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Outlaw (Devil's Fury MC 2): Bad Boys

Page 9

by Harley Wylde

  I also hadn’t heard back from anyone about Elena’s foster family. Either no one had friends in the area, or they had bad news they didn’t want to share. If anything happened to the Tolberts, I had a feeling Elena would blame herself. It wasn’t her fault, none of it was, but she seemed like the type to try and shoulder that responsibility anyway.

  The doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. Elena cast a quick glance my way before going back to her movie. I hoped that she and Meiling got along. There weren’t a lot of women around the club, except the club whores. I’d prefer that she not hang out with them, but if that’s what she wanted, I wouldn’t exactly stop her. Not unless I thought they might hurt her. The bitch drugging people hadn’t targeted ol’ ladies, but she hadn’t had access to them either.

  “Hey, Mei. Dingo. Come on in,” I said after opening the door.

  Elena bolted upright when I walked into the living room with our guests. I made the introductions, then wondered if I should have told Elena about Mei’s rough past. It wasn’t a secret around here what she’d been through, but I wasn’t sure how my angel would react when she heard about it.

  “Ladies, we’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything,” I said, then jerked my chin at Dingo for him to follow me. I knew if I didn’t prod him along, he’d just stay glued to his wife’s side. “How’s she doing? Baby okay?”

  Dingo ran his hands through his hair, looking tense as hell. “So far everything seems fine, but I keep waiting for something bad to happen. Between her previous miscarriages and the abortions forced on her, I’m scared shitless that she won’t carry to term, and I know it will destroy Meiling. I told her we could adopt, even seriously thought about bringing home one of the kids we rescued when all that went down. She wanted to, but there were so many others ready to jump in, couples who had been together for a while and older widowers like Griz. We decided that we’d try to have a kid first and adopt later if it didn’t work out.”

  “She’s in good hands.”

  “Yeah, I know. So, how are things with the new woman?” He smiled a little. “I can see why you like her. She has that sweet and innocent look to her.”

  “That’s because she was raised by a reverend and his wife. She is sweet and innocent.”

  Dingo stared a moment. “Are you telling me she’s a virgin?”

  “Yep. As tempted as I’ve been to toss her over my shoulder and go properly claim her, I don’t want to fuck it all up either. Her first time should be special. Isn’t that what all those damn romantic movies are about?”

  He snorted. “Do I look like I would fucking know?”

  “Really? You want to play that card? Do you really think I had no idea what you were reading all those times you thought you were being sneaky?”

  “Shut up,” he muttered. “Meiling already gives me shit about it.”

  “Learn anything?”

  He flipped me off and I laughed. “Listen, I know that you want your girl to get to know everyone, but until Meiling is further along and we’re certain the baby has a good chance of making it, I’d really prefer that she stay home as much as she can. If Elena wants to come over, that’s fine.”

  “I’d introduce her to Adalia, but I never know how Badger will react. His woman is in the same boat as yours, but I really don’t know if Adalia will survive losing another baby. I worried she’d hurt herself after the last one.”

  “Yeah.” Dingo sat heavily on one of the kitchen chairs. “I think we all worried about that. She seemed so fragile for those first few weeks. I don’t think the doc wanted her to get pregnant so soon. I’m hoping nothing bad happens to the baby.”

  Damn. I’d just realized three of the Devil’s Fury women were pregnant all at the same time. Meiling, Adalia, and Lilian. At least the kids would all be close in age and have playmates. Pretty soon this place might start looking like the Reapers’ compound. Another few years, we might be installing a playground like they did. I’d never thought I’d see the day that would happen. For so long we’d all remained single. Once Grizzly’s wife died, there hadn’t been any ol’ ladies left except Magda and she was ancient. Then Badger had gotten out of prison and claimed Adalia. Just six months ago, Dingo had claimed Meiling. Now I had Elena. If Griz didn’t kill Dragon for knocking up Lilian, I’d be willing to bet those two would pair up.

  “We’re all getting domesticated and shit,” Dingo said. “Blades hasn’t officially claimed China, but I think it has more to do with all she’s been through than anything else. He doesn’t want her to feel like he owns her. You should see them together when he thinks no one is looking. The man is completely in love with her.”

  “I’m sure that makes Mei happy. She finally has her parents.”

  “Yeah, the three of them just had to go through hell to find each other. So what are you going to do about your girl’s situation?”

  I didn’t have a fucking clue what he was talking about. The look on my face must have conveyed that because he winced, and I could see him trying to backpedal, which meant he knew something I didn’t.

  “Start talking,” I said. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Shit,” he muttered. “I thought Demon messaged everyone about it. The Tolberts are missing. Disappeared along with Garrison West. No one has seen them or has any clue where they went. I don’t know if he took them hostage or if they went willingly. I don’t know if Wire is looking into it or not. He wanted to take the family out somewhere and has been gone the last hour.”

  “And since you don’t know where West and the Tolberts went, they could be trying to track Elena.”

  I got up and ran to my room, yanked open the closet door and slammed my hand on the pad to open my secret space. My heart was hammering at the mere thought of someone trying to take her from me. Not after I’d just found her. I darted inside and threw myself into the chair. My fingers were flying over the keys faster than they had in ages as I hacked into the cameras near the church where the dear reverend presided over his flock. I didn’t know how much time had passed before I saw them getting into an SUV with Garrison West. He didn’t seem to have a gun on them, and the reverend looked pissed. The woman, though, she looked scared shitless.

  I flexed my fingers and winced as they cracked and popped. Pain shot through them and up into my wrists going as far up as my elbows. As much as I wanted to keep going, I knew I was done. If I pushed it, the ache would reach my shoulders and I wouldn’t be able to hold so much as a fucking pen for the next few days. I took note of the time stamp on the cameras, the location, and shot off an email to Wizard, Surge, and Shade. They’d have to track them from there.

  “You going to tell her?” Dingo asked from behind me.

  I spun my chair to face him. He leaned casually against the doorframe, but I noticed the way he was taking everything in. No one in the club had seen this space before. “Not until I know more. I don’t want her to worry if they went willingly.”

  “I didn’t know you had all this. Figured you did everything on your laptop.”

  “I use it when I need to bring stuff to Church. Most of my work was always done in here first. I have a secure link I use to share files between the two machines when needed, or I can save shit on a flash drive.”

  Dingo’s gaze fastened on my hands, which I was still flexing. They hurt like a fucking bitch. He backed out of the room and I stood to follow, making sure the door slid shut and locked behind me. I didn’t hear any sounds coming from the front of the house except the movie Elena had been watching. I crept that way and peered around the corner, smiling when I saw that both she and Mei were watching it. Mei had claimed my chair and propped up her feet, but the two seemed content.

  “Is she okay?” Dingo whispered.

  I walked off with him following. When I got to the kitchen, I started a fresh pot of coffee and just shook my head at him. I understood his worry, but I was surprised Mei hadn’t beat him over the head with a skillet by now. He had to be driving her crazy.

sp; “Your wife is fine. She’s watching a movie with Elena, and they both seem comfortable and entertained.” I pressed the button to start the machine and turned to face him. “Look, I get it. I really do, but eventually you’re going to make your woman crazy by hovering.”

  “Meiling likes it when I hover,” he muttered.

  “No, I don’t,” Meiling yelled from the other room. “And I’m pregnant, not deaf. You’re driving me crazy just like he said. Go work on your bike or something and let me breathe.”

  Dingo glanced that way with a narrowed gaze, but he stayed put. I knew the chances of him leaving her here were slim to none. Not unless I opened up my house to all the ladies. It wouldn’t really bother me, and Elena might enjoy all that company. Pulling out my phone, I shot off a message to Badger, Griz, and Blades.

  Elena and Mei are watching a movie at my place. Adalia, Shella, and China are welcome to come join.

  I didn’t know if Griz would see the message or not, but hopefully he’d get word to Shella. Might do her some good to be distracted right about now. I knew she had to be worried about her sister. Adalia, Shella, and Lilian were all adopted, but Shella and Lilian were particularly close. Or had been. Since Shella spilled the beans about Lilian’s pregnancy, there might be a bit of a grudge right now, which would explain why she’d run before Grizzly could get to his house. Something told me she hadn’t planned on telling him until she couldn’t hide the pregnancy anymore.

  I got a message from Badger first, or rather from his phone. I had to laugh when I read it. I’m coming whether he lets me or not.

  “Think Adalia is heading this way. I’m sure Badger will be right on her heels.”

  “You still got a grill out back?” Dingo asked.

  “Yeah. There’s a table and four chairs back there too. Wolf put in a deck for me a few months back and it looked a little bare. Grabbed the table set on clearance. Why?” I asked.

  “I’m going to have a Prospect bring some steaks and beer over. If Badger is coming with Adalia, I have no doubt that Blades will come with China. If she agrees to leave the house at all.”

  “Right. So the girls get the house and we’ll hang out back so everyone can hover over their women but stay out of sight.”

  Dingo flipped me off, but I knew that’s exactly what he was thinking. It wasn’t long before Shella showed up with Dagger in tow. I didn’t even ask. I’d have thought Griz told him to watch over his youngest, except the look in Dagger’s eyes said it was more personal than that. What was that saying? Not my circus, not my monkeys. I wasn’t getting involved. At all.

  “Hey, Shella. They’re watching a movie in the living room. Go make yourself comfortable.” She gave me a little wave and disappeared, leaving a disgruntled-looking Dagger in the kitchen with us. When Blades and China showed up, I was shocked as fucking hell. The timid woman didn’t even look at any of us, just gave Blades a kiss on the cheek and wandered off.

  After China left, Blades eyed Dingo. “My girl doing okay?”

  “So far. I try to keep her as still as possible, but sometimes it’s like wrangling a tornado.” He glanced in the direction of the living room and lowered his voice. “Maybe you or China could talk to her. She might listen to her parents better than me.”

  Blades snorted. “Boy, if you’re scared she’ll hear you, then you’re already screwed. That girl has you by the balls.”

  I coughed to cover my laugh, but Dagger was grinning as well. Everyone knew that Meiling had Dingo wrapped around her little finger. Anything she wanted, he’d give her if he could. I also knew that if anyone fucked with her, he’d take them down and make them bleed. Same went for Blades and China.

  The front door slammed and Badger appeared a moment later, looking pissed as hell. Looked like Adalia got her wish and really was coming with or without him. I knew she was giving him hell, but it was clear to everyone how much he adored her. They’d been destined for one another. Even Griz hadn’t stood in the way.

  “Steaks and beer are on the way here by way of Prospect. Let’s head out back so the ladies can breathe a little easier,” I said. “We’ll hear them if they need anything.”

  “Popcorn!” Shella yelled from the living room.

  I heard the soft tread coming toward us and Elena came into view. She smiled my way, then went straight to the cabinet where I’d shown her I kept all the snack type stuff. She pulled out a few bags of popcorn and while she worked on fixing them, she grabbed soda, bottled water, and juice from the fridge.

  “You need help, angel?” I asked.

  “I’ve got it. I think y’all are making the others upset, though. Something about overbearing, suffocating men.”

  I reached out and tugged her closer, kissing her softly. “We’re heading out back. Just yell if you need anything.”

  She gave my beard a quick yank, then went back to what she was doing. I herded the guys out back and quickly realized I didn’t have enough chairs. A quick text to the Prospect bringing the supplies fixed the issue. I only hoped he brought enough beer. I had a feeling these guys would need it. Especially Badger and Dingo.

  Chapter Nine


  “They’re gone,” I said as I carried two bowls of popcorn to the living room. “Can someone help me grab the drinks? Outlaw offered, but I thought it would be better to get the men out of here faster.”

  “Thank God,” Meiling muttered. “I love Dingo, but he’s driving me crazy with all the hovering.”

  “If you think he’s bad, you should see Badger,” Adalia said.

  “Your men worry for you,” China said in her heavily accented voice. “It’s a good thing. They love you. Why would you complain about that?”

  Meiling reached over and took her mom’s hand. I hadn’t learned much about any of these women, but Mei had immediately introduced China as her mother. Shella was the youngest of the group, and so far the most talkative. With her sister missing, I’d expected her to be reserved. I had to wonder if she was just trying not to think about it, and talking was her way of keeping her mind off things.

  “I’ll help,” Shella said, jumping up from her seat. I eyed the living room and realized we were all crammed on the couch with no space to spare. I wasn’t about to ask any of the pregnant ladies to lift anything, though. After Shella helped with the drinks, I’d grab two of the kitchen chairs and bring them in.

  She followed me to the kitchen and we grabbed as many bottles and cans as we could, then took it all to the living room. While Shella handed out the drinks, I went back for the two chairs. Meiling had claimed Outlaw’s chair when she’d arrived, but now Adalia and China had more space on the couch. I didn’t think there were more women who would pop in, but we’d have an extra spot if there was. I knew Lavender and Wire were still here somewhere, even though I hadn’t seen them since earlier.

  “Does Outlaw do the alpha male thing where he tells you what to do and when to do it?” Adalia asked. “Badger’s worse about it when we aren’t at home.”

  “Um, maybe a little. He’d probably be worse if I were pregnant, though.”

  She laughed. “Oh, don’t even doubt it. To be fair, the club doesn’t have kids running around yet. I’ve had two miscarriages and Meiling hasn’t had much luck either. It’s her first with Dingo, though, so we’re all hoping this one makes it.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I didn’t know anything about these ladies. How had they met their men? Why had they decided to stay? Or were their guys like Outlaw and just decided they were keeping them? It wouldn’t have surprised me.

  Meiling shared a look with Adalia and her mother before turning her gaze toward me. “We all have some pretty horrific pasts, except Shella. She was more sheltered, even though she didn’t have it easy either. Our guys can be a bit much to handle, but at least we know they care. For me, it was the first time I’d ever felt wanted.”

  My gaze shot over to China to see if she was offended, but she offered a soft smile.

daughter was taken from me when she was very little. I was sold to a brothel and she was placed in a very bad foster home. Blades was in prison at the time. It was only six months ago that we all found each other again.” China glanced at her daughter. “I was worried my Meiling wouldn’t want me in her life after the life I’d led, but my baby needed me so I came home with Blades.”

  My heart ached for what they’d suffered. Adalia didn’t share her story, but I had to wonder if something equally as bad had happened. She’d said she had a horrific past, but I didn’t know what that meant. While I’d been in foster care, the reverend and his wife had never hurt me or abused me.

  “What do you think of the club so far?” Shella asked. “When I first found out my half-sister had a daddy in the Devil’s Boneyard MC, I wasn’t sure what to think. My mom started fucking up her life even more and I ended up taking Payson to Irish. To say he was shocked was an understatement, and his woman was less than pleased.”

  My jaw dropped a little. “He had a kid with your mom while he was with someone else?”

  “No! No, Irish and my mom had a fling before he’d claimed Janessa. But she’s great with Payson. They offered to let me stay, but I didn’t want to be in the way. Grizzly took me in and I’ve loved living here. He’s been the best dad.”

  “I haven’t really been around the club yet. I came to a party and someone drugged my drink. It’s how I ended up at Outlaw’s house,” I said.

  “I heard Demon gave that bitch a lesson she won’t soon forget,” Meiling said. “I’m just glad they figured out who was behind it, and why she was doing it. That could have ended badly for the club.”


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