The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 24

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “Honey what is there to understand, he is a good looking man that has lots of money, talent that puts him in a league of his own. Not to mention he seems to have found the fountain of youth. How do you know that he doesn’t care for you?” Mel tries to reason with her.

  They both sit there and drinking coffee contemplating the whole thing. Mel seems to be waiting for her to open up and tell her what she’s thinking.

  “If he cared for me, he would have confided to me and not used the excuse that we can’t be more than friends while he’s Katy’s trainer, and she’s in therapy. If he really cared for me, he would have let himself go and at least tried something more than some kisses and holding my hand. Don’t you think?” She starts to cry and Melody starts to laugh.

  “That sounds to me like you’re mad because he was a gentleman, and didn’t tear your clothes off. Did you ever think maybe he just doesn’t want to admit that there is a huge age difference between you and him and that you wouldn’t want him if you found out?” Mel has a knowing smile. “You know my John loved me to death and was afraid I would laugh at him because he was twenty years older than I was. He would send me notes and flowers, but when it came to the hot stuff he was scared to death. I would laugh at him, and he would get crazy and walk out. You know he was a lot like your Jamie, tough when he had to be, no quit in him either, but the gentlest man I ever met. Maybe you are being too hard on him.

  What you need to do is start dating, and I know just the men to get the ball rolling, maybe if he sees that you are seeing some eligible men, he will get off his ass and tell you how he feels. Either way you’ll have nothing to lose and the Banquet is coming up. We have tickets for it, leave everything to me. Just promise that you will let me help plan the wedding,” Melody laughs and so does Deanna.

  It sounds like a plan and what’s the worst that can happen, Deanna meets some nice men and the best would be the way Mel thinks it might turn out?

  “Mel I love the way you think, if he really cares and if he thinks he might lose me, and then jealousy might bring him around. There may be a way to clip an Angel’s wings. Thanks so much for being here for me; I have no one that I could have told my true feelings to.” Melody tells her to finish her coffee because they have work to do, and she goes and gets her address book.

  “I kind of knew you felt more for him than you were letting on back at the restaurant, John might have bought all the anger bullshit, but you didn’t fool me a bit. I knew you had fallen in love with him the night I saw you two at the party at his place. Promise you won’t get angry if I say something to you.”

  “I promise, you can say anything to me, I won’t get defensive. Deanna says to her.

  “Well, when you two were dancing that night at the party, I watched the way he looked at you and there were real feelings in those eyes of his. Both of you were making love on the dance floor, I never saw two people more in touch with each other. I said so to John, you know what he said. “He looks at her the way I look at you.” That was the nicest thing he’d said to me in years. I recognized that night that you were in trouble, but I didn’t know how to help you.”

  They hear the door open and John comes into the kitchen. “Why is it, whenever I observe two women in a kitchen, I start getting very apprehensive? Mel what are you two up to and by what means can I help?” John commences to laugh and Mel runs over and throws her arms about the big man.

  “You just did sweetheart, more than you know. Deanna now do you comprehend what I mean about men; you never truly know how they are genuinely reacting when they love you.” She delivers him a big kiss, and he turns beat red and commences clearing his throat.

  “Deanna is going to commence to date some extremely eligible bachelors. First off to observe how serious this Jamie is about her, second to recognize how she really feels about him.” Mel says to him as she releases her arms from encircling his neck.

  “John what about that attorney friend of yours, what’s his name Axel something isn’t it? You said you wanted her to go to see a lawyer anyway about her ex-husband.”

  “His name is Axelrod and he is one of the best. Tell you what Deanna I’ll have my secretary call him on Monday and get you an appointment. Is that alright with you?”

  “Well of course she’ll go talk to him, and in the meantime I’ll start seeing who is in town that will make a wonderful date for you. You know the Horseman’s Ball is coming up in a couple of weeks and it wouldn’t hurt to let the eligible and available men know you’re free.” Mel states and smile with the look like the cat that ate the canary.

  She thanks them both for all their help and promises to meet with the lawyer at the first opportunity. Deanna will let Mel know about their plan after she talks with the old priest. She bids them goodbye and heads for home. As she is about to leave their house her phone rings, it‘s Jonah.

  Katy has been invited to stay at the Ranch and Jonah is working the whole weekend. She tells him it’s ok because she wants to talk to Tom Scanlon and needs a few days by herself to think things out.

  Mel’s plan sounds like a good one, and if he does not care for her, then she will at least have met some nice men. It can’t hurt to have some dates in the wings anyway, she thinks as she drives home.

  After finishing a light dinner, Deanna cuddles up on the sofa by the fireplace and decides to put on the songs Jake gave her that Jamie wrote and recorded. Fingering his medallion and listening to his voice, she falls asleep with Angel lying next to her.


  “The Mercenaries”

  Deanna is unable to get together with Tom Scanlon until later in the week, so Melody’s scheme will have to wait just a couple of days. Tom has been doing all the things that Irene was doing for him at the mission, since she passed.

  Empowered by these past few days, and John Ellsworth’s confidence, it has inspired her to stand up to her ex-husband Steve. The magazine’s legal dept. has referred her to an attorney Kenneth Axelrod. He happens to be John’s friend, maybe he can do something about Steve and the strangle hold he has on Deanna and her children, something that her lawyers were unable to do. Steve wasted very little time in serving her with papers trying to get custody of Katy in retaliation for the incidents at the show grounds and the house. She has an appointment this afternoon; the power of the press is amazing.

  Driving over to the lawyer’s office she can’t help think about the situation with Jamie. She honestly feels he has intentionally misled her for his own gains and she is still furious with him. Pulling into the attorney’s parking lot, she see’s her ex-husband Steve coming out of the building so she ducks down on the front seat giving him time to get to his car and exit the lot before she enters the building.

  Getting off the elevator she checks the directory for Axelrod’ office, locating it Deanna decides to check her makeup and use the women’s facility before she goes in to see him. Upon entering she stops by the mirror to check her makeup and can’t help but hear what seem to be two men standing just outside the lavatories door engaged in a serious conversation.

  “Listen we have to get him to sell out to us, or we’ll be finished. That lawyer Gaynor says he knows some people that will ensure that the bastard will sell to us given the right pressure.”

  “Williams, I don’t want to have any backlash from this stuff. I have a great deal at stake locally, and I can’t afford to be involved with anything that hints of being illegal. Just handle it and get my results, but under no circumstances do I want it to touch me, do you understand me.”

  “I understand perfectly these guys are all Black-Op’s Mercenaries, that’s what he told me, they are used to jobs like this. If they get caught, they know it is their ass not ours, that’s why they are so expensive, you buy their silence.” The one called Williams says.

  “Just make sure he sells out to us and makes no trouble, this guy gives me the willies. There is something about him that does not add up correctly. You’re sure he will scare given the right incenti

  “These guys would scare the crap out of anyone, just by saying, “Hello.” Imagine them coming out of the dark and telling you “do this or else,” you would not have to tell me twice,” William’s states with a shudder in his voice.

  “You’re sure we can trust this Gaynor guy to handle everything, I don’t like him at all, and he seems like a real piece of crap, all mouth and no backbone.”

  “He’s being paid the right amount to ensure he will do his part, don’t worry.” Let’s go have some lunch and drink to his success shall we.” William’s states sounding confident.

  They board the elevator and head down, Deanna opens the door to the lavatory and makes sure they are gone before she leaves. She believes they must be referring to Jamie and the Rancho and are proceeding to hire a number of people to make things a little unpleasant for him. She dials Jamie’s cell phone, but he is not picking up, so she leaves him a voice mail to phone her right away.

  Walking down the hall her mind is full of what she’s just learned; Deanna must call Ellsworth right after she meets with the lawyer. Finding his office she walks in and gives her name to the receptionist, and who tells her to have a seat, that Mr. Axelrod will see her presently. Deanna tries Jamie one more time, but still no answer. Her stomach and mind are racing, what if they are planning something diabolical or worst physical intimidation she’s thinking. Jamie will not be intimidated, nor will Eduardo, they are two of a kind. Steven is up to something sneaky and the two he is working for sound, as if they could be gangsters.

  “Ms. Gaynor, Mr. Axelrod will see you now,” states his secretary.

  Deanna picks up her folder as the secretary shows her into a conference room to see Axelrod.

  “Ms. Gaynor, I’m Ken Axelrod it’s a pleasure to meet you,” as he extends his hand to her.

  John said this morning that you might have trouble that I may be able to help you with. Why don’t you tell me about it, and we’ll see what, if anything I can do?”

  He reminds her of Jamie. He’s tall, good looking and sure of himself, she shakes his hand and sits down.

  “Mr. Axelrod, I hope you will be able to, you see the problem is my ex husband’s an attorney, and he thrashed me up pretty good in court. I’m not sure that what he accomplished was altogether kosher, if you know what I mean.”

  “I’m familiar with the term, why don’t you just tell me from the beginning and let me decide what was and what was not kosher, Ok?” He sits back to listen to her story.

  Deanna tells him all about the divorce, just staying with the facts. Then the situation with Katy, along with the court ordered doctor and therapy.

  “Have you had her evaluated by your own doctors?” He asks her while he’s taking notes.

  “No, I didn’t think I would be able to after the court ordered me to take her to his doctor.”

  “I think you may have misunderstood the court. The fact is, as the custodial parent you were probably ordered to take her to a qualified psychologist and therapist. You’re the one that decides who she sees. I can petition the court so that you will be able to do that. How was she doing under this doctor, any improvements?”

  “No, not really, I was assigned to do this article on a re-hab in Loxahatchee, it’s about Children in Crisis, and she went with me and loves it there. The owner invited her to take a couple of lessons and Katy showed a complete turnaround. His method of therapy is not conventional, but produces positive results, so I have not taken her back to either the therapist or the training barn she was with previously, in weeks. She’s improved more with him than she did in a year with this other doctor and trainer that my ex was forcing me to use as a therapy treatment.”

  “Well, we’ll fix that right away; you send her where you think she’ll get the most help and let me worry about the attorney part of it. I’m very good, you’ll see, it will work out for the best.

  John told me you are one of his bright and upcoming stars, and that I should keep my eye on you, also that you are very single. Don’t get me wrong I won’t mix business with anything else, but after I fix the problem, I would be very interested in taking you out to dinner, if that would be alright with you?”

  “Well let’s take care of the legal things first, and then we can see. Now can we discuss your fee, I would have to make payment arrangements if that would be alright?”

  “John and I go back a long time, don’t worry about the fee I will make it affordable for you, the important thing right now is to see that we get things under your control and not Steve Gaynor’s.

  I failed to mention before, but I’m familiar with Steve Gaynor, and I don’t care for either him, or the people he represents. This may wind up being a community service pinning his ears back. I will call you or my secretary will notify you of any court appearance that may be required. I do have a number to reach you at, don’t I?” He asks her.

  “Yes I gave her my home and cell number. Thank you so much you don’t know how much better I feel just talking to you, not to mention for my moral.” Deanna gets up and shakes his hand.

  “I’ll call you in about a week, lots of luck with your story.”

  She walks out feeling so relieved, it finally seems she has a lawyer who is on her side and not overwhelmed by Steve. Saying goodbye to the secretary, she heads out into the hall just as the two men from earlier come out of the elevator still engaged in conversation. Putting her head down looking in her brief case for something as they pass, she heads for the elevator just as the door is about to close and jumps in.

  Getting to her car the first thing she does is to call Jamie again with the same results as before. Hanging up she dials John, “Hello, Ellsworth here,” Deanna breathes a sigh of relief, and then shouts into the phone as she enters her vehicle.

  “Mr. Ellsworth this is Deanna, I need to talk to you right away it’s about Jamie and the ranch, may I swing by and see you?” Sounding urgent she waits for his answer.

  “Doyle you say, and then by all means, can you make it over here right away. Did you keep the appointment with Ken?”

  “I just left his office, thanks, he’s great. I’m on my way I should be there in fifteen minutes.” She tells Ellsworth.

  Rummaging in her purse to find her keys, Deanna has the feeling of being watched and looks around, but does not see anyone suspicious or at least none that she can see.

  Driving from Ken’s office to the magazine she tries remembering everything they said so she can relate it to John.

  Entering the Magazine’s downstairs lobby she spies Collins exiting the coffee shop.

  “Hey you, what’s going on, I haven’t heard from you in six days, you’re still working on the story aren’t you?” He asks her rather perturbed.

  “Yes I am I’m on my way to Ellsworth’s office if you care to sit in, he’s had me checking in with him, I thought you knew.”

  “Hold on there and wait for me, I’m still the editor around here in case people have not noticed. I would appreciate if you touched base with me, so I don’t look like a complete ass hole.” He says to her very pissed off.

  “Sorry, I have been so busy with this thing; I thought you had spoken to Mr. Ellsworth. I will keep you informed from this point on, we have to hurry. I called him and told him I would be there in fifteen minutes and that was twenty minutes ago.” Deanna turns to go up to his office.

  “Wait for me.” Collins exclaims and takes two steps to catch up.

  John’s personal secretary looks up as they walk in, Deanna says, “Mr. Ellsworth is expecting me, the name’s Gaynor.”

  “Yes Ms. Gaynor, he said for you to go in as soon as you came in, I guess you too Mr. Collins,” she says with a smirk on her face.

  As they enter his office, Ellsworth crosses the office and comes over and asks. “Deanna, I’m glad to see that you’re alright, you sounded as though you might have been in some kind of trouble. What happened that caused you to call me in such a dither.” He turns to Collins, “Sit down Collins for G
od’s sake so she can tell me what happened. Ok, what happened to get you so worked up?” Ellsworth questions her.

  “I went over to Ken Axelrod’s office as you suggested, and as I was on my way to his office. I saw my ex-husband come out of one of the offices. Not wanting to encounter him, I waited until he left the lot I went in and stopped into the ladies’ restroom. When I was about to exit the lavatory I heard two men talking very loud just outside the door so I waited to hear what they were saying as they mentioned my Ex. They were speaking about Steve setting up, I think he said Merc’s, or something similar to that and getting someone to sell out to them or else. It sounded as though they were talking about Jamie and the ranch. One of them was called Williams the other was not called by name; he was short and looked to be Hispanic. I saw them when I was leaving Ken’s before I called you and I recognized the one called Williams’s voice. It sounded as though they mean for someone to have an accident or something.”

  Ellsworth thinks pensively then says, “It sounds as though it was Williams and Cerbon, and they will play dirty if it comes to that. They are as crooked as it comes, from what I’ve heard of them. They have offices on the same floor as Ken. Give me a minute to think here.” He paces up and down in front of his desk.

  Finally turning to Deanna, he says, “We should warn Jamie and his man Eduardo if that’s what you think they meant. If anything was to happen, and we did nothing it would be the same, as if we did it ourselves. I will call some people that I know that can access which Mercenaries are available and in the country right now. Let’s see if we can nip this thing in the bud before anyone gets hurt.”

  “I have been trying Jamie’s cell for almost an hour, but he doesn’t answer. I’m driving out to see him right now; I was so scared on my way over here.” Her hands are still trembling she realizes.

  “I’ll call some friends in the sheriff’s dept and let them know what we suspect.” Ellsworth is a take charge kind of guy and must have been a force to reckon with in his younger days, she thinks to herself.


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