Far From the Tree
Page 173
inclusion and, 186
kindergarten, 9, 465
music, 407–9, 414, 416, 418, 430, 436–38, 445, 446, 450, 452, 456, 457, 459–60, 463, 464
transgender and, 612–13, 622-23, 656
live performance and, 462
teenagers, see adolescents
teletypewriters (TTYs), 68
television, 32, 43, 110, 685
Down syndrome and, 171, 196, 214, 215, 688
dwarfs and, 120, 121, 136–37, 140
telomeres, 24
temper tantrums, 266, 268, 274
Templeton National Report on Acceleration, 458
Tennessee, foster-care system in, 655
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 674–75
Terman, Lewis M., 412–13
testes, 615, 666
testosterone, 255, 270, 606, 618, 619, 633, 664–65
athletics and, 666
test-tube babies, 683
Texas School for the Deaf, 95
Thailand, 83, 94
thalidomide, 250
thanatophoric dysplasia, 155
Deaf, 68, 74, 110–11, 284
at Hennepin County Home School, 552, 553
therapy, therapists, 660
autism and, 242, 243–44, 248, 266–67, 278
criminals and, 538, 541, 553, 570, 582, 584, 585, 586
multiple severe disabilities and, 383, 392
neurology vs., 278
rape and, 482–83, 488, 494, 495, 498, 499, 502, 510, 514, 524
schizophrenia and, 297, 300, 307–8, 325, 326, 338, 345
transgender and, 602, 611, 614, 615, 617, 620, 629, 631–32, 636, 637–38, 642, 647, 648–49
see also psychoanalysis; speech therapy
thimerosal, 261, 262
35delG mutation, 61
Thomas, St., gnostic gospel of, 19
Thomson, Rosemarie Garland, 125
Thorazine, 309, 310, 322
Thornhill, Randy, 496
Through Deaf Eyes (movie), 112
Tiller, George, 18
Tilt (Burns), 226
Time, 15, 38, 458
Timothy syndrome, 253
Tipton, Sean, 683
Title I, 645
Tokyo, Japan, 272
tolerance, 8, 21, 26–27, 380, 685, 686, 702
Tolstoy, Leo, 428
tomboys, 637
Tommasini, Anthony, 448, 449
Tompkins, Felicity, 561–63
Tompkins, Steve, 561–62
building strength, in deaf children, 89
shortening surgery, for people with Down syndrome, 195
Torn in Two (Parker), 403
Torrey, E. Fuller, 308, 314
antipsychotics as instrument of, 310
wartime rape as a form of, 534
Toscanini, Arturo, 428
Total Communication, 82
touch, multiple severe disabilities and, 360, 362
John Tracy Clinic, 62, 75
Tracy, Spencer, and wife, 75
Transamerica (movie), 642
“transfer trauma,” avoiding, 212
transformation, 5, 25, 42, 203
prodigies and, 426
schizophrenia and, 303
Transgender Day of Remembrance, 654
transgenderism, 4, 5, 44, 599–676, 685, 688
activism and advocacy and, 601, 606, 609, 610, 613, 619, 628–29, 631, 640–43, 646, 667–68
as anomalous, 608
genetics and, 607, 635
homosexuality conflated with, 600–601
as identity, 34, 600, 608–11, 613, 622–23, 624, 626, 632, 640
lesbian parents and, 18
murder of, 652–54, 657
non-genetic biological arguments and, 607–8
nurture and, 21
as physical condition, 610
postsurgical regret of, 636
poverty and, 646–50
rejection of, 645–46
“safe folder” and, 613
secrecy and disclosure, 602, 606
sex-reassignment surgery and, 35
use of term, 599–600
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, 653
Transitioning to Adulthood, 243
transmen, 602, 619, 620, 622, 639, 664, 666, 667
mothers of, 631
use of term, 600
Transparent (Beam), 626
transsexuals, 601–2, 609, 667
use of term, 599
transvestite, use of term, 599–600
transwomen, 602, 619–20, 626, 639, 641, 654, 666
mothers of, 631
use of term, 600
TransYouth Family Allies (TYFA), 604, 640, 641, 642, 643
Trapani, Crissy, 165–67
trauma, 445
abortion and, 492
crime and, 561, 563, 564, 571, 575, 591, 593
extreme, 255
psychotic break and, 303
rape and, 478, 491, 492, 493, 499–500, 502, 514, 530
schizophrenia and, 303, 307, 316, 353
transgender and, 616
travel, by deaf people, 66–69
Trent, Tyra, 654
Tri-City Authority, 332
Trinity Church (Boston), 468
“triple screen” (prenatal genetic test), 171
Tripod, 76–82
Tripod Captioned Films, 81
trust, 308, 325, 516, 565, 582, 595, 616, 691
Tutsi, in Rwanda, 526–28, 530, 534, 535
Tuyisenge, Clémence, 532
Twin (Shawn), 381
autism and, 242, 250–51, 264
schizophrenia and, 306
transgender and, 614, 616, 617
Tye, Marcal Camero, 654
typing, autism and, 242, 247, 248, 249, 255, 267, 283, 289
UCLA, 59, 146, 235, 580, 615
Uganda, 16
ultrasound, 158, 171
Unamuno, Miguel de, 24
Uncle Charlie’s Uptown, 13–14
unconscious, 424
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 531
Undercoffer, Martha, 144–45
unhappiness, 16, 43, 46
family, 5–6
UN Human Rights Council, 532–33
United Kingdom (UK), 35, 41, 67, 213, 261, 319, 681–82
abortion in, 489
Balkan rape babies and, 531
common law in, 489
deaf people in, 51, 64–67
disability in, 28
gender reassignment surgery in, 621–22
multiple severe disabilities in, 395–401
prison in, 583
rape in, 478
vaccines in, 261, 262
United Nations High Commission for Refugees, 531
United States:
abortion law in, 489–93
cost of treating schizophrenics in, 329
deaf education in, 49–50, 52, 54
Down syndrome research in, 187
Down syndrome self-advocacy groups in, 213
forced sterilization in, 27
homeless schizophrenics in, 329
incidence of autism in, 260
incidence of Down syndrome in, 170, 190, 199
Mad Pride demonstrations in, 335–36
multiple severe disabilities births in, 357
number of jailed mentally ill in, 342
nursery schools in, 181
postsurgical transgender in, 602
rape-related pregnancies in, 485
rape victims in, 481
rubella epidemic in, 109
spending on people with intellectual disabilities in, 212
transgender policy in, 622
upward mobility in, 685
wrongful-life suits in, 39
see also specific topics
Unity Church, 643
Unlocking Autism, 289
Unstrange Minds (Grinker
), 279–80
urethroplasty, 621
urinary abnormalities, 367
urination, 614, 616, 619
U.S. News & World Report, 485–86
Utah, 246, 456
Utah Division of Child and Family Services, 247
uterus, removal of, see hysterectomy
Uwamahoro, Christine, 535–36
vaccines, 109, 221, 585
autism and, 250, 261–63, 265, 270, 280, 281
Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 9
vagina, 620
vaginectomy, 620
vaginoplasty, 620, 623
validation, rape and, 520
valproate, 250
valproic acid, see Depakote
Vancouver, Canada, 213
Vanessa-Mae (violinist), 431
van Gulden, Holly, 500
Van Houten, Leslie, 559–60
Van Houten, Paul, 559–60
van Putten, Alex, 147
van Putten, Carlton, 146–47
van Putten, Taylor, 146–48, 154
van Putten, Tracey, 146–47
vasectomy, 176
Vatos Locos gang, 580
Veditz, George, 52
verbal abuse, 552
Verdi, Bettina, 611–13
Verdi, Eric, 611, 612
Verdi, Greg, 611–13
Verdi, Paula (formerly Paul), 611–13
Vermont, University of (UVM), 638–39
vertical identities, 4, 10, 18, 27, 111, 134–35
defined, 2
family breakdown and, 20
see also identity
vertigo, 72, 91
veterans, handicapped, 181–82
Victims and Victors (Reardon), 492, 503
Vidal, Gore, 445
Vietnam, 83, 531
adoption in, 94
violence and aggression, 136, 648
abortion as, 491
autism and, 223, 226, 229, 240, 244–45, 259, 268, 269, 288
of children of rape, 498–99
domestic, see domestic violence
at Hennepin County Home School, 553
in juvenile crime, 543, 544, 549, 551, 569, 570, 579, 584, 587–97
nurture and, 563–64
of parents, 514, 520, 524
rape as, 480, 481, 484, 485, 496, 498
schizophrenia and, 311, 328, 332, 333, 338–42
transgender and, 614, 632
violinists, violin:
brain of, 423
practice of, 449–50, 451
prodigies and, 416, 427, 431, 439, 441–43, 454, 459–60
viruses, prenatal exposure to, 221, 250, 316
vision problems, 72–73
Vitruvius, 164
Vivaldi, Antonio, 442
Volkmar, Fred, 237, 255
Volta, Alessandro, 89
von Karajan, Herbert, 410
von Rhein, John, 448
vulnerability, 8, 12, 20, 42, 236, 700
to crime, 564
genius and, 427
multiple severe disabilities and, 375–76
rape and, 477, 486, 516, 518
schizophrenia and, 306, 308, 316
Wainwright, Rufus, 475
Waits, Tom, 93
waiver system, 544, 545
Wakefield, Andrew, 261, 262
Wales, 261
Walker, Bree, 678–79, 682
Walker, Herschel, 140
walking, 134, 151, 153–54, 184, 268, 271, 348
Wallace, Chris, 35
Wall Street Journal, 277, 341
Walsh, Maryellen, 307
Walt Disney Music, 79, 80
Walters, Barbara, 588, 602
“Wanderer” (Schubert), 438
War and Children Identity Project, 526
Washington, DC, murder of transgender person in, 654
Washington Post, 59, 277, 411, 682, 684
Washington Protection & Advocacy System, 388
Wasmuth, John, 155–56
Waterman, David, 439–40
Waterman, Fanny, 439
Watson, Bill, 297, 298
Watson, Harry, 297–302
Watson, James D., 22, 307
Watson, Kitty, 297–302
Watson, Pamela, 297–302
wave/particle theory, 4–5
wealth, 32, 646
weight gain:
multiple severe disabilities and, 367
schizophrenia and, 310, 321, 322, 337
Weilerstein, Alisa, 475
Weinblatt, Dr., 376, 378
Weinreich, Susan, 342–46
Weintraub, Kit, 281
“Welcome to Beirut,” 223
“Welcome to Holland” (Kingsley), 169–70, 175, 196, 223
well-being, lack of universal standard of, 30
Werner, Emmy, 663
West Africa, decline of diversity in, 113
Westchester Arc, 177
Wharton, Edith, 701
wheelchairs, 370, 377, 384, 385, 401, 466
Wheeler, Jack, 112
white blood cells, 312
whites, 179, 180, 655
rape and, 479
Whitson, Debra L., 294
Whorf-Sapir hypothesis, 62
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (movie), 266
Whybra, Julian, 427
Wieck, Clara, 429
Wieder, Charlotte, 145
Wieder, Harry, 145, 149
Wiener, Norbert, 458
Wigler, Michael, 251–54
Wilbur, Richard, 357
Wild Boy of Aveyron, 179
Wilkie, Tyndall, 582
Will, George, 199
Williams, Brandon, 291
Williams, Megan, 74–80
Williams, Rob, 646
Willke, J. C., 491
Willowbrook State School, 26, 172, 181
Wilson, Amy, 64, 65
Wilson, Caro, 63–67
Wilson, Richard, 64–66
Wilson, Tom, 63–67
Winner, Ellen, 450
Winnicott, D. W., 1
Winnie-the-Pooh books, 10
winter births, schizophrenia and, 316
Winters, Kelly, 609
Winthrop, Greta, 364–65
Winthrop, Jeannine, 365
Winthrop, Louis, 364–65
Winthrop, Maisie, 364–65
Wisconsin, Asian gangs in, 569
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 5
Wolf, Amy, 270–73
Wolf, Angela, 270–73
Wolf, Noah, 272
Wolin, John, 135, 136, 148, 149
Woman I Was Born to Be, The (Brevard), 626
author’s discomfort with, 10–11
babies murdered by, see infanticide
Chinese, 30
difficulties of, 4
as empathizers, 254
hospitality view of, 29
rights of, 6, 27, 637
surrogate therapy with, 14–15
see also feminism; mothers; pregnancy; rape
Wong, Sophia Isako, 365–66
Woodcock, Kathryn, 107
Woods, Mindy, 517–20
World Health Organization, 330, 610
World of Nigel Hunt, The, 213
World War I, 270
World War II, 15, 16, 181–82, 316, 331, 414
World Winter Games for the Deaf (1975), 101–2
Wright, Bob, 263
Wright, Doug, 45–46
Wright, Katie, 263
Wright, Suzanne, 263
autism and, 242, 247
schizophrenia compared with, 301
wrongful-life suits, 39–40
Wrong Planet website, 276
xenophobia, 6
X-linked deafness, 61
Yahoo!, 282
YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities, 183
Yale Parenting Center, 585
Yale University, 246, 266, 430
Child Study Center at, 237
Youth on Trial (Grisso and Schwartz), 546
Yu, Chloe, 451–55
Yu, Marc, 451–54, 462–63
Yugoslavia, 529
Zhou Xiulan, 446, 447
Zibolsky, Kay, 486
Zimmerman, Luke, 214
Zinman, Sally, 336
Zirinsky, Bill, 376–80
Zirinsky, Juliana, 377–80
Zirinsky, Leela, 379
Zirinsky, Sam, 376–80
Zoloft (sertraline), 267
Zucker, Kenneth J., 631–32
Zukerman, Pinchas, 429
Zyman, Samuel, 424
Zyprexa (olanzapine), 318, 345, 347
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Solomon, Andrew.
Far from the tree : parents, children and the search for identity / Andrew Solomon.
p. cm.
1. Children with disabilities—United States—Psychology. 2. Exceptional children—
United States—Psychology. 3. Parents of children with disabilities—United States.
4. Parents of exceptional children—United States. 5. Identity (Psychology)—United States.
6. Parent and child—United States—Psychological aspects. I. Title.
HV888.5.S65 2012
362.4083′0973—dc23; 2012020878
ISBN 978-0-7432-3671-3
ISBN 978-1-4391-8310-6 (ebook)