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Hearts Across Time (The Knights of Berwyck: A Quest Through Time Novel ~ Books 1 & 2)

Page 26

by Sherry Ewing

  “I can feel you’re ready for me, my lord, and yet you are sorely lagging behind, since, you can plainly see, I am already naked,” she teased, her comment tossed over her shoulder. “Don’t you want to go skinny dipping with me, Riorden?”

  She ran to the edge of the pool and dove into its warm waters. Riorden watched her pert, little bottom disappear below the surface then tore at his own garments with an urgency and need to be inside his wife. She broke through the surface with a come hither look. Her heavy breasts glistened wet whilst she bobbed up and down in the water. He could not wait to take those taunt little buds into his mouth and suckle them to his heart’s content.

  Riorden never took his eyes from his lady and she opened her arms to him once he reached her side. Holding her naked, wet body next to his own, he walked with her towards the waterfall. Cooler water splashed down upon their heads as they neared the falls. He laughed when she began to sputter, for ’twas apparent she did not care for the spray in her face.

  “You truly are a cat,” he teased.

  “Yes, I am,” she spluttered, wiping the wetness from her eyes. “Please move, Riorden. I feel as if I’m going to drown.”

  His laughter rumbled in his chest as he slowly moved them behind the waterfall where a blanket on the small sandy beach awaited them. He did not even think she noticed it, since she was busily driving him crazy with those small, scintillating kisses she was trailing down his neck.

  Once she had her feet beneath her on the sand, despite the fact she was still knee deep in water, she did not stop with the further torture she apparently had in store for him. Lower and lower, her tantalizing mouth and tongue went, making its way across his naked flesh. Shivers of desire coursed through his body. He had no idea of her intent until she took him in her mouth. He groaned, trembling in disbelief that she would dare to perform such a service. He leaned his head back in pure pleasure until he could stand no more.

  Quickly, he lifted her until their bodies melded as one. She wasted no time in telling him of her aching need.

  “Love me, Riorden,” Katherine murmured softly, with eyes glazed over in passion.

  “I do, Katherine,” he replied with a sly grin.

  “Now husband,” she demanded.

  “You mean, like this?” he asked and lifted her until he slowly entered the very essence of her womanhood. He heard her gasp at their contact whilst she wrapped her legs securely around his waist.

  “Oh God…yes…just like that,” she cried out hoarsely. “Make love to me, Riorden.”

  “I am yours to command.”

  “Then please don’t make me wait any longer. I can hardly stand it. I’m dying, waiting for you to move deeply inside me.”

  “As you wish, my beautiful wife.” He held her tightly to him and easily carried her to the blanket where he gently lowered her to the ground.

  She may have been in a rush, yet Riorden took his time pleasuring his woman, ensuring she was fully satisfied to the best of his ability. They enjoyed the afternoon getting to know one another more intimately and were content with the knowledge they were now husband and wife. They had a lifetime of afternoons such as this ahead of them, and ’twould be a magnificent lifetime to look forward to. If today was any indication of what their marriage and future would be like, Riorden had no doubt in his mind that life with Katherine would, indeed, be grand.

  Chapter 32

  Soft laughter erupted from the couple, who sat on a bed of fur pelts facing one another. Flickering candles lit the interior of the tent, casting romantic shadows onto the canvas walls. Katherine leaned forward with a piece of fruit between her lips and watched her husband’s roughish grin in anticipation. He came closer and kissed her lips, stealing the juicy tidbit from her mouth. He slowly munched on his prize then offered her a drink of wine. She declined with an elegant shake of her head. She was already feeling dizzy from the heady brew she’d been consuming all night.

  “This is camping at its finest, you know,” she declared, reaching for a piece of cheese and bread. She took a bite, hoping the bread would absorb the alcohol already in her stomach. Small wonder they generally watered down their wine in the twelfth century, or everyone would be walking around three sheets to the wind. “Do you always travel so lavishly?”

  Riorden merely shrugged. “It depends. I only wished to see to your comfort this night, Kat. When ’tis for my personal enjoyment, I tend to partake in the finer accouterments available to me.”

  “So, you don’t always journey with a tent and all these luxuries?”

  He reached out and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Nay, my love, I do not. When in service to the king, one tends to grab what little gear one has, along with one’s sword, in order to answer his summons. I have spent many a night with nothing but my cloak to cover me and the cold ground beneath my tired backside.

  Katherine thought on his words with worry until she finally raised her troubled eyes to gaze upon his handsome face. “Must you travel often…in service of the king, Riorden?”

  “’Tis a hard question to answer, Kat. Afore taking over ownership of Warkworth, I have been a vassal to Dristan and made my home at Berwyck, answering to Dristan as captain of his guard,” he responded honestly, setting down his chalice and gathering his wife in his arms. “I have now inherited the responsibility of Warkworth, along with its people, and will answer directly to King Henry. ’Tis my duty as his knight, along with my oath of fealty, that I must answer his call when he should have need of me. You, too, shall have your place and duties, as Warkworth’s chatelaine.”

  “But, I haven’t a clue how to run a castle, Riorden. I had a hard enough time keeping my tiny apartment tidy, with all my research scattered everywhere.” She observed his confused expression at her words before she continued. “My home was no more than four rooms, including the kitchen and bathroom…err…garderobe.”

  “So small? Warkworth’s keep is much larger. But ’tis of no matter, Katherine, for I shall teach you what you must needs know.”

  “What happens if you must leave me for weeks at a time unless I go with you? I don’t think I’d like court life very much with all its intrigues that I’ve read about in history books.”

  “We shall figure out a solution when the matter arises. ’Tis my hope, since I am commanded to return home and manage the estate, that I shall be allowed to remain there and only travel occasionally in order to appease King Henry. That should suffice to ensure my loyalty to him and the crown.”

  “Then I pray he’ll allow us to live out our lives in peace,” Katherine declared.

  He leaned down and kissed her parted lips. It was almost as if he was trying to breathe new hope into her soul. “I have not even as yet ventured to my birthplace in many a year, my lady. There will be matters that must needs be resolved once we arrive,” he said glumly.

  “You mean with Marguerite,” she whispered.

  “Aye. She will not be pleasant. I wish there was some way to dispatch her without you ever having to lay eyes on her, but ’tis inevitable you shall meet.”

  Katherine rose up on her knees and slowly caressed the planes of Riorden’s face. “Let’s worry about her another day, Riorden. Tonight is just for us.”

  “Aye, you have that aright, my lovely wife,” he said, kissing her fully again. She sighed and was about to pull his robe from his shoulders when he broke off their kiss abruptly. “Merde! You have me so distracted, I almost forgot the gift I brought for you.”

  She twirled her wedding band around her finger. “Surely, this is more than enough, Riorden. Truly, I love my ring and wouldn’t ask for anything more.”

  “You will have to indulge me, my sweet,” he said, reaching behind him and bringing forward a square velvet jewelry case. “Since I intend to spoil you for the rest of your life, I might as well begin today.”

  A giggle escaped her and she went to retrieve a fairly large sized box she had asked Amiria to have available here. “Then, I have something for y
ou, as well. It’s not much, but was the only thing I could think of to give you that you might treasure. I wanted it to be specifically from me and not purchased with coin belonging to another, since I didn’t have any money of my own to spend.”

  “We shall remedy that when we get ourselves home. May I?” he inquired, holding out the box to her.

  At her nod, he opened the lid, and Katherine was afraid to even reach out and touch the necklace resting on a bed of dark blue silk. Diamonds sparkled in the candlelight, along with a green square cut emerald of considerable worth. She attempted to form some kind of response to express the loveliness of his gift, but found herself unable to utter anything more than a startled gasp.

  Riorden laughed at her expression. “I see I have made my wife speechless, so I assume it meets with your approval?”

  “It’s the most beautiful piece of jewelry I’ve ever seen, Riorden. It had to have cost a fortune.”

  “Let me worry about its cost. I assure you, I can afford it, and more, as you shall learn. Come now, turn for me so I may clasp it about your neck.”

  Katherine held up her hair and felt the warmth of his hands on her shoulders until the coolness of the gems came to rest on her chest. His lips caressed the back of her neck, causing her breath to catch and tingling goose bumps to race across her skin.

  “You’re distracting me, my lord.”


  She leaned back into him and he reached forward, cupping her breasts in his hands. Her back arched, giving him further access, while a moan escaped her parted lips. She turned her head. It seemed an invitation as his mouth took possession of hers, leaving her gasping for air.

  Opening her eyes, she stared into his own and marveled again at the richness of their color. He gave her a devilish grin that conveyed his desires until she came to her senses and remembered her present for him.

  Gazing down, she saw how the emerald pendant was poised just above her cleavage, as if drawing attention to the creamy orbs beneath her robe. She turned forward to him with a smile and noticed how his disappeared. “Well? How does it look?”

  “Beautiful,” he said huskily, “and the gems, as well.” He reached out and slid his fingers across the tops of her breasts. “You may end up only wearing this for me, I am afraid. Otherwise, I will not let you out of my sight, my dear.”

  Katherine gave him a seductive look. “And should I wear anything else besides this necklace while I’m in your sight, by chance?”

  “If I could, I would keep you in our bed and never let you leave.”

  “What a horrible thought!”

  “You would have nothing to complain about whilst you were there, Katherine, I assure you.”

  Her laughter bubbled forth with a smile. “I have no doubt you’ll have me pregnant in no time, my lord, if we continue as we have tonight.”

  He turned serious and placed his hand on her abdomen. “I look forward to having you carry my child within you.”

  “You’ll make a wonderful father.”

  “As you will a mother. Mayhap, we should practice making love to ensure we are doing it right.”

  “Believe me, my lord, you are doing everything exactly right.”

  “Are you sure? Nothing you would wish for me to change?” he teased.

  “Not a thing.”

  “We should still practice,” he said, reaching for her hand and bringing it to his lips.

  She leaned forward and kissed him. “Thank you, Riorden, for the gift.”

  “’Twas my pleasure.”

  “Okay, you’re turn,” Katherine said excitedly, remembering her purpose, and waited to see his reaction to his present.

  He weighed the box in his hands. “’Tis heavy.”

  “Just open it, Riorden.”

  He did, and she watched his face. Was it her imagination, or did his eyes mist up as he lifted the frame out of the box and saw what she had given him?

  “You wrote this?” he asked in awe.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “It’s from my heart to yours.”

  He looked at her with eyes full of emotion. “I barely know what to say, my love. Will you read it to me, for I barely can see the words, I am so overcome by such a gift.”

  “If you insist,” Katherine said softly and, at his nod, she began.

  Eternal Promise of Love

  When the sun slowly rises in the distant horizon

  we shall join our hands on this,

  our wedding day,

  beginning our new life together

  that binds our love for all eternity.

  For we have been given a rare gift, you and I,

  lovingly sent from the heavens above.

  We have discovered a love so deep and true,

  it fills our souls in a heartfelt song that

  lifts us high above the tallest mountain

  and unites us forever with unbreakable ties,

  which cannot be seen.

  Having been brought together by an unbelievable

  miracle of fate, we have known,

  from our very first touch,

  we were destined for each other,

  for we have found the part of ourselves,

  which had been missing, and finally,

  heard the voice inside us saying, “This is the One.”

  My vow to you this day is a solemn one,

  coming from deep within my soul.

  It is filled with all the love my heart can hold

  in a promise that shall belong to you alone, throughout all time.

  Into your keeping, I give you my

  heart, my soul, and my love.

  Cherish and treasure them always,

  keep them safe and protected well within you.

  Never forget that we areas one,

  and always a part of the other,

  especially when the seemingly endless miles

  may keep us at a distance.

  I promise this day to love you

  in the only way I know,

  completely, honestly, and endlessly.

  To give you all that I am,or could ever hope to be,

  while at your side, placing my trust

  and respect for you, confidently,

  in your tender care, knowing

  you will never forsake the love between us,

  or ever let me down.

  Our faith in each other shall also be placed

  within the other’s care, to love, honor, and cherish

  until our last dying breaths. And when we are no

  longer tied to our earthly bonds,

  our souls shall continue their search

  until we are united again.

  For, only when we once more meet

  in some other place in time,will we know for certain,

  what we have known from the start.

  That the deep and abiding love we constantly saw

  reflected in each other’s eyes, was able to last beyond

  one lifetime and always endured,

  remaining, forever timeless, in an

  Eternal Promise of Love.

  Silence filled the tent as Katherine finished and she raised her eyes to her husband. He only stared at her, as if he were searching deep inside her soul. Surely, he could see it was laid completely bare before him after such a reading, for she had poured out every emotion imaginable into her poem. It was the only gift she could give him, and she had wanted it to be perfect.

  “I’m afraid it doesn’t rhyme. I was never good at that kind of poetry,” she said, slightly embarrassed when he remained silent. She continued on in a rush. “I wish I could have written the document myself, but I was making such a terrible mess of the parchment and had to ask Amiria to help me. It was the quill that was my downfall, you see, and somehow, I didn’t think it would be right to write with a modern day pen.”

  Riorden at last shook his head and took the frame, resting it on the small table next to their bedding. He pulled her into his lap and began caressing
her hair away from her face while she looked up at him.

  “Ma cher, you have made me a most humble and thankful man this day. Forever will I cherish this rare gift you have given me,” Riorden said, kissing her parted lips. “’Tis an offering of such value, I am unsure I am worthy. I speak not only of the beautiful words you have written, but of your proclamation of such undying love you have pledged this day.”

  She placed her hand over his heart, and he covered her hand with his own. “I know you have promised the same to me, Riorden. No matter how long I must search, my soul shall always find yours until we meet again in the heavens above.”

  “This is my vow to you, as well, my sweet Katherine. Forever and always will we be as one.”

  Riorden began to kiss her again, as if to seal their fate, and Katherine gave in to the passionate spell he wove around them. No further words were necessary this night, or even into the early morning hours. Time had brought them together. Forever would they so remain.

  Chapter 33

  The occupants of the elegantly appointed carriage could have cared less that every imaginable luxury had been prearranged to ensure they were comfortably settled. Nerves were stretched taut as the miles continued to roll by, bringing them closer to a destination they were not particularly looking forward to. Uncertainty loomed in the air, along with the unknown, making the silence between them almost unbearable.

  The clip clopping of the horses’ hooves continued onward and kept a steady pace, much like the counting-off of ticks from the second hand of a clock. It wouldn’t be much longer before Bamburgh was in sight.

  There hadn’t been enough room in the conveyance for all eight of their original party, and Riorden had no issue when Katherine stated she would ride inside with her friends. Juliana and Danior shared the seat with her, leaving Tiernan, Emily, and Brianna riding backwards.

  Riorden had his own group riding with him, for Dristan had been reluctant to let them travel without a proper guard. Gavin naturally rode next to his brother and they happily conversed, catching up on the years since they last met. Aiden had volunteered to accompany them, as well, most likely to ensure Emily arrived safely or had not changed her mind about staying. Nathaniel, Drake, and Ulrick had also joined their group. Although Ulrick seemed almost hesitant to do so, given his last conversation with Riorden’s wife.


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