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Say Please (Say Something Book 2)

Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  “Because I didn’t want you to be alone at a time like this.”

  “Fucking, Ted. I can’t believe you did that.”

  “If you don’t want to see me I understand, but I’m here if you do.”

  “Of course, I want to. Come stay at the house instead though.”

  “Won’t your parents mind?” I asked. I know I wouldn’t let some man sleep with my daughter under his roof unless they were married. Even then, I’d probably punch the fucker in the mouth for even looking at my little girl. The thought of Katie and I having a baby girl popped in my head.

  “They went to sleep because the surgery is early in the morning. We have to leave in about six hours.”

  “Rest, my sweet Katie. I’ll be at the hospital when you get there. According to the directions, I won’t be there for an hour and I want you to get some sleep. It’s going to be hard on you.”

  “Okay. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”

  “Me too, babe.”

  By the time I got to the hotel, I collapsed on the bed. Morning would be coming faster than I cared for. Half-asleep, I remembered to set the alarm on my phone and managed to wake up in time. I showered in a hurry and dressed before calling Katie.

  “Good morning, gorgeous. Are you already on your way?” I asked, super anxious to see her.

  “No, we’re about to leave in five minutes.”

  “Do you want me to pick up coffee?” I offered. I needed a large for myself, so I know they had to as well, especially Katie who admitted her love of it. It was as bad as mine.

  “Could you? Cream and sugar and my dad’s is black with one sugar.” I could hear the relief in her voice.

  “Okay, got it, babe. I’m about to leave the hotel now.”

  I picked up the coffee and carried it into the small hospital. I wasn’t sure where they would be, so I walked up to the front desk.

  “Hello, Miss. I’m looking for Mrs. McGee’s family?”

  “Wow, Mr. umm…”


  “Mr. Evans, may I see your ID?”

  “Sure,” I said. I pulled out my wallet and handed the card to the woman. A tall, built older man kept looking at me, watching my interaction with the woman who was obvious in her effort to catch my attention.

  “Wow, all the way from Boston. Is Mrs. McGee a family member?”

  “She will be soon. I’m engaged to her daughter. Now, please tell me where they’re at.”

  “Sign in here,” she snipped, the flirtatious manner gone. The large man who overheard the conversation came up and said, “I’ll escort you to the waiting area.”

  “Thank you,” I muttered, taking the sticker badge from the lady and my coffee cup holder. I just wanted to see my Katie and make sure she was okay.

  “That woman was interested in you, big time,” he laughed.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter. I have a woman and she’s all that matters.”

  “Okay, well here’s the waiting area.” There she was, sitting down at the chairs, an older version of Katie with her.

  “Daddy? Ted, you two met already?” Katie asked, walking up to me. I turned to her father and gave him a look that said he was a slick fucker.

  “Not quite, sweetheart. Your father conveniently left that out,” I bit out. It was clear he knew who I was and tested me. If I was a dad, I’d do that and more, so I’d give him that.

  “Mr. McGee, I’m Ted Evans. I’m going to marry your daughter and here’s your coffee.” I handed him the holder, then with my hand holding Katie’s, walked over to her mother. “Mrs. McGee, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank you, Ted. Treat my daughter good and give us some grandbabies and it’ll continue to be a pleasure.” I would have laughed if it wasn’t for the deadly look in her eyes.

  “You got that, Mrs. McGee. I’ll do all I can to make her as happy as can be and the babies hopefully come as often as possible.” I looked down at Katie who turned bright red. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. I thought I made myself pretty clear.”

  “As long as you learn not to be cheap and take my daughter on real dates.”

  “Cheap? I didn’t realize I was. I was being selfish and trying to keep her attention all for me.” I had to look back down at Katie and feeling like a shit if she felt that way. “I’m sorry, Katie. I didn’t realize I was being a bum.”

  “You weren’t. My dad is looking for reasons not to like you. I didn’t consider it. I loved my bubble bath and all our time together.”

  “Don’t worry about what that old man says. He’s just being a dad.”

  “Mrs. McGee, we’re ready for you.” Katie ran up and hugged her mom, then her dad set down the coffees to join Mrs. McGee. I nodded when she smiled at me as I took Katie into my arms, squeezing her gently as they sat her mother in a wheelchair and pushed her through the secure doors.

  “Come here. Sit with me.” I pulled her over to the group of chairs behind us then placed her on my lap. “I’m here for you, but that woman is going to be just fine. She’s too tough.”

  “I know, but she’s my mom. I never want her to leave me.”

  “I know, I know. Do you want some coffee or are you hungry?”

  “Coffee for now.” She took the one marked with cream and sugar and sipped it. “Mm, so good. Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, babe.” I gave her ass a little squeeze.

  “As a doctor, I know this isn’t a life or death surgery, but as people get older their response to any surgery is harder. A hysterectomy is not something to scoff at.”

  “Yes, but in most of those cases the person has other underlining medical issues.”

  “I know the threat is minor, but I’m thinking of all the possibilities.”

  “Enough worrying. Tell me what do you want to do while your mother recovers. Show me around and let me take you out somewhere fancy so your dad can eat some crow?”

  “I’d rather that than be right in this case,” her father said, standing behind me. “Now which one of these is mine?”

  Katie grabbed his from the holder and handed it to him as he took a seat across from us. Katie tried to get up from my lap, but I wasn’t going to let that happen. Some things were going to be made very clear and that was that Katie belonged with me and I was her rock.

  “So, when do you have to go back?” she asked.

  “When you do. I own the company, so it’s my choice.”

  “My daughter told me you were married before. What happened there?”

  “Wow, outright about it. Sally and I shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place. She cheated on me and I married her to put her through hell for it. I was young and thought it was love. After the ink was dry on the papers, I realized it was nothing but my pride that was damaged. Not having signed a pre-nup, I didn’t want a divorce, so we both lived separate lives with other people. I know. It makes me a piece of shit, but I was twenty with the world at my feet and a wife who only wanted the money. See, I didn’t look like this when I was married. This is after years of celibacy and too much time on my hands. The only thing she found attractive about me was my bank account. Muggers killed my parents when my brother and I were teens and we were left with the family fortune, so we became targets. As a bit of a dweeb, I fell for the attention hook, line, and sinker. When she got sick, I wanted to see her through it and start over, but there was nothing but hatred between us. She died shortly after and I regret the whole thing. I wished I could start over and had never met her.”

  “No, don’t say things like that. We’ve all got a past and if you hadn’t been where you were in life, we wouldn’t have met. And Angel and Dean wouldn’t have either.”

  “So, you see the past does have some good because it leads us to where we are.”

  “I don’t deserve you, Katie, but I’ll spend my life making sure you know I’ll do all I can to keep you happy and loved. I love you, Katie. I’m not saying it emptily. I know the difference. As a young man, I didn’t know, but
after seeing the difference, and feeling it, my heart knew from the moment I saw you in your little doctor’s coat, holding my nephew, that I didn’t want anyone else.”

  “He’s right, pumpkin. He doesn’t deserve you, but no one does. I’d say it’s worth a shot,” her dad said, getting up and patting my shoulder.

  “I have a past, too. I was once engaged to a man I thought was different and who saw past the nerd in me, but he didn’t. I was left between choosing a womanizing philanderer or my career.”

  “Smart choice. I promise I’ll never do that to you. I learned a lot over the years.”

  “You know, I get it. You had been treated like shit and returned the favor, but from what you’re saying, she didn’t care. She missed out, but I’m grateful for the lessons you’ve learned. I love you too, Ted.”

  Chapter 10


  The doctor just let us know my mother was in recovery, and I breathed a massive sigh of relief. Ted had gotten up to use the restroom a minute ago and my father came to sit by me. “I think he’s genuine, sweetheart.” My father spent his life as a detective for CPD before retiring this year and moving to the suburbs. He’s a great judge of character.

  “I think so, too.” My phone vibrated in my pocket. “Hold on, daddy.” I took it out and saw a message from Angel.

  Hey, doc and future sister-in-law, hope your mother is doing great. Please tell me Ted is there with you.

  He is.

  Good boy, I knew it would work.

  I called her, wanting to clarify it. “What do you mean?” I asked as soon as she answered.

  “I told him if he loved you, he’d be at your side. But he argued that you didn’t want him there.”

  “What did you do to convince him?”

  “I asked what if an ex heard and came to comfort you instead. He lost his mind and rushed to the airport. He said he wasn’t going to let you get away. You were all he could ever hope for.”

  “Thanks, Angel. I’ve got to go.”

  “Give him my love. And tell him that his brother can’t wait to tease him when he gets back.”

  “I will.” I hung up thinking we were going to have to spend a night at his hotel so I could show that man how much I appreciated him.

  “What’s up?” Ted asked, walking into the room. “Is your mom out of surgery?”

  “Yes, she is. They’ll let us see her soon.”

  “Great. I’ve got to make a call to the office, see how things are holding up. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Thanks,” he said, smiling and kissing me before stepping into the corner to talk. I went back to sit next to my father. I looked at Ted who seemed aggravated. Whatever he was talking about annoyed him. He threw his hand up in the air. He was pissed. I tried not to be nosy, but he was seriously upset.

  “Oh no, work looks a bit irritating.”

  “I hope he doesn’t have to leave,” I bemoaned.

  “He’s coming back,” my dad said as Ted tucked his phone away and came back toward us.

  “I’m sorry if I was loud.”

  “You weren’t. Are you going to leave?” I asked, hoping he was staying with me.

  “Hell no. They already blew the deal in London, so I have nothing to worry about, now.”

  “Wow, was it a big deal?”

  “Yes, it was. There’s a lot for me to consider once I get back to Boston, but right now, I don’t care about any of that. How are you doing, babe?” He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. God, it was incredible the way his gray eyes darkened as he looked down into mine.

  “I’m better.”

  He pressed his head to my mine and whispered, “Fuck, you’re lucky we’re at the hospital. You look so pretty, I want to show you how much I missed you.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Come on, you two. We can go see your mother right now,” my dad said.

  Chapter 11


  After spending the entire afternoon visiting Mrs. McGee, it was time for Katie and me to go. Her father was spending the night, so Katie and I would have time to ourselves. I led her to my rental and quickly helped her in. I couldn’t get back to the hotel fast enough and apparently Katie was of the same mind.

  As soon as we got into my room, she pushed me against the door and tugged at my belt. “Thank you for coming,” she whispered, pulling my shirt from my pants and kissing my abs.

  “Fuck, I’ll be coming again if you keep it up.”

  “I’m just getting started, Ted.” And she was. She dropped to her knees, taking my pants with her. The feel of her hands on the hem of my briefs drove me insane. She forcefully pulled them down and took hold of my length. Her eyes widened as she stroked my shaft. Tossing my head back against the door with a thud, I closed my eyes as her tongue wrapped around the tip. My hips jerked, slipping my cock a little deeper into her mouth.

  “Holy shit,” I grunted; my load barely held off. I could feel the beads of sweat on my brow and knew if I didn’t get her off my cock I was going to come down her throat. “Let go,” I growled.

  She looked up at me with pretty eyes. “Babe, let go before I come. I want your pussy full of my seed.”

  “Say please,” she garbled over the tip.

  “Please,” I said. As soon as she let my cock bob out of her mouth, I kicked off my shoes, and shoved my pants all the way off. Then I scooped her up and carried her to the bed. Tossing her width wise on the bed, so her legs dangled off the edge. I bent down and pulled her top over her head. “Take off the bra.”

  “No please?”

  “That was the only please you were going to get, bad girl. See you almost made me come and well, I control this. I control the way we come. You’ll be saying please over and over.” I slammed my mouth down on hers, kissing her fiercely while my hands worked on her jeans between us. Fuck, and they were some sexy jeans, practically painted on her curvy hips and luscious thighs. I pulled away from her mouth, and took hold of her nipple with my teeth, scraping her through the material. My hands came up and tugged the cups under her breasts, so I could taste her tits. Running my tongue in circles around her tender flesh, my hands reached back down, working off her jeans and pushing one hand under her panties, testing her soaked pussy. “Katie, you’re so fucking wet for me,” I moaned against her skin. Slowly, I moved lower, leaving a trail of kisses and marks over her torso. Her flat belly tightened when I nipped at just below her belly button. She cried out when my thumb pressed on her clit, but I wasn’t anywhere near done with her.

  “Oh, Ted. I’m so close already. I want to come with you inside me.”

  “You will, sweetheart, but first, I want your body coming apart on my tongue.” I took her pants and panties off, removing her socks and shoes as well. “Take off your bra. I want to see all of you. Damn, you are sexy as fucking hell.” I pressed my hand to her belly. “I can’t imagine how sexy it’s going to be to see your belly swell with my kids. Fuck, I could come just from the idea of claiming your womb and leaving my son or daughter in there.” Her pussy glistened, and I couldn’t hold back a moment more. Stroke after stroke, I ran over her folds, feeling her shiver with each flick of my tongue on her clit.

  Her hands speared into my hair, tugging then pushing me around. I pulled her hand away, reached up and placed them on her tits. “Tease these, babe. I want you to get off knowing how sexy you look playing with yourself.”

  I took two fingers and began to fuck her pussy while I sucked on her little nub. My eyes were glued to the way she tweaked her nipples then grasped the meaty flesh.

  “Do you want to come?” I asked, my fingers thrusting inside.

  “Yes,” she panted, her thighs clenching and searching for relief.

  “Say it, babe. Say please,” I demanded, my voice gravelly with the need to come. My cock bobbed against the edge of the bed.

  “Please,” she cried out, both hands working her breasts. Her body rocking and arching ar
ound my touch. I pressed my tongue onto her clit and used my thumb to circle the rim of her back door. She gasped as I pushed against it and her body shook as her orgasm pumped through her.

  Grabbing her by the waist I lifted her to the center of the bed with her head on the pillows. I leaned in and kissed her, sliding my tongue over hers, letting her taste herself. Fuck, I could eat her pussy like a fucking snack. And hell, I love snacks. I went back down to get some more, because as hard up as I was, I wanted her with me.

  Her pussy clenched and gave more of what I came for. I licked her until she was purring and moaning for me to fill her up. Kneeling, I rubbed the tip of my cock against her wet entrance, then grasped her thighs and pushed deep. Her walls sucked me in further then tightened, holding me inside and fuck if I could feel the tendrils of my orgasm strumming at the base of my spine. I swallowed hard, then wrapped her legs around my waist and leaned down on my elbows to fuck my love into her.

  “You’re going to come for me, aren’t you?” I grunted, pulling out, then thrusting all the way back in.

  “Yes,” she moaned her hands running all over my chest and shoulders then into my hair. I continued to grind and thrust into her depths, working faster and faster as my need to come grew unbearable. I stole another kiss, dragging out her moans and pressing my pelvis to hers. Her walls clenched, and I was done. My orgasm shot through me and into her, she clamped her mouth shut, holding back her screams for a moment before letting them out and coming with me.

  I peppered kisses over her face and neck as I calmed my racing heart. Looking into her eyes, I whispered, “I love you, Katie.”

  Now wasn’t the time to ask her to marry me, but I would, very soon. I wanted the moment to be perfect.

  “I love you, Ted,” she murmured, her eyes getting heavy. I pulled out of her, dropping beside her, then lifted her to rest her upper body on my chest.

  We passed out for the rest of the day, not waking until her phone rang. Her dad told us they were going to send her mother home tomorrow, so to come to the hospital when we had time. First, I had to feed my woman and shower, then we’d head over.


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