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The Domination of Diana

Page 1

by M. J. Aleese

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Domination of Diana

  Book 2- Inferno Connection Series

  by M.J. Aleese

  ISBN: 978-1-939916-04-4

  A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

  Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers.

  For information contact:

  Pink Flamingo Publications

  P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083


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  Chapter One

  The slamming door echoed throughout the small apartment, and Diana collapsed on to the couch, sinking into the insulating, soft cushions. Blinking back tears, she tried to focus on the room, her mission, anything except her actions. It was too difficult.

  With their wedding only four months away, she just purposely pissed off Troy, her fiancé. His curt, “I’m out of here!” and barrage upon the helpless door, emphasized his obvious displeasure, as he stormed from the apartment.

  Diana Reilly didn’t have a choice. She must obey.

  Picking up her phone she sent the text he demanded. Troy is gone. Next, she closed her eyes, causing tears to escape down her cheeks, and allowed a few moments to gather her emotions.

  She loves Troy. She loves him more today than she did that warm summer evening he proposed. She could remember walking hand-in-hand on the shore of Lake Michigan. The waves gently lapped the shore, while the clean, clear breeze filled her lungs, blowing her long, silky hair, as well as her light sundress. The heels of her sandals penetrated the soft sand as they strolled and talked. With a twinkle in his blue eyes, Troy knelt on the light sand and presented a beautiful diamond ring. His proposal was perfect. The speech made her tear. She answered him immediately. Diana’s love for Troy was beyond reproach.

  Though, looking out at the gray February sky, Diana wondered whether their wedding would really occur. Troy is everything every woman would love – sweet, sensitive, caring, understanding, successful, loving, and perfect. She sighed, wondering, Why isn’t that enough? Why had Diana purposely upset him, sent him away, and now, waited for the arrival of his best friend, Liam?

  She knows the answer. Deep down she does not want perfect. She doesn’t want nice or sweet. Diana desires what Liam gives – discipline and control. She creams, thinking about the way he makes her feel – degraded and humiliated. Deep down she is a submissive. And, a submissive female needs a dominant male.

  With only a few more seconds of reflection, Diana sighed and mindlessly wondered: Could it all come together? Could it ever be possible to have domination and love – or is that too much to ask?

  Liam sat in his Mercedes rubbing his cock through his jeans. Yeah, his best friend’s bitch would take care of his hard-on in a few minutes. He sat passively and watched Troy stomp from her apartment building. His friend looked upset. Liam should be mad or maybe feel bad, instead he grinned at the irony. Soon he would receive the text, I’m getting a drink! Diana is being a bitch! Come meet me! However, that wasn’t the text he waited to receive.


  Earlier that night, Liam and Troy met after work, at a local pub...

  Liam wanted to go to one of the downtown clubs. Hell, his best friend would be off the market in four months. Liam reasoned that Troy owed him some time. So in essence, it was the bitch’s fault this whole evening went this direction.

  It started when Troy answered, “Sorry Bro, tonight I’m hanging with Diana. The wedding is only four months away. We have a few things she insists on getting finalized."

  “Sure, of course." Liam sighed, as he sipped his beer and fumbled for his cell phone. “You need to do what the ball and chain says.”

  Troy caught his meaning, “Hey man, it’s not like that. But, the wedding, it’s like the bride’s thing and it’s getting close… It is what it is. Okay?”

  “Okay, man." Liam mimicked as he kept his phone under the table and texted: Cancel your plans. I want to see you tonight. I will be there at 8. Do not disobey me.

  The response came almost instantaneously: Troy and I have wedding things to finalize tonight.

  Troy frowned as he leaned across the table, the pub was filling rapidly and the noise increased with each new person. “You know, you might like her if you spent some more time with her. I think you two would get along well.”

  Still listening to his best friend’s words, Liam replied via text: Five more spanks for arguing, do you want to try for more?

  The response materialized on his screen, as soon as he hit send. No, Sir. I am sorry. I will be ready at 8.

  Looking to his friend’s expression, Liam said, “I have spent time with her.” Not that Troy needed to know how much. “I’m not diss’n your choice. You have fun picking out china patterns." Troy misunderstood Liam’s expression and spent the rest of the evening defending his night and life with Diana.


  Now, watching Troy storm off, Liam read his two most recent texts, the first from Diana, the second from Troy. It was as he expected Troy called her a bitch. No, he said she was acting like a bitch. Grinning Liam thought, yea, don’t worry Bro, I’ll take care of your bitch for you. She will be begging for mercy before the night is done! Seconds later, he heard the Mustang’s engine rev, the high performance motor sent vibrations through Liam’s Mercedes. Hidden in the shadows in his idling luxury car, Liam watched Troy’s red sports car speed away into the night.

  Liam looked at the dash-board, 7:43. Grinning sinisterly, he pondered Diana’s consequences for unpreparedness. He may be 20 minutes early, but God help her if she isn’t ready!

  The door to the apartment opened and immediately the full-breasted slender blonde fell to the floor. Her unbound hair fanned over her face and hands, her bare ass rose in silent genuflection. Liam’s cock hardened. Shutting the door, he looked around at the small apartment. In three more months, Troy was supposed to move in and live with Liam’s slave. He slapped her ass and heard her wince.

  Restraining herself, Diana stayed silent with her head on the carpet. She strained to listen, to hear Liam’s movements. She knew not to look-up or speak, without permission. If she did, her ass would have more than one welt.

  The bright, red handprint made him want to fuck her immediately. However, he had plans. She would need to work, to earn his cock, if he allowed it at all. Liam admired his handy work and waited to see if she would defy his rules. Apparently, his training was beginning to yield results.

  He sat on the couch and ordered his slave’s movement. “Let me see your left hand." Dutifully she raised the empty hand, her engagement ring gone. He didn’t praise her obedience; although, disobedience would receive swift punishment. Instead, he continued his instructions, “Where do you belong?"

  Slithering, on her belly to his feet, her lips contacted the top of his dirty shoes kissing the soft leather. He kicked her away, “Get me a beer." Diana began to rise. “No, bitch… on your knees." He watched her round ass, as she crawled on all fours into the kitchen. The
cool, hard tile hurt her tender knees. Liam observed the handprint beginning to fade.

  She returned from the kitchen, with the bottle between her teeth, as Liam held his phone busy texting. “It seems you have upset my good friend,” he said sarcastically, taking the bottle from her mouth.

  “Yes, Sir.” She kept her eyes down and assumed her subservient position – knees spread wide, chest out, and hands behind her back. Her tear stained cheeks revealed her emotion, her wet cunt exposed her desires.

  “You know what that means, don’t you?”

  “Sir, it means I made him leave, like you instructed." Liam’s sinister grin sent shivers down Diana’s spine.

  “Did I tell you to upset Troy?”

  “No, Sir."

  He reached down and seized one of Diana’s nipples. She fought the urge to flinch as he pinched and twisted the deep red nub. “Tell me what will happen tonight.”

  Accepting the pain in her breast, she responded, “I will be punished?”

  “Is that a question, slave?”

  “Yes, Sir, my future is up to you.”

  Liam released her sore nipple, took a long drink of his beer and rubbed his tightening jeans. “Are you wet?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “So you get off, hurting Troy?”

  “No, Sir, it’s you. You make my pussy wet.”

  Troy continued to drink the beer as he inquired. “So what else have you done that needs discipline?”

  Diana’s mind scrambled. She couldn’t think of anything that she’d done, well, except the text message. “Sir, I told you I had plans for tonight.”

  Liam nodded, “Go on. What did you wear to work today?”

  “I wore a gray skirt and black blouse.”

  “So you were a tease? You wanted men to think you were sexy?”

  “No, Sir, I was just dressed for work.”

  Liam sat the empty bottle on the nearby table and pointed to his lap. “It is time to assume the position for your punishment.”

  Diana wanted to argue, to say she really hadn’t done anything wrong. However, she’d made that mistake before. The spanking would come whether a valid reason existed or not. Liam liked to invent reasons for beatings. If she complied, the penalty could possibly be less severe.

  She willingly laid her naked body across his legs. His hard cock pressed against her ribs, while the rough material of his jeans smashed her breasts, sending electricity through her hardened, tender nipples. Inhaling, she smelled the musky mixture of beer, sweat, and testosterone. Liam was more man than she’d ever know. Sometimes she felt guilty thinking about his cock, while with Troy. Her finger tips and toes brushed the carpet. Diana was now a human bridge, completely vulnerable to his whims and assault.

  The total subjectivity, the amazing scent, and Liam’s hand rubbing her firm ass, all combined to make her pussy spasm in anticipation. “Do you have any words before I proclaim your sentence?”

  “Yes, I am sorry, Sir. I am sorry I argued with you about tonight. And, I am sorry I upset Troy.”

  He could smell her arousal as he inserted two fingers, deep into her wet cunt. “You are a liar and a bitch." She didn’t speak, he was right. She was dripping with expectation. Yes, she hated upsetting Troy, but this was so much better than going to Target to finalize their registry. His fingers moved slowly in and out while he tantalized her swollen clitoris.

  “Sir, I am sorry… but I…” Words became increasingly difficult to form. Unconsciously, she rubbed her pelvis across his lap.

  “Silence.” The hand that provided pleasure now delivered pain, in the form of three fast hard slaps to her exposed ass. She whimpered in response, careful not to scream. “I promised you five additional blows for your insubordinate text message. How many blows do Troy’s feelings warrant?”

  Diana strained with the ramifications of his question. If she bestowed the appropriate worth to her fiancé’s feelings, the pain would be intolerable. However, if she minimized his feelings and saved her ass, what did that make her? Apparently, her debate took too long. Liam’s hand struck with increased force. The sting made her cry-out involuntarily. “Oh, fuck, that hurts!” She readjusted herself and quickly added, “I think his feelings are very important. Sir, the number of blows is at your discretion.”

  Liam smiled. The last eight months were paying off. She is becoming a good slave. Yet, he was supposed to give her up. “Fifteen."

  Diana fought the desire to move from his lap. Fifteen? Her ass already hurt from his warm-up. Is it fifteen plus five? She wiggled unconsciously. His hand wasn’t delivering punishment at the moment. It was rubbing her firm reddened skin, caressing the raised welted flesh. Spreading her legs, he rubbed the sensitive flesh of her swollen pussy.

  “What do you say, slave?”

  “Thank you, Sir. Thank you for correcting your selfish slave.”

  “You may demonstrate your gratitude later. For now, I want you to count each blow and thank me. I could be somewhere else tonight, but instead I am helping you to learn your place.”

  “Thank you, Sir. Thank you, for your correction.”

  The first five or six blows increased steadily in force. Not only did her ass burn from his abuse, but the pain continued down her legs as he struck her upper thighs. After number seven, he inserted the neck of his beer bottle into her wet cunt. She moaned as he maneuvered it in and out. Without warning he removed the stem and inserted it in her tight hole.

  Her hands came off the ground as her back stiffened. “Relax, Bitch, I know you like it in the ass.” He was right. She liked the violation and lack of control over her own body. He pushed the bottle deeper. “Before tonight is over, you will beg me to fuck your ass." With the bottle’s neck no longer visible, he reached down and pinched her clitoris. The tension within her mounted. He pinched harder and she erupted, her body quaking in convulsions.

  “Did I give you permission to come?”

  Diana didn’t answer. She hung limply over his legs, surrendering to his punishment. He removed the bottle and continued his sentence.

  When the number reached fifteen Diana exhaled. “Thank you, Sir, for your correction.”

  With cruelty and amusement he proclaimed, “Now, you will receive the additional five for your earlier response."

  Diana’s sore ass cried for help. She stiffened and pleaded, “Please, Sir, no more. It hurts too much.”

  His cock strained under her ribs, she remembered his earlier words. “Please, Sir, fuck me. Fuck my ass. Let me suck you." Tears of desperation flowed down her cheeks. “Just no more spankings, please…” she begged.

  Liam laughed and pushed her from his lap onto the floor, the rough carpet assaulted her abused behind. Diana looked up at his expression, quickly scrambled to her belly, and kissed his shoes. “Thank you, Sir."

  He grabbed her hair and pulled her head. “Let’s see if you can earn a reduced sentence." Liam handed her the empty brown long necked bottle, “I want to watch, as you fuck yourself with this.”

  Leaning back onto her tender ass, she lifted her knees and exposed her sopping wet cunt. Pushing the bottle beyond her sensitive lips, her swollen pussy held no resistance. Obeying his command, Diana started to move it in and out. The wider part of the bottle rubbed her clitoris with each thrust, as she bounced her sore ass on the abrasive carpet. Liam continued his instructions, “Seize your nipple with your other hand." She did, tenderly caressing the tip. “Pinch it. Squeeze it with your nails." Diana did as he commanded. Tears fell from her eyes as electricity shot through her body. Soon, her moans and gyrations increased in rhythm and intensity. His harsh words shredded her bliss. “Did I give you permission to come?”

  Diana’s eyes opened in fright, the edge was so near. She’d already broken that rule once tonight. Stilling the glass cone and releasing her tortured nub, she fought the current that pulled her toward the rapids of climax. “No, Sir.” she managed feebly.

  “I also didn’t give you permission to stop. Keep humping.�

  “But, Sir, I will come, if I keep going.”

  He reached down and slapped her breasts. He enjoyed watching the firm round globes redden at his touch. Diana sucked her bottom lip when he contacted the left nipple. It still hurt from her nails. He slapped them again. “You need to learn self-control." She didn’t respond. The pain in her tits and pleasure in her cunt had her on the brink of orgasm. “Troy will thank me one day for training you, won’t he?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Say it, and keep the bottle moving.”

  She obeyed, moving the bottle in and out of her cunt. “Troy will…”

  Liam interrupted, “My fiancé.”

  Diana concentrated, “My fiancé, will thank you for training me to be a good slave.”

  “Have you been a good slave?”

  Feeling the rush of intensity as her cunt began to spasm she tried unsuccessfully to hide her climax, “I... have … tried, Sir." The words were breathy and came in gasps.

  “Give me the bottle." She sheepishly handed him the slippery bottle, now covered in her juices. He placed the butt of the bottle between his knees, “Clean it.” She crawled to his feet and began to lick the bottle clean.

  I am such a slut, Diana thought, as she sucked her own fluids from the smooth glass neck. Degraded and abused, her cunt began to tighten again. She could feel the juices leak from her pussy. More than anything, she wanted Liam’s cock in her mouth, not this bottle. Between slurps she begged, “Please, Sir, please may I suck your cock?”

  “Do you deserve my cock?”

  “No, Sir, I am just a slut. I promise I will service you well.”

  Liam undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. His engorged shaft escaped the confines of his boxers. Although she knew his anatomy, Diana still marveled at his size. He was so much larger than Troy. Now fully erect, his cock stood taller than the bottle between his knees. “Keep cleaning the bottle." She obeyed, purposely allowing her hair and face to touch his now twitching erection. “You are a conniving bitch, aren’t you?"


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