She Wore Black

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She Wore Black Page 27

by J L Park

  I heard a cross between a sob and a chuckle.

  “Reed, I understand. You’re welcome, as long as you don't forget me!” I breathed a sigh of relief, she’d understood my somewhat cryptic message. "Good luck, you’ll be fine."

  Phone calls to Jameson and Mother came next. Jameson was shocked, whilst he knew of the previous time I’d been taken and what it entailed, and he was trying to get his head around how they treated women in GreyBrook, it still hadn’t all sunk in for him. He promised to look after Mother. Mother was understandably upset, but caught the message I was trying to tell her - if we could get her out, we would. We walked from the apartment back to the dorms to find Ti.

  “Jesus, they let you out?” she exclaimed as we walked in, then took in the two men with us, who did not leave despite it being the girls’ dorm, realising that this was a farewell visit. Samson and Alyx stood back and let us talk freely. Samson looked ill, given he had been the one to arrest me. I patted his arm.

  “You had no choice, Samson. This is entirely my fault.”

  He scowled and leaned forward. “No, it was those four pieces of shit who took you. I was there, I saw how they left you,” I blinked, shocked he was speaking this in front of other people, even though he’d whispered, “Whatever the fuck it is that you two are planning, count me in. I’ll help where I can.” The anger in his voice was almost palpable, causing the air to thicken between us, a fiery glaze to his gaze. I nodded, hoping that he understood how much I appreciated what he was offering, and what he had done for me. Paige was talking with Ti. She kept nodded and then hugged Paige, and came running for me.

  “You stupid brave son of a bitch,” she muttered in my ear, “Don’t you forget me when you make your move. I’ll tell those who I KNOW feel the same.” She pulled back, holding my arms, “You have no idea the army you have willing to follow you.”

  I frowned. Why did people keep talking about following me?

  “Thanks for everything Ti.”

  Alyx lead me away as more Ferox returned to the dorms after their shift. Several gave both Paige and I a scowl and ‘side eye’, as though they didn’t trust us anymore. I could understand that even though they could, they were conditioned to believe the Leader above all else. A couple reached out, brushing our hands, or arms as they went past, a look in their eyes as though they understood. I looked back at Ti, who winked. Alyx pulled me aside when we were outside, and out of earshot of the dorms.

  “Reed, I’ve had Fence Duty often since being here.” Nodding, I wasn't sure where he was going with the conversation. “I’ve become friends with some Non-Sel at the fence, in Ferox’s section. I went out there today before they told us we were to be guarding you, just to talk to them, under the guise of Fence Duty, just in case.”

  “Thanks… I think.” He remained serious, so I went quiet again.

  “They’re expecting you. But I don’t know if you will know what to expect.”

  “I’ve done one Fence Duty in Pius, but I gather Ferox would be different.”

  “Yeah, it is. But I didn’t mean if you knew what to expect to find out there, but…. what they know of you.” My forehead creased in a frown why would they know me? I shook my head, figuring I should ask him rather than just think it.

  “Why would they know me, Alyx?”

  Grinning, he scuffed his feet on the gravel before replying. “Your reputation precedes you. The Fence Duty after that beating that Maddox inflicted on you and Paige early on, the Ferox out there was still talking about it. The day of Chaos? They know all about that. And that most recent beating when it looked like The Leaders could expel you - I talked to them then. A lot of them are Non-Sel by choice. They feel the same as you, and… so do a lot of others here. That things have to change. They want to help… We want to help. Please let us.”

  I looked up at him in the dark, tears in my eyes. “I…” I took a deep breath to steady myself, “Thank you Alyx.”

  “Don’t mention it.” He smiled, “No, really, DON’T mention it. Just be the change we need, Reed. We’ll be there for you when you need us.”

  “I will do my best, Alyx. I promise.”

  We walked back to the other two who had finally come outside.

  “Reed, we are supposed to take you back to Headquarters in the morning, what do you want to do now?” Samson blushed, before continuing, “That Alyx and I can be around for ‘cause… you know.”

  I laughed. “I’d really just like a drink, and to lie on some grass, staring at the night sky, with Paige.” I murmured.

  “I can organise the drinks.” Alyx wandered off and came back with a bag, the glass clinking as he walked. Paige took my hand and led me to the place we’d first talked, where I’d first kissed Paige. We sat on the bench seat, drinking the cold drinks, taking in the night. The boys moved off, so they were still within sight, but not hearing distance, not that we were talking all that much, particularly after we moved to the grass, and lay, holding hands looking at the starry night sky.

  “Paige, I’m sorry it came to this.” She squeezed my hand, “But, I promise you, we will make something of this.”

  Morning came faster than we had expected, both Paige and I having dozed off on the grass. Alyx and Samson woke us, just as the sun was coming up, as we needed to be back at Headquarters just after sunrise. Smoothing uniforms, we took one last look at the city, before walking away.

  Barrett and Maddox were waiting in Maddox’s office when we arrived.

  “Dismissed, boys. Thank you for your service.”

  Samson and Alyx nodded at Maddox, then a slight nod from Samson and a wink from Alyx to us as they left.

  “Have you informed those who you need to tell, that you will no longer be contactable within GreyBrook?”

  “Yes, sir.” We answered in unison.

  “Right then,” Barrett announced, “It’s time for you both to leave. Maddox - their jackets.”

  Maddox put his hand out. I pulled it off my shoulders, my hand sliding over the name stitched into it. It had meant so much at the time, now not so much. We could take the rest of the uniform with us as Ferox didn’t believe in throwing people out naked. They walked us to the edge of Ferox, to the sentry station.

  “Member Taylor, Member Raeburn. From now on in, you are both stripped of your rank with Ferox, your membership within Ferox and are now Non-Sel. To venture within these borders again, without belonging to a section is to risk being shot on sight. You have been warned.” Barrett motioned to the guards on Sentry to open the gate. As it was opening, I turned to look back at Ferox and smiled.

  Hidden from those who didn’t know where to look were a huge number of Ferox, watching, waiting for us to leave. It could have been many wanting to make sure we were gone, but it felt like it was those who supported us. I raised a fist in their honour. Allowing myself another smile when I saw many of them do the same back. I turned back to the gate, holding Paige’s hand as we walked through.

  The sound of the gate crashing shut behind us startled me as we walked along the road, towards the Non-Sel camps we knew were in the distance. I watched Paige’s face as she saw the similarities in how the outer fields and forests had been planted to that of where we had been taken. Squeezing her hand, distracting her from what she knew would be within the confines of that forest, hoping that it would be empty. She squeezed back.

  “Reed, can you hear that?” she murmured, peering into the distance, the direction of the fence. I strained to hear what she meant.

  “It sounds like a chant.” I stopped, “And it’s coming closer.” I shrugged, and plodded on towards the noise, trying to figure out what it was about.

  “Look!” She pointed, a few minutes later. A large group of people marching towards us became clearer as did their shouting.

  What is right! What is just! What is fair! She will be small, but mighty! What is right! What is just! What is fair! She will be small but mighty!

  They continued to chant as we walked, marching toward us.
Until we stood within spitting distance.

  “Reed Taylor?” asked the one who seemed to be in the lead of the march, holding a jacket.

  “Yes,” I replied back, squeezing Paige’s hand.

  A cheer rose from the group, a smile on the face of the one with the jacket. He stepped forward, holding the jacket out in front of him, nodding at my hand. It was black, completely black, not deep grey but a midnight in the middle of a deep cave, swallow everything into it, extraordinarily contraband within GreyBrook black. I reached out for it tentatively, old habits still trying to take hold, taking it from him as he stepped back. Unfolding it, the back of it stitched with the name of a section I had never heard of - Alexis. “Defender” from what I remembered of my basic Greek. Turning it around, to find the same Alexis logo on the breast, my name underneath. My breath escaped me as I continued to read the stitching - Section Leader. Looking up at the man who had given it to me, I slid the black jacket over my arms, amid cheers from the crowd behind him.

  “Section Leader Taylor. Welcome to Alexis. We’ve been waiting for you.”


  To my wife, who this book is dedicated to. Thank you for your support and encouragement whilst I worked on this book, and the ones following it. For your understanding when it took me away from hanging out with you for many nights in a row, and your never-ending belief that I could do it.

  To my children, who this is also dedicated to. Thank you for allowing Mummy to do her “work” on the computer when sometimes it seemed like I was working all the time. I hope you will learn to follow your dreams, and never give up. Also, thank you for being very good sleepers - most of this was written after you went to bed!

  To my editor, Mariana Ferreira of Good Karma Proofreading and Editing. Thank you for taking me on as a client - you understood where I was going with the story and helped me to craft a more cohesive form than I had initially - with a lot less commas!

  To my cover designer, Germancreative of Thank you for the beautiful cover you designed for me - allowing me something to focus on to finish the story, and bringing Reed to life in picture format.

  To my Beta Readers, in particular Wendy/Wendel - you gave me so many ways of bringing the initial story together and flow in a better way than it did in the very first drafts. Also to my mother and sister - thank you for being willing to read my book and give me honest feedback, just like I knew you would. Every little bit helps.

  About The Author

  JL Park lives with her family in beautiful New Zealand/Aotearoa. The Alexis Chronicles is her first series. When she is not lost in the world of her stories, she spends time with her wife and two children, or working as a Registered Nurse.

  If you’d like to know more about JL Park, you can follow her Facebook page, or subscribe to her newsletter/website where she enjoys sharing her progress on upcoming books and the occasional giveaway.

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