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Out of the Broomcloset

Page 23

by Ashlyn Chase

  Chapter 17

  That night in bed, he brushed her hair away from her face and held her gaze. “Do you think making love without the possible danger of Donovan bursting in any second will take the edge off? In other words, make it less exciting?”

  She pushed at his chest. “Ha! I doubt it.”

  He grinned. “Me too, but let’s test that theory, just to be sure.”

  She tipped her head. “I suppose that would be the only way to find out.”

  He leaned over her and captured her lips in a long, languorous kiss. Their tongues found each other and swirled in a sensuous dance.

  His hand traveled over her body as if it had a mind of its own. He cupped her breast and scraped his thumb over her nipple until she arched into his hand. A stifled moan vibrated against his lips.

  When he broke the kiss, his mouth traced the path his hand had taken. Meanwhile his hand continued on its path to the apex of her thighs. When he fastened his lips to her nipple and sucked, she arched and moaned aloud. Her blissful noises grew louder and more desperate when he found her clit and rubbed the sensitive bundle of nerves.

  It wasn’t long before the loving attention forced her over the edge and she shattered, screaming her release. When she finally stilled, he leaned back and took in the panting rise and fall of her breasts with a satisfied smile.

  “I guess you’re still pretty responsive to me—even without the danger.”

  She reached for his member and gave it a gentle squeeze. ‘Even more so,” she murmured—almost drowned out by his groan of pleasure.

  “Come up here,” she said and yanked at his torso until he took her meaning. She wanted him to kneel astride her head and place his cock in her mouth.

  Oh, yeah. I can do that.

  She took him into her mouth and sucked greedily, driving his desire to a new height. “Oh, God, Michele. Stop. I can’t take anymore.”

  She let his cock leave her mouth but only for a moment. Just long enough to say, “Yes, you can.”

  She continued to drive him higher until he was sure he was going to come in her mouth if he didn’t withdraw. He pulled back, but she grabbed his butt and forced him to stay where he was.

  Oh, sweet torture! He climaxed without meaning to, and then he couldn’t stop. He jerked into her mouth and moaned in ecstasy. She swallowed, until he shuddered to a halt.

  “Dear, God, Michele. You didn’t have to do that.”

  She grinned. “I wanted to. And unless I misread the signs, you wanted it too.”

  “Well, yeah. But I intended to—”

  She placed her fingers over his lips. “I know what you intended to do, and later when you recover we can do that too.” She smiled wickedly.

  “Oh, luv . . .” He scooted down and lay next to her. “Will we ever get enough of each other?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I don’t think so either. And, since that’s the case . . .”

  He sprang out of bed and strode to his dresser. He couldn’t wait. He had intended to propose the old fashioned way, on one knee in a fancy restaurant. But something told him Michele didn’t need, and probably wouldn’t want, the fanfare. This was a more intimate setting for the most important question he’d ever ask her.

  He climbed back into bed and draped the sheet over both of them. While he held the black velvet ring box, he said. “I love you more than my own life. I can’t imagine any worthwhile existence without you in it.” He opened the box and handed it to her. “Please make me the happiest man on the planet by marrying me.”

  Her mouth dropped open and her beautiful eyes widened. Soon they sparkled with unshed tears, rivaling the sparkle of the tiny diamonds he’d hand-picked and had a jeweler make into the eternity symbol.

  She wasn’t answering him. Had he made a mistake? “I’m sorry. If it’s not what you wanted . . .”

  “No! I mean, Yes! It’s exactly what I want. I just never imagined . . . You said that after your disastrous first marriage you’d never remarry.”

  He smiled with relief. “I said that before I fell in love with you. Now, I can’t fathom not being married to you. I want everyone to know you’re mine. Do you like the ring?”

  She finally gazed into his eyes and replaced the look of shock with an ear-to-ear smile. “It’s gorgeous—and perfect.” She took the unique ring from the box and slipped it on her left hand. It fit, just like the two of them together.

  He hated to brag, but he wanted her to know. “Actually, it is perfect. I made sure each diamond was flawless. Because that’s how I think of you.”

  She laughed. “Flawless, huh?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve never seen you compromise your values. And you’re strong. Tough as nails, while remaining true to yourself and others. I don’t know how you do it. You inspire me.”

  With that, she launched herself into his arms. “I feel the same way about you. Can we have a wedding and hand-fasting on the beach in New Hampshire, so all my old coven friends can attend?”

  He kissed her nose. “Anything you want.”

  “I love you, Vic.”

  “And I love you. Always will.”


  On the eve of the summer solstice, Vic and Michele walked hand-in-hand toward the gathering of eclectic people all barefoot on the beach, including Alex, Savern, and baby Victoria. It was the perfect setting for his beautiful bride. Michele glowed. She wore a crown of white flowers and a long, flowing white sundress.

  Vic coordinated with white pants and a white shirt. The same shirt he wore the day they’d met. Michele asked him to wear it and said something about how it had turned her on that day. How could he refuse?

  The woman she’d introduced him to yesterday said, “I think I speak for all of us when I say, welcome back, Michele. We’ve all missed you.” The high priestess’s name was Hanna and she’d insisted they stay at her hotel.

  “Thank you. I can hardly believe it’s only been a year since I left. So much has happened.”

  After all the hugs and greetings, they were instructed to face each other and hold hands. The witnesses formed a circle around them, holding hands with each other.

  Hanna, who was also a justice of the peace said, “Welcome one and all to the hand-fasting and wedding ceremony of Victor Matthews and Michele Erikson.”

  Michele smiled and he couldn’t help smiling back. He gave her hands a slight squeeze in silent solidarity. She knew this ceremony wasn’t his forte, but he meant it when he said he’d marry her any way she wanted.

  “A celebration of true love is a special moment not only in a couple’s life, but also the lives of all who witness it. Thank you for allowing us to share in your joy.”

  A few more words were spoken, including some in Latin by a male guest who looked like he’d just stepped out of a painting by Rembrandt.

  Soon it was time for their vows. Michele surprised him by offering to have Hanna speak them, allowing him to say the traditional, ‘I do,’ response. He was relieved, knowing he might not be totally comfortable in the unfamiliar situation. They’d written their vows together and it was amazingly easy to agree on their promises. Hanna took a three-by-five card out of—where? He didn’t notice it in her hand before and she didn’t have pockets in her maxi dress.

  Oh well. He didn’t really care where the card came from. The important part was the writing on it.

  “Michele, do you promise to always treat Vic with love and respect, allowing him to learn and grow in his own right throughout this life, just as you’ll learn and grow on your path together?”

  Without hesitation, Michele said, “I do.”

  “Vic, do you promise to always treat Michele with love and respect, allowing her to learn and grow in her own right throughout this life, just as you’ll learn and grow on your path together?”

  “I do,” he said, happily.

  Out came the long, red satin cord that Michele had told him about. Again, it was as if it appeared out of thin air. Apparently part
of his learning and growing was to go with the flow when witches did things he didn’t understand—or think possible.

  Michele raised their clasped hands and Hanna wove the cord around their wrists. She tied a lovely, large knot on top. Suddenly Vic realized where the expression, tied the knot came from.

  Hanna tipped her face to the sky and reached out, palms up. “Goddess, bless this union with love and prosperity. May their ancestors smile upon them and guide them when guidance is needed, just as all of us present will when asked.”

  Whew. He was glad she added that, ‘when asked’ part. One thing he didn’t care for was unsolicited advice, and with twelve new brothers and sisters—which is what a coven seemed to be—that could lead to an overwhelming sharing of opinions.

  The ceremony concluded with a kiss. A kiss that could star in the PDA hall of fame, if there was one.

  * * * * *

  Later that summer in the French Alps

  Vic drove his Land Rover to the archeological dig site in the foothills. Four-wheeling up the bumpy dirt road gave him pleasure enough, but anticipating a picnic lunch with Michele made him smile all the way there.

  As the site came into view he spotted her. She was one of eight students sitting in a roped-off square of dirt, brushing the ground. The daily sun exposure had tanned her face and lightened her hair to platinum. She wiped at her forehead with the back of her arm.

  When he was about twenty feet away, she looked up, grinned, and waved. Dirt streaked her cheeks, but he swore he had never seen her so happy.

  He grabbed the picnic basket and stepped out. “Michele,” he called out. “I’ve come to take you to lunch.”

  She rose, and while she was carefully stepping over some unearthed stones, he called to the Professor. “Pierre, how’s the castle coming?”

  “It’s not a castle, but we’re very excited. The remains are beginning to look like an entire ancient village. You are taking your lovely wife to lunch, no?”

  “Yes. I have some news for her.” He winked. “I may have to borrow her for an hour or so.”

  Pierre grinned. “You don’t have to hint. We French invented love. There is a beautiful meadow on the other side of this hill where you can celebrate your good news in private. You will bring her back in a very good mood, no?”

  Vic laughed.

  Michele reached him and they kissed hello. She smiled and said, “What news?”

  Her amber eyes twinkled in the sun, and he couldn’t wait to get her alone. “We’ve been invited to a wedding,” he said. “You’re going to be the maid of honor.”

  She rested her hand on her hip. “Don’t you think I should decide whether or not I want to accept that honor?”

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure you’ll accept. Would you say no to Savern?”

  Her mouth gaped open. “Savern? And . . . Alex?”

  “Yup. They really want us there and will reschedule the date if necessary so we can come. They’re going to dedicate Victoria at the same time. I guess that’s what they’re calling a non-Christian Christening.” He opened her car door, and when she was safely tucked inside, he jogged around to his side and jumped in. “Does that mean we’re going to be—what? Goddess parents?”

  Michele chuckled. “You mean, legal guardians?”

  “Yeah.” He shifted into gear and turned around. “I didn’t think you’d want to miss it.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

  “It isn’t until the end of October. Samhain, as you call it. He rumbled down the hill and turned off the road, heading toward their private meadow.

  “It’s just women’s intuition, but tell me, what else has you grinning from ear-to-ear like that?”

  “But of course. Donovan received a life sentence and is locked up in a Florida prison—forever. You can relax now.”

  “That was fast!”

  “Yeah. Apparently he confessed to the murder, inadvertently at first. When the police kept questioning him he dug himself in deeper and deeper, and it was clear they had the right guy.”

  “He confessed? I never thought that would happen.”

  “Apparently, our depositions and the physical evidence on his athame helped. His court-appointed lawyer may have been hoping for a plea deal—but he didn’t get one.”

  “So, we can go anywhere now? Without worrying?”

  “Yeah. We can live wherever you want and do whatever you want.”

  A sly smile stole across her face. “I know what I want to do right now.”

  “Whatever could that be?” he asked, feigning innocence.

  “I want to get to that meadow and celebrate with wild abandon.”

  Vic grinned. “I’m so glad I married such a wonderfully wicked witch.”


  Book 3 in The Love Spells Gone Wrong series needs a cupcake recipe, just like the first 2 books had! Here’s one Michele makes in sunny Florida.


  1 (6 ounce) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed

  1 (18 1/4 ounce) box white cake mix

  1 (8 ounce) carton sour cream

  3 ounces cream cheese, softened

  3 eggs

  1 (12 ounce) can whipped cream cheese frosting


  Preheat oven to 350

  Remove 2 tablespoons lemonade concentrate from can and discard or reserve for other use.

  Combine remaining concentrate, cake mix, sour cream, cream cheese and eggs in large bowl.

  Beat with mixer until well blended.

  Spoon batter into paper-lined muffin tins, filling 3/4 full.

  Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until cooked through.

  Cool completely before frosting. Garnish with ½ slices of lemon

  About Ashlyn Chase

  Ashlyn Chase describes herself as an Almond Joy bar. A little nutty, a little flaky, but basically sweet, wanting only to give her readers a satisfying experience.

  She holds a degree in behavioral sciences, worked as a psychiatric RN for several years and spent a few more years working for the American Red Cross. She credits her sense of humor to her former careers since comedy helped preserve whatever was left of her sanity. She is a multi-published, award-winning author of humorous erotic and paranormal romances, represented by the Seymour Agency.

  She lives in beautiful New Hampshire with her true-life hero husband, and they’re owned by a spoiled brat cat.

  Where there’s fire, there’s Ash . . .

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  More books by Ashlyn Chase

  Gods Gone Wild, Imagination Unlimited 2015

  Tug of Attraction, Lachesis Publishing 2015

  The Cupcake Coven, Lachesis Publishing 2015

  Kissing with Fangs, Sourcebooks 3/4/14

  How to Date a Dragon, Sourcebooks 9/3/13

  Flirting Under a Full Moon, Sourcebooks 4/2/13

  Immortally Yours, Ellora’s Cave 1/13/12

  The Vampire Next Door, Sourcebooks 8/1/2011

  The Werewolf Upstairs, Sourcebooks: 2/1/2011

  Strange Neighbors, Sourcebooks: 6/1/10

  Dear Sexy Lexie, Ellora’s Cave: 3/17/10

  Death by Delilah, Ellora’s Cave: 4/11/2008

  Quivering Thighs, Ellora’s Cave: 2/8/2008

  Demolishing Mr. Perfect, Ellora’s Cave: 8/15/2007

  Wonder Witch, Ellora’s Cave: 6/15/2007

  Being Randy, Ellora’s Cave: May 2, 2007
  Heaving Bosoms, Cerridwen Press: (Now

  Blush) 3/15/2007

  Vampire Vintage, Ellora’s Cave: 3/14/2007




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