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Mine to Keep

Page 2

by Mine to Keep [Evernight] (mobi)

  He brushed her lips with his. “Don’t worry about it.”

  They walked the last few yards to the nursery in quiet. Gabriel knew he shouldn’t be sniffing around Amy. She was younger than he, and he was too dark for a woman who’d experienced so much pain. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  Laura and Dean Riley were walking out of the nursery as he walked up to the front door. Dean held his son in his arms, laughing and smiling. Laura was rubbing her tummy. Gabriel noted the round curve and knew they had news to share.

  “Hi,” Amy said.

  Dean looked at him with a frown. “Your twins are causing some chaos in there, Amy,” Laura said.

  “Great. They’ll be starting school in a few weeks. They’re both five, but huge pains in the butt.” Amy pulled away and made her way inside.

  “She’s going to have a hard life here with the way the community are with her,” Dean said.

  “I know. Two women were talking shit to her earlier.”

  Laura tutted and grabbed her son. “I’ll go and get him settled. I’ll leave you men to have your little talk.”

  Gabriel watched the other woman go.

  “She’s concerned that you’ll hurt Amy,” Dean said.

  “I care about Amy, and I would never hurt her.”

  “She doesn’t mean that kind of hurt. Look, I don’t know what she’s gone through, but from what I hear that girl has never known true happiness. If you’re sniffing around her for a good time, then I’m warning you to back off.” Dean moved closer. The threat was not lost on Gabriel.

  “I don’t respond well to threats.”

  “Amy is Laura’s best friend and Anna’s. I’m sure the Steer brothers would have no problem helping me kick your ass. I know you’re not a country bumpkin sheriff, but I’m warning you. If you hurt Amy, you’ll pay.”

  Gabriel tapped him on the back. “It’s good to know you care for her. Don’t worry about me. I care about her.”

  “Good. Laura was starting to worry about your presence in her life.”

  “How is your life with Laura? You know, with the age gap?” Gabriel had always been with women his own age or older. Amy was the first woman he’d ever felt anything for who was younger than he.

  He hated the fact he was asking.

  “I love Laura and couldn’t imagine my life without her, but I do get concerned. She’s a lot younger than I, and I know she’ll have to cope with life when I go. I try not to let it worry me too much. I love her, and she loves me. And that is all that matters.”

  Dean shook his hand, and Gabriel watched the other man leave. Amy walked out looking stressed with two children who had red faces and tears streaming down their faces.

  Chapter Two

  Amy walked with Gabriel as they made their way towards the pizza place. Her children had started fights, and they were no longer accepted at the nursery. Two weeks were all that remained until they would be starting school full time. The nursery was more of a play-group that acted as a nursery for beginners.

  Gabriel held the door for her, and she thanked him. She gasped as her arm brushed his, the electric shooting straight through her body. Steven had never made her feel like this. She knew her attraction to Gabriel was wrong. He was older and the man who’d rescued her from her husband. Is that why she was attracted to him?

  They found a table in the back. She looked at Billy and Mia. Her two children had seen more violence in their life than she cared to think about. What would she do with them? Her parents had disowned her, and she didn’t want to ask the two friends she’d made in case they felt she were using them.

  She’d become a parent too young, and she knew she couldn’t do it on her own. The stress of trying to raise them was too much. Staring down at the menu, she tried to read, but it became blurry as the tears filled her eyes and dripped down her face. For many years she’d learnt how to cry without making a sound.

  Glancing around the pizza place, she noted the sniggers and the pointing of other townspeople. She hated this. The judgement and pain. A woman came to their table.

  “What do you want?” The treatment was appalling compared to the times she’d gone with Steven. Those times with Steven had been few and far between. He didn’t like to spend money. The only thing Steven liked was to cause pain on those people he claimed to love. She shook the thought of her ex out of her mind. Steven was her past, and she refused to be held by his actions a moment longer. Gabriel stared at the waitress.

  “A better attitude,” he said.

  The waitress stared at him. Amy watched him take a stand. Eventually the woman stared at the floor with a red flush.

  “You know what? I make better pizzas than this shit-hole. How about we go and have some quality food rather than eat here.” Gabriel threw the menu on the table and stood. He grabbed Billy and Mia before turning to leave. She saw Tim the owner standing in his way.

  “We don’t take kindly to that kind of language,” Tim said.

  Amy didn’t want to cause any trouble, and she knew Gabriel would be spoiling for a fight. In the short time she’d known him, she had learned he didn’t like the judgement of others.

  “Get out of my way.”

  “You may be the Sheriff in town, but folk don’t take kindly to you spending your time with trash.”


  She couldn’t believe the way people were talking about her. Her husband abused her and almost killed her, and yet she was the one in the wrong? No fucking way.

  “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Tim. I’ve known you my whole life, and I went to school with your son. This used to be a place to come for fun. You’ve lost your way, and the whole town has lost their way. Come on, Gabriel. They don’t need our money, and I certainly don’t need them.” Amy grabbed his shoulder and brushed past the owner, holding her head high. She was done being the scapegoat. Steven had almost killed her, and she wouldn’t let a backwards town make her feel small for sticking up for herself.

  “My truck is parked over there. Come on. Let’s go and have some real fun.”

  She followed behind Gabriel. Her heart pounded inside her chest. Her pulse was beating rapidly, and she felt like she was going to throw up. Standing up to the people in there had felt good. She never dreamed of speaking back to the people who’d been her friends. Amy knew she had to get past her thoughts. Cape Falls was her town, but the people were no longer there for her.

  Gabriel had two booster seats in the back of his truck, and she found herself touched by him thinking about her. Billy and Mia travelled to his home without a hitch. Her hands were shaking from the anger inside her. She couldn’t believe she’d never fought back. Steven had kept her trapped from the moment he put the ring on her finger. She’d been too young and stupid to see what an asshole he was. Gabriel was a different man. She saw the goodness inside him even though he tried to keep it contained. The way he looked and treated her touched a part deep inside her heart that she’d thought had died. Steven hadn’t taken every part of her and to know it made her so happy.

  Twenty minutes later, Gabriel pulled up outside his house. She’d never been there before. There was a light on in the front. The garden was large and open. She saw a couple of trees in the garden with a swing hanging from one of the branches. Amy felt instantly at home. Her gaze kept going to the swing. It had been ages since she’d let go on one.

  “Your house is beautiful,” she said.

  “I see you’re eyeing up my swing. Come on.” He took her hand, leading her over to where the swing hung. Gabriel helped her on. She didn’t think about protesting. Amy held the onto the rope handles. She wasn’t ready to let go. All she did was sit and take in her surroundings. “You can let go and fly. I’ll be here to catch you.”

  Gabriel smiled at her. She knew he would catch her no matter what. The trust she felt towards him scared her, as she’d never trusted anyone else in her life. “I’m not ready.”

  He cupped her cheek, his thumb grazing her cheek in a
n action filled with so much tenderness that she thought she’d cry. “One day soon, Amy Grant, you’re going to be ready for everything.”

  She hoped he was right. Her world seemed to be full of so much fear at times that she never saw beyond her problems.

  “Come on. You haven’t seen inside. I’ve not got ‘round to unpacking everything. I’m decorating a room at a time.”

  He helped her grab the kids. He opened the door, and they all entered his home. From the view at the front of his house, she saw how much he loved his home. There were several boxes placed along walls, but underneath all that, she saw the care he’d taken. Gabriel took pride in his home. She smiled thinking about him holding a feather duster and cleaning down shelves. A smile broke out on her face, and when she turned to Gabriel, she noticed he was looking at her funny.

  “Follow me. I’m going to show you the next best thing to proper pizzas.” Gabriel led them through to his kitchen, which was at the back of the house.

  There was a counter in the centre of the kitchen with stools for them to sit on. She helped her children into the stools and sat in between them, watching as he grabbed some bits from the fridge. He turned on the grill and came back to face them on the opposite end of the counter.

  “How are you kids doing? Are you hungry?”

  “Starving,” they both said.

  Gabriel pulled out a loaf and cut two squares of bread. She watched as he pulled faces at her children and spread tomato sauce on the base of the bread.

  “Pick your topping of choice.” He pushed over three containers for them to pick their toppings. Billy picked out the sausage slices and Mia some ham pieces. Amy picked out the chorizo. She loved spicy food.

  “Bread pizza coming right up.” Amy hadn’t heard her children laugh in ages. Gabriel pulled faces and began singing a tune as he made the pizzas. Mia and Billy joined in, laughing with him. “Come here, guys.” He gestured for them to stand with him. He placed the pizzas under the grill. “You’ve got to watch the cheese melting in case it burns. We don’t want burnt cheese, do we?”

  Mia and Billy shook their heads. She watched them at the grill. Gabriel had an arm wrapped around the shoulders of each of her children. They never got so close to their father. Steven would lash out or shout. He was under the impression that children were to be seen and not heard. The life they’d lived had been awful, and she’d been too weak to see beyond him.

  They pulled the pizzas out, and Gabriel served them up. They sat at the counter, eating their food and drinking milk. Her kids were enjoying themselves, and she didn’t want to pull them away from the fun. She couldn’t help but laugh when he made a puppet out of his oven glove. He relaxed, and she started to see the Gabriel Anderson not many people had seen. Amy felt herself relaxing at his easy manner. He captured her attention and held it. She wanted to know everything about him. What did he like? What did he dislike? What types of hobbies was he into? The list of stuff was amazing. She watched him and knew her infatuation with him was growing with every minute she spent with him.

  “Why don’t you two go and watch some television? Your mum and I will clear away the mess.” They were alone. The sound of the television could be heard.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “They’re good kids.”

  “They’ve never been like that. Steven wouldn’t go near them. He always shouted and sent them to their room. They’re young, and I can’t believe I wasn’t strong enough to leave when I should have.” The tears she tried to keep down, rose up and spilt down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she was spoiling such a beautiful moment. Gabriel made her feel at home, and here she was ruining it by crying about stuff she couldn’t control.

  “Hey. No more tears.” He wrapped his arms around her, comforting her, but his voice commanded her to stop. She hugged him tight. His warmth and strength provided a safety net she hadn’t felt for a long time. Gabriel made her feel safe. She listened to what he said, and the tears slowed down until they ceased.

  “I’m happy. I can’t believe how long it has been since I’ve felt like this. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt like this. When I’m with you, I feel happy.” She closed her eyes and pressed her head to his chest. He stroked her hair, and the heat of him surrounded her making her feel like all of her fears could disappear.

  She glanced up into his eyes. Her heart raced as her body was flooded with heat. The intensity of his gaze had her immobile. Underneath her hands, she felt the strength and couldn’t help but tighten her hold. He leaned down and instead of pulling away from him, Amy leaned up. One kiss wouldn’t hurt. She knew it was only an hour ago when she’d asked for him to wait, but she wanted to know what it felt like. The only lips she’d kissed had been Steven’s.

  Gabriel pressed his lips against hers, and the current that passed between them startled her. He moved her back until she was pressed against the wall. The only sound she could hear was her own heavy breathing. He was older than she, but no matter how many times she tried, she couldn’t find a reason not to be with him. The people of Cape Falls already hated her. Their opinion didn’t matter. For once in her life she wanted to make a decision that suited her for a change. Gabriel was the only man who’d made her feel like she could be someone and do something with her life. She refused to back down. Her mind was filled with nothing but him. He moved the hair off her neck and tilted her head back. She stared up into his blue eyes and lost all sense of reasoning.


  Gabriel stared down into her eyes and felt himself sink. She was too young for a man like him. He’d seen death and caused a great deal of pain.

  “Kiss me,” she said. He couldn’t refuse her. They way he felt for her was wrong.

  “Don’t ask this of me.”

  “Please. Just once I want to know what it’s like to kiss someone without being afraid. I’ve spent most of my life being afraid.”

  He thought about her ex, and his anger came back in full force. Amy deserved love, tenderness, and time. He could only imagine what her asshole husband had given her. Every woman should have at least one good experience with a man. He wanted Amy more than he liked, but he would take any excuse he could to be near her.

  “Close your eyes,” he said. She did as he asked, and he stared at her lips. The need inside him to take her and make her his was strong. Instead, he brushed his lips across hers. She didn’t respond to him at first. Slowly, so he wouldn’t scare her, he made love to her lips until she began to kiss him back. Her response to him was clumsy, and he knew in that moment her inexperience would be a pleasure to enjoy. If she gave herself to him, he could show her the many different ways to pleasure her body. She gripped the hair at the back of his neck as he pressed against her, deepening the kiss. Her moans made his cock thicken, and he thrust his hips against her.

  She gasped, and he used her vulnerability to his advantage. He pushed his tongue between her lips and forced her head back to receive him. She moved with him, her body attuned to his.

  Gabriel tasted her sweetness on his tongue. He was addicted to her in every way. He couldn’t begin to describe how he felt. Never in his life had a woman left him so shocked by the emotion Amy filled him with.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, kissing down her cheek to her neck.

  “I’m not beautiful.”

  “Yes. You are. Feel that.” Gabriel pressed his pelvis to her stomach. The rigid length of his arousal would be hard for her to miss. “I’m hard for you. I don’t understand what you’re doing to me. I know I want you.”

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she said with a moan.

  “Why? We both want to.” He glanced down her body and saw her nipples pushing against the fabric of her shirt.

  “No. I’m a mother with no husband who has an entire town hating her.” Gabriel stared into her brown eyes and saw the pain. She was always feeling pain. He hated seeing it and wanted to rid all memory of her pain from her mind.

  “I don’t hate you.”r />
  She whimpered, and she cupped his face. “This is so hard. I’ve never felt this way with anyone.”

  Gabriel placed his hands over hers. “I’m sorry. Your kids seem settled for the night. I’ve got a spare room. Stay here, and then I’ll take you back home tomorrow.”

  “And risk more gossip?”

  “They already have issues with you, Amy. I don’t think it matters what you do or don’t do. They’re going to hate you.”

  She nodded her head. “I’ll stay for tonight. I can’t get home without you driving anyway.”

  Gabriel pulled away from her with reluctance. He wanted her in his arms. When she was there he knew he could protect her. They cleaned up the kitchen and went into the living room to finish watching some television with the children. He settled on the far side of the couch with Mia resting her head in his lap. Amy sat on the other. He glanced her way several times and noted her shirt sleeve had ridden up. The round red dots of cigarette burns glared back at him. She’d left the bastard for over a year, and the scars from the burns would stay with her for some time. Eventually, the scars would fade, but unless he did something she would remain Steven’s wife for the rest of her life. She wouldn’t let anyone inside. He knew the pain of trusting someone. Trust didn’t come easily to him. Staring at her arm and thinking about her response, Gabriel came up with a solution. She needed to realise she was a woman. His feelings for her were not weakening like he hoped they would. His feelings were only getting stronger. He sipped at his beer, watching the television.

  At some point, Amy left to put the children to bed. Gabriel had told her to put them in the room at the end of the hall. In a spell of inspiration, he’d decorated the room in order for her children to have a place to stay. He didn’t want to tell her that he’d decorated the bedroom with the intention of her children staying with him.

  He waited for her downstairs thinking about how far she’d come since he’d met her. No longer did she cower away from people in the street or turn the other way. She held a conversation without looking to bail at a moment’s notice.


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