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The First Quest

Page 1

by Nick Storming

  Harem World: The First Quest

  by Nick Storming

  Publisher: Fractured Press

  Copyright© 2019 Fractured Press

  All characters are 18 and older

  Table of Contents

  Harem World: The First Quest


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Fractured Press


  A rch Bond Mage Ennis Lippie sat in his office reviewing reports from professors and researchers within the academy. One hand stroking his long and cultivated beard while the other flipped the pages of a tome with deft nimble fingers. His eyes flicked along the pages so quickly it would alarm anyone who saw, not used to an Arch Bond-Mage’s efficacy in consuming information. At a tap to his study door the old man waved at his Bonded without lifting his head. The pretty young man leapt to obey; upper lip suddenly beaded in cold sweat as he quietly inquired who was there.

  “Remove this fop from my way Ennis!” A loud woman’s voice boomed from the hallway. Ennis barked out a harsh command but the young man was already scrambling back, pulling open the wide door. The Arch Bond-Mage looked up from his reading to watch his Bonded cower in fear and scamper back, he loved almost nothing more than terrorizing his slave.

  “Dilo you fool, don’t keep fair Ezmelly waiting!” Slamming the tome, he had been reading closed, the old man scowled as he lifted his hand to offer the young man a rebuke, “Come here and take your punishment.” He said almost relishing the words as he smiled evilly.

  The young man walked over, bending at the waist beside his masters chair, presenting his cheek in a familiar manner. Ennis slapped poor Dilo across the cheek leaving a red print, before shooing the young man away and turning to his fellow Bond-Mage. Ezmelly stood in the wide doorway and watched in some amusement, her own Bonded scrambling around her prodigious form to pull out and turn a chair in the room for her.

  “So Ezmelly, tell me,” The elderly Arch Bond-Mage asked, “What gossip is there amongst the lesser ranks this week?” As he asked, the man drew deep on his Bonded’s strength floating the tea kettle over, warming the liquid inside and pouring them each a glass.

  With a ‘tut tut’ he looked around for the honey and spotting it at the far end of the room. Just where he had thrown it that morning. With a snap if his fingers and a vague gesture, Dilo was scampering over to fetch it. Once he was within range Ennis snatched it out of the boys hands with flows of magic and placed it before the beaming Ezmelly who poured a more than healthy dollop into her tea.

  “Well! The lower ranks are in quite a tizzy let me tell you!” The large woman began, unable to hold back the gossip a second longer. “I fear we may have a revolt from the first and second years after what happened to poor Donatella Enzo after her nonsense warnings.”

  “What’s this?” The Arch Mage asked, “Mmmm, I don’t believe I know her.”

  “She is a first year, witch class, and was making all sorts of noise. The daft girl was going on about some ward her mother placed on the whole planet, if you can believe that!” The woman laughed in derision. “She came screaming and crying to her faculty advisor about some threat from out past the stars, entering our world a few days ago, utter nonsense.” The woman watched the Arch Mage out of the corner of her eye as he stroked his beard.

  “What did she say exactly about this threat?” The man asked, a serious none in his voice.

  “You can’t believe the girl Ennis!” Ezmelly cried out her face aghast, “It’s really utter nonsense, she said a single lifeform entered the planet, flying though the defenses. A scout she believes.”

  “Very interesting,” The Arch Mage said, his face contemplative.

  “Is there something I should know Arch Mage,” The large woman asked somewhat warily.

  “It may be nothing but two days ago I received a missive from Bond Mage Elengarth, the Arcon of Priss. He mentioned his Bonded sensed an invisible creature flying above the city, scouting she believed, higher up. But he said not to think much of it because the girl is a notorious nitwit, dumb as dirt, but pretty as a peach.”

  “Hmph! I know Elengarth, the man always chooses the archetype Bonded,” reaching out and twirled her fingers in the young Bonded hair as it knelt beside her chair with head bowed, just as Dilo was sitting. “Not like my Carlos,” her voice became fierce as she gripped a handful of his hair and dragged his head back till his eyes met hers. Looking deep she grunted in satisfaction when she saw Carlo’s eyes relax back into meek subservience. “I decided to get both beauty and brains for my fifth.”

  “Forget about the Bonded!” Ennis snapped, slapping his hand on the table, his sour old face twisting, “We have bigger problems than some invisible flying fairy!” Leaning forward he glanced over the woman’s shoulder at the door and flicked his hand, casting a barrier against sound about the room.

  “What have you heard of this so-called Queen of Death?” He asked his voice croaking on the title. Ezmelly gave a little shiver and wrapped her shawl tightly around herself, brightly bejeweled rings twinkling from under the thing fabric.

  “Just what you have Arch Mage, a demon in the east, an undead Bond Mage with an undead Bonded wreaking havoc. I have even heard a rumor in the lower quarter that it’s and undead Harem Mage come back, with an army of undead Bonded.” She laughed in derision to say what she thought of that. “Rumors are all I have about the creature. Trade has been disrupted with the ice clans and I’ve heard the Kobold nations have become refugees from their lands. Split now between the west and eastern coasts, some have taken up fishing and are depopulating who fishing grounds. It’s a mess.”

  “I didn’t know the Kobolds had been displaced,” The old man said stroking his beard once more and looking off thoughtfully, “That is interesting, and points to a significant threat.” Reaching into his desk he pulled out a list and then nodded. “We need information, and Bond Mage Tillinda is the best placed spy we have in the East. See that she is tasked with ferreting out who this Queen of Death is and what its intentions are.”

  “Yes, Arch Mage,” With a hard flick of her flinger to Carlos’s ear he stood and backed out of the room, heading at once to take care of the task. Once the door had shut behind him, and he was outside the sound barrier, Ezmelly frowned after the handsome dark-skinned young man.

  “I think I’ll replace the lad in a day or two,” to Ennis’s questioning brow she said, “Oh he is wonderful, an excellent lover and skilled Warrior, I’m just… I don’t know, feeling restless. Maybe I’ll take a healer this time if I can find one. Remove some of these wrinkles and grey hairs for good, then find myself the perfect Bonded.”

  “Why both with the headache?” the Arch Mage asked, “Just let the Justiciar’s office assign you one, it’s what they train for.”

  “Come now Ennis,” the fat woman said fondly, “I know you enjoy our privileges as much as I do.” Without looking at the kneeling young man she flicked her fingertips at him, “Dilo is what, your ninth Bonded?”

  “Who keeps track of these things? Speaking of which what is the latest from the Senate? I have heard rumblings of regulations, and members wanting access to the Academy records.”

  “That was a fools quest by Granicus, the idiot gave a thirty-minute speech on the evils of forced Bonding, like he should know anything about it! It just another push by the anti-slavists.”

  They spoke for long minutes about the senate and its different factions. Politics was a specialty of Ezmelly and she was able to rattle off names and their probably stances on a whole range of issues. Ennis questioned her with the shrewdness she had come to expect f
rom the man, and they plotted together to keep the various factions of the empire busy fighting amongst themselves. So, the true power in the Empire, the Bond Magi, could be free to pursue what was important.

  “It should be handled delicately,” Ennis said as he reached over to pull the tome back into his lap. “we like the priest; he always votes in our favor and his favorite niece is a Bond Mage.”

  “Of course, Arch Mage, no one needs to know about his indiscretion with the servants.” The large woman knew a dismissal when she saw one and standing up, she reached out a steadying hand and cursing the absent Carlos cried, “That’s it! The boy is finished!”

  The arch Mage chuckled to himself just as the golden peel of a great bell rang out over the entire Academy.

  “Gods bless us!” Ezmelly cried as she spun to smile at the Arch Mage, “That’s the third Bond Mage discovered this month!”

  Arch Mage Ennis smiled; they were blessed indeed. Three more Bond Magi to find and bring into the fold, thus securing their place within the Imperium for another generation at least. The ranks had swelled in the past few years, and the Academy of Bond Magi had a larger roster than at any other time in history, excepting when the Academy was founded by the Empress herself.

  Just as Ezmelly was reaching for the door, the smile falling off her face as she thought of the tasks awaiting her. A second peel of bell sounded, ringing out loud and clear a twin to the first. Spinning around once more, her movements surprisingly agile, a seed of cold fear formed in the pit of her stomach.

  “Another Bond Mage Ennis?” She asked with fear tinged voice.

  “There has never been two at once… but it could be possible,” As the sound died out, he turned from his old friend and looked out the window of his tower room, his whole-body tense as he waited. When the third bell rang out, the man arched his head back and screamed out in fury and frustration. All of his hopes and plans dashed in and instant.

  The entire capitol froze for many minutes, as people whispered about what the unceasing bell could possibly mean. One ring meant the birth of a Bond Mage, saviors and protectors of the realm, what could it mean when the bell rang for hours unceasing? Only one thing, whispered hopeful voices in dark corners of the Empire; a Harem Mage had come once more and those in the Empire who knew the signs, trembled in fear and hope.

  Chapter One

  B raden woke to a clear blue sky and the soft comfort of a body cuddled up against his side. Turning he saw Leesha the slender little pink haired elf, snoring softly as she burrowed into his side. He wondered to himself, just what happy twists of fate had brought him across the galaxy to this strange world. Right then as he stared into the adorable little face of the elf, he thanked god for the fortune. Extracting himself gently from under the blankets, he slipped out, putting on his shoes and took a long look around their little camp, happy to see nothing amiss.

  Druska crouched over the fire, warming a small pot filled with some soup rations. Braden made my way over and she handed him a hot cup of tea. He thanked her as he blew the steam off the alien ceramic cup and took a delicate sip. It tasted similar to chai tea, with a spicy after taste that he found appealing.

  Sitting there sipping the tea and took in Druska’s form as she cleaned up after herself, packing stuff away into her little inter-dimensional space bag. She was tall and slender, with slim limbs and narrow waist. Her breasts were large but seemed to defy gravity when she was nude. Now she was dressed in her skintight black scouts uniform, with the short sword on her back and a blaster slung low on one hip.

  “Master,” Druska began, her face composed carefully and voice delicate as she continued, “I believe we should talk about the battle yesterday.”

  “What about it?” Braden asked in curiosity.

  “You showed great power and versatility with the magics you wield, but I fear,” she looked around nervously before continuing, “I fear your sword work is far from ideal.”

  Braden laughed out loud, causing the snoring Leesha to grumble quietly and roll over, pulling the blankets over her head tightly. Braden shook his head in amusement as he pulled over the sword, he’d been dragging around with him for days now.

  “I’ve never used a sword coming here, to be honest I have no idea what I’m doing with it.” He drew the blade slightly, letting the blade peek out before he slammed it home, “I would have given it to you, if it wasn’t so damn useful in helping me draw and control more magic than I can without it.”

  “Your world has no swords?” Druska asked, “Sounds like a paradise.”

  “There are swords, and they were used in the past. They haven’t been in use for many years, unless it’s in a story. Technology has advanced to make them obsolete.”

  “I see, we have stories of times like that in our distant past,” Druska said and pulling out her own blade. The edge burned with a near invisible blue line, and faint tracings and markings could be seen going up the ancient blades length. “When personal shield generators became common place, then these vorpal blades began to come back into vogue. They are one of only a few weapons that can pierce a shield. As a result, the Forces have been training in hand to hand fighting for the past several centuries.”

  “I saw it in action before, it’s an impressive weapon.” Braden said with an admiring nod.

  “Not nearly as impressive as that sword you have,” Druska caught his eye, “Master if you would like, I can train you in its use.”

  “Druska that would be awesome!”

  The woman, relieved she hadn’t offended her new master by pointing out something he didn’t know, was delighted as she took him to a small clearing. There she began to instruct Braden on the basics of stance and how to draw his blade properly. He had no idea things this simple could be so complicated or exhausting. Soon he was drawing lightly on his magic pool to replenish his energy, as his breathing came heavy and sweat dampened his clothing.

  An hour later, an exhausted Braden collapsed near the fire and an impressed Druska sat nearby watching, while Leesha woke up. The small elf smacked her lips and blinked her eyes owlishly looking around, lost for a moment. They she saw the two by the fire and it all came rushing back. Braden watched in amusement as with a squeal of glee Leesha lifted a hand before he face and watched in fascination as crackling red lightning danced on her palm.

  “I’m a sorcerer!” She cried, then leaping to her feet, still nude as the day she was born, she dashed forward and threw her arms around Braden’s neck, forcing him to lean back with the impact.


  “Thank you Master! Thank you again so much!” She rained kisses down on his face and toppled them over onto Braden’s back. She was laughing and giggling the whole time. Druska watched in amusement as the little pointy eared woman fished her master’s dick out of his pants and rode it there beside the campfire. Braden was surprised at first but then he too was lost in the pleasures of Leesha’s busty little body as she bounced on his hard cock.

  Druska still felt a thrill of wrongness as she watched the coitus before her. Only breeders were ever allowed to watch such sacred acts, and now unbelievably she was one of them. It was all thanks to the greatest breeder the universe had ever seen, her master from another world. The two lovers came to a shuddering climax and Leesha rolled off Braden’s powerful thighs only to have Druska, in green nude perfection, pull Braden over and between her slender legs.

  The cries of their love making were gentle and Leesha pressed herself to Braden’s back as he rode Druska’s orgasming body. The three of them climaxing together with little emanations of magic popping out about them in the form of wispy lights and tiny fireworks. When they had finished and were laying side by side on the green grass Braden rolled over onto his elbows his face thoughtful.

  “Druska and I know nothing of this world, we need some grounding before we head out there, so we know something if what to expect.” Turning to Leesha he said, “Anything you could tell us about the magics, peoples and cultures we may enco
unter would be a big help.”

  “Oh geez,” Leesha said and rolling onto her back, looked up at the sky thinking, “That’s a big question, and a lot of answer, but I’ll try to explain the best I can Master.”

  “I am an elf of the Silver Heart Tree, located on the western edge of these lands. The elven nation has been fractured for millennia, since the emergence of Man and have retreated to our Heart Trees for the most part, those who aren’t discovered to have a Bond Mages powers. Those are taken to the Academy to be trained in the art and paired with a Bonded. The often return to the Heart Trees in service to the Queens, but not always. Sometimes they take service with the Empire.”

  “You mentioned this empire before,” Druska said.

  “Yes, strange to think you know nothing of the Empire. It controls most of these lands in one way or another. Each kingdom and protectorate is tied to the Empire in one way or another and all turn on the whims of the Senate. All that is except for the Bond Magi at the Academy.”

  “What can you tell me of Bond Mages and Harem Mages?” Braden asked.

  “Not much more than what everyone knows from the stories. Bond Mages are rare, far rarer than those who can touch magic innately. Most regional governors in the empire have a Bond Mage in their service. Someone who can touch and manipulate magic but can’t double their power by Bonding, is usually thought of as a witch or warlock, sometimes called a sorcerer. They perform trades, and run apothecary shops, occasionally they may become adventurers but they are always the weakest in strength. My aunt Elishta was a witch and she hated it, she had just enough magic to scrub a good shirt and was always cleaning and doing the laundry because of it.” The cute pink hair danced as she giggled at old memories.

  “Bond Magi are something entirely different, they can tap into the elemental forces and call lightning or rain fire. They can even learn glyph magic and do all sorts of crazy things with magic, but Glyphs are only taught at the Academy.”


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