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Travis: To accompany the Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance

Page 10

by Tracie Podger

  After depositing the rent with Jonathan and making sure our notebooks were up to date, we headed for the gym. I talked about Karen and THE KISS all the way although I spared Robert the raging hard-on details; he looked like he was getting a little pissed.

  We warmed up with a run before making our way to the speed ball and finally the heavy bag. My mind wasn’t totally on my boxing and when Mack swung the heavy bag at me it caught me in the balls, knocking me to my ass.

  “Watch the merchandise, Mack, he’s got a date later,” Robert called out.

  “You got a date?” Mack asked with a laugh.

  “Yeah, nothing funny about that,” I replied, indignant.

  “She know how old you are?” he asked.

  “No, she doesn’t fucking know how old I am, okay? What’s with the fucking age anyway? My cock works the same way yours does,” I said.

  Mack nearly spat his gum shield out he laughed so hard. “Trav, it isn’t just about your cock my friend. Let me give you some advice, tell you what the chicks like.”

  He placed his arm around my shoulder and, with Robert, we sat on a bench lining the wall.

  “First, they like the kissing. Especially their necks, they like that. You got to take it slow, have them begging for more,” he said.

  “They like the pussy eaten too,” someone called out.

  I looked up to see Lou, a huge black man with a scarred face, making obscene gestures with his tongue. It then occurred to me that most of the guys in the gym had heard our exchange and were listening in.

  “Right, so kiss ‘em slow, eat the pussy, what else?” I asked.

  “Fuck her hard, Trav, so she can’t walk after. The women, they love that,” another called out gyrating his hips. In fact, he looked more like he was having a fit than simulating a fuck.

  “Look, I’m fucking serious. She wants me, help me out here,” I said.

  Robert appeared to be crying until I looked closer. He was laughing so hard that tears leaked from his eyes. I stood.

  “Fuck you lot, I’ll work it out myself,” I said, stomping to the changing room.

  “Trav, come back, we’re sorry,” Lou called out with a laugh. I flipped him the finger over my shoulder.

  I was muttering to myself and getting dressed when Robert walked into the changing room.

  “I’m sorry, bro. Just take it slow, she’ll show you what she wants,” he said.

  “How the fuck do you know?” I mumbled.

  “I don’t, but ignore those guys, they’re just teasing.”

  “I’ll see you back at the office, yeah?” I said as I patted the back pocket of my jeans to make sure I had the condoms.

  “Sure,” he replied. We headed to the gym door and went our separate ways.

  The closer I got to the apartment block the more nervous I began to feel and my palms sweated slightly. My earlier bravado had run for the hills. I had a key to the main door and slowly took the stairs to the top floor. As I paused on the landing, the door to Mistress Spanx opened and I watched an old, flabby guy with red cheeks leave. Mistress Spanx gave me a wink before closing it. I stood outside Karen’s, took a deep breath and knocked. She opened the door with a smile and stepping aside, she ushered me in.

  “What can I get you to drink? A beer?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Just a coffee would be good,” I replied. I hadn’t drunk beer before.

  While Karen bustled around the kitchen I sat on the sofa, not entirely sure what to do with myself. I took a good look around. She had a small TV in one corner sitting atop a chest of drawers. Around it were photos in frames of what looked like family. There was one with an older couple, a child in their arms. There were a few of Karen with a guy and I wondered who he was. One of the plain cream walls was full of paintings much too abstract for me to understand what they were meant to be, but they brought colour to the otherwise plain room. The leather sofa creaked as I shuffled around, its worn cushions cracked but comfortable. I sat back, crossing one foot over my knee and waited.

  Karen returned with two coffees, sat beside me and smiled. For a moment there was an awkwardness between us; I wasn’t sure what to say so sipped my coffee in silence.

  “My manager rang earlier, to make sure I would be back at work,” she said.

  “That’s good. I don’t think you’ll have any trouble there,” I replied.

  “Yeah, he said he hadn’t realised I had a boyfriend.”

  “Err, yeah, sorry about that. Thought it might make him keep his hands to himself if he thought you did,” I said.

  She chuckled as she placed her cup on the floor beside her and shuffled closer to me.

  “Thank you, whatever you said helped.”

  She shuffled closer still until she was snuggled into my side. As I imagined, she was a perfect fit. I placed my arm around her shoulders. She lifted her face and angled her body towards me until eventually she moved to straddle me. She placed her hands on either side of my head and kissed me. As my hands crept up her back my fingers caught hold of her T-shirt; we broke apart as I pulled it over her head. She had the most amazing tits spilling out over the top of her bra. I cupped each one, pushing them together, squeezing them. She reached around and unclipped the bra, sliding the straps from her shoulder and threw it to the floor. Her nipples were hard.

  “Suck them,” she whispered.

  Fuck me, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I greedily sucked a nipple into my mouth, still squeezing until I she yelped and pulled away. Karen grabbed the hem of my T-shirt and pulled it over my head. She pushed herself from my lap and stood before me, unzipping her skirt. It fell to the floor, leaving her standing in the skimpiest lace panties which she then peeled off. I fumbled with my jeans, rushing to remove them. I watched her eyes travel the length of my body, coming to rest on my impressive cock. Well, I thought it was impressive anyway.

  As she took a step towards me, one hand wrapped around my cock, she gently squeezed and massaged. I couldn’t stop the moan that started in the pit of my stomach and travelled the length of my body before escaping. With her other hand, Karen gently pushed me back on the sofa. She fell to her knees and I prayed to God that she was about to do what I thought she was. But as her tongue gently touched the tip I exploded.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I said.

  “Wow, Travis, that was quick,” she replied.

  “It’s been a while, give me a minute.” I was frantically pumping away on my own cock to keep it hard.

  She sat back on her heels, smirking.

  “That wasn’t your first time, was it?” she asked.

  “Of course not,” I replied breathlessly.

  My efforts paid off; my wrist ached but my cock was rigid again in my then sticky hand. I reached out for her, subtly wiping my hand on her sofa. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me; she straddled my lap and lowered herself, my cock just brushing against her entrance.

  “Condoms, they’re in my jeans,” I said, trying to reach down without her falling off.

  “It’s okay, I’m on the pill,” she said.

  She lowered onto me and it was the most wonderful feeling. Her wet pussy tightened around my cock; it was hot and wet as she moved, slowly at first. I grabbed her face, pulling her towards me for a kiss - albeit a sloppy kiss that had her wipe her mouth with the back of her hand. As she rode me, I recited the alphabet in my head, forwards then backwards, anything to stave off the need to come. I felt a strange sensation in my stomach as she upped the pace, my balls tightened, then pulsed slightly before I shot my load into her. I moaned loudly into her mouth before she pulled her head away. She frowned at me, her frown deepening the wider I grinned.

  “Baby, that was fucking awesome,” I said.

  “Erm, yes, for you I guess it was,” she replied.

  She climbed from my lap and my now flaccid cock fell to one side. I rested back, placed my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I let out a sigh. When I opened them, Karen
was already dressing herself. She had her panties back on, was fastening her bra and then pulled her T-shirt over her head.

  She cleared her throat before speaking. “Can I get you a drink or something?”

  “Sure, I could do with something cold,” I replied, still with that stupid grin on my face.

  While she was back in the kitchen I pulled on my jeans and T-shirt, not bothering to clean myself up first. Karen came and sat on the sofa, this time at the other end, and handed me a glass of water. My throat was so dry I gulped it down.

  “Trav, how old are you?” she asked. The question startled me somewhat.

  “Nineteen,” I lied.

  “Oh, I, erm, I have to get ready for my shift,” she said.

  “I thought you said you were on tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I was, but someone called in sick.”

  I took that as my cue to leave; perhaps she wanted some time to recover before work. I rose from the sofa and walked to where she sat. Leaning down, I kissed her on her lips. That time, though, she didn’t open her mouth. I smiled as I made my way to the door.

  “How about I call you tomorrow?” I said.

  “Yeah, okay. I might be a bit busy the next few days. You know, catching up on work and all that. Need to pay the rent,” she said with a chuckle.

  She rose and followed me to the apartment door; before I left I stopped and turned towards her.

  “Thank you for today, it was fun. Shall I take your number?” I said.

  “Oh, okay.”

  She pulled a piece of paper from a pad beside her telephone and hastily scribbled down a number. Without looking, I folded it and placed it in my pocket.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” I said as I left.

  I raced down the stairs and with a bounce in my step, I made my way back to the office.


  “Bro, you here?” I called out as I climbed the stairs.

  “Yeah, good time?” I heard Robert say.

  As I walked in I saw him lying on his bed, his hands behind his head.

  “Fucking epic, man I was good,” I replied.

  “So you actually got laid then?”

  “For sure, she rode me like a fucking cowgirl, couldn’t get enough of me.”

  “Spare me the details. Are you seeing her again?” he asked.

  “Maybe. You know me, bro, fuck ‘em and leave ‘em.”

  “Travis, this is the first girl you have ever fucked and I guarantee you will be on that phone tomorrow calling her. Go and shower, you stink like a fucking alley cat.”

  I chuckled as I made my way to the small bathroom. After much nagging from Evelyn, Joe had recently installed a shower for us, just a plastic cubicle with lukewarm water but it did the job. I stripped off and climbed under the dribble of water. I soaped my hands and washed my cock; it was a little sore but hardened as I recalled my time with Karen. While the water ran cold I stroked, giving myself a little relief.

  Chapter Six

  I’d slept like the dead and was only woken by the noise of Robert stomping about the office. I assumed it was time to get up. I stretched and grinned, still recalling the previous afternoon’s activities. By the time I finally rolled out of bed, Robert was showered and dressed, having made his bed and tidied the space we called home.

  I dressed, and as we waited for Joe to arrive I took the piece of paper from my jean pocket and sat on the edge of the desk, deciding what to do. I must have picked the phone up and replaced it three or four times.

  “Make the fucking call,” Robert said.

  “I will. I just want to make her wait a little,” I replied.

  “Well, since it’s just eight o’clock in the morning and you saw her only a few hours ago, you’re not exactly making her wait long.”

  I picked up the phone again and dialled. A continuous tone informed me I had dialled the wrong number. I tried again.

  “Something’s wrong with this phone,” I said as I replaced the handset.

  “Or she didn’t give you the correct number,” Robert replied.

  “Of course she did. I’ll try again later.”

  I folded the piece of paper and returned it to my pocket. Rob and I sat and waited for Joe to arrive. We heard the car pull up outside, and footsteps as Joe and Goon made their way up the stairs to the office door.

  “Good morning,” I said, smiling at Goon. One day I was sure he would smile back.

  “You want to head out with Richard again today?” Joe asked.

  “Sure,” Robert replied.

  We made our way to the door where Richard was waiting.

  “Oh, Trav, don’t fuck the tenants,” Joe said with a chuckle as we left.

  “What can I say? She wanted me,” I called over my shoulder.

  We climbed into a car and drove off. Instead of collecting rents at apartment blocks, we made our way to a row of stores. We followed Richard from one to the other. Sometimes we were offered a coffee or, as was the case with the deli, something to eat. As we hadn’t had breakfast we accepted all offers. Richard introduced us to every person we met and it was immediately obvious how uncomfortable people were around Robert.


  It was a week later before I finally managed to catch up with Karen again. I had gone back to the apartment after it became apparent the phone number she had given me was wrong, but she was never in. However, it was rent day and as usual I climbed the stairs straight to the top floor while Robert started at the bottom. Richard no longer accompanied us, we knew what to do and Joe was happy for us to be left to it. I ignored Mistress Spanx, opting to start with Karen. I knocked on her door and waited with a smile on my face. However, that smile soon slipped when the door was opened by a guy. The same guy I had seen in the photographs with Karen.

  “Is Karen in?” I asked.

  “Who wants to know?” he replied.

  “Tell her it’s Travis.”

  He turned his head to shout over his shoulder. “Some kid called Travis is asking for you.”

  I glared at him. He was about the same height as me, a lot older with a pouch of a belly hanging over the top of his jeans. A cigarette hung from his mouth, and he had an attitude, one I didn’t like. I stared at him, unsmiling. Karen came to the door; I noticed how she put her hand on his back as she stood beside him.

  “Rent’s due,” I said.

  “Oh, of course,” she replied.

  She was struggling to look me in the eye as she collected her purse from a table near the door.

  “I think your phone’s broken,” I said to her.

  “Nothing wrong with the phone, buddy,” the guy said.

  “Not your buddy, buddy,” I replied.

  Karen looked uncomfortable, obviously feeling the tension radiating from us. She fumbled around in her purse before handing over a stack of bills. I took my time writing her receipt, liking how uncomfortable she began to look. She kept her eyes cast down and shuffled from foot to foot. After the guy had taken the receipt and had started to close the door, I caught her eye. She mouthed the word, “Sorry,” before the door was finally shut.

  “Fucking bitch,” I mumbled to myself before moving on to the next apartment.

  I brooded the whole day. Robert had asked three or four times what was wrong with me, why I was so quiet but I just shrugged it off. The more I thought about it the angrier I got. We had finished our last rent collection for that day and started to walk back to the office, passing the apartment block on the way. I paused as we got close.

  “You want to go and see her?” Robert asked.

  “No, I think she lives with a guy, although he looked old enough to be her dad,” I said.

  “How do you know?”

  I told him what had happened that morning. He offered to go around and investigate, but he had been in a strange mood all day and there was no telling what his version of investigation was. We returned to the office, leaving the rent and our notebooks, before heading to the gym. As we walked I tore up the paper w
ith the phone number on it and deposited it in a trash can.

  I encountered Karen again the following week. I knocked on her door expecting the guy to answer; she opened it instead.

  “Hi, Travis. Rent day again? Seems to come around so fast,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Sure is,” I replied, opening my notepad ready to record her payment.

  “Do you want to come in? Have a coffee with me?”

  “Sure your dad won’t mind?” I asked, the sarcasm dripped off every word.

  She sighed. “I’m sorry about that, I should have been honest. Come in, let me explain.”

  I followed her to the kitchen and leant against a counter top while she made coffee.

  “So, who is he?” I asked.

  She paused, not looking at me. “He’s my boyfriend. Correct that, my ex-boyfriend, should he ever get his ass in gear and move out.”

  She finished making the coffee and we sat in the living room, sipping our drink in silence for a few moments.

  “Why won’t he move out?” I asked.

  “He says he can’t find anywhere to live. He doesn’t work; he drinks too much and likes to be waited on.”

  Karen placed her coffee on the floor and slid closer to me, she rested her hand on my thigh, letting her fingers trail over my jeans. I could feel my cock stiffen as her hand wandered farther up. She took my coffee cup and placed it next to hers before she stood and held out a hand to me. I took it and she led me to her bedroom.

  It was a small room, with a double bed under the one window and a wooden closet against the opposite wall. Beside the bed was a nightstand with yet another picture of the happy couple. If he was her ex, why all the photographs? I stopped caring the moment she gripped the edges of my T-shirt and pulled it over my head. Her nails scraped down my chest, leaving small scratch marks in their wake. She unbuttoned my jeans, and falling to her knees, dragged them to my ankles. I didn’t wear shorts normally and when my cock sprang free, she wrapped one hand around it. I started my silent alphabet recital.

  Her lips closed around my cock as her hand cupped my balls. I gripped her hair as her mouth sucked and her teeth scraped gently against me. I drew in a deep breath. By the time I had made it through three sets of the alphabet, forwards and backwards, I was struggling to hold back. I pulled her head from my cock. As she rose she dragged her T-shirt over her head, undid her jeans and let them fall to the floor. She unhooked her bra, sliding it off her shoulders, and then slid down her panties. Just the sight of her stripping in front of me had my heart racing.


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