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The Domination of Diana

Page 9

by M. J. Aleese

  “Desiree, tell me if our new slut is wet now."

  Diana fought to remain standing while Desiree’s fingers penetrated her wet pussy. Her cunt contracted, as her knees bent slightly. She saw Liam’s grin and heard Desiree’s words. “Oh, yes, Sir, she is dripping and hot.”

  Liam commanded, “Make her come." Desiree obeyed, moving her fingers in and out while simultaneously rubbing Diana’s clitoris.

  “You may help, Candy." Liam directed as Diana fought to remain standing. Candy came to her front and suckled Diana’s hard nipples.

  Diana grasped Candy’s shoulders as a whimper escaped her lips. The pleasure overtook her; she began to move with Desiree’s fingers. Her body tightened, and the edge was near.

  Liam’s words cleared the fog of pleasure. “Stop.” The two immediately obeyed as Diana released an involuntary whine. “My dear,” His words intended for Diana. “As a Club slave you must always request permission to orgasm.”

  She wanted it to be his cock, but elation was so close. “Please, Master, please let me come.”

  Liam laughed, “Are you now such a slut, you want these women to make you come?”

  It was true, she was. She wanted it so bad. “Yes, please?”

  “Lie down and show me your wet cunt." Diana obeyed, lying on the plush carpet, knees splayed, and cunt glistening. “Alright girls, make her cross that line." Now to Diana, “You may come. Oh and by the way, your name is now Cierra.”

  Diana fought with his words: she could come. Desiree was now on her knees, lapping Diana’s clit. Candy was also down on all fours, twisting and nipping at Cierra’s nipples. But her name? First, her hair, now her name? The pressure began to mount. Her back arched and her hips rose. Cierra’s freshly painted nails dug into the depths of the plush carpet as primal sounds came from her lips.

  Liam’s voice again invaded her private heaven. “Tell me your name or I will stop this again.”

  Breathless, Diana replied, “Cierra, Master Liam, my name is Cierra." She didn’t wait for further instruction, Cierra moaned as the other two women caused her body to shudder and her cunt to throb, gushing its thick sweet fluid.

  After Desiree licked Cierra clean, both sluts helped her once again dress.

  Liam sat in his posh leather desk chair enjoying the show. “Cierra, come to me.” Cierra crawled to Liam’s feet. “How do you feel?”

  “Master, I am embarrassed that I wanted that so much. I am ashamed and degraded. I am also spent and yet want more."

  “You may not hide anything from me. Is that all?”

  “No, Master, I am hungry. May I please have something to eat?”

  The other two sluts gasped in unison. Cierra’s head fell to the ground. She’d done something wrong, but didn’t know what. Liam’s kind voice came as a surprise; she’d expected anger. “It is alright, sluts. She doesn’t know all the rules, yet. Both of you go to the kitchen. I have an order waiting. Bring it back.”

  “Yes, Master,” they said in unison. Then the two sluts turned, leaving Liam alone with Cierra.

  Lifting Cierra by the roots of her red hair, Liam took in his new slave, as she once again sat at his feet. “My pet, you have come a long way." Cierra smiled and leaned toward his knees. “Tell me your thoughts about this transition”

  “Master, I was scared. I feared I would die in that box.”

  “You did.”

  Cierra looked at her master, “But, I am here.”

  “No, Cierra is here. The old you is dead. You must come to terms with that.”

  Cierra contemplated his words. Once again, he was right. Diana is gone. Diana Reilly, the engaged financial analyst with long blonde hair is gone. Cierra, the red headed slut, the female who allowed – no wanted, two other women to screw her, for the pleasure of a man – she's here. She sighed. This revelation made everything easier. “You are right, Master. Diana is dead. I am who you say. I am Cierra.”

  Diana missed Troy terribly. A million times while encased in the dreadful crate, she berated herself for writing that terrible letter. Her thoughts lingered on what might have been. However, Cierra did not have those thoughts. Cierra’s life is here and now. Cierra would do anything necessary to be the best slave Liam ever owned. She longed for direction, instruction, and correction. Diana had too many choices in her life, Cierra had none. Her entire body yearned for her master’s domination.

  Liam smiled and patted her head. The slight insignificant attention, made Cierra warm and her insides tingle. Soon her submission was rewarded. She ate food from Liam’s hand, as reward for her obedience. She repeated her name and earned food. She agreed to sign the contracts and earned food. She agreed to her impending training and earned food. Cierra would have agreed to murder, for more food.

  Liam explained that his father, Carmichael Diamond owned Creation Inferno. His approval is required prior to Cierra becoming an official Club Slut. She walked one step behind Master Liam, eyes downcast, from his office upstairs and down more corridors to Master Carmichael Diamond’s. This time there was no wait. Liam opened the grand doors, within another reception area.

  Entering the private office, Cierra took in the majesty. From the draperies that surrounded large windows overlooking the clubs below, to the large mahogany desk, the room spoke power. The man behind the desk was a white haired version of his son. Age didn’t diminish his stature, as he eluded authority. On either side of his chair, standing at his ready, were two beautiful well-dressed women with expressions of indifference. Cierra was obviously not the first slut they’d seen paraded through this room, and wouldn’t be the last. She was nothing. Somehow, their presence made her interview more demeaning.

  Cierra bowed before Master Diamond. Her breasts rubbed the thick carpet beneath the thin t-shirt causing her nipples to harden. This position exposed her bare ass to Liam. He spoke to his father, “This is the slut I spoke of, Cierra O’Leary." Apparently, he thought her red hair made her Irish?

  “Miss O’Leary, rise." Cierra stood before the omnipotent master of this domain, her eyes bowed in reverence. “Look at me, young lady. Tell me why you believe you deserve to be employed by my club.”

  Her mind scrambled. She’d presented flawless proposals to boards and committees, yet she fought with her tongue. Her answer came in stammers of words, clumped together. “Yes, Master Diamond... I believe I… I will be… I can be a good employee…”

  “Miss O’Leary, do you plan on wasting my time?”

  Cierra’s cheeks burned, “No, Sir." She swallowed, “I believe I am well qualified.”

  The two women snickered as Mr. Diamond replied, “You are well qualified to be a slut? Does that mean you can spread your legs? Perhaps you can suck a cock?" She held her breath, listening as he berated her, culminating with a question. “Do you believe you are a good lay?" Cierra stood straight, trying desperately to focus on the dignified male, not the females’ patronizing stares. Her deliberation took too long. “Come, child, coyness is unnecessary in a slave and a slut. If you possess talents, now is the time to make them known.”

  “Yes, Master, I do believe I am a good lay.”

  “So you believe that you can please a man? Do you believe you can please me?”

  Cierra knelt before Carmichael Diamond. He spoke harshly, “Miss O’Leary, stand. I did not tell you to please me. I asked if you thought you were able.”

  Scurrying to her feet Cierra replied, “I would do my best, Master." The giggles of the other women made her ears burn with shame.

  “Miss O’Leary, my son has a paper for me. Kindly fetch it, and bring it to me.”

  “Yes, Master Diamond." She immediately turned toward Liam and smiled. In his outstretched hand was a folded piece of white paper. Cierra exhaled, finally something she could do without Carmichael Diamond’s denigration. Retrieving the paper, she presented it to Master Diamond with a respectful nod of her head. He took the page, wadded it into a ball, and tossed it onto the floor.

  “Miss O’Leary, get that
ball of paper and place it in the trash can.”

  Puzzled, Cierra complied.

  “Very good, Miss O’Leary, do you know why I asked you to do those activities?”

  “You wanted the paper so that you could wad it up, Sir?" More giggles.

  “Obedience, I was testing your obedience." She contemplated his requests. He’d told her to fetch the paper and get the ball, like a dog! Once again her cheeks reddened. At the same time she felt her juices flow. “Do you believe you are beyond training?”

  “No, Sir. I believe any skill can be improved with training.”

  “Skill,” he patted the slender hands resting on his shoulders. “I suppose some may consider it skill, I would say innate behavior and primitive response. Females were created to service the needs of males. Miss O’Leary, as an Inferno slave, will you service men?”

  “Yes, Master, I will.”

  “This may mean one man or ten. It may require servicing women at the whim of a male. Are you willing to do that?"

  Cierra thought about Mistress Debbie, Candy, and Desiree. “Yes, Master. I will do as I am told.”

  “Miss O’Leary, my establishment is well known for its beautiful women. I believe in that criterion, you qualify." Cierra soaked in his words, the first compliment she’d heard. “However, discipline here is very strict. Failure to comply is prohibited. You will be expected to perform your duties perfectly. Noncompliance creates chaos. I will not tolerate chaos at my club. Therefore, disobedience is punished swiftly and justly. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master Diamond.”

  “Some people enjoy delivering pain and torment to others. That too, is a service we provide. If you are not willing to receive the abuse of our members, your service will not be required. You may go.”

  Cierra stood motionless. Her name changed, her hair changed, and now this magnificently strong handsome powerful man was dismissing her. She fell to her knees. “Please, Master, please, I beg you. I will be a good slut. I will service as many members as is required of me. I will learn your ways and willingly accept punishment for my transgressions. I also consent to any form of abuse or degradation that will bring pleasure to a member." Her chest began to heave, “Just please, please don’t make me go." She hung her head in shame. Her pathetic pleas, dripping pussy, and blotching chest confirmed her inferiority.

  “Miss O’Leary, go stand in that corner,” he pointed to his right, “while Master Liam and I discuss your application.”

  Her thighs slid with each step, as she rose and walked toward the corner. Her path forced her to walk before Liam. As she took the required position, Liam humiliated her further with his additional instruction, “Place your hands on top of your head. You may not touch yourself.”

  With her forehead touching the wall and hands on her head, she tried to listen to the men’s conversation. However, the overwhelming need of her cunt dominated her thoughts. Cierra couldn’t believe she was standing in a corner, like a child. She was so fuck’n hot, her cum now created a stream that dripped past her knee. How pitiful she must look. What did those women think of her?

  During their prolonged conversation Cierra caught a few words and phrases, “trainable”, “considerable evidence of arousal”, “highly sexual”, “emotional”, “thus far compliant”, “salability”, and “retainable value”. She understood the meaning of some and not of others. Eventually Carmichael Diamond’s voice released her from her undignified position. “Miss O’Leary, you may return to our conversation.”

  Cierra feigned poise, as she walked and stood in her previous place. “Thank you, Master.”

  “Due to my son’s petitions, I have agreed to give you a probationary trial." Cierra exhaled as he continued, “During this probation, you will be in a constant state of training. Your primary instructors will be Master Clinton and Mistress Debbie, whom I believe you have met." She wondered by his sly smile, if he knew how well they had been introduced. Cierra felt her cheeks redden. “We deliver exemplary services here at Creation Inferno. And while most females know how to spread their legs and take a whipping, most require training to truly possess the self-control that is required of our sluts. I will receive daily updates regarding your performance. I certainly hope that you will not disappoint my son or make me regret my decision.”

  Cierra’s insides tightened causing her juicy cunt to spasm. This man of absolute power, who spoke with authority, control, and superiority, was allowing her a chance. He might as well have been offering the possibility of diamonds and rubies, not pain, degradation, and humiliation. “No, Master Diamond, I will not disappoint either of you. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity.”

  Carmichael Diamond dismissed Liam and Cierra. The last image of the club’s ruler was of one woman kneeling before him, while the other lowered the bodice of her evening gown, exposing the most perfect large round breasts Cierra had ever seen. She was nothing more than an insignificant memory, within seconds. The inferiority added to her desire for Liam’s cock, something she didn’t deserve.

  Nevertheless, Master Liam must have been pleased by her interview. For when they returned to his office, he allowed her to suck him. His musky taste was better than she’d remembered. It contained raw power, domination, and filled her stomach as well as pride. She pleased her master and begged for more, promising to be a good lay. He just smiled and petted her flaming hair. “Not now, my pet. You have some paperwork to complete with Master Derek. He used to be a detective with the Chicago Police Department. That is why he handles all of our legal work. You won’t disappoint me, will you?”

  Now sitting at his feet she purred, “No, Master, I want only to please you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Liam depressed the accelerator, propelling his Mercedes beyond posted speed limits. Weaving in and out of cars and trucks on the Dan Ryan Expressway, he almost wished some poor-sap patrolman would make the mistake of pulling him over. Daddy’s team of attorneys would get him out of the infraction, and more than likely assure the cop’s demotion in the process. Hell, Liam had the head of Carmichael International’s legal team on speed dial.

  As the younger Master Diamond watched the unmarked car back off, and turn its lights on for another motorist, Liam grinned. Word of his invincibility was spreading. Welcome to the Jungle filled his car with the resounding bass of Guns N’ Roses, drowning out the siren he left in his dust.

  This exhilaration added to the elation of his recent coup. The sports bar where he was meeting Troy was still ten minutes away. Liam used that time to reflect on Cierra’s past forty-eight hours. Although battered, abused, and undoubtedly exhausted, she’d survived. He hadn’t seen her personally since he left her with Inferno’s head of security. But, he’d followed her plight.

  Apparently, she’d performed convincingly for Master Derek. He didn’t question her authenticity as she answered all of his questions and signed all the forms, Cierra O’Leary. Later, when Troy asked about Diana, he could honestly say, “It seems she’s gone,” because it did seem that way.

  Mistress Debbie retrieved Cierra from his office, after the contracts, and explained her first assignment. It is club policy for new recruits to not speak with members; therefore, she would be gagged with a penis gag. Debbie said that Cierra promised to behave and not say anything wrong, begging for a reprieve from the gag. A few stripes with a leather whip reminded Cierra that arguing with Mistress Debbie’s decisions is strictly prohibited.

  Next, she was escorted to the men’s bathroom off Club 6. Club 6, within the Inferno, is especially loud and wild. It tends to attract the more hard-core members. In the bathroom, Cierra was secured in a built in, stock-like apparatus. This secured her neck and wrists a little over three feet above the tiled floor, exposing her holes for penetration. The gag saved her mouth from cocks, but either of the other orifices were fair game. Debbie reported that when she left, Cierra’s tears and cum were dripping.

  This devise is excellent for the men’s restroom. The drain
in the floor allows bodily fluids to be hosed away at the conclusion of the night’s activities. The sign above Cierra’s head read: Please help me practice my new job – fuck me! With her eyes facing the wall, she couldn’t see her customers; she could however, hear every disparaging word, as man after man assessed her shape, tightness, wetness, and reactions. Some members opted to warm her ass with a few lashes of their belt, as prelude to their fuck session.

  According to the head mistress, she’d been popular. When Clinton removed her from the contraption, a little after four in the morning, Cierra was physically unable to stand. Forced to crawl, she was hosed-down with cold water. Many patrons chose to ejaculate on her, as opposed to inside of her. Lastly, Cierra was put in a dog cage for the night, one on the ground level. For obvious reasons, the sluts preferred the top. Unfortunately, the slut above hadn’t been cleaned after her duties and dripped into the lower cage.

  Four hours later, with shackles around her ankles she joined the cleaning crew. At last report, she’d been fed from a dog dish and beaten twice for incompletion of duties. Smiling, Liam knew the unfinished duties were not due to insubordination, but club policy. All females were available to males for service at all times. That meant, as a female scrubbed a floor or a toilet, a male could stop her at any time and fuck her cunt, ass, or mouth. New sluts were especially popular. With current technology involving communication, a text message could have every male delivery-man, garbage-man, or security-guard waiting in line.

  Last night she’d been assigned to the stocks off Club 3. It was a milder crowd, but usually busier, especially on a weeknight. Debbie said that Cierra didn’t argue, but sobbed so violently when taken into the bathroom, she almost choked on the penis gag. Instead of sleeping in the cage, Clinton left her in the stocks all night. Morning came with an ice cold hosing and more chores.

  Checking the clock on his dash, Liam assumed that soon Cierra would be cleaned and dressed for the evening crowd. Tonight she was assigned to under table duty in the poker room. That is pretty self-explanatory. His cock twitched remembering the first time he’d blown a wad in some bitch’s mouth, while simultaneously winning a nice jackpot with a full house, Aces over Jacks!


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