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Christmas Proposal

Page 8

by Loraine Mer

  "Yeah, the personal information she provided to the home were all false. I think that's part of their charade. She's obviously one of the guilty parties.” Frank took the brandy snifter from Armand. “She may also be one of our leads to the real mastermind. Anyway, aside from the bruises, does she have any other defining physical characteristics that may help us to find her?"

  Armand didn't have to think. He remembered the evil stare that the woman in question had given him that day at the orphanage. “A scar. She has a scar on her forehead that stretches to her right eye."

  "I think the police may also be questioning Josephine and Margaret to learn more about her. They may be able to give us some clue, something she may have said to them. We can't let her go free after putting the lives of children at risk."

  Armand frowned, not liking the direction of his thoughts, which had jumped a thousand miles ahead.

  Frank must have noted his expression, for he asked, “Anything bothering you? Don't tell me you want her to go free?"

  Frank's incredulous tone of voice caused Armand to flinch, but he had a main objective he intended to fulfill at all costs. “Yes, if that is what is needed to have Josephine safe, then yes. What if that woman tries something else? And what if she succeeds this time? I won't be able to forgive myself if that happens. And don't argue with me as you always do. This topic is off-limits.” Changing the subject, Armand steered the conversation to the plan that night, going over everything once more with Frank to make sure they'd covered all the bases. It was about one hour later when they were finally satisfied and left Armand's study.

  The ladies were waiting for them in the living room, their backs toward them as they laughed and talked. Hearing footsteps, they turned simultaneously, smiles lighting up their faces.

  Armand stopped in his tracks and seemed to lose his ability to breathe.

  Josephine's slender figure was clad in a white dress in some sort of cloth that showed her feminine curves. Her back was uncovered, and he itched to caress her smooth, silken skin. Her breasts were completely covered, but he knew their shape and feel, knew the roundness and fullness of them. He wanted to loosen the lace and feed in the glory of her sweet nipples. Her dress flared and flowed, causing his imagination to run wild with him slipping inside and drinking her creamy juices.

  Armand felt his cock harden uncomfortably inside the confining clothes. He swallowed, knowing he wouldn't have her until the night was over, if at all. His mind though couldn't stop conjuring her hot pussy under his hand's ministration, even as he moved toward her in a daze. Without uttering a word, he captured her lips with his and kissed her deeply, not noticing the stunned faces of his brother and sister-in-law. His hands cupped her bottom, and he pressed her against his hardness, wringing a surprised gasp from her, followed by a pleasured moan.

  Armand's heart beat faster with each second that passed, the intensity of their kiss causing his hands to tremble, even as he kneaded her fleshy cheeks. Her hands were looped around his neck and they were gripping him so tightly he almost lost his breath. Or was that because of the kiss?

  Someone clearing his throat chased off the clouds of passion from his mind, reminding him of Frank's and Melanie's presence. He broke off the kiss, Josephine's face still dazed, and her lipstick all smudged. He loved that he could make her forget about everything but him.

  He glanced at the other two in the room, and saw Melanie's cheeky grin. She came over and took Josephine by the hand. “Wait for us a moment, boys, while we repair our make-up."

  Armand grinned. Life was good.

  Chapter Nine

  They arrived in the middle of the company's ball. The party was already in full swing by then. Plastering a smile on his face, Armand worked the room, shaking hands and greeting people as he passed by. Josephine did what she could, nodding and smiling beside him, though she had no idea who the people were. Armand did his best to introduce them, but she forgot most of the names as there were so many of them. She noticed Frank and Melanie doing the same thing as well. Most of the employees were in a jolly, party mood, laughing and chattering, and they seemed to be viewing the bosses as their equal for this night. On the far side of the room, the perpetrators waited for them to come to their table, waited for the boss to see the employees he'd just fired, to rage at them for having the nerve to crash a party to which they were no longer invited.

  Josephine's gaze landed on the face of a waitress, and her stomach constricted. Something about her seemed familiar. She took a deep breath and refocused her eyes, this time on the woman in front of her, a fifty-ish elegant-looking lady with streaks of white in her hair. She was nodding and smiling. “Now, Armand, forgive your nosy old secretary for saying so, but I think it's about time you have the happy home life you deserve. Will I be hearing the ringing tolls of wedding bells in the near future?"

  Wedding? What was she saying? A tide of longing swept over Josephine at the thought of being married to Armand, but she knew it wasn't to be. In a panic, she tugged on Armand's arm, and to the woman, she said, “Excuse us, someone is waving to us over there."

  She turned to the left, pulling Armand behind her and not really caring where they went, as long as it was away from that woman with her kind eyes who didn't really know what she was saying.

  "Who's waving to us?” Armand's amused voice sounded behind her.

  Josephine stopped and pretended to crane her neck. “Oh, I don't see them anymore. Where could they have gone?"

  He looped am arm around her waist and steered her toward the buffet table. “Come, let's have something to eat. I had wanted to confront the traitors initially, but now, I had a sudden change in plans."

  She felt his hot breath in her ear and shivered with anticipation, remembering the previous night's lovemaking. She knew this was their last night together, for tomorrow is Christmas Day, yet her heart refused to accept a life without him. Funny how, in such a short time, he was able to worm his way into her life. She would make the most of this night. She'd make love to him over and over until she was indelibly branded on his body and in his soul. “What do you mean?” She picked some lettuce and placed it carefully on her plate, trying to show a calm facade, though her heart was beating with a fast and erratic rhythm.

  "The traitors are waiting for us to reach them,” he growled, “but I won't fall into their trap.” He looked around and a smile broke the sternness of his face. “Smart Frank. He took my hint and is coming this way too.” He placed a piece of bread and some lettuce on his plate.

  The murmur of people around them and the suffocating number of people inside the room were too much for Josephine. She wanted to scream and run. While placing some baby potatoes on her plate, she saw the reflection of someone moving near them. She felt a piercing look penetrate her skin. She looked around and saw a waitress hiding behind a shiny silver tray piled high with champagne flutes. Something was definitely wrong in here. She automatically continued placing food on her plate, even as she moved forward toward the end of the buffet table, her throat dry and heart trembling in fear. She swallowed hard before remembering to breathe slowly and relax.

  She remembered the courage lessons she'd learned since adolescence. Those lessons had helped her in difficult situations like the one she found herself in about a month ago. Her confidence returning with each breath she took, her feet moving firmer toward her goal, she reached their table with Armand at her side. Her back straight, her face set and her smile ready, she started eating. They ate in silence for several minutes before Frank and Melanie joined them.

  The air was thick with the heat of so many bodies concentrated in a closed space surrounded them. The voices seemed to rise with each passing second, and Armand didn't have to look around him to know. His accomplices had placed the plan in motion. He allowed himself an inward smile. Sooner or later, the traitors would come to confront him and when they do ... he'd be ready.

  Kelvin McPherson was the first to arrive at their table, an expression of deep hatr
ed on his face. Several other men followed not far behind. Someone noticed this small entourage's forceful strides and began to shush the people. A hush fell in the room, and the music was abruptly cut off. Soon, people were gathered in a circle around their table, curious onlookers ripe for gossip.

  "Good afternoon, Armand.” Kelvin extended his hand in an offer of a formal handshake.

  Armand stood up but ignored his hand. “Good afternoon to all of you.” He looked at each familiar yet traitorous face in turn. Joseph Beneful, co-founder of the company with his father. Ryan Welch, Securities Manager. Herson Patrick, Loans Manager. Walter Oxford, Projects Manager. Thieves, each one of them.

  "I never imagined you would have the nerve to come near me or my family after all that you have done. But I know it all now and let me tell you, we have enough evidence to send you behind bars for life. Oh, and did I tell you? I'm reunited with my family—my daughter and my son—now, no thanks to you, Joseph."

  He was grateful for his family's support as they got up from their chairs and came to stand beside him. Josephine also took her place with him. Pride rolled through him at the image she reflected, that of a seductress and a self-assured woman. Her hand did tremble a little though as she slipped it into his, but his enemies wouldn't know of that.

  "What is Kelvin doing in this party?” Frank threw the question at Joseph. “Last I knew he was fired."

  Joseph laughed, his protuberant belly moving up and down. His other cohorts, save for Kelvin, followed his lead. Joseph's baritone voice replied, “And you think you both are the owners of the company? I own half of it and each one of you only one fourth of it. I contracted Kelvin and nothing you say can change that. I'm his boss, not one of you."

  "In that you're wrong, Joseph. They always say that he who laughs last had the best of it. I'll be the one to laugh last.” Armand's tone was mild, but inwardly, he felt rage at all the deceptions this man before him had made. “I've uncovered all your schemes. You have so many illegal businesses that you'll use the rest of your life to pay for them."

  The men before him stiffened. Only Joseph seemed calm enough, but his hands betrayed a tremor. He lifted his chin and challenged, “You need proofs. There are none."

  At his words, Armand could only smile. “That's where you're wrong. Everyone here present just heard your admission. You committed your foul deeds, believing my brother was me, and vice-versa at your convenience. You forgot the security devices around the building. You forgot walls have ears. You just weren't careful enough. How can I sign a document on a Saturday morning when I just arrived from another country that very afternoon?"

  Armand noticed an expression of panic crossing Ryan's face. Interesting. Armand may just have found the weakest link in the group, the easiest to break. Ryan may be persuaded to tattle on the group later on, in exchange for a lighter sentence.

  "Again, you need to prove it. Besides, your brother has been using your identity for quite awhile.” Joseph sneered at Frank. “That was my plan. Why do you think your bastard carries your last name? Do you think I didn't know? Of course I did! And I enjoyed each miserable day of both your lives."

  "What bastard?” Armand felt his ire rise to uncontrollable levels, but he knew he had to keep his temper. “Since Oscar bears my last name, he is not a bastard. You better brush up on your English, Joseph, to make sure you communicate well with your lawyers while in jail."

  Police officers jogged into the room just then, coming in from several doors that lead from the outside. They'd surrounded the place at Armand's suggestions, to make sure all the villains were apprehended. “You'll pay for each and every crime, Joseph Beneful. You have no one to blame but yourself, for you signed your own death sentence, if you think about it."

  Protesting and struggling against the restraining arms, Joseph Beneful and his cohorts were taken away by the police.

  Everyone was stunned at the event, and for awhile, no one moved.

  Armand went to the podium, and he took the microphone in his hand. He looked around and smiled. “I want to welcome all of you to the party, and thank you for your patience. Now that that's over, the party can begin, with special events and prizes that the committee has prepared. If you will allow me first to say something...” Words got stuck in his throat, as the emotional impact rolled over him just then. “As you have discovered, I'm a father. I have a family now and I want to share this day with my children."

  As if on cue, Margaret entered the room with Oscar in her arms and Clare beside her. The rest of the children trailed behind her. Josephine smiled in surprise, but she was glad that now, she would be able to share the night with them, as she couldn't afford a special Christmas for them this year. In the busyness of the past few weeks, she'd even forgotten to go shopping for presents. Clare reached her and held onto her hand nervously, her small one shaking. Josephine reached out her arm and hugged Clare, understanding that the little girl had never been surrounded by so many people.

  "I want to start the activity by giving out my presents first.” General laughter followed his announcement. Josephine turned to gaze at him in surprise. She would've thought he'd elect to give his presents to the children at home.

  Taking an envelope and a box from under the tree, Armand turned to her. “Josephine Lewis, last month you came to me with a proposal to save the Children's Heaven.” He held out a square envelope to her. Bewildered, she reached for it. “Tonight, I grant you all the rights of ownership to the building the home is located in. I grant you all the rights to collect the rents to sustain the costs and expenses of running the orphanage."

  Her hands clasped spasmodically on the enveloped. She hadn't expected this. Oh, this was too much. She swayed, and helping hands gently lowered her onto a waiting chair. Her body trembled all over, and she was sure her face was devoid of color. She never expected a good-bye present like the one he'd just given her. Someone brought a glass of brandy and held it to her lips. She choked on the heady fumes, but the strong liquid brought a measure of heat and comfort.

  Clearing his throat, Armand continued, “Now, I have another gift, but this has nothing to do with the previous one.” He took a large box from beneath the tree and placed it on her lap. She noticed some holes in it and something seemed to be moving inside. With a cry, she opened the box and found two small and furry creatures wagging their tails happily. Picking one up, she read the tag under his chin. It read, “Will you..."

  Puzzled, she looked up but could read nothing in Armand's face. Passing the puppy to Clare, she picked the other. The puppy tag read, “marry me?"

  Emotions swelled and welled up in her breast. She didn't have to leave him, not this night or the next or the next. Through the tears that brimmed in her eyes, she noticed that Armand was holding himself quite still. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead and fell to the floor.

  Smiling, Josephine said “Yes” and was pulled up from her chair. She found herself in his arms, and she kissed him back, her heart racing madly inside her chest. She heard a loud whimper near her left ear. She jumped back, remembering the puppy still in her arms. Armand and she looked at each other and laughed. She was giddy with joy, and she wanted to jump with him into bed and celebrate the start of a new relationship.

  But she knew it wasn't the time.

  All around them, people were clapping their hands and shouting congratulations. A woman's shrill voice rose above the others, “I knew it, I just knew it!” Josephine looked over and saw it was Armand's secretary, who caught her eye and gave her a sly wink.

  The party continued, with the children helping Armand to distribute the presents under the trees to his employees. Armand and Josephine sat quietly in a corner with their new family and talked. They spent time knowing each other better and included Clare in their conversation. They decided to move as soon as they married, so they could start their lives anew. At midnight, the children sang a Christmas carol dedicated to them to close the event.

  Life was good.

sp; About Loraine Mer

  Loraine Mer lives in a small town in Puerto Rico with her two cats, Osiris and Lucky. She enjoys reading, writing and spending time with her family and friends. After studying telecommunications, journalism and justice systems, she decided to keep to her writing and office work.

  Visit Loraine's website at, and she can be reached at .

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