large chain of hotels” he said softly, hearing as she had gasped the name Trent and hotels suddenly connecting with her. She had looked sharply up at him in shock

  “Trent Hotels ….. that’s you” she said her face showing her surprise, as she had frowned with concern stopping to face him

  “Drake you have to get out of here” she said anxiously, her lovely eyes flashing with real fear “You don’t know Jake Black. He’s a blackmailer. If he has brought you here then he will be looking for some way to get something on you”

  “I know that” came back the gentle reply, as she had gasped again

  “If you know that then why did you come” she cried looking into his eyes with confusion

  “I told you why” he said softly, hearing as she had groaned gently “And besides I was worried that he was going to use you if not with me then with somebody else..and I couldn’t stomach that”

  Mia had stood speechlessly staring at Drake who was watching all the different emotions crossing through her eyes as she had savaged her lip, before dropping her head hiding her confusion from him.

  “Like I said Mia, I didn’t want to see you get hurt”

  As Mia had looked down silently, his hands had come up to cup her face, raising her head to look up at him. She watched as his head had bent to meet hers, her lips opening to receive his kiss, as a soft groan had left her mouth. Just as before, she had erupted under him, her kiss just as passionate as his as their tongues had once more entwined, her mouth drawing on his every bit as longingly as his was on hers, as she gently bit his lips causing him to groan with desire. As she had snaked her arms around his neck, his had gone around her waist drawing her closer to him, so that she could feel his arousal against her driving her wild with a desire she had never before felt. She could feel his hands moving around her body, stroking her bottom making her gasp softly, and as he had leant her against a tree his mouth moving to kiss along her jaw and neck, she had felt like she would explode with a need to have him make love to her. Her back had arched as he had pulled her waist higher to gain better access to her breasts his hands moving to softly rub the hard nipple which strained against her top making her shudder violently against him, his fingers moving the neckline of her wrap around shirt to reveal one perfect breast, as he released it from the confines of the lacy bra, his tongue causing instant sensations which shot through her to finish pulsing between her legs. Mia had felt her own hands exploring him, as she had pulled his tee-shirt up to allow her fingers to touch his back sensually stroking his spine, feeling him shudder under her

  They could both feel themselves drowning in their need for each other when a sudden high squeal cry had brought them both around. Pulling back from her, his face showing the immense control it took to let her go along with the smouldering fires in his eyes, which told of his need for her he had started to apologise

  “I’m sorry Mia.. I didn’t mean to” he said before seeing the fire in her eyes. Groaning at the sudden need to return to her, he had stepped further back from her looking away so as not to see the way her large blue eyes stared back at him with such need, her lips so red from his kisses her chest rising as she tried to get her breathing back under control her hair tousled falling over her shoulders all screaming at him of her desire for him at that moment.

  After a few seconds, she had busied herself fixing her clothing before pushing herself from the tree and started to move quickly back towards the house, walking slightly ahead of him

  “It’s almost dinner” she said her eyes refusing to meet his as her hands clenched and unclenched at her side

  “We better get ready”

  Silently Drake had followed, his eyes watching the young woman with confused concern in them. He had never wanted a woman so much that he had been unable to control himself, but Mia Jones was tearing down his self control and he couldn’t fully understand why. While tough on the outside, he could see the vulnerability in her, and he wanted so much to pull her into his arms and keep her safe, frowning at this need which had nothing to do with his own self gratification.

  In the safety of her room, Mia had sat down on her bed her head in her hands in total confusion. This had been the third time he had kissed her and she had responded even more passionately than the first times. With a groan, she yelled at herself to focus. To concentrate on why she was there, to help free Adam and make sure that he and her sister could once more be together, not to lose herself in the overwhelming attraction she felt towards Drake Trent.

  She remembered his kisses, the feel of his body against her and she had moaned with pain. She had never before felt such sensations, not even with Ben. Remembering Ben, she had smiled sadly, as the memories had flooded over her. She and Ben had been so happy together, until..she had felt the small tear in her eyes, the first she had shed for nearly a year. With a soft sad sigh she had risen from the bed to get ready for dinner that night, once more pushing the memories down.

  As she had finished her hair, pulling it into a soft bun, which accentuated her long graceful neck Mia had heard her door knock. With a soft frown she had answered the door, surprised to see Drake

  “I thought I would escort you to dinner” he said seductively as she had looked over him in appreciation, admiring how attractive he looked in his black suit, his dark eyes flashing warmly at her

  “Stop any of the other guests trying to move in on you, especially given how beautiful you look” he added, seeing how stunning she did indeed look in the full length blue cocktail dress, which showed her wonderful figure to its best

  Mia had smiled at him moving from the room to take his arm

  “Why thank you kind sir” she mocked him, with a small smile playing on her lips, while deep down touched by his kindness

  In the dining room they were met by the ot
her guests. Most middle aged men the other six were enjoying the attentions of the young women whom they had obviously selected during the earlier pool party. The women had looked at Drake with hunger in their eyes, one of the girls sidling over to Mia to whisper in her ear “Wow, you lucked out girl” as her eyes had moved over Drake, before looking at her partner and with a small laugh adding “Wanna swap”, as Mia had given a nervous half laugh. It was not only the women who had noticed Drake, as the men had stopped when he had entered, surprised to see Drake Trent at one of Jake Black’s week-ends.

  With a soft groan Drake could see the way they had looked at each other, seeing the greedy lights enter their eyes as many had looked at it as an obvious opportunity to get something out of him. As they had milled around enjoying pre-dinner drinks, Drake had kept Mia close by his side, refusing to talk business with any of the other guests, most of who had at some point moved over to try to discuss a variety of business opportunities with him.

  Mia was impressed at the way he seemed to be able to handle the pushy men, able to deftly side step them with authority, which defied them to keep pushing him. She realised that Drake Trent was a shrewd, and she suspected ruthless business man, making his interest in her even more surprising. He could have any woman he wanted she had thought to herself with a frown, including any of the other women in the room, so she could not understand why he was pursuing her so hard, unless she had reasoned to herself he enjoyed the chase and once he had achieved what he wanted would move on. The thought of this did not so much anger her, as much as make her feel sad and once again she could not understand her feelings.

  The dinner was delicious, and she had smiled softly to herself seeing how Jake had ensured that they were seated together, placing one of his most beautiful dancers on the other side of Drake. Mia had felt an uneasy jealous sensation, surprising herself at this emotion; Drake Trent was nothing to her she once more told herself, feeling a slight flush rising to her cheek as she remembered their kiss. After dinner they had moved to another room, in which Jake had set up a small dance floor to which the girls had pulled their dates onto.

  During the meal and throughout the whole night, the glasses of all the guests had been continuously filled, and many of the men, who had spent the day drinking at the pool, where already boisterous and drunk. Mia had felt sickened by the way they where pawing so obviously at the women, who laughed encouragingly at them. As Drake had pulled her onto the dance floor, he had smiled encouragingly down at her, as she had realised that he, like her, was sober, having drank very little from their glasses, choosing instead to sip water. As she looked around her, her face barely concealing her contempt as he had whispered softly into her ear

  “You OK”

  Making her look into his eyes, smiling reassuringly back

  “I’m fine”

  She had felt as his hands had splayed over her back, as he had held her closely too him, his cheek against her hair, as she had fought the desire to sigh contentedly being in his arms

  “Want to get out of here” he had asked as they had only just avoided one of the other couples who had drunkenly fallen close to them, saved by Drake’s quick action as he had managed to pull them safely from their path, causing her to nod with relief.

  Together they had moved out of the room in which the loud laughs could be heard and with a frown Drake had looked at her apologetically

  “I need to make a phone call”

  He had said softly

  “My people have instructions to send a car for me if they don`t hear from me before midnight”

  Looking at his watch he had grimaced

  “Better make that call fast” he had chuckled, as they had moved from room to room, exploring the downstairs, as he looked for a phone, this suiting Mia more than she cared to admit, happy to let it be

  “I have to call my office” he had said “My mobile doesn’t seem to work here” he had added with a grimace

  Mia had been happy to follow him, finally able to continue her search knowing that Jake would be fine with Drake using the Office, whereas he would have been furious to find her there. As they had moved into another room she was relieved to finally have found the room, given a soft smile.

  Drake had picked up the phone and made two calls. The first to an unknown employee, in which he had cancelled the car, laughing with the person at how fine he had cut the call, before flashing her a grin and making ``won`t be a moment`` hand signals at her before quickly calling his answer service. Mia had smiled back at him, mouthing take your time as she had been relieved for the opportunity to study the room, looking for anywhere that might contain a safe. As she had moved around the office she had lifted the edges of pictures, as she had seen in movies, finally rewarded by a clicking from one, as it had opened on hinges. Looking over she had seen Drake looking away as he still listened attentively to his messages and she had closed over the painting for later.

  At that point Jake had moved into the room, instantly seeing Mia, his face less than happy at her presence in his office, not at that point having seen Drake

  “Mia, what are you doing here” he hissed at her, his eyes cold daggers of accusation

  She had looked back at him, an innocent expression on her face

  “Drake needed to make a call…his mobile doesn’t work here” she had replied, as Jake had turned finally seeing the taller man who was just finishing his call, replacing the hand set, his expression instantly changing

  “I’m sorry Jake….didn’t think you would mind” he had said with an arrogant note in his voice which portrayed the fact that he didn’t care if he did

  “Hey Drake…no problem, anything else you need internet, fax… just let me know” before he had looked shiftily at the taller man

  “While you’re here, perhaps we could talk about my proposal”

  Drake had shaken his head, seeing the hard look enter the other mans eyes

  “Not this week-end Jake…it's all about fun remember” he said before adding with a knowing smile “However, Monday at my office, my secretary will wait for your call and set you up for an appointment when we can talk properly” he had said conspiratorially as Jakes face had beamed with pleasure.

  “Sounds good” Jake had cried, elated that his plan was working so well. Still he had looked calculatingly at Mia, it never hurt to have some security.

  As they made their way out of the office most of the others were also making their way upstairs in groups of two, many having to be helped up by their dates for the weekend. As they had followed walking up quietly together, Drake had slipping his hand into hers and squeezing it reassuringly

  “Are you really going to meet with him on Monday” she had asked softly, her eyes looking into his.

  He had frowned “I hope not to have to” he finally answered as they reached the top of the stairs and he had turned her to face him

  “I hope that whatever is going on Mia that you will have dealt with it by the end of this week-end…or at least agree to get the hell away from him…. He is dangerous”

  She had looked deeply into his eyes, his expression stern, as she had nodded.

  “I hope so too” she said softly, hoping with all her heart that she was right. As he had walked her to her room Jake had moved passed them, frowning slightly to see Mia going to her own room, but wishing them both a good night.

  With a grin Drake had kissed her forehead softly sending small tremors through her as he had wished her a pleasant sleep, with a return smile she had wished him the same, part of her wanting to open her door wider and invite him in. However, she knew what she had to do that night, and moving back into her room she had closed the door gently on him, hearing his footsteps as they slowly moved away to whichever room was his.

  Chapter Six

  Mia had waited until two in the morning when there was no sounds in the house. Wearing a pair of jogging trousers and a black tee-shirt she had crept silently out of her room, creeping stealthily down the grand stairs
to the study. At the bottom of the stairwell she had frozen hearing the wooden floor boards creak gently, sure that everybody in the whole building would be able to hear her heart beating so noisily within her chest. When there had been no movement, she had exhaled, once more moving forward

  Silently she had once more made her way to the study, leaving the door slightly open so that she could hear any movements in the hallway. With only the light from the window in which the moon streamed in, she had pulled open the picture looking at the combination lock before her. Pulling out the stethoscope securely placed within her pocket she had fitted it to her ear to listen for the clicks as she had moved the dial around twice before starting. As she listened, she had begun to panic, aware that she couldn’t hear any clicks. When she had done this in his office, it had been straight forward, but this safe was different, and with panic she realised that she couldn’t open it. As she moved the dial, she was suddenly aware of a small alarm sounding in one of the rooms off the main hall, hardly audible, realising that she must have triggered the security by selecting an incorrect number.


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