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The Last Celtic Angel

Page 16

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  He is looking again into her eyes; she sometimes thinks he never looks at her body. She has rather large breasts and men have always been attracted to her because of them, but his eyes never stray from her face. Is he not attracted to her physically, she wonders?

  “Yes I would be honored, thank you, but don’t you think Dyon should be or Rosa.” She questions him as she doesn’t want to alienate her by thinking Deanna’s trying to push her away.

  “No, Dyon’s not of age and Rosa, she would never allow herself to, she would consider it incorrect to have my housekeeper on the receiving line for my guests. She’s very old fashioned even though she’s like my family, she would never consent.” He replies still holding her hand.

  We sit and watch the setting sun as the lights are turned on, in and around the lake and the veranda, turning it into a wonderland right out of Disney World, all the men and women who are working as servers are dressed in traditional Spanish dress as is Jamie. Jamie’s is an ebony suit with gold embroidery on the front of the jacket and the sides of the pant legs with flared bottoms over black Spanish styled boots. His coat has been made for him fitting perfectly, not gaudy, with a lace shirt and black string tie. He is a picture of an old California Don, dignified and handsome. The women are in long dresses of many colors similar to mine just not as fancy, the men are dressed in tight fitting trousers with ruffled shirts under fitted jackets. I watch him going about the room making last minute checks with Rosa and Eduardo, dressed as he is, he moves like a matador. Jonah slides next to her, and whispers in Deanna’s ear quietly.

  “Mother, have you ever seen anything like this in your life, you should see the food and outside it’s decorated everywhere like it is in here. Even the barns and stalls have been cleaned and well lit; grooms have been working on the horses, since we got back. I love this lifestyle don’t you, he is going to blow all these fancy pants away tonight, this will be the talk of the village you wait and see.” He states to his mother proudly.

  “You really like him don’t you; I mean not just the money and how fancy it is? I mean him.” Jonah looks at Jamie before he answers her.

  “Mother I don’t know what it is about him, but I trust him more than any person outside of you in my whole life. I can’t explain why, it’s like I’ve known him all my life, I feel comfortable being around him, don’t you?” Jonah is looking at her waiting for an answer.

  Taking a long moment before acknowledging him, finally taking a deep breath, she says to him, “I like him very much, but I have to stay objective at least until I finish the story, you understand that don’t you?” he nods his head.

  “Have you seen Dyon yet the girls told me she is wearing something very special tonight and wants to surprise Jefe. I can’t wait to see her; she really is the most wonderful girl I’ve ever met.” He states with stars in his eyes, Deanna sees that first love has smitten him hard.

  Jamie comes up to them and asks Jonah how everything looks, “Fine sir, I have never been to such a grand social do in all my life.” He admits awkwardly.

  “Well, can I tell you both something, neither have I, this is my first go at this; your mother probably has much more experience than I have. I’m hoping she will get me through it without too many blunders.” He laughs and looks at Deanna.

  “You are kidding me aren’t you?” Deanna asks.

  “No, this is my first try at the high society, and I would appreciate all the help you can give me. You after all, were the reason I threw this fandango.”

  “What do you mean I’m the reason?” Deanna is astonished, that he would make a declaration like that.

  “I thought about why your editor and publisher wanted to do this story and why they sent you. They wanted to know what I’m doing here, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt if they got to know us and get a look at the Ranch. Plus if you needed more time for the story Ellsworth would be more willing to give it to you, if I could convince him and his wife that we are not the monsters we’re being made out to be. It’s like killing a bunch of birds, with one stone so to speak.”

  “So you were using me to get good press?” She asks him, her Irish is getting up and Jonah backs away thinking that Deanna might explode.

  “No, not at all, I knew after I met you that you would do an honest story about what you found here, but I’m not uninformed as to what is being circulated around about me, and my girls or motives. Ellsworth’s wife is in the forefront trying to get me to sell out, now with the Delaplane thing; they will be applying more pressure. I needed more time and so did you, am I right?” He disarms her with his reasoning, Deanna has been thinking the same thing, it’s just she thought she was doing the manipulating, but it appears, he can also.

  “Please, sometimes I have a tendency to act without always consulting, and it can be annoying. Just be patient with me, I promised I would never lie to you remember.”

  Deanna calms down and says to him. “Well in the future Mr. Doyle, I would appreciate if you talked to me first before you make any more life changing decisions on my behalf.” He laughs and crosses his heart; she can’t stay mad at him any longer.

  “I swear to you, I will be more forth coming where you are concerned Senora,” he chuckles.

  Eduardo approaches Jamie and whispers in his ear. “Don Diego, your guests are coming up to the gate now. Would you like to welcome them outside or at the door and should I have Raul start to play the musica?”

  “Yes Eduardo, have him play, just keep it soft for now, we’ll heat it up later. I’ll greet them outside and have the fans on, to keep any bugs out of the house.

  “I will have the men park the automobiles in the east paddock.” He tells Jamie, and turns to Deanna.

  “Senora, you grace us tonight, you are a picture of beauty. Thank you for making my Rosa so happy also. It is good that you are here… You will excuse me now, La Dona.” He bows and departs before she can thank him for his compliment.

  “What did he mean by La Dona?”

  “It means My Lady and old Mexican term; Eduardo comes from an old fashioned line of Spanish gentlemen.” Jamie interprets to her.

  “Jamie, Eduardo is not dressed for the party is he not coming?” Deanna asks him a little confused.

  “No, he wants to handle security tonight with his new vaqueros, he after all is the Segundo[37]. He worries too much, but he feels it’s his job, and I let him handle it in his own way.” Before she can ask why he whisks her to the big double doors at the front entrance that have been opened as the first guests begin to arrive.


  “The Grande Fiesta”

  The guests are beginning to drive up and the line is long, the valets are getting them out of their cars. Each guest has an invitation that is checked by security and shown to the receiving line which has formed at the front entrance. Jamie is as gracious as any Fortune Five Hundred CEO at a corporate stockholders meeting. Smiling and shaking hands in his warm and genuine style, he is winning many over. When Deanna sees someone she recognizes, she whispers in Jamie’s ear.

  Deanna sees Mr. Ellsworth and his wife are next; both are looking at her with surprise, as she introduces them to Jamie.

  “Mr. Ellsworth my pleasure sir, I have been a fan of yours for years, both of your newspaper articles and your wonderful magazine. No, don’t tell me this must be you’re exceptional Melody that I’ve heard so much about. Mrs. Ellsworth, you must let me help you with the fine projects that you chair in this county?”

  Mrs. Ellsworth is flattered that he would be aware of her charities. “Of course you must come to one of our events; I will have my personal secretary contact you.” Melody says after recovering from his flattery.

  “Mr. Ellsworth I would very much love to talk with you later I hope you will give me some of your time.” Jamie asks Mr. Ellsworth. He has disarmed the old bear and Ellsworth doesn’t know it and Mrs. Ellsworth is enchanted with him Deanna can tell.

  Jamie’s handling the reception line beautifully and Deanna i
s familiar with half of the names he has invited. She helps him with many of the Equestrian elites; they are some of the most prominent in South Florida society. Looking up Deanna see’s Roberto is next in line, and is elated that he’s been invited.

  Roberto steps up to him, “Senor, allow me to introduce myself. I am Roberto Diaz; it is an honor to meet with you and thank you for your gracious invitation.”

  “Senor Diaz you are known to me by reputation, as many of the people that work here at the ranch speak highly of the Great Diaz of the Columbian Equestrian Team. You must allow me to come and watch you at the next show; I understand you have the best jumper of the year.” Jamie seems completely versed as to Roberto’s reputation.

  “To friendship my friend,” Jamie takes his wrist in a camaraderie clasp.

  “To friendship my Celtic friend I see we have much in common.” Roberto looks toward Deanna and he takes her hand, kissing it in his usual style and charm. “Senora Deanna, as always your beauty takes my breath away, I am your servant.” She can’t help blushing, as Jamie looks at her smiling with a little envy.

  Finally, after about an hour all the guests have filed through the receiving line. Rosa and her team have made all comfortable inside with refreshments and appetizers. Raul’s small band is a wonderful background to the whole affair as music fills the air from the veranda.

  “I think that went well don’t you, I can’t thank you enough for all the help and your support. I was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.” Jamie whispers into Deanna’s ear,

  She hadn’t noticed, but he must have taken hold of her hand sometime during the reception process. He let’s go of it, and she realizes that her palm is sweating, as his is also. They both take a deep breath, as they prepare for their entrance to the great room.

  “You were wonderful, and you did everything perfectly. I think most of them are under the assumption that we’re an item,” Deanna whispers to him.

  “Well it’s time for the big show so let’s not disappoint them.” He whispers back.

  The two of them enter the great room with Deanna on Jamie’s arm. He leads her to a table that all the other tables radiate from. He pulls out a chair while she sits down. Jamie excuses himself and strolls up to the piano picking up the microphone.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, Friends and Neighbors, I bid you welcome to Rancho de Los Angeles. Tonight we wish to have you celebrate two occasions, one is the anniversary of the Rancho and the second is my birthday.” There is a round of applause from everyone, Jamie looks over and smiles at us.

  “I wished you to be here so that many of you, whom we have not had the pleasure of meeting, might get to know us and see that we wish only to be good neighbors and be a part of this beautiful community. You are also welcome to tour the grounds and barns this evening if you wish.

  Now I would like to present to you my students and members of my extended family.” He motions with his hand and Dyon looking like a Starlet stands and collects each of the girls including Pita. They approach the piano to stand next to him.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, if you would permit me may I present to you, my Angels. Starting from left to right, let me introduce my ward Dyon Thompson, next is Tia Rivera, Marianna Davidson, T. J. O’Neil and Pita Sanchez. Wait we are missing one more. Katy Gaynor please come up here will you.” Katy is in shock and Jonah helps her to her feet.

  Deanna says to her, “Go.” She walks up to take her place at the end of the line, they are all smiling at her, and she has tears in her eyes.

  These young ladies are my students, and your future equestrians, but all are a part of this home, my family and my life.” Everyone claps and the girls all give curtsies.

  Jamie gives the toast. “Now shall we all enjoy music, some great food, and good friends? Please be welcome to Rancho de Los Angeles.” The guests all give them a round of applause.

  Jamie and the girls come back to the table; Deanna is at a loss as to what to say to him. He’s made Katy happier than he would ever know. She’s bubbling with joy, with tears glistening in her eyes like stars in the sky.

  “I could not introduce them and have her sitting there with pain in her heart; I looked at her and knew what I had to do. She’s welcome here and I wanted her and you to know.” She looks into his eyes and knows he’s telling her the truth.

  She excuses herself and goes out to the veranda, unable to hold back the tears.

  Jamie follows her out and places his hands on her shoulders, turning her toward him.

  “Are you angry at me again?”

  She turns and kisses him on the mouth, long and hard. After many seconds, their lips part, breathlessly she whispers to him.

  “No I’m not mad at you, how could I be? I think you may be the answer to my daughter’s emotional stability and to the turning of our lives, I don’t know who, or what you are. I just know that we’re happy, and you’ve made that possible, my fear is what effect that’ll have on us all.”

  He puts his arms around her and tells her, “There will be nothing that you have to fear from me. Whatever you learn will not change who and what I am. Now you will have to go fix your pretty face, you owe me a dance.” Jamie still has his arms around her, and she feels all will be well.

  Deanna and Jamie end their brief interlude and return to the great room amid great festivity and gaiety. Couples are dancing, and the girls have taken their guests to the game room. Jonah and Dyon are dancing and Deanna can see that they both are attracted to each other.

  Jamie turns toward Deanna and says, “I believe this dance is mine, Ms. Gaynor.” and he takes her in his arms, and they join the others on the dance floor. The song ends, he holds her in his arms, not wanting to let her go, until he notices that she’s blushing, and they are the only ones left on the floor.

  Holding Deanna’s chair as she sits, he bends over and expresses to her. “I have to circulate among the guests and try to get to know them, but please save me some dances.”

  Melody Ellsworth watches Jamie as he circulates among the many guests at the party. John is discussing county policy with the Deputy Mayor of Palm Beach. She believes that she was misled about everything she was told about what was going on in this place. When John returns to her side, she says to him. “John maybe I was mistaken about this man, he appears to be such a personable individual and this home is magnificent, he appears to have class and breeding. Those girls all look to be wonderful, and Ms. Gaynor appears very attracted to him as well. They do make a glorious couple don’t you think? Have you read any of her story yet?”

  “No Mel, I haven’t, but I intend to go over it this week, if fact I’m intending to speak to him myself sometime this evening if I can. I feel the same thing that Deanna did though, there’s a story here, and I’m just not sure what it is. I know this honey; Williams and Cerbone at Southwest Properties will try to do whatever it takes, to harm this man. He stands between them and too much money. I don’t think his ideals will protect him if they decide to get nasty.” He ponders just how ugly.

  “John, I sense he’s a good man, and I also believe that our Ms. Gaynor may be falling in love with him, unless I miss my guess.” She looks at her husband and smiles.

  “She may need our help too,” Melody Ellsworth states to her husband.

  He takes her hand and says to her. “That’s why I love you Melody Ellsworth; you always see the right side.”

  She hugs and kisses this big tough man that she cherishes so much. She remembers with pride, once he too stood alone against the odds to affect change.

  “I want to read it when she’s finished, before it goes to print. After all, you wouldn’t be doing this story if I hadn’t pressed you so much.” She expresses to him with a knowing smile.

  Jamie approaches John Ellsworth’s table, “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth, I hope you’re enjoying yourselves, is the food to your liking?”

  “It’s superb this is the first time we’ve had beef barbequed like this, I mean over open ho
t coals. Is this how it’s done in Mexico?” Melody inquires.

  “It’s prepared like this throughout the Southwest and Mexico. I have to be honest with you, the caterer pulled out this morning and Rosa my housekeeper threw this together for us this evening. I would be truly lost without her.” Jamie confides to her.

  “She has done a wonderful job, everything is so lovely, I would never have known that it was not cratered, could I borrow her for one of my parties?” Melody asks sincerely.

  “You may ask, but the decision would be up to her. She’s a very independent person.” Jamie answers her good naturedly.

  “Mr. Ellsworth, I would like to take this moment to thank you for sending Deanna over to see me. She’s an extremely good reporter; I’ve enjoyed her company very much and look forward to the completion of her story. It was very fortunate that you had her on staff, and she knew Ed Haskell. I wouldn’t have done it otherwise; sometimes things work as though by divine providence, don’t you think? We ought to have lunch together soon, I would love to hear some of your exploit’s as a top crime reporter.” Jamie asks him.

  “Mr. Doyle I would love to, my secretary will call you, and we can set up a date.” Ellsworth answers and shakes his hand knowing that trying to get him into a private conversation tonight is out of the question.

  Turning to Mrs. Ellsworth Jamie says, “Everyone raves about you so much, I would love to help with some of your charities.” He takes Melody’s hand and kisses it in a sincere bow, “We must all get together over lunch soon so you can decide how I can be of service.” Jamie sincerely smiles at her as he releases her hand.

  “If you will excuse me, I have to make the rounds to some of my other guests. Please enjoy our hospitality and feel free to wander the grounds if you’d like.”

  Deanna takes a moment to check on Katy and the other girls by going to the recreation room. Katy sees her Mom and runs up to Deanna, “Mother, I still can’t believe it, he’s accepted me to be one of his students. I’m so happy and all the kids are congratulating me as well. You know a lot of them that are here live in Loxahatchee, and stop by just to hang out. They think Uncle Jamie is the coolest person in the world.”


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