The Last Celtic Angel

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The Last Celtic Angel Page 25

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  “You were sure that they didn’t think you overheard them.” He asks her

  “No, I pretended that I dropped my folder while looking at the directory, and was busy trying to put all my papers back in. I kept my head and face turned toward the wall the whole time they were talking, walking from the elevator.” Deanna suddenly feels scared again.

  “Yes sir, this is turning into something none of us bargained for.” Collins says, as he goes and picks up the phone to call security.

  “Deanna I want you to check in with me as soon as you get out there, I want to know that you’re alright. You understand me no more heroics on your part.”

  “Mr. Ellsworth I’ll be fine, I think if they pull anything it’s going to be from an intimidation stand point, not one that will bring down a lot of heat. Cerbon, the small one did not want for it to get messy and involve him. He was pretty adamant on that point, and he doesn’t trust Steve. I’m going out there now and try to talk to Jamie; he’s starting to bring in the extra cattle today for the new range. I’ll keep my cell phone handy the whole time I’m out at the ranch Oh, these security guys, they’ not in uniform or anything like those are they?” She points to the guards by elevator.

  “No they will be dressed in ranch clothes, see to it will you Frank.” He directs Collins. “Just to be on the safe side you go home and change into something else too.” He points his finger at her like a stern father.

  “Yes sir, Dad,” She smiles at him, and he blushes, his bark is really worse than his bite.

  Deanna drives to her house accompanied by two security people following close behind her. Concentrating on everything that’s transpired today, she can’t help but think about what kind of trouble Steve might bring to the ranch. Why hasn’t Jamie picked up his phone or called her back yet she wonders as she tries him again?

  When they get to the house she tells them she’ll be just a minute while she changes into something more durable. She slips into jeans and polo, wondering should she take Angel with her or not? Grabbing her boots she heads for the stairs with Angel following behind me.

  Roger and Marty are cautious and place their hands on the handles of their guns at the sight of her standing next to her on the landing. “Easy boys she’s friendly, I’ll tell her you’re alright, just relax. It’s Ok Angel, they’re friends, let her smell you, and she’ll be fine.” Angel starts to wag her tail and looks for them to pet her. “Alright, I’m ready, maybe we should go in my truck, just in case they are out in the boonies, its four wheel drive.” They quickly agree and they load into the Ford and head for the Ranch.

  Pulling up to the gate, Deanna swipes her card and the bar rises, and they head up to the main house, when suddenly Esteban appears around the bend with a rifle in his hands, and he’s pointing it right at her. She sticks her head out the window and yell’s to him, “Esteban, it’s me Deanna, what’s happened?

  “Senora, who is with you in the truck? Please get out with your hands in the air Senor’s and make no moves to make me nervous.” Esteban aims his rifle like he knows how to use it and on either side of the truck four more vaqueros appear all similarly armed. Angel is growling as Deanna tries to calm her down.

  “Angel, it’s alright they’re friends. Deanna gets out and walks toward him trying to tell him these men are with her, asking him again what’s happened. “Esteban, please tell me what’s going on, is everyone alright?”

  “There has been some trouble today Senora, two of our vaqueros have been shot and the Patron is out looking for those responsible now. You will come to the Hacienda with me, por favor. Your men must come with me also, for their own protection, it will be alright Senora. The Patron has told me to stand watch here at the rancho.”

  “Esteban what’s happened, you’re frightening me to death…. Jonah where is he, is he alright? --- The girls are they ok? Please tell me.” She waits for him to speak, with fear in her voice waiting for him to answer.

  “Senora, I will not tell you that there is no danger, for you would know I lie. The boy rides with the Patron and Eduardo, he would not stay, they are hunting, and they track two men.

  Deanna is terrified at the thought of Jonah being in harms way as they drive to the main house. Pulling up in front, Deanna see’s that Rosa is standing at the front door with Rubin, and he is armed as well. “Rosa what’s happened here?” Deanna exclaims as she rushes up to her.

  “Senora Deanna, There has been a shooting and some of our men have been injured,” Rosa tries to explain to her.

  “Who was hurt, where are they? Did you call the First Aid?” She asks as Katy and Tia come running from the house tears streaming down their faces.

  “Mother they shot Tanner and murdered Dyon’s colt, Mother, who would do such a thing? It was terrible, all the blood.” She’s crying almost hysterically, and holding on to Deanna, as is Tia.

  “Come Senora, come into the house while we wait for the men to come, Rubin you and these men stay outside and watch for them and keep your eyes open for the perros[39] that have done this thing.” Rosa commands them and Rubin and her body guards nod and takes up positions in front.

  “Tanner is in the great room resting, along with one of the vaqueros he has lost much blood, he rode back to warn us and get the Patron. He is weak Senora, and he is old. I have been praying for him, we await the policia[40] and the doctors now.”

  Deanna looks and sees T.J. kneeling next to him holding his hand, a determined look in her eyes. Angel goes and stands by her; Rosa is holding onto Deanna crying, and shaking all over and is close to losing it.

  Deanna places her arm about Rosa trying to comfort her “It will be alright I’m here now, and we’ll get through this, Tanner will make it, he’s a tough old codger.”

  Deanna is feeling guilty; her warning would have come too late. She now knows she should have come right away. Tanner and one other are gravely injured all because of greed. There is a knock on the door and Rubin brings in the emergency team and two Sheriff’s deputies. They rush to Tanner’s side and begin to work on him.

  “Mame, could you tell me what happened here,” The older of the two deputies asks Deanna ignoring Rosa completely.

  “Officer, Rosa can tell you more than I, we just arrived here, but it seems that someone ambushed Tanner and another man and shot them both. The owner of this Ranch is out there tracking them now with his men.” He calls it in and orders helicopters in the air and additional men for backup.

  “Mame, do you know if the owner is armed as the other men I’ve seen around here.” He asks Rosa and she nods.

  “Yes, I’m very afraid for them, you must do something, and my son is out there with them. The men who did this are hired killers that have been employed by my ex husband and two other men by the name of Williams and Cerbon to force Mr. Doyle to sell his land to them.” It runs out of Deanna before she can stop it from spilling out.

  “How do you know this Mame, you just said that you didn’t know much.” He questions her.

  “I overheard them today, it’s a long story, but I was on my way here to warn them about this threat, never believing that they would have put their plan in motion this soon. I work for the Horseman’s Magazine and Mr. John Ellsworth knows about it also.”

  “Mame, did they tell you directly that this was what they intended, or did you just overhear something and assumed what you told me.”

  “I overheard them talking outside of their office this afternoon. Why don’t you just go arrest them now? I told you what I heard them say they were going to do?” Deanna is getting frustrated with him as he seems not to believe what she is saying to him.

  One of the EMT officers walks up and breaks in,” We have to transport the old guy right away the other one is dead, I’ll fill you in later Mac, after we get him in the wagon and roll, I think I might need an escort, call it in will you.”

  “Mame, please have a seat in the other room and let the officers get your friend out to the truck.” The EMT officer says to me.<
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  “Wilson, call in the swat team for the shooters and let’s see if we can get them before this local posse runs into them.” The senior officer tells his subordinate.

  “Senor if I may speak por favor. If the Patron or my husband catches them, they will not need your team. The Patron will hang them for sure if he catches them. If I were you, I would just stay out of the way.” Rosa stands defiantly in front of him with her hands on her hips looking as though she would like to rip his head off.

  “Mame, I hope for their sake, they don’t run into those fellas or mess up the crime scene. Otherwise they might just get away with what they did here and your friends may be in a heap of trouble.” He tells her, as though he were dismissing her.

  “Senor if you are done, then you should leave here as I do not like you.” Rosa turns and goes to Rubin and tells him to get the big truck ready to take her and the girls to the hospital to be with Tanner.

  “Senora you will come to the hospital, or do you wait for your men?” She flatly states to me.

  “I think I should wait here for them to get back, but I want to be with you at the hospital. What should I do Rosa? I’m so confused right now?”

  “I must go because Tanner has no one, you must decide who you wait for, the Man or the Boy or both, If you stay, Esteban will stay with you, do what you think is right La Dona.[41]” Turning she leads the girls outside to the waiting SUV.

  Deanna tells Katy to go with Rosa, and that she will stay and wait for Jamie and Jonah. Katy wants to stay with her, but she explains that she may be of more help to Rosa and the others. “Please Katy, I need to know that you’re safe, and you will all need each other, now more than ever. So just go, I will be with you as soon as Jonah and the others get back.”

  Esteban comes and stands next to Deanna as they drive away. “Senora, the Patron will get these men, they are on foot, and he will run them down.”

  “Esteban, how do you know that?” She asks him hoping they get away so that the danger will be handled by someone other than the ones she loves and the other she has come to love.

  “Tanner told us, after they shot him, he managed to get on his horse and ride. He passed a truck and cut the tires, so they are on foot, Patron has men that can track a snake over rock. So they will find them, besides the Patron, he knows every bit of the land they try to hide in. He also sends men to protect the fence lines to keep them heading into the Glades. He and Eduardo know how to hunt the beast; they will find them before the Federales[42].” He is seething with hate now, at those that have done this crazy and insane thing.

  More sheriffs’ deputies arrive and it looks like a military staging area, with vests, rifles and Humvees. An officious looking officer approaches her and asks her again what she overheard. Deanna explains for the second time what she overheard outside Axelrod’s office. He then radios for a pick up order on Steve and the other two for questioning. “You’re sure that’s what you heard, about them doing something that would force him to sell.” He asks her one more time.

  Another deputy comes over and taps his shoulder, then whispers in his ear when the deputy is finished speaking with him the officer steps over to a command Humvee, and she sees him speaking on the radio. After a few moments, he returns to her and says, “Mame, the helicopters have just spotted a group of men on horseback a couple of miles west of here heading back toward us, they are shadowing them in. I’m sending out deputies to escort them in, I thought you would want to know.” He is very considerate and tries to ease her anxieties.

  “Thank you Captain, I appreciate it, I will be in the house preparing something. Would you or your men like something, coffee or cool drinks?”

  “No Mame, we’ll wait here until the rest of my men gets back, but I thank you, for your kindness.” He answers gallantly, with as much southern charm as he can put into it.

  “Esteban, I will be in the house, please call me when the Patron arrives. I want to be there when he gets here, so I can kill him myself.”

  Before Deanna can enter the house The Captain turns to her and says, “These Mex folks are a different breed, I’ll tell you that, always polite, you just never know what they are really thinking,” as he looks at Estaban who is smiling at her.

  “Captain, they are very honest and straight forward, but their best quality is in loyalty to family and friends, something we Anglo’s could benefit from. Please avail yourselves of our hospitality.” She turns and goes into the house her stomach is in knots, but she has learned one thing from Rancho de Los Angeles, be gracious and patient.

  Esteban comes in and says they’re approaching the west paddock area now, and all are accounted for. Deanna follows him outside to the barns, knowing that they will go there first and take care of the horses.

  The sheriff’s department has already sealed off the area to have them surrounded when they arrive. Calling for Jamie and his group to halt and place their hands on top of their heads, they move in, and disarm the vaqueros.

  “Compenereos por favor, do as they ask, it’s alright, just sit tight.” Jamie dismounts from Storm and approaches the Captain, “Sir, you look to be in command here; I have the persons who attacked my men. They refused to surrender and shot at us, and we returned fire, killing one and capturing the other. They endangered both me, and my employees while on my property, we defended ourselves to protect our lives according to Fl. Law.

  That one there had papers that implicate others in a plan to force me to sell. He claimed that the shootings were accidental, that they were out here to kill some horses and create an atmosphere of fear. Tanner and Miguel came on them in the act of killing the colt. They claim they were fired on first. Now if you don’t need me anymore I must see to my wounded and my family, but as my men were not armed at the time I would disbelieve that allegation.” Jamie gives him a complete report.

  The captain is writing in his tablet for a few moments then tells Jamie, “Sir if you would please come to the station and make a formal statement after you leave the hospital, I would appreciate it. I have to tell you that you ran a huge risk in going after them by yourselves; you could have been injured or worst. I will also have to confiscate your weapons, so that I may run tests to see which gun fired the fatal bullet. Under the new State law, residents are allowed to use deadly force to protect their person and property. You would be advised that until our investigation is complete, you may wish to seek legal advice.”

  “Thank you Captain I can save you time, it was mine that fired the fatal shot, it has my initials on the stock, examine them by all means. My Segundo Eduardo Sanchez will show you where it happened if you need to look for more evidence.” We didn’t go out for vengeance sir; I went to protect my neighbors and my men. We knew these men were on foot and armed, we know this land better than you and there was no time to wait for you to get here.” Jamie extends his hand and the Captain takes it.

  “There will be more to this as you are aware of, please do not leave the county until our investigation is complete. Do most of your men speak English or will I need to get interpreters out here?” He asks Jamie.

  “They understand English well enough.”

  Deanna has been held back by two sheriff’s deputies from getting close while they question Jamie. She watches as the body of one of the gunmen is taken to the ambulance, while the second is cuffed and taken to a waiting patrol car. Jonah is standing ashen faced and looking after Buck, when they tell her she can go to him.

  “Jonah, I was so worried about you, why did you go with them? How could you do something like that, I was worried out of my mind?”-----

  She wraps her arms around him with tears streaming down her face, holding on to him so tight Jonah feels as though he will burst in his mother’s embrace.

  He stands tall as he gently holds her at arm’s length and says, “Mother, I work with these men, and they are my friends. I would not be a man if I stayed here because I was afraid or needed your permission. Jefe needed me, and even though he told me t
o stay, it was my decision to follow them out after they left. Jefe didn’t tell me I had to go. It was my choice, they were my friends too, that they cut down.” Jonah proudly explains to his almost hysterical mother.

  Deanna sees he left a boy and returned a man, one that she’s proud of, as would his Father and Grandfather. She kisses him and holds on to him knowing that he has just made what men call, “A rite of passage”.

  Jamie walks over to them, and excuses himself, he speaks to her in a low voice, “Deanna, thank you for coming and waiting, Esteban has filled me in. Your son was a man today, and you should be very proud, he never flinched once, I was grateful to have him with me. I know you’re angry at me for endangering him, for that I’m sorry, but it was by his own choice, one can’t argue with that. I have to go to the hospital now and also make arrangements for Miguel. So if you will please excuse me.

  Before he can turn to go, Deanna slaps him across the face as hard as she can; Jamie just looks at her and walks away.

  “You’re a bastard J. D. Thompson, she yells at him.” He stops for a second and then walks on; everyone is looking at her, including the sheriff’s men.

  Deanna notices that Angel is not with her, looking around for her, she sees her following Jamie to his car just walking beside him.

  “Angel, come here! Angel, come back now! She calls to her; the dog looks at Deanna and hesitates. Jamie says something to Angel, and she trots back to Deanna’s side. Before she can think more of it Jonah takes her hand.

  “Mother, what did you just call him? Why would you slap him like that, it wasn’t his fault?” Jonah looks at her with puzzlement on his face.

  “I will tell you later, but not now, he deserved to be slapped, he deserves more than that. Right now we need to go to the hospital, and be with your sister and the others. Oh shit, I forgot to call her,” she reaches for her phone and dials Katy’s number.


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