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An Act of Salvation (Acts of Honor #2)

Page 7

by K. C. Lynn

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure you have it by morning.”

  Feeling confident that she got the message, I slam the door and make my way in on the other side then peel off. My foot’s heavy on the gas from the fury flowing through me, mixing in with a good dose of something else. Something I don’t want to name but know comes from seeing the girl next to me again.

  Jesus, I did not expect our first encounter to go like this.

  She stares out the window, arms crossed over her chest, giving me a glimpse of her cleavage that every other fucker in that club got to see. The thought takes my temper up another notch. “What the fuck were you doing there, Katelyn?”

  Her gaze snaps to me. “I was there trying to find the bitch who’s lying and accusing my brother of rape. What the hell were you doing there?”

  “Saving your ass, that’s what.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Oh please. I didn’t need you. I had it under control.”

  “Are you for real right now?”

  Her chin lifts. “I would’ve gotten myself out of it.”

  “Bullshit! You have no idea who you were just fucking with in there.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she screams back. “Not if it means clearing Kolan’s name and saving his reputation. Nothing else matters but that.”

  “That’s not your job. Leave it up to the law.” I point at her. “You’re going to back off now, do you hear me? No more playing Nancy fuckin’ Drew.”

  “Excuse me?” By her tone it’s clear I hit a nerve with that one. “Who the hell do you think you are barking orders at me? I had every right to be there. He’s my brother, and I’m the only one trying to help him. I will not give up until I clear his name. So fuck you and your order.”

  Her stubbornness has my hands tightening on the steering wheel. I pull up outside her apartment building, knowing where it is since I drove by last night after I landed. She doesn’t question me on it, probably because she’s too pissed.

  “What are you even doing here, Nick?” Her tone is softer but remains bitter.

  “You called me, remember?”

  “Yeah, trust me, I remember. Hard to forget that mistake.”

  My gaze meets hers and my chest constricts at the pain in her eyes. Jesus, she’s even prettier now, and I didn’t think that was possible.

  “I thought you of all people would know he’d never do anything like this.”

  “I never fucking said he did.”

  “You didn’t need to. I heard the doubt in your voice just like I’ve heard it in everyone else’s.” Tears start forming in her dark, exotic eyes as she reaches for the door handle. “Go home, Nick. I don’t need you and neither does Kolan. I’ll find a way to prove his innocence by myself. Even if I die trying.”

  Her parting words hit me like a punch to the gut. Before I can say anything else she jumps out and slams the door. I watch as she walks into the building with her shoulders slumped and arms wrapped around herself. I get the urge to go after her. It leaves me with an ache in my chest I don’t want to acknowledge and makes me feel things I don’t want to feel.

  I haven’t even been around her for twenty minutes and I’m already fucked.



  “You’re kidding me, Nick Stone is here in Charleston?” Faith asks, looking as shocked as I still feel. We sit in the back of my salon, having a cup of coffee while I kill time before my next client, since I had a cancelation.

  She came by to check on me and of course I filled her in on everything that happened. I didn’t think anything would shock her as much as me saying I ended up in a BDSM club and almost becoming leather face’s submissive, until I told her about Nick.

  “I would never joke about something like that,” I tell her seriously.

  A knowing smile graces her face. “Well, at least one good thing has come out of this mess.”

  “There’s nothing good about it. I made the mistake of calling him and asking for help. I thought he would believe in Kolan’s innocence as much as me, but I was wrong. It’s clear he feels the same as everyone else.” The thought stings now as much as it did two days ago.

  Faith reaches over and grabs my hand. “Not everyone.”

  I give her a weak smile. “I know.”

  Other than Faith no one else understands how good of a man my brother really is. He might have a dark side, something I learned more about last night, but he would never force himself on a woman. I wish I had found that bitch last night and figured out why she’s lying. I have considered that maybe this has to do with money since Kolan is well-off. But then wouldn’t she blackmail him instead of going to the cops? All of the unanswered questions have my head ready to explode.

  “And I don’t think everyone else believes it,” Faith says, pulling me from my thoughts. “I think they’re just as confused as we are. The evidence may be incriminating, but I would like to think Cooper is fair and wouldn’t hold judgment until he heard Kolan’s side of the story.”

  “I thought that too, but the few times I’ve spoken to him about it, it sounds like he’s already made up his mind.” I shake my head sadly. “I understand they don’t know Kolan like us, which is mainly his fault, but you would think they’d at least trust me.”

  Before Faith can respond, Chantal, one of my employees walks in the back. “Um, Katelyn,” she starts; her pink cheeks making her look flustered. “There’s some guy here to see you, and not just any guy, I think he might be the hottest one I’ve ever seen in real life. Like my fucking heart stopped when he walked in and all my lady bits are roaring to life with a vengeance.”

  A feeling of dread sinks into my tummy, yet I also can’t deny the flutter that runs through me. I know exactly who it is.

  Damn, I had a feeling he wouldn’t leave that easily.

  Faith smiles over at me. “Well, I wonder who that could be, hmmm?” She starts to walk out.

  “Faith! Get back here,” I whisper heatedly, but she ignores me and heads out front anyway. With a groan I follow her, feeling Chantal close on my heels. My other employee, Shawna, and her client are both gaping at Nick, their skin looking as flushed as Chantal’s.

  I don’t blame them. The man has only gotten sexier with age, especially with the way those loose, faded jeans hang enticingly from his lean hips or how that white T-shirt stretches across his broad shoulders, hugging his muscular frame. The stark color of it only enhances the tattoos decorating his arms, and I quickly notice some are new. Add in his dark, rumpled hair, killer blue-gray eyes, and strong jaw with a five o’clock shadow…he’s every woman’s wet dream.

  The bastard.

  “Well, if it isn’t the famous Nick Stone,” Faith says, walking right up and giving him a hug.

  He returns her gesture easily. “Hey, Faith. Pop said something about you and your parents moving down here.”

  “Yep, my dad took the senior pastor position at Peace Hill church a few years back. Turned out to be the best move of my life,” she tells him with a genuine smile that brings one of my own.

  It was the best move of her life. It was fate bringing her and Cade together again. It may have been a struggle at first but she got the happily ever after she deserved. She has a beautiful family now, and I couldn’t be happier for her. I’m also envious. I’d give anything to have that someday, for someone to love me as much as Cade loves her. However, I’m not holding my breath, not with my luck.

  “Glad to hear,” Nick says, before his eyes find mine.

  That stupid flutter moves in my chest again. You wouldn’t think seven years have passed between us. Even last night when I was furious with him, I couldn’t help but love being near him again. It brought me comfort when it shouldn’t have. I hate it—hate the effect he still has on me after all this time.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two alone. I was just on my way out,” Faith says, coming over and hugging me next. “Try not to give him too hard of a time, huh?” she whispers in my ear.

  I huff.

  Her arms tighten around me as she chuckles. “Everything will be okay, we’ll find him.”

  “Thanks for stopping by and checking on me,” I say softly.

  “Always. Keep me in the loop.”

  “I will.”

  With one final good-bye to everyone else, she leaves. Silence ensues throughout the salon as Nick and I stare at each other. I feel Shawna’s and Chantal’s eyes on us, making things even more awkward.

  I cross my arms over my chest. “What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk.”

  Talk my ass. I’ll bet he wants to yell at me again about last night.

  Not happening.

  “Well I can’t right now. I’m working.”

  “It’ll only take a few minutes.”

  “Sorry, you’ll have to make an appointment.”

  His eyes narrow. “Fine, then I’ll book a haircut…now.”

  “Can’t, I’m all booked up.”

  He looks around the shop, seeing my obvious lie. Shawna is the only one who has a client at the moment. Chantal’s isn’t due for thirty minutes and my one o’clock canceled which means I’m free for the next hour. Usually I’m swamped, even running behind at times, but of course, today of all days, I had to have a cancelation.

  Damn it!

  “I’ll give him a haircut.” Chantal volunteers all too happily, raising her hand, which she quickly lowers when I glare at her. “Or not.”

  “Actually, that’d be great, if you don’t mind.” Nick looks on smugly, taking my irritation to a whole new level.

  Chantal shifts nervously. “Uh—”

  “Fine! I’ll cut your stupid hair,” I snap. “Come to the sink.” Turning, I storm to the back, my heeled thigh-high boots clicking loudly with every stomp. I hear him chuckle behind me. It makes me want to turn around and slap him. Instead, I grab a cape as he takes a seat at one of the sinks…a nice bright pink one. He glares at it as I walk over to him.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to stop my smile from breaking free at the expression on his face. “Sit up, I need to drape you.”

  “You’re not putting that fucking thing on me.”

  “I have to, I can’t cut your hair without it.”

  “Bullshit. Don’t tell me you put that on every guy who walks in here.”

  “Just the special ones,” I reply with a sweet smile.

  As I go to put it around him, he dodges my attempt. “I mean it, Katelyn. You’re not putting that on me.” I can tell by the stubborn set of his jaw he isn’t going to budge.

  I wonder what he’d do if I took him back to my wax room and gave him a manzilian… Wait, no. Not a good idea, Katelyn.

  “Ugh, fine!” I walk away and grab the black one but put it to the side since I don’t need it until I cut his hair anyway. I only wanted the pink one to make an ass out of him; I should have known I wouldn’t get so lucky.

  Draping a towel around his shoulders I press my hand to his chest, ignoring how firm it feels beneath my palm as he reclines back. Once he’s situated I bring the nozzle over his head and turn it on before letting the water warm up.


  I jump to the side as he shoots up, away from the cold water. “Oops. Sorry ’bout that,” I apologize with an innocent smile.

  He glares at me. “You’re fucking asking for it.”

  The dark look in his eyes steals my breath. It’s the same look I remember from all those years ago when I’d push every one of his buttons, tempting him every chance I had.

  Don’t think about the past.

  Clearing my throat, I tear my gaze from his and start rinsing his hair once the water is warm. As I reach for the shampoo I decide to break the silence. “Go ahead and say whatever it is you want to say so you can go back to your life.”

  “We both know I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Why not? There’s no need for you to be here. I only called you because I thought you would believe in his innocence. Since you don’t—”

  “Stop fucking saying that,” he snaps. “I don’t think he’s guilty. I never did.”

  I scoff. “You could’ve fooled me. You were a complete dick on the phone.”

  “Would you cut me some slack? Your call caught me off guard. It’s been a long time.”

  “You think I don’t know that? Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to make that call?” I ask, hurt lacing my words. “I was terrified. You were my last hope for help and you threw it back in my face.” I look away as my eyes start to burn then turn on the hose again to rinse the shampoo out of his hair.

  He remains quiet until I turn the water off and start putting the conditioner in. “You’re right, I’m sorry,” he says, his voice softer. “I didn’t mean to be an asshole. I was just surprised. My reaction had nothing to do with thinking he’s guilty. If you would’ve answered my calls I could have told you I was coming. You shouldn’t have been at that club last night.” The last of his words come out harsh, dripping with disapproval.

  I look down at him, his face starting to blur from the emotion I’m trying so hard to hold back. “I’m all he has,” I choke out on a whisper. “No one else loves him but me.” Unable to stop them, my tears start falling. I turn my face and quickly swipe my cheek against my shoulder.

  “Hey, come on, Kate. Don’t cry.” His hand finds the inside of my thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. Even through my jeans I can feel the heat of his touch and it radiates through my entire body. “You’re not all he has, that’s why I’m here. I’ll find him. I promise.”

  His confidence has a sliver of hope flaring inside of me. “How did you know about the club?” I ask.

  He’s quiet for a long moment, hesitating with his answer. “I found out yesterday that he owns a private room there.”

  My eyes fall closed, disappointment crushing me to know what Vince said was true. I figured it was, especially after talking to that guy last night who’s a member but some part of me still hoped it wasn’t true.

  “Has he always been into that?” I ask before I can think better of it.


  I remain silent, not knowing what to think or say. I’m trying not to judge, but what I saw last night is something I can’t understand.

  “There’s nothing wrong with it, Katelyn. It’s a lifestyle choice that works for some people. Your brother is one of them. He’s always been a controlling bastard. You know that.”

  Is that why Kolan does it? For the control?

  “Did you go back there after you dropped me off?” I ask as I dry his hair with a towel and sit him up.

  “No. I probably would’ve killed leather face if I did,” he says, a slight smirk touching his lips.

  I burst out laughing, feeling my cheeks heat at the memory. “God, I still can’t believe I was almost spanked with a…with a—”

  “Riding crop.”

  “Right, well, whatever the hell it’s called, no way was it going to come anywhere near my ass,” I say with an embarrassed smile and shake my head. “At least I can laugh about it now.”

  “There’s nothing funny about it.”

  “It’s a little funny.”

  “No, it’s not,” he says, his face expressionless.

  “Just a little bit? Like this much?” I hold my thumb and pointer finger close together, looking at him through the small gap between them.

  He shakes his head.

  I roll my eyes at how serious he is. “Fine, whatever.” Turning, I’m about to lead him to my chair when he grabs my wrist and stops me.

  I glance back to see him staring up at me, his gaze intense. “Promise me you’ll never go back there again.”

  “Nick…” I trail off, not knowing if I can make that promise. Not if it means finding Nikki and getting the info I need.

  “I mean it. Fucking promise me you won’t go back there.” His tone is hard and there’s real fear in his gaze.

  “Trust me, the last thing I want to do is go back and run
into Slappy McHappy.”

  He lifts a brow. “Slappy McHappy?”

  “Yeah, it’s leather face’s nickname.”

  He shakes his head, but I don’t miss the smirk on his face. It’s still a really sexy one, making my tummy do somersaults.

  His wet hair falls onto his forehead, and before I can think better of it I reach out and run my fingers through the strands, bringing them out of his eyes. With swift precision he snatches my wrist, startling me. I begin to think I crossed the line when I realize his fast reaction isn’t about my touch. He turns my arm over and stares down at the tattoo on the inside of my wrist. My heart beats wildly as his thumb brushes across the words.

  I am more

  He looks back up at me, his eyes boring into mine in a way I swear he could see into my very soul. My heart thrums faster and time comes to a standstill. So many memories flood me at once—from the first time he said those words to me, to why I got the tattoo in the first place. One is beautiful, the other painful.

  “I’m glad you didn’t forget,” he says, his thumb still rubbing across the ink as he stares up at me.

  “But I did,” I whisper thickly, telling him the truth. “That’s why I got the tattoo, so I’ll never forget again.”

  His eyes dim but before he can say anything Chantal walks in. “Hey, Katelyn?”

  I spin around, pulling my hand back from Nick’s.

  “Oh, sorry to interrupt,” she apologizes.

  “It’s fine, you didn’t.”

  “Your Papa’s here to see you. I told him you were with a client but he said he didn’t care. He wants to see his girl.”

  A genuine smile stretches across my face, easing my heavy heart. “Tell him I’ll be right there.”

  As she heads back out I avoid Nick’s gaze and walk up to the mirror, fixing my smudged makeup. I feel his eyes on me the entire time but I ignore them.

  “Come on, we’ll move to my chair.” I grab the black cape before leading him out into the salon. My smile brightens when I see Papa standing by my station, looking as handsome as ever, and holding a bouquet of daffodils.

  “There’s my girl,” he says with a charming grin that diminishes quickly as I get closer. “Why the hell does it look like you’ve been cryin’?” His eyes lift to Nick behind me and widen in surprise before they turn into a scowl. “Hey, what the hell are you doin’ here?”


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