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Mr. Big Shot

Page 13

by J. P. Comeau

  I tried not to giggle. “Anything else?”

  “Find the driver that brought us from the plane to the bungalow suites. I liked his driving, and I could use a chauffeur I trust and enjoy while we’re here. The roads are much too winding, and I get car sick. Also, there’s this little hut on the side of one of the roads around here, ask some of the locals about it. They make nothing but banana bread, and it’s supposedly the best in the country. I’d like to have a loaf.”

  I slowly raised my eyes. “Are we going to be sitting down at all today to go over things for tomorrow?”

  “No. We can reconvene tomorrow at seven-thirty for breakfast. Today we go our separate ways.”

  How convenient. “Is there anything else you need?”

  “I’m sure there is. I’ll text you once it dawns on me.”

  I licked my lips. “Fabulous.”

  “You should get started on those phone calls. The earlier you make them, the better.”

  I started gathering my things. “I’m well aware.”

  The waiter returned. “Here you are! A two-egg meat and cheese omelet with fresh vegetables, a small bowl of--.”

  I interrupted him. “I’m so sorry. Can I get this to go?”

  Zane waved his hand. “I’ll have it sent to your room. You can reheat it whenever you want to eat it. Sir, package that up and send it to bungalow 102.”

  The waiter nodded. “Of course. I’ll even put it in--.”

  Zane waved him off again. “I don’t need the details. Just get it done.”

  The waiter looked at me, and I mouthed him a soft apology. I didn’t know what the hell had gotten into Zane, but I certainly wasn’t going to be added into this deluge of rudeness he thought was appropriate for the time. I gathered up my things and rushed back to my room, preparing myself to make those phone calls.

  But, I had a personal call I needed to make first.

  “Oh, my god! Oh, my god. Oh. My. God. You finally called. Kelly!”

  “Roxy, no!” I said harshly.


  “I just--I just want to talk to you for a second. Is that okay?”


  “What?” I winced, knowing full well she could hear it in my voice.

  “It’s never good when you want only one of us.”

  I sighed. “I’ve got a serious story to fill you in on, and I have to be quick about it. Try not to interrupt me, okay?”

  “Any reason why you don’t want Kelly here?”

  “Because she’ll interrupt anyway.”

  Kelly giggled. “Very true. All right. Shoot.”

  “The night we all went out to the club, Zane and I went back to my place. We slept together, it was wonderful, but then I left that morning. And I mean, completely left. We fell asleep together. I woke up, and he was there. I freaked the fuck out. So, fast forward to this job of mine. Haha jokes on me, he’s my boss. How weird. Well, we got here, to Hawaii, yesterday, and we went out for lunch. That spiraled into drinks and talking for three or so hours before taking a sunset walk on the beach. Then, we had sex on the beach. I see him for breakfast this morning, and he’s more of a professional douche than usual.”

  She cleared her throat. “So, uh, what’s your question?”

  I panted, having said all of that in one breath. “How do I fix this? Because I’ve clearly screwed something up.”

  “You’re on a business trip, right?”

  “Yes. Right.” I nodded as if she could see me.

  “Is it possible that Zane’s simply focused on the job at hand now that the free time has passed?”

  “Oh, well maybe, I did not consider that possibility.”

  She barked with laughter. “Girl, you drive yourself nuts with this shit, you know? Zane’s been single for as long as I can remember. He’s used to being a single guy. And now he’s got his secretary on a business trip, who he happens to enjoy banging, and you expect the man not to be a little confused and pissed off at that? He has to be professional with your tight little ass flouncing around everywhere. I’d be trying to focus on work, too.”

  I blushed. “You’re probably right on that.”

  “Yeah. I am right. You do have a nice ass.”

  I snickered. “Have I done the wrong thing?”

  “Depends. Do you regret anything you’ve done with him?”

  My answer was quick. “No. Never.”

  “Then, you haven’t done the wrong thing. Okay?”

  I sighed. “Thanks, Roxy.”

  “You know I’m going to tell Kelly, though, right?”

  “Better you than me.”

  “So when she asks for details, you know I’m going to make them up if you don’t give them to me. Right?”

  I grinned. “Nice try. Enjoy making them up anyway.”


  “I do commend your ability to garner information, though. That was a good one.”

  Roxy giggled. “Maybe it’ll work next time. Because you know there will be a next time.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” .

  “And you go, girl. It’s about damn time you had some fun for yourself. Call me tomorrow, and I’ll let you know how high Kelly’s head blew into the sky.”

  “If I don’t see it from where I am right now.”

  She snorted. “This is very true.”

  Glancing over at my laptop, I signed. “I need to start working. Talk soon?” .

  “You know it, love bug. Love ya.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Right after I hung up the phone, a text message from Zane rolled through.

  Zane: Let me know if you need anything today, okay? I’ve scheduled lunch to be sent to your room around twelve-thirty. Make sure you eat.

  I read the message over and over. It was such a stark difference to our interactions only a few minutes before, and it took me aback. Make sure I eat? Scheduling my lunch? Letting him know if I needed anything? Those were the statements of someone who cared, not comments from the man I met at breakfast.

  Maybe he wasn't a morning person. I mean, I almost cussed out the wake-up call guy.

  “Maybe so,” I murmured.

  I pushed it all to the back of my brain, focusing on the tasks ahead. I needed to make sure everything went off without a hitch.

  Especially if I was going to carve out some time to take another walk on the beach tonight.

  Even if it is by myself.



  “And here is our assembly line. As you can see, Mr. Hearthstone, our setup, along with our staffing, is incredibly effective. Overall, the average rate at which we manufacture our materials is--.”

  I mindlessly walked through the plant as my head swirled with other things. I felt like shit for being such an asshole to Karina for these past couple of days. But I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t get close to her. At the end of the day, she was my secretary.

  And I had too much baggage on my shoulders already.

  “In here is our automated computer systems. We log complaints and use word-tracking technology to then shoot that request or complaint to the exact person that can help them. Our average response time is thirty minutes, and our average timeframe for fixing even the biggest of issues is around an hour.”

  I nodded slowly. “That’s efficient.”

  “And that is exactly what we pride ourselves on, Mr. Hearthstone. Efficiency.”

  One of the things I wanted to start doing was branching out. But I decided a few months ago that just taking Stonewater Realty international wasn’t the right move. I wanted to deal with everything that made a house a home, starting with a furniture line. Stonewater needed something more, and I wanted to showcase my own brand of furniture in our rental properties that I had already snatched up over the past few days. My personal finances were geared toward a long-term investment in rental properties. But, I wanted to offer them as furnished units to hike up the price, as well as get free marketing for the new furniture brand.

>   That was the whole purpose of this trip.

  “And back here is our marketing firm. It’s a bit small because most of our clients don’t need marketing tips. But, for some of our clients, this is what sells them on us.”

  I nodded. “I’m okay with marketing.”

  “Oh, no, sir. Not for your realty company. That thing is a treasure you’ve built for yourself. But, for your furniture--.”

  I looked over at the man giving me the tour. “I said, I’m okay with marketing.”

  He paused. “Right. Okay. Onward and upward, then!”

  I followed the man around until the tour was done. And while I knew he was nervous, I had already settled on using their facilities. They were affordable, accurate, and they obviously produced quality products. Plus, with my vacation home only being an island hop away, it would be easy for me to fly in and check in on things.

  All of the rental properties I had purchased were also vacation homes in and around the islands.

  “So, Mr. Hearthstone. I’m going to give you a copy of our warehouse’s contract. You don’t have to sign it or even commit. I just want you to have it for you to look over in case you’re still interested.”

  I took the stack of papers from him. “I appreciate that, and I’ll be in touch.”

  “Wonderful! We look forward to hearing from you.”

  After shaking his hand, I made my way back out to the town car waiting for me and slipped inside. Then, I dialed the bungalow resort’s number on my phone. I was running behind on the tour, which took much longer than necessary, and I didn’t want to miss placing a room service order for dinner.

  “Room service,” the man answered.

  “Yes. I’d like to place an order for dinner.”

  “Room number?”

  “Bungalow 102 and 103.”

  “Got it. Order?”

  I rattled off what I had ordered Karina the night before for dinner, even though I hadn’t joined her. Steak, medium rare, with lobster tail and garlic shrimp. Steamed vegetables, loaded mashed potatoes, a bottle of wine, and a small portion of each dessert on their menu.

  Plus, a carafe of coffee for later.

  “Will that be all?” the man asked.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you.”

  “Give us an hour. Thanks.”

  Whoever that was that worked down in room service, I liked them. They were short, sweet, and to the point, every time I called. I slipped my phone into my pocket as the driver Karina tracked down drove me back to my place.

  I really needed to lighten up on her a bit.

  “We’re here, sir,” the driver said.

  I pulled out a fifty and handed it to him. “Thank you for helping me out while I’m here.”

  He waved it away. “You can tip me at the end of your trip.”

  I tossed the bill into his lap. “And this is the end of my trip for today. Thank you.”

  I slipped out of the car and stared at the front door of my bungalow. For some reason, I didn’t want to be in there. I didn’t want to be by myself. Though, I also didn’t want to sit down with anyone and engage them in conversation, especially Karina.

  You know where that will lead.

  That was exactly why I had to stay away from her.

  So, I turned on my feet and headed back down toward the beach until I reached that little seafood shack with the best drinks on the island. I walked up to the bartender and sat down, resting my forearms on the sprawling bamboo wrap-around bar.

  “What’ll it be?” the man asked.

  “Whiskey. On the rocks. And just keep coming with it,” I said.

  “Zane? Is that you?”

  I paused at the sound of his voice. “No. It can’t be.”

  Kaleo clapped me on the back. “Holy shit! It is you, brudda!”

  I turned on my stool and found myself in a tight embrace with an old friend. So, I wrapped the arm that wasn’t trapped around him and patted his back.

  “What in the world are you doing back here? I haven't seen you in a few years,” Kaleo said.

  I motioned to the seat next to me. “Sit. You thirsty?”

  “You know, I always am. One of those pineapple drinks of yours, sir!”

  I nodded. “And put it on my tab.”

  Kaleo smiled. “Always the giver, if people know you well enough.”

  The bartender slid a drink toward me. “Your whiskey. And I’ve got your pineapple doozy coming right now.”

  I caught my drink. “Why do they call it a ‘doozy’?”

  “Because it’s got four different liquors inside a sixteen-ounce drink, that’s why.”

  “Sounds like a… doozy of a drink, then,” I smirked.

  “Now, you’re getting the hang of it!”

  He clapped my back again, and I almost choked on my whiskey. The bartender grinned at me as he made a disgusting-looking drink that somehow smelled more appealing than any drink had ever wafted up my nose. I watched him hand Kaleo the entire drink in a hollowed-out pineapple. And as my old friend took a gigantic sip, he smiled.

  “Ah. Refreshing, and takes the edge off.”

  “Have you ever had an edge you needed to take off?” I asked massaging the back of my neck.

  “Not when I have these things every night.”

  I sipped my whiskey. “I’d be perpetually drunk if I had one of those every night.”

  “And that’s the secret no one tells you.”

  I chuckled. “Good one. I approve.”

  “I’m surprised to see you out here this time of the year.” Kaleo took another gulp of his drink.

  “Yeah. I know.”

  “You're usually out here in the fall.”

  “Well, I'm here on business, not for the anniversary.” I winced at the harshness of my words before I slowly looked over at Kaleo. Who’s smile quickly faded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean--.”

  He waved his hand in the air.

  “Bah. It’s in the past,” I said, sighing.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  I paused. “I try to be, at least.”

  Kaleo looked away and shook his head. “I’m the one that should be sorry. I didn't even think about why you came that time of year. But, hey. You actually looked the happiest I’ve seen you in a while before I sat back down. You walked down here with a grin on your face and everything.”

  I paused. “A grin?”

  “Yeah! Saw it beaming all the way from the beach.”

  “You saw me come down here.”


  “With a grin on my face?”

  He nodded. “Uh-huh.”

  I scoffed and shook my head. “I wasn’t grinning.”

  “Too bad. Because you were, brudda.”

  “Were you near the beach in your boat?” I asked changing the subject.

  “Yep! I went out fishing. Caught enough to last the family for the next couple of months. You know how these rainy seasons get. Too many storms to navigate the water safely. My boat is docked outside at the pier.”

  I held my drink up. “To a remarkable fishing excursion.”

  He clinked his pineapple against my glass. “And to getting you out with me one day so you can learn how to eat off the land. Well, the sea in this case.”

  “Are you still doing those cruises and tours and all that?”

  He took another gulp of his drink. “Not so much the cruises. But, I still do lunch tours, but I only cruise up and down the shoreline.”

  “How’s that going for you?”

  He shrugged. “Monetizing romance is always in season, is what my father says.”

  I paused. “Do you rent your boat out?”


  “You know. For a day. Do you rent your boat out?”

  He shrugged. “Never thought about it. Though, I suppose I could offer that on my days off.”

  “When are your days off?” I bit my bottom lip.

  “Tomorrow and Sundays.”

  Fuck it. “If I were to ask
to rent your boat for the afternoon tomorrow. Say, for four hours. From eleven in the morning until two or three in the afternoon. How much would you quote me?”

  He grinned. “Monetizing romance?”

  I pursed my lips. “Just answer the question, Kaleo.”

  “Well, that’s four to five hours of boat time. Plus, the gas and the food I’d load you down with. Plus, drinks. Plus--.”

  “I’ll take care of that. Quote me for the day.”

  He shook his head. “Three grand? That would include--.”

  I held out my hand. “Done. If you’re up for it.”

  When that smile crossed his face, I knew I had a lot of last-minute planning to do.

  “Done,” he said as he shook my hand.

  I just hope she likes this.



  Knock, knock, knock.

  I sighed as I rolled over. “Come in, Lilo.”

  I heard my door open. “I’ll just set this on the table.”

  The smell of fruit wafted through the room. “From the guy next door again?”

  “Like every other meal, yes, ma’am.”

  “He should just save his money so I can experience eating on the island.”

  The old man chuckled. “Then, tell him that.”

  I opened my eyes. “I would if he wasn’t my boss.”

  “Tell him anyway. Life’s too short to be bossed around by people you don’t like.”

  And there is the problem.

  “Thanks, Lilo. I appreciate it,” I said.

  He set the tray down. “No problem. Do you need anything, miss?”

  I sat up. “You know you can call me Karina, right?”

  He smiled. “Do you need anything, Karina?”

  “Just the number of your wife so I can call and tell her how lucky she is to have you.”

  He smiled shyly. “You’re very kind, thank you. If there’s anything you need--anything at all, I’ve left my cell number on a note underneath the fruit. Don’t hesitate to call, okay?”

  “I appreciate that so much. Thank you.” I grinned and gave him a little wave.

  “You try to have a good day.”

  “You, too.”


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