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Breaking Rein (Horse Play Series Book 3)

Page 24

by A. D. Ryan

  I was shocked he’d even think that. “Oh, no. I just …” I was nervous to bring this up. “We need to be … um careful.” Nothing like killing the mood by having the birth control talk with him poised and ready to take the plunge—pardon the pun.

  “Careful …” he repeated slowly. “So …?”

  “I’m on the pill, but I only just started the other day,” I explained quietly, nervous for some reason to make the suggestion that was burning the tip of my tongue. “So, we should use condoms for the next little while until it’s working. Is that … is it okay?”

  Jensen seemed torn as he sat back on his heels. It really shouldn’t have been a big deal, I mean, we used condoms for the beginning of our relationship before getting pregnant.

  “Jensen?” I was suddenly nervous that he wasn’t okay with this.

  His eyebrows pulled together. “I didn’t bring any with me,” he admitted, sounding pretty disappointed because he probably thought he wasn’t going to get laid now.

  Relieved that he wasn’t upset by having to use them, I sat up and kissed his mouth before peppering his jaw with tiny kisses and stopping at his ear. “I did,” I whispered. “They’re in the night stand.”

  There seemed to be a very brief moment of uncertainty in his eyes where he didn’t want to leave the juncture between my legs, but he quickly changed his tune. After rolling the condom into place, Jensen re-joined me on the bed and kissed me slowly and sweetly.

  Soon, the passion in the room reignited and with one slow shift of his hips, we were joined and moving together rhythmically. At first, it was a little uncomfortable, reminding me a little of my first time. I buried my head into his shoulder and stifled any sounds of discomfort, knowing that I just needed a minute to adjust.

  Thankfully, the discomfort passed, and soon I was throwing my head back in pure rapture as Jensen kissed and nipped at my neck. My entire body broke out in a light sheen of sweat as we continued to move against each other, working toward a long overdue release.

  My hips moved a little faster, hoping to entice Jensen to follow my lead, but he didn’t. I could tell by the look of obvious concentration on his face, coupled with his moderate pace above me, that he was struggling to hold off his orgasm so he wouldn’t finish before I’d at least gotten mine.

  “Jensen,” I said breathlessly, causing his eyes to focus on me. “I’m so close, baby …” He groaned above me, dropping his lips to mine and ensnaring my left hip tightly in his right hand as he thrust into me hard and fast.

  The feel of his short nails digging into the flesh of my hips made me gasp into his mouth. “Yes,” I moaned into his enthusiastic kisses. “Just like that.”

  Warmth spread throughout my body, the muscles in my stomach tightening as my heels dug into Jensen’s ass, encouraging his new zealous pace with enthusiasm. “I’m gonna,” he panted, pulling his lips from mine and pressing his forehead to mine. “I need you to … sorry! Oh, God!”

  Jensen’s movements became shorter as his orgasm took hold, but I was so close and not willing to go without. So I snaked my right arm between us, locking my eyes on his when he felt it. “Oooh,” I moaned the minute my fingers worked to push me over the edge with him. Even though he was riding the final waves of his orgasm, Jensen’s hips kept moving against me, aiding my efforts until finally, warm tingles erupted below the surface of my skin, shooting out of my fingertips and curling my toes as I came.

  Breathing heavily, Jensen collapsed on top of me, kissing my shoulder and whispering his apologies over and over again for having climaxed like it was the first time he’d had sex.

  Lifting my head off the thick comforter, I looked over his shoulder to the clock on the nightstand. “Well, it looks like we missed our dinner reservation.”

  Jensen chuckled, slowly pushing himself off of me but keeping his arm draped over me as he lay to my right side. “I cancelled it while you were doing your hair,” he admitted.

  “So, you anticipated getting me into bed then?” I said, trying to sound serious, but the smile on my face told him just how serious I wasn’t.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t expect it just a little,” he challenged.

  I laughed. “Of course I did, I just wondered what took you so long. I mean, we’ve been here for a couple of days now.”

  Jensen shrugged, running his hand over my almost-flat belly. “Waiting for the right moment, I suppose.”

  I sighed, shaking my head as I rolled over and propped myself onto my right arm. He mirrored my pose, using his left arm to hold himself at eye level with me as I ran my free hand through his hair, the light from above the bed glinting off the diamond in my engagement ring. “Haven’t you learned by now that sometimes it’s okay to just seize the moment?”

  As if knowing what I was talking about, he pulled my hand from his hair and kissed right above the gorgeous ring. “I suppose you have a point. What do you say, we go hop in the shower and then head out on the town to find a bite to eat and maybe seize a few more moments.”

  All I could do was nod as he pulled me from the bed and to the bathroom where he started the shower for us.

  After showering, I pulled my damp hair up into a ponytail before donning a pair of jeans and a fitted white sweater while Jensen dressed in jeans and a black tee. Taking my hand in his, he escorted me from the room and we hit the Cheesecake Factory in the Forum Shops just adjacent to Caesar’s Palace. The food there was to die for and vegetarian friendly—unlike all of the talked-about buffets in a majority of the casinos. With my belly full from the Portobello mushroom burger and Jensen taking his last bite of his grilled vegetable pizza, we paid the check and headed out onto the strip to see if there weren’t any more moments to be seized.

  We walked and talked, stopped a few times to see some of the street performances before moving along to the next vendor. Everything was so bright and cheerful; it was hard not to have a good time.

  Then, completely out of nowhere, Jensen stopped and turned toward a set of doors. I took one look at the sign, and my eyes widened so much it probably should have hurt while my heart started to beat a little irregularly.

  “Jensen,” I said softly, not quite sure what to think about this turn of events. “My dad would be furious.”

  Jensen’s eyebrows arched devilishly, almost as though he were daring me, as he tugged me for the door. “Last I checked, you were an adult. Are you saying you don’t want to do this? It could be fun.”

  My heart continued to pound out to the words, “I do, I do, I do,” and I nodded, following him happily through the main doors.

  “Okay,” I said. “Let’s do this.”

  Focus, Landry! It was ridiculous just how often I seemed to be tripping over my own two feet. It wasn’t like this was too difficult, or it didn’t seem too difficult watching others do it. But when it was me … ?

  “Ouch!” Brandon yelled after I stepped on his toes for the umpteenth time.

  For weeks I’d been having trouble focusing. There was so much on my plate: Allie, the wedding, training for the Masters, the upcoming camps … It was almost too much. I was so stressed out and, as of late, I had no way of relieving that stress.

  Cringing and crinkling up my nose, I dropped Brandon’s hand and stepped back, ready to admit defeat. “That’s it. I give up, you guys. This whole thing was a bad idea.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” Willow assured me sweetly, moving across the hardwood floors of their newly renovated basement with the grace I lacked. “You just need a little more coaching.”

  I huffed in exasperation, yanking my fingers through my hair. I could feel tears brewing, and I knew it was no longer just about my inability to learn how to dance, but what was going on at home. “We’ve been at this for almost five weeks, Willow. I’m not getting any better.”

  The little pixie only smirked at me. “You’re not getting any worse.”

  Rolling my damp eyes, I dropped to the floor and buried my face in my hands. I sat there for a few minutes wo
ndering how I ever thought this was going to work. I should have known better than to add one more thing to my already full plate.

  About two months prior, Willow and I were talking about wedding preparations, and I was telling her the song Jensen and I chose for our first dance as husband and wife. Admittedly, it was probably a little cheesy, but it was the first song we danced to at his sister’s wedding almost two years ago … or, he danced, I stood on the tops of his feet and swayed along. Sure, it was kind of romantic, but I figured it would be nice to maybe surprise him on our wedding day with actually being able to dance.

  Who knew I was a lost cause?

  “Hey, Brandon?” Willow whispered. “Would you mind giving us a minute?”

  “Of course.” There was a brief pause in the room, and all I could hear was my own breathing. “You know, Madi”—I lifted my face from my hands and looked at Brandon—“you’re really not as bad as you think you are. You just need to relax.”

  “Easy for him to say,” I mumbled as he retreated for the stairs. Dropping my hands, I started fidgeting with the laces of my sneakers until Willow started talking.

  “So, what’s going on? Brandon’s right … you seem a little uptight.” Willow was never one to sugarcoat whatever was on her mind. Not that I’d have wanted her to; I always appreciated her candid honesty. “Are things okay at home? Allie still sleeping okay?”

  The mere mention of my sweet angel’s name turned my frown upside down. “She’s perfectly fine. She has the odd night of sleeplessness, but for the most part? She’s just a delight.”

  “So then what is it?”

  I shrugged—not because I didn’t know, but because I didn’t want to tell.

  “Madi …” I recognized that tone, and I knew if I didn’t start talking, she’d find a way to weasel it out of me eventually. And her methods usually led to a killer hangover the next morning.

  “Everything’s just happening all at once, you know?” Willow’s left brow quirked upward curiously. “The wedding. The Masters.”

  Ever the perceptive one, Willow shook her head. “No, that’s not all of it … come on, Madi. Talk to me.”

  Biting my lip, I dropped my eyes from hers. “You’re right . . .” I took a deep breath and steeled my resolve. “I’m starting to feel like maybe history is repeating itself.”

  “Oh my god!” Willow squeaked, forcing my eyes back to hers. They were positively sparkling with excitement, which was not the reaction I was expecting. “That explains it! How you’re so tired … your increased lack of coordination …. You’re pregnant again!”

  If I wasn’t already sitting on the floor, I’d have fallen right the hell over. “What? No, I’m not.” Willow’s elation died a speedy death, and she furrowed her brow at me. “In order for that to even be a possibility, we’d have to be having sex.”

  “Oh.” Willow’s forehead softened with empathy before she shook the look from her eyes. “Wait … when you said you felt like history was repeating itself, you didn’t mean—” I shrugged. “Madi Landry, there is no way that man is cheating on you! Have you lost your bloody mind?”

  My eyes stung with tears as I threw my head back and looked at the ceiling. “Then what is it? He barely even touches me anymore. We wake up, get Allie ready, eat breakfast, Siobhan comes to take care of Allie while Jensen and I head off to work.” I inhaled a sharp, shaky breath. “Then we have lunch, I train while Jensen does … well, whatever it is he does while I train, and then we go home, have dinner and go to bed where nothing happens.”

  Instead of wrapping me in the hug I so desperately needed, Willow laughed. I watched her for a minute, unable to see the humour in my situation and waited for her to tell me what the hell she thought was so damn funny. When she didn’t say anything, but instead started wiping tears of laughter from the corner of her eye, I shoved her onto her side.

  “What the hell is so damn funny?” I demanded.

  Struggling to catch her breath, Willow pushed herself back up into a sitting position. “Madi, come on. You can’t really think he’s cheating on you.” I stared at her blankly. “You guys run a very successful business, you’re planning a wedding, and are raising a one-year-old little girl. Your lack of sex isn’t because he’s gone looking for it elsewhere … it’s because you’re both exhausted.”

  Was she right? I was tired, and it did seem like I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow most nights. I still wasn’t buying it though.

  I shook my head and pushed myself to my feet. “No. That’s never stopped us before. I mean, Jesus, Willow, he passed out once.”

  “Uh, yeah, because he was wasted,” she reminded me, hopping to her feet too. “That doesn’t count. Come with me. I’m going to give you an early wedding present in hopes that it will help you solve this little problem.”

  I probably should have been concerned about how Willow planned to fix the lack of sex in my relationship … and, if I was being completely honest, as she pulled me into her bedroom and pushed me down onto her bed, my heart began to hammer painfully against my ribs. What the hell was she planning to do?

  Then, just as quickly as I was on her bed, she was in her closet. I could hear her rummaging around in there, looking for what, I didn’t know. So when she emerged with a small white box, I found myself only slightly relieved. I mean, I still didn’t know what was inside the box … and she also closed her door on the way back to the bed.

  “Willow, what are you …?”

  She dropped the box on my lap and smiled. “Just open it. I was going to wait until your bachelorette party, but given the circumstances, I think you deserve it early.”

  Without taking my eyes from hers, I slowly lifted the lid from the plain white box. Upon hearing the faint crinkle of tissue paper, I let my gaze fall to the open box in my lap. A tiny gasp fills the room when I take in the small scrap of black fabric. I finally located the thin straps and lift the lacy, see-through lingerie from the box.

  “Willow, what the hell is this?”

  Willow bounced up and down, clapping her hands like a lunatic. “Sex clothes!” she squealed, charging forward and taking them from me to show me from a distance. “See, I figured, you go home now … it’ll be after dinner, Allie will have just gone down for bed. You’ll be wearing this and nothing more—”

  “Oooooh, no … Willow, you know I’m not that kind of girl!”




  Blood Moon (Blood Moon Legacy, #1)

  Wolf Moon (Blood Moon Legacy, #2)

  Blue Moon (Blood Moon Legacy, #3)

  Crescent Moon (Blood Moon Legacy, #1.5)

  Hunter’s Moon (Blood Moon Legacy, #4) (Coming Late 2017)


  Horse Play (Horse Play, #1)

  Chompin’ at the Bit (Horse Play, #2)

  Breaking Rein (Horse Play, #3) (Coming Summer 2017)

  Foalin’ Around (Horse Play, #4) (Coming 2018)

  Back in the Saddle (a Horse Play spinoff) (Coming 2018)


  Remember When

  Just a Number

  Rm w/a Vu


  A.D. Ryan resides in Edmonton, Alberta with her extremely supportive husband and children (two sons and a stepdaughter). Reading and writing have always been a big part of her life, and she hopes that her books will entertain countless others the way that other authors have done for her. Even as a small child, she enjoyed creating new and interesting characters and molding their worlds around them.






  Table of Contents

  Breaking Rein

  Chapter 1. One Thing at a Time Here

  Chapter 2. Cat’s Out of the Bag

  Chapter 3. False Alarms

  Chapter 4. Start Spreadin’ the News

5. Intruder Alert

  Chapter 6. Suspicious Newcomer

  Chapter 7. Winner Takes All

  Chapter 8. Roles Reversed

  Chapter 9. Parental Guidance

  Chapter 10. Sense and Sensitivity

  Chapter 11. Payback Isn’t Always a Bitch

  Chapter 12. Hormones Are No Joke

  Chapter 13. Backed Into a Corner

  Chapter 14. Too Much of a Good Thing

  Chapter 15. Left Out

  Chapter 16. Big Discoveries & Bigger Mistakes

  Chapter 17. Suspicions are High

  Chapter 18. Got it Right This Time …

  Chapter 19. … Or Not

  Chapter 20. Enter: The Ice Queen

  Chapter 21. Caught in the Crossfire

  Chapter 22. Rescue Mission

  Chapter 23. Two Against One

  Chapter 24. Worse Than We Thought

  Chapter 25. And Baby Makes Three

  Chapter 26. Third Time’s a Charm

  Chapter 27. Adjustment Period

  Chapter 28. Lullaby & Good Night

  Chapter 29. What Happens in Vegas








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