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The Last Celtic Angel

Page 29

by Wallace Jan Ecklof

  Having lunch at the most expensive restaurant in the Village, Rosa is like a child in a candy store. Never hoping to have a shopping spree like they’ve had and neither has Deanna. Now to eat in one of the most eclectic places in Palm Beach is incredible. Mel said it will be a memory like no other, and she was right. They spend the rest of the afternoon laughing and just having girl fun. She really doesn’t want it to end, but Deanna knows it must as the day winds down, and they head for the car.

  Dropping Mel off at home Deanna says goodbye to her and heads to the ranch. She looks at her watch, it’ now four o’clock and she has barn chores and Rosa has children to care for. On the drive back Deanna asks Rosa what she meant about Marianna. Her happy demeanor drops and she begins to speak haltingly.

  “Senora it has been such a happy day can we not talk about this some other time.”

  “If it were you asking me, would you want me to put it off until some other time?”

  “No…I just…it is that we are coming to terms with…the truth…Senora you must promise that you will say nothing, or I cannot tell you.”

  Deanna pulls the car over and looks at her, at first she has a million questions, but the look on her face tells her to give Rosa her promise. “I promise to say nothing, you have my word.”

  “Marianna’s’ problem is… she is dying, she has little time left. It is a brain tumor it is umm… how you say inoperable. The Patron has had the best people to take care of her.”

  “Oh my God, that was the last thing I was expecting, does she know? The night of the big party at the house a while back she was wishing Jamie could adopt her.”

  “She knows, she has always known, the other girls do not, except for Dyon.. Nor does she wish them to. She is very brave that one, the Patron tries not to favor her, but I know he cries for her. Remember as I told you, that the more you learned of the man the more there was. You have learned all the secrets, now knowing all of this; do you think he has done things for himself alone? Deanna you must never take off the medallion he gave you, it’s his heart that you wear not just a metal. It is the place that holds his soul. You must never take it off, until you find a heart that is as pure as from whence it came. Promise me this as my friend, until you have found someone worthy of it.”

  Deanna has never seen her so distraught, “Rosa, you have my promise, but I love him more than you could know, but I can’t share him with so many, nor can I compete with her. You don’t know what it is like competing with something you can’t fight against. I will keep my promise about Marianna too and I will be there to share Christmas with you all.”


  “The Banquet”

  “Mom, wake up, we have to get ready… Mom did you hear me, it’s time to get up.” Katy is pounding on her door.

  “Alright, alright, I’m awake, lighten up will you. Let me open my eyes.” Looking over at the clock, Deanna sees it’s seven o’clock. Putting her head back down on the pillow, she tries to get the cobwebs to go away.

  “Mother we have so much to do today before we get to the ranch, hurry up, we’re burning daylight.

  Deanna knows today is going to be stressful enough, what with trying to get five girls, two women and a bunch of cowboys ready for one of the social events of the season.

  Deanna will call Rosa when she gets downstairs and find out what time the girls have to be ready, so Theresa can get their hair done. She still doesn’t think she’ll be able to do all of them today. Mel is going to her also, since Jamie helped her open her hair salon and day spa. Getting up she goes and throws some water on her face and runs a brush through her hair before heading for the kitchen.

  “Good morning daughter, don’t even start until I have my first cup of coffee. We have to go take care of everybody before we think of going anywhere, and I have to call Rosa.” Deanna emphasizes to her.

  “Jonah did that all already he was up at six, so all we have to do is get ourselves ready and fly.” Katy literally bounces up and down smiling smugly.

  “You all had this planned pretty well didn’t you? I suppose he’s left for the ranch before the sun was up?” Her mother responds with a smile.

  “Mother big brother has lots to do today too, he has to go pick up his tux, and get his haircut, besides taking Dyon for her dress, It wasn’t ready yesterday as they promised. You know something Mother, I tried to call Grandma last night to tell her about the Banquet, but she didn’t answer and neither did Hanna. You don’t think anything is wrong do you?”

  Deanna thinks to herself for a moment, it’s odd that neither one of them didn’t pick up the phone before she answers Katy. “They may have been out to a church function or shopping for Christmas. I will try them later today; I wish she would have let me get her a cell phone when I wanted to buy her one. One of them would have called if something was wrong or the pastor would.” She tries to sound convincing, but something is nagging at her.

  Deanna tells Katy, “We have tons of things to do, so go up and get ready first.” She dials Rosa after Katy goes up stairs.

  “Hi, it’s me; we’re getting ready and should be there in about forty five minute if that’s ok. How about I pick up some bagels or something for everyone?”

  She tells her that would be fine, and they’re all ready. Mel is picking up their dresses from the shop. Deanna still can’t believe how great they looked and Rosa’s was the prettiest of all. She was so excited the other day it really made you feel like Christmas came early. Next she calls Mel and she answers the phone as if Deanna just woke her up.

  “Hey sleepy head, did you forget we have to be at Theresa’s at eleven today for a spa treatment all three of us?”

  “No, I didn’t forget,” she says rather grumpy. “I’ll be ready what time it is? My god it’s only seven thirty, you woke me in the middle of the night.”

  “You wouldn’t think that if you had a thirteen year old pounding on your door,” She says laughing.

  “These are the times when I’m glad we weren’t blessed with children.” She teases her. “I will see you at the spa, you’re sure she can handle all of us?” She was so excited the other day it really made them feel like Christmas came early.

  “Don’t worry she is an artist with hair and Jamie spared no expense when he set up the Spa for her, it has all the modern stuff, and she has three other techs working for her. You’ll be more than pleased I promise.” Deanna replies.

  “Ok, I’ll see you in a little while; I have to run some errands for John this morning.” Hanging the phone up, Deanna has a moment’s thought about Jamie, if she’ll see him at all today or just tonight at the banquet?

  She hears Angel barking and looks to see what has her so upset. There’s a florist truck out by the front gate, calling Angel into the house the man proceeds to bring up flowers along with what appears to be a corsage. They’re beautiful, looking for a card and not finding one, Deanna turns her attention toward the wristlet. The wristlet corsage is of yellow roses trimmed with a crimped yellow and white ribbon with baby’s breath. She asks the driver if knows who sent them, and he says he doesn’t know, he just delivers them, that she should call the shop.

  Going inside she dials the number of the florist and when they answer Deanna tells them who she is and inquires as to who sent the flowers. The man that answers the phone asks her to wait a minute while he looks it up. “Hello Miss, I’m the cashier, the person who took that order is not here, and it was paid for with cash. I’m afraid I won’t be able to tell you that, only who they were for. The name for the delivery is Deanna Gaynor. Was there something wrong with the flowers?”

  “No they’re gorgeous, I was not anticipating them and there was no card, I was just wondering. They’re really quite perfect, thank you so much.” She says to him and hangs up the phone.

  How would anyone know what colors to arrange that would match and compliment her dress except for Rosa or Mel, that’s very strange. Maybe they’re from Roger or Ken; she told them both that she would mee
t them there tonight? She had decided not to have Ken or Roger escort her tonight, as Mel had originally planned. They are both going to be at John and Mel’s table, along with Collins and some of the staff editors from the magazine. Deanna’s wondering if they could be from Jamie. He knows yellow is her favorite color, she wonders… maybe Rosa will know.

  “Mother I’m ready and you haven’t even started to dress yet. Hurry up will you, I just spoke to Tia, and they are waiting for us.” Katy hollers at her from the top of the stairs.

  “Where did these flowers come from? Wow, the corsage is gorgeous, am I going to get one to wear too?”

  Deanna suddenly realizes that she forgot to order flowers for Katy or the other girls!

  “Yes, you are I have to stop and order them this afternoon.” She lie’s to her and makes a mental note to do it.

  Running up stairs Deanna jumps into the shower for a quick one, so as not to be late. She notices the time it’s going on eight thirty, towel drying her hair, she jumps into her jeans and polo shirt. “Ok I’m ready to go, put some food out for Angel and check her water, I’ll be right down.” She yells down to Katy.

  As they arrive at the ranch, Deanna again notices the many changes, starting with the driveway leading up to the house. It’s planted with what looks like about a hundred evergreen trees all the way to the main house, and they’re all decorated with lights and bows. You can feel Christmas in the air.

  Parking the car in front of Rosa’s house, Eduardo is the first to greet her. “Hola Senora, Rosa is in the kitchen, and I will tell the Senorita’s you have come, I think you may want to use the SUV today. I have asked Jonah to clean it up for you. My Rosa will not tell about the dress she will wear tonight, is it magnifica[49]?” He asks her, hoping she will help him out.

  “Eduardo you will have to wait, I’ll tell you this, Rosa will look absolutely more beautiful than you have ever seen her.” Deanna replies to him.

  “You have made me a happy man Senora, I thank you.” Eduardo bows graciously and kisses her hand.

  Deanna has to ask, the suspense is killing her. “Eduardo is he here; I mean is he going down to see the girls before they go to the salon.”

  “I regret Senora; he left early this morning and will not be back until very late today. He received a call from someone he knew for many years and said he had to leave. I asked him what time to expect him, and he said he did not know.” Eduardo has the look, as has more to tell, but doesn’t want to.

  “He will be at the dinner tonight won’t he, he knows how important it is to these girls” Deanna asks him her anger rising with her voice.

  “Si, I think he will be there Senora.”

  She goes in and Rosa is making coffee she almost forgets she brought the bagels, and sets them down with a bang.

  “You are upset, what is wrong Deanna.” Rosa asks, using her surname name for the first time, since she’s met her.

  “He is not here; I can’t believe he is not around on this day of all days. Where could he have had to go to that would be more important than today?” Deanna fumes at the thought that he’s not at the ranch “Is he just trying to avoid me, is he that much of a coward, or does he dislike me that much. I’m the one that has been offended. I’m the one that he used, Rosa; I’m going to kill him when I see him.” Deanna stomps around angrily.

  “Deanna, I don’t know where he went, but you judge him without knowing, first find out who, then the why. She smiles and pours coffee for them both.

  “You always take his part.” Deanna pouts and she laughs.

  “I am your friend too, I have scolded him many times to the point he avoids me now also. He is like the little boy, he must work out this problem, I say give him time. Come drink up, I will prepare the things you have brought so we may leave.”

  The morning goes well and Theresa’s salon is the best, everything is a state of the art. Jamie spared no expense with anything, first they are given hot baths and then skin treatments, with Theresa fussing over them the whole time. Mel loves it and tells her that she will tell all of her friends, and that they must come there, insuring Theresa’s success. Next we have pedicures and our nails done, the girls just love it. This is their first time in a spa along with Rosa. Finally, they are ready for our hair, Theresa oversees everything to make sure it’s done exactly the way they what it and to her satisfaction. They are finally done with their makeovers. Each admires other, and Mel has to admit Theresa has done miracles.

  “Theresa I can’t thank you enough,” as Deanna goes to pay her, She tells her to put her money away.

  “You would insult me if you offered money, this is my gift to all of you, you have made all of us proud, and tonight they will all know the women of Rancho de Los Angeles. You will all make Don Diego proud.” Deanna gives her a kiss and tells her, “thank you,” as does Mel.

  Going outside the shop Mel asks Deanna to help with the gowns she’s struggling they are in boxes.

  Remembering flowers she was supposed to order and asks Mel if she thinks she knows of a florist that could get all of the girls and Rosa corsages. Before Mel can answer, Rosa interrupts her. “That Senora has all been taken care of this morning. Jamie told me to order them.”

  Deanna asks her which florist she used, and she tells her the one in Loxahatchee. It’s not the same one that brought hers to the house.

  Saying goodbye to Mel they load up and head for the ranch. Deanna drops off everyone except Katy and asks Jonah when he will be home to change.

  “Mother I will be changing here and driving Dyon and the girls to the Banquet tonight. Jefe called and said he’s running late and would I stand in for him until he gets there.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you there tonight I was rather looking forward to seeing you dressed before we got there, you know like your first prom or something.” She’s a little disappointed, but she sees he’s proud that Jamie has asked him to stand in for him.

  Deanna gives him a kiss and starts to go when she sees Tanner coming out of the house in a wheel chair, going over to him Deanna gives him a kiss which he fusses about and pretends to be grumpy.

  “Tanner I was just coming over to see you before I left. How are you feeling?”

  “Bored out of my mind, that’s how I feel, they won’t let me do anything, not even go down to the barns and look to my babies.

  You’re looking mighty fetching Missy, we have missed you something fierce around this here place, you got to stop being so stubborn the both of you. Dame fools, that are acting worse than children, aren’t doing either of you any good. You two keep this up, I might have been better off dead.”

  “Now don’t you talk that way, you are going to be right as rain and ready for the spring season, The girls need you, and you know it. You’re just an old faker. Wait until you see them all dressed tonight for the dinner, you’ll change your mind.” She gives him another kiss and tells him she has to go get ready.

  “Missy, I wish I was gonna be there tonight, you make sure you get me some photographs, you hear me.” She tells him she will and wave’s goodbye. Deanna thinks to herself what a sweetheart of man Tanner really is, realizing that she has come to love him in spite of all his garrulous ways.

  Katy and Deanna head for home each wrapped in their own thoughts; Katy’s very quiet and seems pensive. Deanna asks her what’s on her mind by asking the same question she used to when she was very small, “A penny for your thoughts.”

  “Oh I was just thinking how different it would be now if you hadn’t gotten that job, and we had never met Uncle Jamie and all the people at the ranch. I never told you, but I was trying to find a way to end everything, you know pills, even a gun, right before you made me go that day. I just wanted the pain to go away.” Deanna is shocked at her words and for a minute doesn’t know what to say to her, as Katy stares out the window.

  “You don’t feel that way now, do you? Because if you do, I want you to talk to somebody that will or can help you deal with those thoughts.” Deann
a is more scared of her answer than anything before in her life.

  Katy turns toward her mother and says, “No, I’m fine now, I was just feeling sorry for myself and let my anger at you and Daddy fuel those feelings. I guess I’ve hit one of those maturity curves they talk about. I don’t feel different anymore and people believe in me for the first time in my life, in a way that I feel. I know you have and Jonah, but now so do I. Uncle Jamie said that to me in the very beginning, he said all I had to do was believe in myself.

  I find myself wishing I was his daughter, I don’t ever want to lose that feeling of family that I have now. Am I making any sense to you, I mean, do you understand what I mean?”

  Deanna finds that she can’t answer her right away, pulling over to the side of the road, she puts her arms around Katy and hugs her letting her feel what she’s feeling.

  “Honey, I know exactly what you feel, and I wish it could be just that way you want forever. It’s the way people love you that really matters, not how much they tell you.”

  They drive home not saying anything more, just holding each other’s hand. Deanna knows that whatever he may be, Jamie saved Katy’s life and her own also. The reality of it has just dropped the eight hundred pound gorilla into her life. She’s determined to face him with it tonight after the Banquet, maybe Rosa is right, for now she can only hope.

  Upon arriving home, she tries her Mother again, but all she gets is the answering machine, where could they be, she’s starting to get really worried? What if they were in an accident? Deanna decides to call the pastor of her mother’s church. Searching for her address book she finds it and hopes that was where she put his phone number, never really thinking that she would have to call him.

  Thank god she finds it; dialing the number it rings and rings. Deanna is about to hang up, thinking that he doesn’t have it on answering service, when she hears him pick up.

  “Hello Reverend Small, this is Deanna Gaynor, I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Jennifer Quinn’s Daughter.”


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