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Monsters in the Dark

Page 92

by Winters, Pepper

  I didn’t like being in the open without back-up, especially with Tess as such a vulnerable target. And I definitely didn’t like being back at work where people knew me—where buildings offered perfect coverage for anyone wanting to take out a man threatening their downfall.

  My body balanced between being soft with Tess and ready to rip someone’s chest open if they so much as looked at me wrong.

  Get inside before you murder someone.

  Wrapping an arm around Tess’s waist, I propelled her through the sliding doors and into the lobby.

  Tess froze, jerking my body to a stop with hers. “You’ve brought me back to your office? Why?” Tension tightened her voice. Just like her fear of a bath, she had to overcome her terror of this place. I thought she would’ve been safe here—but it only taught me never to trust anyone.

  A headache appeared from the rapidly building stress in my body. I fucking hated headaches. Especially the one I’d had that day when she’d been taken. I’d been a useless invalid. If it hadn’t have been for Frederick, I would probably have had a stroke trying to do everything myself.

  The memory of losing her made my gut churn.

  Stop thinking about it for fuck’s sake.

  I forced my thoughts to turn to why we were here. I wanted to surprise Roux—he was going to be the accessory to this next part of the crescent moon—he just didn’t know it yet.

  “We’ll only be here for a bit—then I’m kidnapping you away again.” Where—I hadn’t quite figured out yet. Suzette still had three days before the wedding. Shit, I better call her. No telling what sort of craziness she’d planned by now. That woman was a fucking menace.

  Keeping my arm firmly around Tess, we made our way to the elevators. The mosaic sparrow on the floor never failed to lift my heart. People thought this was just a property conglomerate. Goes to show how much they knew.

  Then again.

  I’d looked at the news on my phone this morning. Things were getting out of hand. Whatever Frederick was doing, I was about to tell him to fucking stop it.

  Pressing the up button, Tess’s breathing turned shallow. Her eyes darted around the huge, light-filled lobby. No one was around which was good—I didn’t have to worry about spilling blood in my own building. The way my body tensed, I’d most likely strike first then ask questions.

  Not exactly a good look for the CEO to tear off an employee’s head just for saying hello.

  Ducking to Tess’s level, I murmured, “I’m not going to leave you alone for a second. You have nothing to fear.” I would personally guarantee it.

  She flashed me a grateful smile. “I know—just being back here—after feeling so amazing yesterday…it’s hard to accept that yes the past isn’t ruining my life anymore, but I still haven’t put it all behind me.”

  The elevator pinged; I pushed her on. With every step Tess lagged. Her back was stiff, movements jerky.

  I frowned, watching her as the doors closed, imprisoning us in the small space—alone. Pressing the floor I needed, I touched her cheek. “It’s just a lift.”

  She flinched away.

  Goddammit, I hadn’t done everything I’d done to have it all be for fucking nothing. I pushed her shoulder, forcing her to face me. I had every intention of slamming her against the wall and demanding she focus on me and only me.

  But she took me completely by surprise.

  Leaping into my arms, I stumbled backward. The mirrored walls bruised my shoulder blades as Tess’s mouth pressed against mine. Her breathing was still shallow but now for an entirely different reason.

  Her fingers disappeared into my hair, jerking my lips harder onto hers. Ah, fucking hell. My cock reacted straight away.

  My arms shot up, gathering her curvy form.

  She dropped her fingers to my face, deliberately scratching me—driving me beyond interested into insane.

  Pushing off from the wall, I spun around, crashing her against it instead. Her mouth opened wide, and my tongue plunged inside, taking, tasting, owning, devouring.

  Our hands were separate entities as our mouths slipped and licked. I grabbed her breast through her grey jumper. Wanting my flesh on hers, needing my cock driving into her tasty warmth.

  I wasn’t sated. I needed more. I wanted her to bow to me and fight at the same time. I wanted so much from her—I wanted it all.

  The doors opened.

  A feminine cough wrenched my head up; I locked eyes with Helen. Red hair, vivid green eyes—attractive with freckles dotting her nose.

  My receptionist of three years.

  Releasing Tess, I grabbed her shoulders, and positioned her in front of me—trying to hide the raging hard-on in my trousers. Running hands through my hair, I made sure the white shirt I wore wasn’t too crumbled and quickly inspected Tess.

  Her jumper was mussed but her black jeans looked presentable. The disarray of curls made me want to drag her back into the lift and press the emergency button until I finished what she’d started.

  “Mr. Mercer. Bonjour.” Helen smiled, eyeing Tess with a professional coolness. If I hadn’t been around women—in all states of mental health—I would’ve missed the flash of competition in her gaze. And I would’ve definitely missed, and not enjoyed, Tess’s answering glower full of possession.

  She was fierce, my Slave Fifty-Eight. And I had no doubt she’d scratch out any female’s eyes who made any move to encroach on what she considered hers.

  And good. That made me fucking happy. And hot. So damn hot.

  Hoping my depleting erection wasn’t too obvious, I strode in front of Tess. “Bonjour. Est-ce que M. Roux est là ? J’ai besoin de le voir.” Hello. Is Mr. Roux in, I need to see him.

  Tess stayed glued to my side, a smile on her lips, but her eyes shrewd and assessing.

  Helen smiled at Tess, acknowledging whatever woman code they shared, before finally giving me a look I recognised as defeat. “Oui, il est dans son bureau.” Yes, he's in his office.

  “Merci.” I grabbed Tess’s hand, dragging her away from the sterile first impression of the manager’s level. The only things visible were Helen’s desk, a large matching mosaic sparrow behind her, and some comfy chairs in the adjoining room for early appointments to wait.

  Tess tugged on my hand as I strode through the floor, nodding at passing workers. I didn’t have a fucking clue who they were. I only needed to know the top of commands; the rest of the workforce was their problem.

  “We’re not going to your office?” Tess asked, dodging a woman carrying an armful of files. Her eyes danced around the floor, taking in the large windows that let washes of natural light and the amazing view of Paris inside. Plants and paraphernalia gave the place a homely feel. No partitions separated workers—everyone had free reign on where they wanted their desk to be. Some were clumped together in a circle, others with lined up neatly. But all surrounded a large break area with a big TV, gourmet coffee and food, and a fulltime masseuse to work out any kinks.

  “We can’t,” I said.

  “Why not?”

  “It’s gone.” I waved back at a man I distantly remembered, who’d helped with a local merger. Frederick’s office was at the end, next to mine—or rather my temporary one.


  I looked into her blue-grey eyes—looking more grey thanks to the colour of her jumper. “You seriously didn’t think I’d be able to let it stay standing after what happened.”

  Tess shook her head. “You destroyed it?”

  I nodded. Just like the room where I’d let her hit and scar me. It was demolished. Forever. Good fucking riddance.

  The moment I saw her hair on the bathroom floor and the empty syringe, I knew I couldn’t let the diabolical thing remain. It was empty rubble up there now. “I’ll convert it to a helipad eventually, but right now, the birds can have it.”

  She pulled on my hand, yanking me to a stop. Her eyes locked onto mine. “Thank you.”

  My forehead furrowed. “For what?”

nbsp; “For getting rid of it. I can handle a lot of things but I don’t think I could’ve stepped foot in that space again.”

  I looked around to see if people were watching. People pretended to be busy, but I knew we were the entertainment. But—oh, fuck it. I dragged her close and kissed her. Her fingers squeezed my chest. Pulling back, I whispered, “Don’t you think I know that?”

  Stepping back, I added, “And I didn’t do it just for you, Tess. I couldn’t go back there either. I would rather my entire company came crashing down than ever go back into a room where I failed to protect you.”

  Tess’s eyes swam; her cheeks pinked as she blushed. Blushed? What the hell was she blushing about? I’d had her hanging upside down with my tongue as far as it could go inside her while I drove my cock into her mouth. That was blush-worthy. Having me admit I tore down an office in her honour was not.

  “You’re far too good to me.”

  I shook my head, hating the twisting in my gut. I wasn’t. I was the opposite. Complete fucking opposite.

  She lowered her voice. “Q…I’ve been so wrapped up in me, I haven’t asked what’s going on with your business. Did everything that happen ruin your company’s reputation?” Her shoulders stiffened. “I didn’t cost you your livelihood, did I?”

  Before worry could consume her, I grabbed her chin. “Now is not the time to talk about it, but no. It didn’t.” I placed my hand on her lower back, pushing her the remaining distance to Frederick’s office. If she started asking questions about my unspoken hobby, I didn’t want it to be on the busy floor with overeager ears.

  Little did she know that yes, what I’d done had gotten out. And no, it hadn’t ruined my image. In fact—I couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Another reason why I needed to talk to Roux.

  Arriving at his door, I rapped my knuckles against the frosted glass. I kept telling him he needed a receptionist, but I suppose he’d taken my job while I focused on Tess, and Helen worked for him now.

  Frederick opened the door with his back to us. His hair wasn’t its usual perfectly slicked style, seeing as one hand was lodged in the strands. His attire of understated three-piece navy suit with elegant purple tie made me very aware I wasn’t exactly dressed to impress.

  I missed wearing a tailored wardrobe—but I didn’t miss why I wasn’t wearing them—I’d much rather be bone-fucking-naked if it meant I could ravage Tess twenty-four-seven.

  His voice raised in a French curse as he removed the Bluetooth headset from his ear, spinning to confront us. His face, with its perfect skin and manicured eyebrows, looked about twenty years old not thirty.

  His bright blue eyes landed on Tess, then shot back to me before his jaw fell in shock. “Mercer! Man, I thought you’d run off to get hitched.”

  Tess stood a little straighter, watching him with a fierceness I started to recognise as defence. She had history with Frederick—I still didn’t know what they talked about the night he watched me almost rape her, then tuck and run after she used the safeword—but she knew Frederick was my closest friend. The only thing close to family I ever had.

  Until her.

  “Had a few loose ends before tying that particular knot,” I said, entering his office and slapping his shoulder. “C’est bon de te voir.” It’s good to see you.

  He nodded, lips spreading into a smile. “You too. Missed your angry face. What’s it been, three weeks?” It didn’t sound like a long time, but in the scheme of things, seeing as we used to spend ten hours a day together—it was a long fucking time.

  “Bet Angelique’s happy you don’t have to babysit me anymore.” By babysitting he damn well knew I meant traipsing around the world murdering psychopaths and bribing twisted assholes.

  He laughed. “Well, she got pissed that you left me in charge of this place, leaving me to work double hours, but she got over it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “How did you make it up to her?” Did I even want to know what they got up to behind closed doors? I genuinely liked Angelique with her straight black hair and intelligent pretty face, but I couldn’t see any kink in her. I often wondered if Frederick was as completely straight laced as he liked to believe.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Roux laughed. “Well, seeing as you’ll find out soon enough, I’ll tell you now.” He motioned us forward, spreading his arm to encompass the heavy oak desk and black leather couches facing each other. “I hired her.”

  “You what?” My head snapped up as I sat beside Tess on the supple leather.

  “Hey, you couldn’t expect me to work here every hour of the day and not get nagged when I got home, could you? I figured I’d put her on the payroll—that way we’d see each other all the time.” He sat down, hoisting his navy trousers before sitting with his legs spread on the opposite couch. “Don’t tell her this, but she’s amazing. That stupid law degree she’d been practicing—hell she’s doing wonders for Moineau. Not to mention, she’s great at bringing me coffee—amongst other things.”

  I blinked. Did he just hint at office sex? In my building. Who was I fucking kidding? I was happy for him. I’d worried I’d put too much responsibility on him and was glad he’d flourished.

  Frederick turned to Tess, looking her up and down. “How are you?”

  Tess’s eyes flickered to mine, adrift with questions. I kept my face unreadable but it only took a second for her to slot the pieces together. Damn intelligent woman.

  She nodded, keeping her back straight and face impassive. “I’m better. Thank you. Without you pushing Q—I don’t know where I’d be.”

  To anyone who hadn’t whipped her with a whisk last night, she looked poised and collected. Only I knew the stiffness really meant wariness, not aloofness.

  Frederick shrugged. “No thanks necessary. I’m glad it worked out. I couldn’t stomach the thought of you walking away from what you two obviously have.”

  I huffed, glaring daggers at him. Frederick got the message and shut up.

  Tess said, “I never got a chance to thank you for helping Q find me, either. I know you were there. I vaguely remember parts of it—your voice. You holding me.”

  My muscles locked down. She fucking remembered? I thought she’d been so cracked out she hadn’t recalled what I’d done on her behalf. Did she recollect the reeking, dripping heart as I placed it at her feet?

  Frederick shot me a glance, raising his eyebrow as if to say: I told you. You should’ve just killed him and not put more awful memories in her head.

  I glowered at him. Fuck off.

  “I’m glad you’re doing better. I knew Q would bring you back. Had every faith.” Clearing his throat, he looked at me. “You know, I got a call from Suzette yesterday.” Amusement shadowed his features. “Seems you’ve let her go a little wild.”

  Tess’s eyes narrowed. “What did she say?”

  I leaned forward, clasping my hands between my spread legs. “Yes, Roux. Qu’est ce qu'elle a dit?” What did she say?

  His eyes twinkled. “Nothing much. You know she never tells me anything. Closed book.”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “Bullshit. I happen to know you’re on her speed-dial. She spills everything to you.” I glared harder, knowing full well he knew far too much about my ridiculous meltdowns—thanks to a meddling maid. “You know what I’m talking about.”

  Tess looked between us, trying to unravel what we left unsaid.

  “She knows she can call me. She and Angelique are getting rather close, too. It’s nice to see her making friends.”

  “Oh, fuck me. My maid and your wife talking?” I couldn’t think of anything worse. I’d have to fire her.

  Frederick laughed—a large timbre that drew a genuine smile from Tess. I wasn’t surprised; Frederick was a smooth son of a bitch. “You know she’s the most loyal staff member you’ll ever have. And she knows we would never do anything to hurt you. Leave her alone when you see her next.” He raised his eyebrow, hinting that he knew.

  Knew about the wedding

  He’d been invited to a wedding that I had absolutely no idea about. Who else had she invited? Goddammit, I really better call her before she invited all of Paris.

  Frederick clapped his hands together, reclining into the black couch. “So, as nice as it is to see you, Mercer, I’m taking this isn’t just a pop in. You want something.”

  Tess looked to me, her eyes wide with curiosity.

  I smiled loving the thrill of anticipation. I couldn’t wait for her reaction when I told her what we were here for.

  “There’s a file in your cabinet under my personal record. Can you get it?” I asked, looking Frederick straight in the eye.

  He frowned, trying to work it out. The funny thing was—he knew. He’d watched me write it.

  Hauling himself upright, he traversed the office before unlocking one of the filing cabinets and pulling out my particular portfolio. It was empty but for one piece of paper. Everything of importance I kept on encrypted hard-drives and in a safe hidden at my chateau. But this—I needed a witness to make this legitimate.

  Cracking open the file, his eyes flew to mine. Clearing his throat, he asked, “You sure about this?”

  I locked my fingers together, focusing on the rush of blood rather than snapping at him. Ridiculous question. I wouldn’t deem it with an answer.

  Frederick nodded slightly, grabbed a pen from his desk, and came to sit back down.

  Tess scooted forward as Roux placed the file on the small table between us, spinning it around to face her. He smiled, holding out the pen. “You’re up. Have a read, and if you’re okay with it, sign away.”

  I rolled my shoulders, dispelling some of the rapidly building tension in my spine. Tess vibrated with questions mixed with apprehension.

  Frederick never took his gaze off her as she reached for the file. Asking me, he muttered, “Do you think it’s a good idea… after all, the current market is rather…volatile.”

  Tess froze. Her eyes snapped up. “Volatile?” Looking to me, she added, “What’s going on? Do I even want to know what’s in here?”


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