She Wore Black

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She Wore Black Page 26

by J L Park

  “Could ask you the same damn thing,” I shot back, trying to keep his attention on me, so Paige could move away from him.

  “That she could, but shouldn’t,” another voice added to the mix, one anyone would recognise.

  Maddox paled and stood to attention as did I, and Paige when she managed to stand up.

  “Good afternoon, Grand Leader Marshall.”

  “Leader Cohen, can I ask what exactly you were doing?” he asked, ignoring the two of us standing next to Maddox.

  Maddox paused, trying to remember what the right thing to say was. “Taking what it’s rightfully mine,” he answered, quoting the Book of Laws, “She declined, so I was exercising my God-Given right to take what was mine to take.”

  “And you, Team Leader Taylor?”

  I was startled at being named by the Grand Leader. “Stopping him, sir.”


  “Because she did not want to have sex with him.”

  “You know this how?”

  “Her body language, the fact she said she didn’t, and that he’s just said she declined.”

  “And is it not the right of the man to take from her as he should wish, whether she gives consent for him to do so, or not?”

  I sighed, this would not end well for me. “According to the Book of Laws, it is. Bu-” I started.

  “But nothing, Team Leader Taylor, the Book of Laws is the law of the land.”

  I drew in a deep breath. “I could not, and I WILL NOT, stand back and let my… friend be raped because Maddox thinks he can take what he wants, just because he wants it.” I had started to sway, still feeling like arse, trying to stand up for what I was trying to do.

  “You will and you should have. Are you accusing Maddox Cohen here of committing a crime against your friend?”

  I scowled, “No, trying to.” I drew myself up as high as I could manage with the pain in my back.

  “Just like you accused his son and his son’s friends of apparent sexual assault just this week. Do you not understand your place in GreyBrook, Miss Taylor? Your father would be so disappointed if he was alive to see this,”

  I was barely managing to keep my anger in check, and stop swaying. “My father is none of your worry. I know my place in GreyBrook. VERY well. Because I’ve been put in my place multiple times in the last few weeks - my place as an apparent sexual plaything, who means nothing, has no rights and is barely treated as human, by this one’s son and his friends. Whether I wanted to or not. And I will not stand for it any longer, I’m fucking sick of it. You damn men thinking you can do what you like to us and be immune to the consequences."

  “Easy, Taylor. If you want to get out of this alive, I’d back down now, and rescind those accusations.”

  I glanced at Paige before continuing. “Respectfully sir. Get fucked. I will not take back my statements of accusation as all of them are true. They will be held accountable if I have to die trying. Oh… and sir, if you are about to expel me, let me just let you know there are other reasons I’m very aware of my place in GreyBrook… and that Leader Cohen was well aware of the fact I’m about to give you…. and did not report it.”

  Paige paled beside me, as Barrett waited, an expectant look on his face.

  “I’m not only a twice Taken previous Non-Sel female but I’m also a raging homosexual.” I no longer cared what he thought - I was expelled or dead at this point - it was go big or go home, “So. I will never back down from what I’ve accused because I intend my abusers be held accountable, even if I have to do it myself.”

  Barrett’s face was eerily calm, Paige’s not so much. Maddox looked ill as I’d just dropped him in the shit with his boss. Barrett paced the cell, stroking his chin, considering his options.

  “Leader Raeburn,” he said, “Your turn.”

  She paled, glancing at me. I shrugged, it was up to her, I was fucked at this point.


  “What do you say in relation to the reason I have been called, the accusations?”

  “If Reed says they raped her, then I believe her and stand with her to accuse them. I also accuse both Walker and Tait Barlow of Pius for the same thing, over a period of months - Walker for taking myself and Reed at separate occasions, and Tait for taking Reed’s mother in her youth.” She pulled herself taller, and glared at Maddox, “And I join Reed in accusing this prick here, in attempting to force himself on me.”

  “You understand you will be expelled, if not sentenced to death if you do not rescind your accusations, according to the Law?”

  “Yes, and I do not wish to rescind a damn thing.” A small smile crossed her face as she turned towards me, and walked past Maddox to reach me, “Oh, and then… of course…. there’s this.” She pulled my face towards hers and kissed me as though her life depended on it though I supposed it did!

  “Cohen, out!” Barrett ordered Maddox from the room, scowling at both of us, "You two have just sealed your fates. I will be back to inform you of my decision." He slipped out the cell door and locked it firmly behind him.

  I swayed again, Paige helping me to sit on the floor.

  “Well… that was…” Paige muttered, shaking her head, “Thank you for beating him off me. I didn’t know if you were even awake.”

  “Anytime love. Um…. I think we’re both running out of luck now, though.”

  She laughed, “Yep. I decided if I’m going out today, I might as well go out with a bang.” She leaned over and kissed me again.

  The antibiotic injection seemed to take effect quickly as I started to feel better. Paige seemed to think there was likely pain relief included in the concoction, which would also explain it. We sat talking, holding hands, awaiting our fate, when Paige grinned at me, a wicked thought crossing her mind, and her face.

  “Hey, what do you think about a uniform?” I frowned at her, not sure what the hell she was talking about, and was about to say just that when she realised, she’d spoken out loud part way through a conversation she had been playing out in her head, and laughed, “HA! I mean, if we get expelled rather than sentenced to death, what do you think about a uniform?”

  “But Non-Sels don’t have one.”

  She grinned again, “Yeah, that's true. But, you talked about getting help from them, to change the way things are done in GreyBrook. What if… and it’s a big damn if… we had enough people supporting us we made our own section? Be the change you want to see and all that shit.”

  I pondered her suggestion, it was a lovely dream, and at that moment dreams were all we had. “Okay…. so, you were talking about a uniform. What were you thinking?”

  The grin she flashed me almost split her face. “Black.” I blinked, a little shocked by the suggestion, a grin nudging my lips into a curve.

  “Black? I could work with that… though where the hell would we get that here?” I shocked myself allowing the idea to even take hold, but we had to keep thinking as though Barrett would see fit to expel us, and if not, at least the last few hours were happy.

  "I’ve heard people talking about it after Fence Duty out the back of Ferox and Luculentus. Some of them might have contacts on the Outside."

  I nodded, it was an awesome idea if we could make a go of it. Leaning back, I pondered. “Hun. If we get expelled, do you think they’ll let us say good bye? To Ti, to… fuck… to my mother and brother?”

  She shrugged, looking miserable, which is the last thing I had intended. “Maybe? If we're polite?” she chuckled, a sad note to her laughter, “But, hell, it doesn’t hurt to ask. Ti would tell anyone we needed tell… My family can kiss my arse for all I care, but your mum will tell them.”

  “Let’s try for talking to them all - if not all, then Ti can pass it on. But, love, I didn’t want you to feel sad. If expulsion is not what Barrett comes up with, I wanted us to at least be happy for the last few hours.”

  She smiled, as I moved on to my knees, kneeling in front of her to kiss her. She pulled me into standing, pushing me towards one of t
he cots.

  “If we’ve only got a few hours left alive, I know how I want to spend it.” She paused, horror crossing her face as she took in a split second reaction I tried to quash as she had pushed me towards the bed, I didn’t think she’d seen it, “Oh… shit. Sorry love… I ah…”

  I smiled, pulling her towards me. “It’s ok, Paige. It’s you. I want to.” I kissed her as I pulled her down beside me, pulling at her trousers to prove to her I wasn’t just saying it, I actually meant it. She must have realised as she kissed me back harder, yanking at the button on her trousers as I shifted backwards on the cot. We knew the sounds of the gates being opened and were at the back of the empty cells, so would have plenty of warning if Barrett chose now to return with his verdict, not that we would have cared. For the moment, it was just the two of us for as long as we had together.

  In the end, we were safe enough. Barrett did not return until the following day, and we'd had plenty of time to spend the last few hours of our lives in each other's arms. If we were to be sentenced to death, we would die safe in knowing at least someone had loved us, regardless of what we had been through. I woke to my back itching like mad, which was a good thing according to Paige, except that I couldn’t do anything about it. I was about to complain when I heard the crash of the far door. We glanced at each other and scrambled to stand to attention. Old habits were very hard to break, except I’d broken the shying away from eye contact habit that had hung over from my Pius days almost completely.

  “Member Taylor, Member Raeburn,” Maddox announced, “Grand Leader Marshall is here to deliver your fate.”

  They had dropped our Team Leader status, which wasn’t unexpected, but it wasn’t a good sign. I squeezed Paige’s hand and snuck my hand back behind me. Barrett Marshall stepped into view, standing outside the gate this time.

  “Member Raeburn.” He addressed Paige, without looking at me, “You have been charged with insubordination, slander, and false accusation. You refused to rescind your false accusations against Maddox Cohen, Walker and Tait Barlow, and supported further accusations against Blaze Cohen, Stephen Masters, Kylen Beach, Tennyson Tilus, and…” he paused, gathering his thoughts and pulling himself straighter, “Griff Marshall.”

  I managed to breathe in sharply through my nose instead of gasp. Shit, Maddox’s son, AND Barrett’s son? I was toast.

  “Yes, sir.” Paige forced out, her wide eyes giving away she was as shocked as I was that Griff was involved.

  “You have also made the choice to have sexual relations out of wedlock," I could see her clench her fists behind her, my fingernails were about to break skin I was clenching my own so hard, “with several men who these accusations are against. You have forgotten your place in GreyBrook, which could be your greatest crime. However, it has been considered that you were corrupted by the actions of Member Taylor, including being seduced into having a relationship outside that of what is considered natural with said Member.” I felt a fingernail pop the skin as I clenched my fists harder, a warm rivulet of blood starting down my palm. “Therefore, we have decided that GreyBrook will give you the chance to be educated out of these accusations, and back into normal society. Your choice to have sexual relations would normally come with more severe repercussions, but the circumstances what they are, it may make it difficult for you to find a suitable mate when your re-education has been completed. Stand down, Member.”

  I could see the thoughts swirling over her face, what the hell was re-education? More beatings? If I knew anything about the way GreyBrook worked, she’d be beaten, forced to bend to whatever her ‘re-educator’ wanted and if it was Maddox, I knew what he’d want. But what choice did she actually have? I fought to keep the lump in my throat from strangling me with fear.

  “Member Taylor.”

  “Sir?” I choked out.

  “You are a different story all together. You have been charged with overt insubordination, false accusation, conspiring with another to accuse innocent men, public accusation of said men. You refuse to rescind your accusations against Maddox Cohen, Walker and Tait Barlow, Blaze Cohen, Griff Marshall, Stephen Masters, Kylen Beach, Tennyson Tilus. You also committed physical assault against one Blaze Cohen, one Maddox Cohen, and one Stanford Beutner. You speak of the sexual encounters you have had with several men, in the accusations you make against them, yet they have merely taken what was rightfully theirs to take. You have also corrupted another to your unnatural ways. It is well known you have unnatural proclivities and have had these since you were a young child at school, despite your father trying to beat these out of you, as he should. Mr. and Mrs. Raeburn deny that Member Raeburn displayed any of these unnatural tendencies before she met you in Ferox.” More blood joined the puddle in the palm of my hands. “You are therefore instructed to make one of two choices - you are to be expelled, to become Non-Sel immediately and fend for yourself in the wastelands. Or, you can fall on your sword, and seek the penalty of death.” He paused, a smirk on his face as he flicked his eyes towards Paige, “However, if you choose death, Member Raeburn’s punishment will be absolved and she will be free to return to Ferox as a fully functioning Team Leader. It’s up to you. At ease.”

  We relaxed, just slightly, turning to each other.

  Paige could see in my face I was considering falling on my sword, allowing her to return to a life she could turn around from this, make something of herself, rather than re-education. I couldn’t bear to be the one to send her to whatever re-education would entail for her because I couldn’t see it being anything other than torture. If falling on my sword meant she missed all that pain, then I’d do it. I gave her a sad smile, and opened my mouth to speak, catching a glimpse of her panic as I turned.

  “Grand Leader Marshall. May I speak?” she blurted, trying to beat me to saying anything.

  “You may.”

  “Re-education will not work. There is no reason to believe that I would ever change my thinking. I offer to be expelled alongside Member Taylor. If you punish her with death, I will follow.” She scowled, “But if you do so, I will make sure I take some of you with me.”

  “Is that a threat, Member?”

  “No,” she smiled, “A promise.”

  “Paige…” She shot her head around to look at me, shutting me up instantly with the power of her glare. Barrett had turned to Maddox, a “Why not?” look on his face to which a scowling Maddox nodded.

  “Member Raeburn, as foolish as I think your offer is, particularly when you can be guaranteed a long life in Ferox if you were to accept re-education or allow Member Taylor to choose death as her reward, I will take you up on it. Attention!”

  We snapped to attention, cringing at the speed at which habits just happened.

  “Members Raeburn and Taylor - you have both been sentenced to expulsion from Ferox, and GreyBrook Proper. You are from now both Non-Sels and will be removed from GreyBrook Proper in the morning. Do you have any last requests?”

  I looked at Paige, “Sir, can we please contact our families, to tell them of the decision?” I asked, "If not our families, a friend who can inform our families?"

  He nodded. “You have this evening to consult your families, and friends, and tomorrow someone will escort you from the grounds. I will assign a guard to be with both of you at all times, who will be punished with death should you run.” He turned and left, Maddox standing scowling.

  I nodded at him, knowing I was taking the one person other than his wife that he felt anything for away from him.

  “I will return with the guards in a moment.” And he too turned and stalked off.

  I turned to Paige.

  “Holy… shit.” she breathed, “That was close. You… You were going…” A tear ran down her face, unable to finish her sentence.

  “Re-education would have been beatings, and whatever the hell Maddox had planned earlier, until you either broke, or they killed you. I wanted to save you the pain.”

  “I know. I couldn’t let you.” She sw
allowed, “Right, so… who are we telling?” Down to business already.

  “Jameson, and Mother… uh, Alyx or Maria if possible. You?”

  “Ti. Your mother can tell my parents if she wants. I don’t have anyone else. Jorja maybe?”

  I nodded, “And hell, they can tell whoever they like…”

  Maddox returned with Samson and Alyx. I kept a handle on my face until after he had left. They’d chosen people we knew well to guard us so we wouldn’t run, and risk them being killed for our selfishness. Well played Maddox, well played.

  “Jesus, Reed.” Alyx muttered as we all walked from the cells, “You don’t do things by halves do you?”

  I shook my head. “Alyx… please contact your mother for me, I need to talk to her.” He did so as we walked to the apartment to get a few items before leaving it.


  “Maria, it’s Reed.”

  “Reed, love, how are you?”

  I swallowed, “Um... yeah. Hey, how is Jessica?”

  “She’s doing great, we made out that she was a Runaway. Her parents are overjoyed she is alive, understand what happened and agree with the runaway story. But… you didn’t call for that did you love? Alyx wouldn't need to call me on your behalf if you did.”

  “No. Maria, I’ve… it happened again.” She gasped. “But this time, it was Ferox. They have expelled me for public accusation of the Leader Cohen’s son… and apparently, er… Grand Leader Marshall’s as well.”

  “Oh… fuck…”

  “Yeah. They have assigned Alyx to stop me running away before I am expelled tomorrow, so I can contact those who meant something to me.”

  “Oh love…”

  “Maria, thank you for everything you did for me. For rescuing me, for taking me in despite the risks to yourself and Steve, for taking in Jessica. I can never repay you, and… well, it seems I may have fucked it all up…” I paused, “I hope not… I have plans… but… they may not work out.” Alyx peered at me. “Maria, that night, reading the book before I left - thank you, it meant a lot, and I promise I won’t forget you.”


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