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Infestation (Book 1): Infestation Iowa (A Zombie Survival Series)

Page 8

by Nathan A. Smith

  “Sheriff?” Eric said snapping Holiday out of his thoughts.

  “Table is too big!” Holiday said stomping at the table trying to break it with his foot. The sturdy table barely even dented.

  “Hatchet!” David yelled.

  “What?!” Eric yelled as the zombies got closer.

  “I have a hatchet in the basement … somewhere.” He said, unsure of its exact location. The zombies now pressed against the massive window with the little girl in the front.

  “Go! We will hold them off!” Holiday said as David ran into the living room, “Hurry!” Holiday checked his shotgun to see how many shots he had left in it. He pulled a few out of his pocket and reloaded quickly. Eric held his hammer with anticipation as the glass began to crack.

  “Here!” Destiny yelled, kicking the gun she had set down earlier towards Eric. With her wrist broken, she could only hold one gun easily with her good hand. Eric picked up the gun, smiling. Holiday pointed his shotgun at the window; Eric did the same as Destiny walked into the room to help.

  “Help David find the hatchet will ya?” Holiday said. “We got this.” Destiny nodded and headed down into the basement with David. The glass continued to crack as the zombies moaned and bashed against it. Then suddenly the zombies stopped.

  The thousands of zombies all throughout the fields and around the house just stopped. After a few seconds the zombies turned and began walking away from the house. They just suddenly walked toward the field away from David’s house. Holiday and Eric grew confused once more.

  They lowered their guns and walked into the living room to make sure it was every zombie that was walking away. Holiday walked up to the window Eric and he had boarded up earlier and he knelt down. He looked out of the hole and watched as the zombies walked further away very slowly. Ahead of them, deeper in the field, faster zombies sprinted away off into the distance.

  Eric walked to the front door and opened it; he stepped out into the front yard slowly looking around. He took a few steps out until he was at the Sheriff’s car and leaned against it listening as the moans gradually faded. Then a loud snarl drew his attention down the driveway. There he saw The Beast lumbering toward the house. It smashed a group of zombies to the side with its massive arm as it ran closer and closer toward them. Eric jumped and ran back inside, locking the front door. He turned to Holiday, the expression of fear on his face told Holiday everything he needed to know. The only thing they had seen that made the zombies leave was The Beast.

  A slow rumble slightly shook the house as it grew closer and closer to it. In the basement David and Destiny were unaware the zombies had left. They threw boxes and old furniture around looking frantically for the hatchet. As the rumbling of the house grew, David and Destiny paused their searching and looked at each other. They walked over to the stairs leading up to the living room and listened. They should be hearing gunshots by now and maybe the occasional moan, but they heard only rumbling. A mighty crash rang through the house as The Beast flew through the wall in the kitchen.

  “Go!” Holiday screamed pointing to the stairs leading to the second floor. Eric sprinted from the door he had just locked and hit the first step with his foot. The Beast lunged from the kitchen and flew through the house toward Holiday in the living room. Its bulging muscles brushed Eric’s foot as he brought it to the stairs to continue going up them. He flipped over the beast in such a way, that he landed in the kitchen beside the massive hole in the wall that the Beast had just made. Holiday dove to the side, landing behind the tipped over couch as The Beast hit the wall with an enormous thud so hard it dented in the wall. Holiday lay motionless, staring at the ceiling and slightly shaking; he knew The Beast could only see by sound. The Beast loomed over him looking from left to right in a fast snapping motion as its gigantic hands pressed down on the tipped over couch nearly crushing it into the floor. Eric began to stand up in the kitchen; he held his head and groaned in pain. When he had landed, he hit his head on the floor and blood was trickling out of the back of it. The Beast turned its entire body toward Eric, it had heard his groan. It roared loudly, still perched over Holiday and punched its fist into the couch.

  In the basement, David and Destiny had heard the commotion. Once they heard the crash of the Beast through the wall they began to head upstairs. When they got to the top, the Beast let out its massive roar toward Eric in the kitchen. It had only taken seconds for everything to go so badly. David and Destiny stood at the door to the living room and opened it slowly. They saw the massive Beast overtop of Holiday. In a flash, it pushed itself off the couch and headed for Eric. The couch slightly slid on the floor as Holiday raised his head, watching The Beast fly over him

  “No!” Holiday yelled and jumped to his feet. The Beast slid to a stop as Eric stood completely still in the Kitchen, too afraid to make any noise for once. It turned toward Holiday and roared once more. Just then Eric had an idea.

  “Keep yelling!” He shouted at Holiday causing the Beast to whip its body around once more toward Eric. Holiday realized what Eric was thinking and started cursing at The Beast.

  “Look here you fucking ugly bastard!” He started yelling.

  “No! Over here, you lazy sun-of-a-bitch!” Eric continued. They both yelled at The Beast in unison as it whipped its body and head back and forth wildly. It didn’t seem very bright. Anytime it had attacked, the second you stopped making noise, it would lose track of where you were. Now it had two noises on either side of it and it didn’t know what to do. Finally, the Beast reared its head into the air and let out a piercing howl. It smashed the floor wildly with both fists as David and Destiny ran out of the basement and to Holiday’s side. The Beast crushed the bottom step and shook the entire staircase. Then it had a third sound to worry about. The sound of clinging and clanging flew down the stairs. Eric and Holiday both fell silent as they watched in awe. The piano David was so proud of and had been keeping at the top of the stairs, rolled down them with a thunderous noise.

  David was careful last time he had gone down the stairs. He noticed it rolled a little as he ran past it that first night, but he never thought he would watch as it plowed down the stairs and out the front door. It hit with intense speed and The Beast grunted loudly as it was thrown outside making a large hole where the door had been moments ago. Everyone was completely shocked.

  David walked to the bottom of the stairs and looked outside. He saw the piano in pieces on his front lawn as The Beast ran away into the field, toppling the occasional zombie as it moved faster and faster.

  “I liked that piano.” David said, staring at the wreck of twisted wood on his lawn. The others walked up beside him and looked at the piano with him. Destiny and Eric smirked slightly. Holiday’s face got incredibly angry.

  “That mother-” He said and took his Sheriff hat off, throwing it hard onto the ground. Holiday’s car had been ripped apart. The roof was now crushed down into the floor and the doors were lying unattached beside it. Holiday shook his head slowly as David patted him on the back.

  Chapter 9 – Rescue?

  Destiny walked in the front yard, her arm was in a splint. Holiday had made it the same way he made the one for his leg. He used wood wrapped in clothing. It still hurt but somehow it helped. She walked toward David as he leaned against the tree with his back to her. “About another hour and the sun will be setting.” She said. David turned around to face her.

  “I think I actually knew this guy.” He said holding up the I.D. card he had placed in his pocket two nights ago. “I forgot I had it until I leaned up against this tree.” The two of them had just finished moving the body of Worker #938 to behind the house. Afterward, David came to his tree and had been there ever since. Destiny had gone inside to grab a drink out of the now destroyed fridge from the kitchen. Destiny handed David a soft drink in a can. He smiled and gulped it down quickly. “That’s warm!” He said with a twisted face.

  “Well duh!” She said to him. “Beastie trashed the fridge like six hours a
go. The pop has been sitting in a puddle outside in this damn heat.” She squinted up at the sky as the sun slowly moved toward the horizon. “At least it will be colder when it gets dark.” She looked back at David who was still examining the I.D. card.

  “So who was he?” she continued.

  “What?” David asked perplexed.

  “You said you think you knew the guy. So who was he?” Destiny took a sip out of her can of soda making a sour face.

  “I don’t know.” He stared intently at the I.D. card. “But he looks familiar…like I have seen him before a long time ago.” He rubbed his finger across the card wiping off a smudge he saw on it. ”It’s like seeing a childhood friend years later but still recognizing him. You know what I mean?”

  “No.” Destiny said shaking her head and taking one more drink of soda. “B.T.W. This shit rocks when it’s warm.”

  “Oh you’re one of those?” David replied smirking at her.

  “One of what?’ She asked looking at him inquisitively “A warm pop drinker?” she shook her head confused.

  “No someone who says B.T.W. instead of By The Way.” David smiled widely as Destiny shrugged.

  “True.” She took another gulp of her drink and continued as she shook the empty can, “Still, rocks when it’s warm.”

  “To each their own I guess.” David said with a disgusted face and set his nearly full can of soda onto the ground.

  “More for me!” Destiny said, happily chucking her empty can across the field and swiping David’s full one from the ground with her hand. She took a drink from the can as she spun around and started walking toward the house.

  Once again, David found himself intoxicated by her. Even after everything that had happened, she still found a way to be happy. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad thing but he loved that about her.

  Since The Beast had attacked and then left, everyone had taken time and fortified the place as best they could. The front door was still missing and a huge hole still sat there but the rest of the house was boarded up extremely well. They never found the hatchet David mentioned but the massive table helped with the hole in the wall in the Kitchen. The bathroom window was boarded up by some shelves from his father’s study. Everyone was a little hopeful; they had seen only one or two slow zombies since The Beast had left. Rescue was on its way and everything seemed to be getting better.

  David watched Destiny as she went inside and was amazed by how much he had in common with a big city person like her. Earlier, in what David considered another moment with a spark, she mentioned being from New York. She explained about her ex and how she left it all behind ‘Just in time for the end of the world’ she had said. David’s thoughts were once again interrupted by a sound (as usual), but this time it wasn’t a bad sound.

  Helicopter blades chopped in the wind as a massive brown helicopter flew close over the field near David. He went to yell at the others but they were already outside by the time he opened his mouth.

  “Woo! Fuck ya!” Eric yelled loudly as he dropped Destiny’s gun and threw his arm up in the air. Destiny bent over and picked up her gun. She smiled happy to have both guns back. She holstered it in her skirt along with the other one. The helicopter grew closer and closer bringing more and more hope as it neared them. Finally, it was right in front of the tree David stood at. It lowered closer to the ground and was about to land when something seemed wrong all of a sudden. The helicopter turned sharply and lifted back into the air away from the group. A stinging chirping sound erupted from all around them. Hundreds of winged creatures rushed out of the tree David leaned against and bolted toward the Helicopter. His once lush tree was nearly see-through as the final horror launched toward the helicopter.

  The winged creatures where very small and it was nearly impossible to see what they truly looked like. A ball of black fur with wings on either side of them was all the group could see.

  “Those things were in the tree the whole time?” Destiny said. She ran over to David, dropping her can of soda and using her good arm she wrapped around his arm. “We have to get inside!” She yelled in complete disbelief. “We will just never come out; we will just stay inside forever!” She yelled with a sob. The helicopter didn’t make it very far; the swarm of monsters smashed into it. Within seconds the helicopter erupted in flames and plummeted to the ground.

  “I’m done …” Eric said softly walking inside the house and into the living room. Holiday followed him as Destiny dragged David across the yard. David continued staring at the helicopter with his mouth open. After everything that had happened so far, he couldn’t believe there was more they had to deal with. The winged creatures flew around the fire of the helicopter two times after it crashed still making the incredible chirping sound. They looked like a massive swarm of insects to David. Then they suddenly rushed toward him. He turned and instead of being dragged was now pushing Destiny into the house. The winged creatures closed in as the group rushed into the house and turned the corner into the living room. The stinging chirping noise grew louder and louder. Every time the group had a small victory they were hit down by a massive defeat.

  David slumped into one of his chairs and destiny sat in front of him on the ground. He looked toward Holiday with sadness on his face. Holiday sat on the couch and looked at David. He could tell what David’s face was asking. He had known him his entire life. He shook his head ‘no’ and leaned back on the couch. He had told David what he already knew; they weren’t going to make it. Destiny squeezed David’s hands tightly. He lowered his head and closed his eyes hoping the last feeling he felt was her smooth hands around his. The chirping became a steady beeping inside David’s head as his heart pounded harder and harder knowing the end was coming.

  Then the chirping stopped abruptly. David’s eyes opened quickly; he believed for a moment he was dead. Once again, they had made it. He pulled his hands free from Destiny who cried immensely on the ground in front of the chair. Her cries slowed and she grew silent as she realized they were O.K. Holiday leaned forward confused and looked around at all of them. Holiday noticed Eric was no longer in the room but said nothing. David walked to the hole in front of his house, and looked outside. The winged creatures were gone. He stood very still searching the sky for any sign they were still there. Then he noticed it. His tree was no longer see-through. The winged creatures had returned to the tree.

  “Why aren’t they attacking us?” He said loudly.

  “Shhhh!” Destiny hushed him still in front of the chair.

  “No I am sick of not knowing what the hell is going on!” He yelled. “We were right under them talking and yelling, we even banged around in the house all day!” He looked at the tree waiting for anything to happen. “They did nothing earlier and now they are back in the tree doing nothing.” He pointed at the tree looking back into the living room at Holiday and Destiny. “Where is Eric?” He asked walking back into the room.

  “I was going to ask the same thing.” Holiday said standing up. Destiny rose to her feet,

  “Basement door is open,” she said. “Must have gone down there to hide.” The three of them walked to the basement door hollering for Eric. Nobody responded.

  “Probably in shock.” Holiday said as he started walking down the stairs. David and Destiny followed closely behind him.

  When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Holiday stopped. Destiny leaned around to see in front of him and saw Eric lying on the ground dead. She let out a slight scream and turned away planting her face into David’s chest. Tears rolled down her cheek.

  When she first arrived in Lone Tree, Eric was very nice to her. The first man who had ever been nice to her before now. David rubbed her back and held the back of her head against his chest. Eric had thrust a hatchet into his own head.

  “Can’t blame him.” Holiday said as he crouched down grabbing the hatchet. He pulled it out of Eric’s head with a few hard yanks. The hatchet made some loud squishing and splatting sounds as he pulled
it out. Destiny pushed out of David’s arms, ran up the stairs and into the bathroom puking into the toilet.

  “Didn’t want to come back,” Holiday continued.

  “He wasn’t bit.” David said

  “Probably thought it didn’t matter. Gotta be in the head.” Holiday replied as he stood up wiping the brain bits and skull fragments off the hatchet with the leg of his pants. “Gotta be sure.” He continued as he stood up and brushed by David heading up the stairs. David sighed loudly and went to follow him. Just then he heard static.

  “Hello?” A woman’s voice along with the static filled the basement. It came from Eric’s body. David walked to Eric and carefully listened. “Fourteen are you there?” the voice said again.

  The woman who David talked to earlier in the park was speaking from the two-way radio in Eric’s back pocket.

  “You kept it just in case?” David said quietly to Eric’s corpse with a smile. He carefully picked the radio out of Eric’s back pocket and held it to his mouth. He pressed the button, “Hello.” He said quietly

  “David? Is that you?” she asked. The static died down and her voice became clear.

  “Ya, it’s me.” He said again softly.

  “We have a helicopter coming! I figured I would try this radio again. Just in ca-“

  “It didn’t make it.” David interrupted.

  “What was that?”

  “The helicopter … it crashed in front of my house.”

  “I see.” She said. David could tell she was thinking about what to say next.

  “Some sort of birds are hiding in my tree. They don’t seem to care about us but …” He paused as he started getting choked up. He took a deep breath and continued. “They crashed the helicopter.”


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