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Breaking Rein (Horse Play Series Book 3)

Page 8

by A. D. Ryan

  Madison and Willow talked while Brandon and I stood by in awkward silence. I noticed Madison would say something into Willow’s ear, only to have Willow nod and then respond into Madison’s. Willow nodded one final time, handing something to Madison as she straightened up and squeezed my hand.

  “Okay, you guys have fun! We’ll see you in the morning!” Madison called over her shoulder, dragging me behind her as I still tried to figure out what was happening.

  We were outside the club, pulling our jackets on, before I was finally able to wrap my mind around what was happening. “Wait, what about the others?”

  “They’re going to take a cab back to the apartment. They weren’t ready to leave,” Madison explained, pulling me to her side as we wandered down the sidewalk toward the parking lot.

  The cool night air seeped in, chilling me slightly. While I knew I wasn’t exactly sober, the fresh air seemed to amplify everything all at once, and I found myself using Madison to balance. My clumsiness caused her to topple slightly because she mustn’t have been expecting it.

  “Sssorry,” I apologized, hearing my slurred voice for the first time in the silence of the night as I found my feet again—for the moment.

  With her right arm wrapped around my back, she pulled her left arm across her body and placed her hand on my waist as I slung my left arm over her shoulders. “That’s okay. Are you okay now? We can’t both be falling over into the streets now,” she teased, pinching my side lightly and making me laugh because it tickled.

  “Hmmm … It would appear that someone is ticklish,” she pointed out with a laugh.

  Even though I knew that I probably wasn’t a match for her, I had to let her know I was willing to fight back if necessary. “Iss thiss really a war you wish to starrr’, Landry?”

  “Probably.” Madison poked me once more. “I might actually stand a chance right now.” I was just about to retaliate when we arrived at the SUV, and she unlocked the doors. “You okay to get in, Tipsy?”

  “Haha,” I deadpanned, but just as I was about to step up into the vehicle, I stumbled, catching myself on the open door. “I meant t’ do tha’.”

  “Right.” I might have been wasted, but I still picked up the cynical tone of her voice.

  Once I was secure in my seat, Madison rounded the front of the vehicle and hopped into the driver’s seat, sliding the key into the ignition and turning it. “Buckle up.”

  Before I listened, I leaned over the center console, resting my hand on her upper thigh and kissing along her jaw toward her mouth as my hand moved up along the inner seam of her jeans.

  “Jensen.” Her voice was a breathless whisper, barely heard over the pounding of my heart.

  When my hand finally reached the juncture between her thighs, she turned her face to mine and kissed me passionately, moaning into my mouth as my hand began to move back and forth between her legs. Increasing pressure, my fingers continued to move over the ridges of denim before I moved them up to the button of her pants so I could feel the silkiness of her skin.

  “Wait,” she panted, pulling her mouth from mine. “We can’t do this in Brandon’s car. He’d kill u—” Just as she was about to finish her sentence, my hand slid into the front of her jeans, my long fingers finding her wet with desire as they slid languidly through her warm sex. She squirmed beneath my touch, whimpering as my forefinger pressed down on her clit. “Fuck, you need to sto—no—don’t … Oh, shit …” And just like that, Madison’s left hand slapped flat against the driver’s side window while her right clenched the shoulder of my shirt, and she sank her teeth into her lower lip as she came.

  Feeling pretty damn smug, and maybe a little less wasted, I withdrew my hand and sat back. “Shall we?”

  Madison turned to me, her eyes heavily hooded and her hair a little messy from rubbing against the back of the seat. “What about you?”

  “I can wait ’til we get back to the apartment …” My cock throbbed, clearly disagreeing with my statement. It it wasn’t for my pants, it would stand up and stage a protest. “Drive fast, though.”

  I either lost consciousness for a brief period or Madison had a secret transporter that got us to the apartment in record time. Once the car was parked in its spot (I think—I wasn’t really paying much attention to anything but Madison’s heaving cleavage or the smell of her pussy on my fingers), we flew to the door of the building. Laughing and kissing, we stumbled up the stairs until we hit the door to the lobby and burst through it. Being as late as it was, it was deserted, so we continued to paw at each other like it was the very first time we were going to be together.

  Madison’s hands moved swiftly down my body and slipped into my pants until she gripped my erection. Her warm hand was so soft as she pumped up and then down, twisting slightly before making her ascent again. I needed her fucking naked and underneath me five fucking minutes ago, but at the rate the elevator was moving, I would be forced to wait even fucking longer. Impatiently, I grunted into Madison’s mouth, pushing that damn up arrow button a million times—plus a few extra for good measure.

  When the elevator doors opened with an insistent moan—no, wait. That was me—Madison removed her hand and clutched the front of my shirt in her tiny fists, pushing me into the elevator until my back was pressed against the wall, her mouth trailing down my jaw … throat … chest … all the while tugging my shirt skyward until her warm lips were tasting the skin beneath it.

  When she dropped to her knees in the fucking elevator before me, I almost came right then and there—the thought that she was going to give me head in a public place excited me. That thrill was soon lost when the elevator dinged before lurching to a stop, indicating that we had reached our floor. It figured the damn machine would choose right fucking then to work efficiently.

  Looking slightly disappointed, Madison hopped to her feet and led me to Willow and Brandon’s apartment before unlocking the door and pulling me through. Once in the privacy of their front entry, I slammed the door shut and pressed Madison’s hot little body between the solid wooden door and mine. She sighed toward the ceiling when my hands found her ass and lifted her from the ground, carrying her (surprisingly steadily) toward our bedroom where I planned to do so very many naughty things to her.

  Setting her back down onto the floor, my hands moved up her body, my fingers curling into the exposed flesh of her back, searching for where the fabric started so I could tug her shirt off her. Her skin was so soft beneath my hands as I palmed her full, perky tits, and the feeling of her nipples hardening under my touch caused my cock to react in a similar manner. It was too much; I couldn’t resist the desire to have my mouth on them any fucking longer.

  “Oh, God,” Madison moaned, her fingers weaving into my hair again, holding my face to her chest as she arched her back into the sensation. I kissed, licked, and sucked on her pebbled peaks for a few minutes, being sure to give them as much equal attention as I could manage before I wobbled a bit on my feet, reminding me again that I was still intoxicated.

  Thankfully, Madison noticed—or, was that good? Fuck, I had no clue anymore.

  “Lay back on the bed.” Madison’s voice was soft, yet full of authority like mine had been the night before.

  I moved around her until my back was to the bed, but before I could do as asked, she lifted my shirt over my head and undid my jeans, letting them pool around my ankles. After pushing my boxer briefs down to join them, I sat on the bed, scooting back until my head rested on the pillows. Smiling, Madison tugged my shoes, socks, and jeans off before ridding her own gorgeous body of her clothes as well.

  Once we were both naked, Madison crawled up the bed—up my body—until she was kissing me again, and her wet pussy grazed the head of my cock. “Wait,” I breathed into her mouth just as she positioned herself above me, even though the temptation to pull her down hard and fast was quickly over-powering me.

  “Why?” she asked, her voice no longer firm, but more strangled as I refused her immediate gratifica

  Smiling, I kissed the tip of her nose—or meant to, my eyesight was starting to blur, and I got her just below the eye. “I wanna sit up while you ride me.”

  “Oh …” She smiled.

  Using my arms, I pushed myself up, positioning the pillows between the wall and me and pulling her hips forward to align our bodies. Slowly, I eased her down on me, enjoying the gradual sensation of pleasure that made my entire body numb. I groaned when every solid inch of my cock was sheathed within her warm, wet pussy. “You feel amazing.”

  “Uh huh,” she whimpered. Leisurely, she moved her hips up a couple of inches, and I dug my fingers in, pulling her back down. She moved to rise up again, but I was having none of it, repeating my previous action, this time pulling her forward too.

  I closed my eyes as Madison and I played this little game, trying to figure out who was in control as both of us grunted and cried out about how good it felt. I could feel my pleasure pushing its way through my body, numbing my senses entirely as Madison screamed out, her hands slamming against the wall on either side of my head.

  I was close … so motherfucking close … My hands moved down to cup her ass as she hurried her movements, my fingers curling into the muscular flesh as she continued to writhe above me, working frantically toward her own climax.

  “Oh, Jensen,” she moaned, dropping her head to my shoulder as my muscles tightened in preparation of my release, blackness seeping in before the epic finale. “Jensen.” More whispered sighs of love and devotion filled the room as my hands fell from Madison’s ass. “Jensen …?”

  Chapter 9. Parental Guidance

  Slowly, I opened my eyes, squinting against the light streaming in from the window. It was weird I hadn’t noticed how bright the streetlamps were the night before. Groaning, I rolled over to find the bed next to me empty and grew confused. Unfortunately, confusion meant I started to think, and thinking lead to brain usage—which, after drinking as much as I had, led to a killer headache.

  “Jensen?” Hearing her voice reminded me of the sex we’d had, and I smiled, rolling back the other way to find her fully clothed and holding a mug of steaming coffee—which was weird.

  “What time is it?” I asked quietly so as not to upset the little guy using the jackhammer on my brain. My voice was dry and raspy, making me cringe as I reached for the coffee Madison was now handing to me.

  “It’s just after ten in the morning.” There was something in her eyes that confused me further, and I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me. She had this cute little half-smirk going on, her right eyebrow was arched slightly, and there was something in her eyes that looked like it wanted to be irritation. It was all very strange—which made jackhammer-guy go crazy on my brain again. “You, uh, passed out last night.”

  “Well, if I’m remembering correctly, you thoroughly wore me out,” I told her slyly, setting the coffee mug down on the nightstand and reaching for her. Weird … Both of her eyebrows were raised, and she pulled away from me. “What?”

  “You. Passed. Out.”

  “Uhhh …” Jackhammer-guy was having a motherfucking hay-day in my head as I tried to figure out the hidden meaning her words obviously held. Why women couldn’t just come out and say what they were thinking was beyo—”Oh my God!”

  “There it is …” she said smugly, adding a little snicker at the end when I clutched the side of my head to stop the throbbing my outburst caused.

  I sat up a little too quickly, instantly regretting it, as I vaguely remembered Madison and I in the throes of passion before I climaxed and (apparently) passed out before she could get hers. I was a shit!

  “Here,” Madison said, holding out her other hand. In it were two Tylenol that I took with another swill of my black coffee.

  “Madi, honey, I am sooo sorry. See, that’s what happens when I drink too much …” Madison only laughed, which had to mean she wasn’t really upset … right?

  Pushing me back down onto the bed, she sidled up to my left side, rested her head on my shoulder, and draped her left arm and leg over my body. “It’s no big deal, sweetie. It’s not like I’ve never passed out on you. I just didn’t expect it to happen then.“

  “I am such a shit!” I exclaimed, mirroring my previous thoughts. “I swear I’ll make it up to you …”

  “Oh, you bet your ass you will. By the way, your mother called about fifteen minutes ago. When you didn’t answer your phone, she tried mine.” I nodded, sitting us up a little to take another drink of my coffee. “She wants us to stop by for dinner on our way home. Lilah and Kyle can’t because they promised they’d have dinner with his folks tonight before leaving the city.”


  “I told them we’d be there in a few hours. Willow and Brandon are making us breakfast, and then we’ll head out.” She smirked, walking her fingers up and down my chest, teasing the light smattering of chest hair that I had. “I’ll drive if you’re still not feeling up to it.”

  After agreeing, Madison sat up, pulling the blankets back and exposing my still-naked body to the cold air and her eyes. “Come on, get dressed. Breakfast should be ready soon.”

  Once I was dressed, I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and tongue clear of the fuzz that had a tendency to form after a long night of binge drinking. When I was satisfied, I headed out to the kitchen to find Madison at the table with Lilah and Kyle, laughing at something Kyle said.

  “Well, good morning, pookie,” Kyle greeted me as I refilled the coffee mug I still had. “How far did you get before you passed the fuck out?”

  I inhaled sharply, my head jerking toward Madison who was staring at me wide-eyed. “Madison!” I hissed, and she shook her head adamantly as the heat of embarrassment flooded my cheeks and ears. “How could you?

  “I swear, I didn’t say a word. I can only assume Kyle thinks you passed out on the ride home since he just told me that’s what happened to him.”

  Kyle’s eyes sparkled, and the dimples in his damn cheeks deepened even more as he realized what he had inadvertently stumbled upon. “You passed out during sex? Oh, man!”

  Groaning, I palmed my face in my free hand and avoided looking at him. There was no way that this wasn’t getting discussed, and it was then that I vowed to never drink again. Alcohol was bad news.

  “So, just how far did you get?”

  “Ewww!” Lilah whined, slapping her husband’s arm. “Kyle, that’s private!”

  “Thank you,” I said, taking a seat next to Madison and looking at her apologetically, because this had to embarrass her just as much as it did me. And I wasn’t one who was easily embarrassed. “Can we please talk about something else?”

  “Gladly,” Madison complied at the same time Kyle grumbled, “Fine.”

  The room fell silent for a minute while I tried to think of something to talk about, but I just couldn’t; I was still too busy thinking about how I had passed out on Madison—or under her, if I was remembering correctly.

  In order to avoid Kyle’s smug stare after breakfast, I offered to help Brandon with the clean-up—not that my choice was any safer, because he eyed me like he wanted the dirty details as well. Finally, I just couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I’d had a lot to drink, okay. It’s not like I intended to pass out.” I tossed the dishtowel down onto the counter before facing everyone. The entire room—including Madison, thankfully—burst out laughing, and I felt a little bit better having addressed the elephant in the room.

  Now that it wasn’t some big secret, Kyle was able to focus on something else, which was trying to convince Madison that one more game of Tetris was in order before we left for my parents’ house. She was a good sport, skipping off to the living room behind him after planting a chaste kiss on my cheek and squeezing my ass. It was nice to see she didn’t harbor any resentment toward me for last night.

  After she kicked Kyle’s ass three times, Madison told him that we had to hit the road, but that she’d find a way to let him have ano
ther chance to challenge her again.

  We said a tearful goodbye to Willow and Brandon—well, tearful on Madison’s part. Willow and Brandon promised to make the trip to Savannah as often as work allowed for it, and after one more round of hugs, Madison and I left. Since I still wasn’t feeling great, Madison drove all the way to my parents’ place. It allowed me the opportunity to rest my eyes—no, not pass out, because I probably wouldn’t have lived it down if I fell asleep on the drive, too.

  When we arrived at my parents’, my mom came right out to greet us as we made our way up the walk. “Oh! You’re earlier than I thought! Jensen, how many times do I have to tell you to slow down?”

  I looked over to Madison who was blushing furiously. “Sorry, Janet. I was actually driving. That damn truck has such a touchy accelerator.”

  “Oh,” Mom said, looking from Madison to me, and then back again. “I guess sometimes it can’t be helped.”

  Chuckling, I shook my head at the extreme double standard. “Nice, Mom. Way to play favorites.”

  “I don’t see you carrying my grandchild …” There was a subtle note of jest in her tone as she shot me a glance over her shoulder.

  “All the more reason she should be careful when driving,” I pointed out as we crossed the threshold. “So, what did you guys do this weekend?”

  Mom closed the door behind us as we took off our shoes and stepped into the foyer, making our way into the house and sitting in the family room. Mom had a fire going in the fireplace since it was a particularly brisk November day, and it cast a warm glow over the deep brown leather furniture.

  “Well, after stopping by the clinic, I went and did a little baby shopping”—I rolled my eyes and laughed at her, pulling Madison’s hand into mine and holding it—“and your father’s been on call all weekend. He just got called out about two hours ago and should be home soon.” Settling into the armchair in the corner, she smiled at us. “And how was your night? Madison tells me you all went out?”


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