Book Read Free

The Last Celtic Angel

Page 27

by Wallace Jan Ecklof


  “The Autograph”

  Sitting finishing a letter to her mother, watching the sun rise, Deanna can’t believe everything that’s transpired. Mulling over the events of the last few weeks it all comes vividly back to her mind. She finds herself reflecting on the past six weeks of her life as she drinks a cup of coffee.

  The sheriff’s men found Cerbon at his home surrounded by Roberto’s and Eduardo’s men who prevented him from leaving as Roberto had said. He quickly gave them a confession implicating Williams and Steve; he thought he was making a deal for himself.

  It’s amazing how small people crumble when faced with the light of truth. These people had prestige, power and position; they could have made a difference in people lives for the better had they choose. Instead greed and avarice brought them down. Roberto said they went after the wrong man, and when Deanna asked him what he meant by that. He said, “A man alone is an easy target, but a man who is loved by many is not so easy.”

  She tells him that he was loved by many, and he said it was not him he was referring to. Deanna makes the connection and knows who he was talking about and her mind sweeps to thoughts of him.

  Roberto told Deanna that he was going with Jamie to Argentina to take Miguel’s body home for his family. They have become great friends, both men alike in so many ways, yet opposite in appearance and background. Take for instance Roberto, raised in wealth and coming from an old Spanish family, while Jamie is from a sturdy hardworking background. However, they’re both equal, both caring and trying to effect change. Brothers in a confidence from the moment they encountered each other. She still finds it rather strange how Jamie binds people to him, how they embrace him and love him so.

  Dyon has warmed to her now, and she’s a wonderful girl more like a daughter than a friend. She and Jonah are very serious, and he’s going to college starting right after summer as is she. They are together almost all the time it’s not infatuation, you can tell it’s real for them. They’re in love even for one’s so young; they are made for each other. Which presents a problem for her, how does she handle being around them and Jamie and not showing what she feels for him?

  Yesterday when they arrived at the Ranch all the vaqueros were lined up in front as Eduardo greeted his family, he was dignified and very much the impatient father, fussing over the girls and holding Pita in his arms. He greeted Rosa with a huge hug and swept her off the ground as they all gathered around and welcomed them home. Dyon and Jonah walked off together, and she knows that somehow it won’t be the same here as it was, only a few short weeks past. The twentieth century has invaded their little world and touched it in a way that will never be as it was just a short time ago. Eduardo thanked her for looking after his family and inquired when she will come again as a guest of the Patron.

  Sensing that he’s trying to put things back together as they were before. Deanna tells him she’s was very busy at the magazine now that the story was done, but will try to find time to visit. Reminding him that he is to bring Rosa over to her house, whenever she wants to come, they will always be welcome. Eduardo takes her aside and tells her that she’s not to feel guilty for what happened. It was God’s will and she couldn’t have prevented anything that happened that day. The warning would have come too late to have prevented it. Deanna thanks him, although still feeling it all might have been prevented if she had not kept the meeting with Ken.

  Deanna walks out to the garden by the lake remembering the moments she shared with him there. Looking across the water her thoughts went back to the day before yesterday. Rosa and Deanna had talked about Jamie at length and Rosa said to give him time.

  Deanna asked her if she thought he would ever love anyone else again as strong as he loved Mary, she had to admit that she didn’t know. She said he’s a man of passion, loyalty, and resolve, mentioning just some of his strengths. Never having seen him with any other woman, she couldn’t really assess how he genuinely feels about her. Deanna tells Rosa what he said about being Katy’s coach, and that he now could only be her friend and nothing more. That it sounded as though he were letting her down easy, not interested in Deanna as a woman. Rosa didn’t know what to say to her and again said, “Wait and be patient.”

  Deanna also tells her that she would be starting to date again, and that she couldn’t wait for a man who seemed not to care.

  It’s funny arriving home to an empty house except for Angel. Deanna realizes how much she missed them all, the chatter and confusion. Growing up and only child without having a lot of people around was what she missed out on the most. She feels that she was meant to be part of a large family.

  She settles down to finish a letter to her Mother, bringing her up to date with what’s transpired and to say how sorry she was for the way they parted when she came down. It was not right, the way she treated her that day, considering the fact that she left Virginia by herself for the first time since her father’s death. It must have been very hard for her to do, that and to tell her something Deanna now realized was so painful.

  The phone rings, and she answers, hearing Mel’s voice. “Hi Mel, how’s it with you?

  “I’m good, how about you? What are you doing today?”

  “Nothing, just a little lonely, everyone went back to the Ranch and the kids are staying there for a few days until Jamie gets back from Argentina.”

  “You poor thing, why don’t you come over here for a while, we’re having a pool party. I have invited some very attractive men over, just for you. You aren’t going to disappoint me are you?”

  “No, that may be just what I need to get me out of this funk, what time would you like me there?”

  “Come over around one’ish we can talk for awhile before the other guests arrive.”

  “Is Ken Axelrod going to be there?”

  “You like him don’t you; I hear you have been out to dinner with him a few times.” Mel inquires in an impish way.

  “Yes I do, he’s very nice. I’ll see you later; I will need some time to get ready. Oh Mel, by the way, thanks.” She’s glad to have Mel as a friend. Mel giggles and says, “See you later, besides that’s what friends are for.”

  Hanging up Deanna goes to clean up the kitchen before going up stairs to pick out something to wear. Feeling glad that Mel called, she is just what she needs to get her out of her blue mood, she’s finding herself closed in and experiencing ‘cabin fever’ and needs to take her mind off of him.

  Walking over to the closet she starts sliding hangers out of the way looking for something nice, something that’s going to pop some eyes. Her eyes fall on the dress that Jamie gave her the first day they had dinner there. Taking it out and looking at it, she holds it up in front of herself as she twirls around in front of the mirror. She decides that it would be fitting to wear the dress he thought would look so good on her for someone else. Rummaging about for her old bathing suit, she tries it on to see if it still fits, but its old something new would be better. She decides to go to the mall before going over to Mel’s and look for a new one that will knock their eyes out. She’ll show him that she can find a lot more men that don’t want to be just friends with her. Younger men that know what to do with a woman besides hold their hands.

  Sitting at her dressing table looking in the mirror, she absent mindedly fingers the medallion that he gave her. She suddenly grabs it and tears the metal from her neck in a fit of anger and rage; she throws it across the room, expressing the first emotion since her outburst at the ranch when she slapped his face. Feeling better now she finishes dressing and goes down stairs to leave.

  Noticing that Angel’s not there, and calling her name, she hears her pad down the stairs toward her. “Angel what have you got there.” Deanna notices she has something dangling from her mouth. She reaches for it and takes the object from her, holding it up to the light, she notices that it’s Jamie’s medallion.

  “What are doing with this, I took it off because I don’t what to wear it anymore,�
�� Deanna places it on the counter. Angel becomes agitated again and she begins to bark at Deanna and jumps up at the counter.

  “Alright I’ll take it with me if it will make you feel better.” She takes it and puts it in her bag; Angel is still carrying on, pulling at the bag. She tells her to stop and lie down; Deanna closes the back door and heads to her car….

  “I think we will have exactly what you’re looking for. Would you mind if I went and selected some suits, that I believe will be just what you’re looking for?” The salesgirl asks.

  She then takes Deanna to a private dressing room and takes her measurements. She asks what type of suit she is considering and Deanna tells her one piece. The girl nods to her and she leaves her in the dressing room. She finds herself wondering what types of suits that she will select for her, when suddenly the girl comes back with an armful of suits.

  “If you will try these on, I’m sure that you will find some that will look very attractive on you. I’ll leave now, just call out if you wish any more assistance.”

  “Thank you so much, these are beautiful.” She closes the door and departs.

  Deanna notices that they are all one piece suits and picks up a black one with a turquoise stripe across the front. It’s low cut in the back and crisscrossed in the front and comes up high on the hip. She puts it on and is amazed how it makes her look, as if they just made it for her. Cleavage in front and her butt is up at least an inch, she loves it. Taking it off she tries on some of the others and they all fit just as well. What a contrast coming to a place that measures instead of going off the rack. Deanna selects two of them, the black one that she tried on first and one other that she loves. The second is burgundy and green, her freckles won’t show as much.

  Deanna exits the dressing room with the two suits she’s selected and tells the young lady that she wishes to purchase them. Smiling the salesgirl takes them from her and wraps them up.

  “Will that be cash or charge Mame.”

  “Charge, I would like to say thank you for all of your assistance. It’s been a marvelous experience; I believe I will shop here for my bathing suits from now on. What’s your name if I might ask?”

  “My name is Nicole Ms. Gaynor,” she notices Deanna’s name from her credit card. Oh my God, you’re the woman who wrote the story in Horseman’s Magazine. I recognize you from your picture at the top of the article?”

  “Yes I am, did you enjoy it?”

  “Enjoy it, I thought it was the best thing I’ve read in ages, I used to show for Applegate Farms when I was in Junior High. Everyone in my school is talking about it. They are already asking if there is going to be a follow-up. I have my copy right here would you please autograph it for me?”

  “Well Nicole… Yes I will, you will be my first autograph and thanks for asking me.”

  She hands Deanna her copy, and she grabs a Primark from the desk and signs it feeling fantastic. Imagine someone asking her for her autograph, this day is looking up.

  “Thank you again Nicole, you have made my day.”

  Strolling to the parking lot, Deanna feels so much better than she did when leaving the house, her phone rings, its Mel.

  “Hi, I just got out of the mall; I bought two new bathing suits. What’s going on, is the party still on,” She asks Mel?

  “Just checking to make sure that you’re coming, John thought you might back out, and I told him I didn’t think so. Are the suits gorgeous?”

  “Wait until you see them, I bought them from that new swim suit place. They actually take your measurements and then bring you something that fits like it was made for you, I love it. Do you want me to pick up anything on my way over?”

  “No, we have everything already, thanks. Just get a move on, so you can bring me up to date on what’s been going on with you and Ken.” She laughs and hangs up.

  Arriving at their house Deanna parks in front and knocks on the door, John opens the door, giving her a big hello and a kiss on the cheek.

  As they stroll through the house, he says to her, “I have been getting a number of very interesting calls about you. They want to know if I have you under contract and if not, can they talk to you.”

  “What did you tell them?”

  “I said you were free to talk to anyone you like.” He looks at her and winks.

  Deanna stops suddenly and says to him, “You mean that don’t you?”

  “Yes I do, I said you had talent, and I would never stand in the way of any writer, if a good offer comes along.” Looking into his face, she sees that he’s sincere.

  “Thank you John, you don’t know how much what you just said means to me, but I think I will stay with you. I still have too much to learn and who could better to teach me than you.”

  “I was hoping you would feel that way, I can’t tell you how much it means to me to hear you say it. Mel’s in the kitchen waiting for you,” he turns away, she thinks he’s wiping a tear from his eye.

  “Sure thing Grumpy, wait until you see my new bathing suit, I bought it just for you.”

  “Yea I’m sure you did what about the other ten guys she’s invited here to meet you?” They both laugh and go into the kitchen.

  Mel and Deanna sit down over a couple of Cosmo’s and Deanna brings her up to date on what’s been going on in her life since the hospital. She asks Deanna if Jamie has tried to contact her in any way.

  “No, he’s not even called me once since the day in the hospital. They brought home Tanner the other day, I was there, but Jamie was out making arrangements with Roberto to have Miguel’s remains shipped home. Mel I’m not sure that your plan to make him jealous will work, I don’t think he cares for me that way. Even when he was talking to Rosa about those he cared about he never mentioned me, just them.”

  “How do you know he doesn’t, you slap his face, you tell him he is not welcome to your home, and pretty much tell him you hate him. It’s not exactly what I would call putting out the welcome mat, if you ask me.” Mel sits with a sarcastic look on her face, and Deanna knows she’s right.

  “I wanted to take it back, but he turned and walked away, he never looked back not once. He’s the same with Jonah and Katy, it’s me, and he doesn’t want anything to do with.”

  “You are still carrying quite a thing about him, or you wouldn’t be so angry. Let’s give it some time and a couple of more dates, I’m sure the gossips will have you engaged pretty soon, especially since you two were the talk of the town just four weeks ago at the party and horse show. You know I heard that he punched your ex-husband out, because he said something nasty to you at the show grounds is that true?”

  “That’s not true, he stopped Steve from getting, unpleasant and grabbed his wrist, almost breaking it, but it was really because of Katy and how Steve was affecting her.”

  “Are you so sure of that, men usually defend our honor physically, before our children.”

  “Tell me; how it went the other night with Ken, you went to the Polo Club, right? Did you___ you know after, did he get to first base?” She looks at Deanna and giggles.

  “No he did not, in fact, Ken was a perfect gentleman, he kissed me a few times and when I ask him to stop, he did.”

  “Why would you tell him that for God’s sake? That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it, for him to have the hot’s for you?”

  ‘I did kind of, but when he kissed me, it was different, not like when Jamie kissed me. I didn’t feel the same way.”

  “Hello, Look it’s not supposed to be the same way each time,” Mel laughs and takes a sip of her drink.

  “No, that’s not what I mean, when Jamie kissed me, I really felt something like I had never felt before. His kiss was hot, but not smothering, his touch made me tingle and when I looked into his eyes I would get lost in them emotionally. Really, Mel, when he kissed me, I could feel myself soaring high above everything, when he held me in his arms, I could feel the wind rushing by. No one has ever made me feel that way, safe and at the same time as if I was on an adve
nture. It’s very hard to put into words, he just made me experience everything around me, and my senses were all on an edge, I could feel him, and everything around me.”

  “Honey if any man ever made me lose it like that I would never have let him go. Well, we have bigger fish to fry now. I have to get you an appropriate escort to the Horseman’s Dinner next week. Maybe if he sees you there it will move him to do something about it or at least let you off the hook, so to speak.”

  John calls out to them that the guests are starting to arrive. Deanna starts to help Mel move some of the food outside to the covered porch, as John brings in the first guests to arrive; they are the neighbors from down the street. A nice couple, he’s an investment banker, and she sells real estate. Upon hearing who Deanna is, they are all questions about the story and Jamie. She hopes they all are not going to be asking about him all day.

  Deanna walks over to the bar and John introduces her to a man by the name of Mark, “Mark is with the Governor’s office here in Palm Beach, I was just explaining to him that you are one of the most talented writers we’ve ever had on staff.”

  “Really, Mark your job must be terribly exciting, meeting all those influential people.” She says to him shaking his hand, hoping to get him to talk about his job and not about her.

  “Not as exciting as your line of work, imagine being in on one of the hottest stories of the year. I understand your son was in on the capture of one of the criminals, and you yourself stayed there until they were captured. You must tell me all about it.”

  Mel comes over to rescue her from him, “Come on Deanna, why don’t we change into our suits? There is no reason to waste this gorgeous day? If you will excuse us gentlemen, feel free to use any of the cabanas to change folks.” Taking her by the arm, they go to the upstairs bedroom.

  “Thanks, he was coming on very strong, don’t you think?” They both laugh and go on upstairs.

  “Get used to it, you have a thrilling tale you were involved with in comparison to their lives, you’re a story book heroine, who saved the day and exposed the crooks.” Mel smiles and winks at her.


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