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Monsters in the Dark

Page 111

by Winters, Pepper

  She bit her lip, eyes sparking with grey fire.

  The captain and co-pilot finished their pre-flight checks, turning to look down the small gangway. “Eh, are you ready to leave?”

  I let Tess go, never taking my eyes off her. She wobbled a little, sitting back down. Turning to face the flight deck, I nodded. “Yes, we’re ready.”

  The rotor blades kicked into gear. The turbines went from silent to screeching.

  “Great. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey.”

  There would be no relaxing, not after Tess’s tease.

  Wait till I get you alone, esclave.

  I was ready to embrace my future.

  * * *

  Twenty-five minutes later, a small island in the shape of a horseshoe came into view. Even at night it looked like utopia. Subtle lighting illuminated one side of the island, while a few less brightened the other side.

  An island. Away from world news, doctors, or traffickers. If Suzette hadn’t already done so, I would demand a security crew to man the waters surrounding us—keeping all of us safe. I didn’t plan on leaving this place until I’d healed. As far as I was concerned, our crescent moon was over—our honeymoon had just begun.

  No one spoke as we soared toward land, skimming over the black ocean in a whirl of rotors. At least this time we flew. I would’ve had a fucking fit if we had to travel by boat.

  Never again.

  The helicopter landed gracefully on a helipad built into a large jetty. It seemed whoever owned this place valued high class amenities such as yacht moorings, seaplane dockings, and helicopter pads.

  My kind of place. I might have to buy it if the rest was this perfect.

  Tess made eye contact, her cheeks flushing in happiness. “It looks amazing.”

  I softened a little toward Suzette. So far, she’d done well.

  The helicopter shuddered as the engines were cut, slowly silencing, allowing the gentle slaps of waves against the jetty and cicadas in the trees to welcome us with an island serenade.

  The captain and co-pilot climbed out first. They opened the cabin door, positioning the steps for us to disembark. Moving after sitting hurt like a motherfucker. It seemed to get worse not better. I needed some relief. I needed Tess in my arms and painkillers in my veins.

  Franco climbed down, turning to help Tess onto the platform. “Crap, it’s even hotter out here,” he grumbled. “Suzette better have packed some shorts for me otherwise count me out from your wedding. I’ll be a fucking puddle.”

  Tess laughed quietly, patting his chest. There was a deeper closeness between them that hadn’t gone unnoticed. They’d been through things I hadn’t been privy to, but instead of jealousy, I was relieved. Relieved that the two facets of my life were knitting together seamlessly.

  Tess was no longer an outsider. She’d been initiated into my world—earning her place by my side and no one could ever deny it.

  A noise made my eyes travel upward, locking onto a sprinting figure wearing white trousers and a pink top, flying down the jetty. Suzette.

  Joining Tess, I kissed her cheek, avoiding the dried blood on her skin. I wanted to clean it off her. I hated seeing something so barbaric smearing her innocence—but it was her right to wear the blood of the enemy she’d defeated. And she wasn’t innocent. Without her, I wouldn’t be alive. If she wanted to get married filthy and blood-covered—I wouldn’t stop her.

  I moved out of the way as Suzette bowled toward us, wrapping her arms tightly around Tess. “I can’t tell you how amazing it is to see you.”

  Tess buried her face in Suzette’s neck. I didn’t catch what she said, but Suzette grinned. “You have to tell me everything. And I do mean everything.”

  Her hazel eyes landed on Franco. Shyly, she untangled herself from Tess, going to stand in front of the mangled body of my trusted staff and friend. “Are you okay?”

  Franco shrugged. “Just a normal day at the office.”

  Suzette flinched, noticing the bandages, slings, and walking stick. “The doctor and nurse you sent arrived about an hour ago. Do you want me to get them? Do you need anything?” She looked at me. “And you! Oh, my God, don’t ever do that again. I prefer you alive—as do a lot of people.”

  I chuckled. I’d never been good vocalizing my emotions—not like Suzette—but I hoped she knew how much I valued her.

  She stepped closer. I opened my arms, smiling as she walked into my embrace. Her body was smaller than Tess, less curvy but no less strong.

  Her eyes welled with tears. “I’m so glad you’re okay. All of you.” Her arms tightened. I gritted my teeth against the flare of bruises and cracked rib.

  “We’re here. All alive.”

  She pulled away. “Don’t do that again. Ever.”

  “I’ve already told him that,” Tess said, her eyes soft on mine.

  My heart stuttered, filling with need. I dreamed of a soft bed and painkillers. I hankered for nakedness, gentleness, and maybe even a spa. I would give anything to lie beneath the stars and let hot water bubble out the kinks in my body. Tonight was the eve of our wedding and I wanted to spend it with Tess. Only Tess.

  “Yes, well. You’ve been warned.” Suzette planted a finger in my chest.

  I couldn’t stop the flinch giving away my soreness.

  Tess came closer, pressing her shoulder against mine. “I’ll tell you everything, Suzette. But be prepared for a long story. Q’s idea of a crescent moon is something that shouldn’t be repeated.”

  “You’re not telling her everything I hope.” I glared at Tess. She couldn’t be serious? After everything I’d done? Almost raping her. Then drugging her to bring her back? That was strictly between us.

  But Suzette no longer cared. Her shoulders straightened with decision, wrapping her arms around Franco.

  His eyes met mine, perplexed.

  Tess’s face softened, looking as if she witnessed something she’d wanted to see happen for a while.

  Franco hesitated, then his arms went around her, squeezing tight. After an awkward second, he released her.

  Suzette wiped away a few tears. Clapping her hands, she said, “Come. I’ll show you where to go.”

  Travelling the distance down the pier took longer than normal with two men not in their prime. By the time we arrived on the sandy path of the island, a few staff members dressed in cream shorts and t-shirts came forward with icy towels and welcome cocktails.

  Towel. Motherfucking towel.

  I flatly ignored it. I would burn every fucking towel that ever came near me. The irrational fear latched onto my throat and I grabbed the drink. My mouth thirsted for alcohol—anything to dull the intense reaction and my thundering heart.

  I’m afraid of a goddamn towel. How fucking embarrassing.

  I turned to Tess, clinking my glass to hers. I couldn’t just throw it back. I didn’t want her to know I had other things to work through—not just external injuries but mental scarring as well.

  Her gaze melted me. “To surviving,” she whispered.

  Franco clinked his glass to ours. “To you. To the best couple I’ve had the privilege of knowing.”

  The sincerity in his voice made me pause. The moment became serious and poignant. Franco and I had been linked after Rio, but we’d all become closer thanks to Lynx.

  A family.

  I may be alone in the world, with no flesh and blood relatives, but I had the best family anyone could wish for.

  “To winning.” I threw the fruity concoction down my throat. The sickly alcohol stung my raw mouth; I craved proper liquor.

  Tess and Franco did the same, depositing the empty glasses with the staff. Together we followed Suzette into the hushed mangroves and palm trees of Cheval De Mer. Seahorse Island.

  The bushy vegetation canopied a boardwalk which lay beneath a fine lashing of icing sugar sand. Lanterns swung in the trees, guiding our way. There was nothing but whispers of waves, a gentle breeze, and idyllic stars above. It was dreamlike. It was hea

  “After everything we’ve been through, I can’t believe we’re here,” Tess murmured, her eyes darting from the hanging lamps to the stencils of leaves above us.

  I looped my fingers with hers, sharing a precious moment of perfect peace. “It’s done. We earned this.”

  The boardwalk split into a fork. Suzette guided us to the left, stopping in front of a sprawling building made from wood, thatched roof, and tinted glass. Stepping onto the wraparound veranda, the true beauty of the place was visible. A courtyard with a white plunge pool, daybeds, private bar, and huge granite slabs looked otherworldly in the silver-gleam of the moon.

  Statues of huge seahorses circled the pool, a fountain trickling from each mouth.

  “Tu t’es surpassée, Suzette.” You’ve outdone yourself, Suzette.

  Tess’s mouth hung open, gliding forward in a trance. “This is beyond what I could’ve ever imagined.”

  I agreed. It was magical.

  Suzette grinned. “I’m so glad you like it.” Moving toward a large sliding glass door, she pulled it open. “Come, I’ll show you to your rooms. Don’t worry. You have this side of the island all to yourself. The guests aren’t permitted to come over here, so it’s completely private.”

  Stepping inside, I instantly knew I wanted to recreate a space like this at home. The area was airy with a full glass roof, welcoming the palm fronds to cast shadows on the white porcelain tiles. The furniture was all oversized, luxurious, looking like a cloud—waiting for someone to throw themselves onto the pale blues and beiges of the upholstery.

  Suzette turned to Franco. “Can you take Q to his room? It’s that way.” She pointed to the right. “I’ll take Tess to hers.”

  I slammed to a halt. “Excuse me?” Separate rooms? Who the fuck was she kidding?

  Not going to fucking happen.

  “We may not be married, but I’ve had Tess in my bed for months. That isn’t about to change.” My voice deepened with warning.

  Suzette planted her fists on her hips. “It’s the eve of your wedding. I’m not letting you see each other until tomorrow. Superstitious or not. I think it’ll be good to relax and centre yourself with no distractions.” Waving a finger in my face, she added, “And Tess is a distraction, so you’re on your own tonight. Not to mention you need to heal.”

  I looked at Tess. Her eyes shot wide, then she laughed. “I guess there’s no arguing.” Her body swayed toward mine, unconsciously willing me to demand her to sleep in my bed. Together. As it should be.

  “Don’t ruin the perfection you’ve created so far, Suzette. Tess is sleeping with me.”

  Don’t make me bury you under a palm tree.

  Suzette scowled. “Who did you put in charge of the wedding?” She planted a finger in her chest. “Me. I’m the boss of this event, and I say you’re not to see each other until tomorrow.” Waving her hand, she finished, “So, shoo. Franco, escort your boss to his private room.”

  I held up my hand, temper bubbling. “I can find my own fucking room.”

  Franco laughed. “I’m off. I’m not going to break up another battle.” Heading to the door, he called, “Night all.”

  Tess watched him leave. She jumped as Suzette captured her hand, tugging her away from me. “But—”

  My cock hardened drinking Tess in. Her unwillingness to leave, the equal need in her eyes. She was so incredible. I didn’t want to be away from her for a second. Shit, she’d killed for me. I would lay down my life for her every day for the rest of time to repay her.

  “Go.” I glared at Tess. I’ll come for you later.

  I couldn’t stand there another second. I couldn’t stomach the thought of being separated. I hoped she got my final message because without a word, I turned and stalked to my end of the suite. If I didn’t, I would’ve lost my temper, made Suzette cry, and undone the magic of this place.

  Half an hour. Then I’d go to her.

  Suzette would leave. And I’d sneak like a fucking criminal into the bed of my wife to be.

  And then I’d hold her and show her exactly whose ass belonged to whom.

  There was no way I would spend the night apart. Last night was the last time we ever did.

  Entering the bedroom, I scoured every corner—glared into every shadow. We may be on an island, far away from trouble, but I wouldn’t let my guard down again. I wouldn’t believe I was strong enough to win another stupid battle.

  My luck had been used up. I was alive. And that’s how I wanted to keep it.

  The room was the same exquisite openness. The huge bed groaned with mountains of pillows in blue and white, bringing the sea inside.

  I didn’t know how long Suzette would spend with Tess. They were women after all—gossip came naturally.

  Damn women. I wanted my woman. Now.

  Standing in the centre of the room, my aches and pains took hold. A surge of loneliness squeezed my heart. I’m lonely. How fucking ridiculous. I was lonely for Tess. I just saw her.

  I rolled my eyes, but nothing could stop the deserted feeling. I turned in place, intending to stalk across the suite and demand Suzette give Tess back to me. I needed comforting. Ha! Me. I wanted her—to distract my thoughts from what I’d lived through.

  You can’t.

  It would look fucking laughable. Limping to Tess like some child, begging for a hug. I wasn’t that weak and I damn well wouldn’t show Tess how screwed up I was.


  Lynx had done more than made me scream—he’d made me weak.

  My body creaked as I moved. Considering a spa wasn’t an option, a shower would have to do. I needed to wash away the past. Least it gave me something to do—gave Suzette time to clear the fuck off.

  The bathroom was simple but modern with a frameless glass shower and beige tiling. I eyed the shower, hankering for heat on my aching muscles. But getting undressed proved to be a bitch.

  Twisting my torso, the borrowed t-shirt made my life a living hell trying to tug it over my head. Every angle felt like another baseball bat to my chest. Panting hard, I finally untangled myself only to have the same battle with my jeans.

  “Goddammit.” I gritted my teeth as the denim slid down, revealing my legs covered in bruises and bandages.

  It seemed the longer I was apart from Tess the more I hurt.

  Another reason why I wouldn’t let her sleep without me.

  I needed her more than any drug.

  Turning on the water, I stood like a fucking pussy. Water splashed into the drain, steaming and inviting but all I saw was death. Every droplet, so innocent, was a silent killer just waiting for me to step under the torrent.

  Get in there, asshole.

  Balling my hands, I stepped under the spray. Every muscle locked; my heart exploded in fear. My eyes stayed wide, terrified my vision would be traded for a black towel. I’d never had an issue getting over things I’d done or caused. I’d never had a second thought of being shot or torturing others.

  But this.

  That bastard had stolen the simple pleasure of a shower. He’d taught me how to fear and I fucking hated it.

  I threw my head back, drenching my hair and face. My heart went ballistic, my lips locked together, and my nostrils flared for breath.

  You can breathe.

  No one is trying to murder you.

  I forced myself to stay under the spray. I locked my legs from running and endured.

  My heartbeat thundered in my ears, but I kept my breathing slow and deep. Gradually getting control on my runaway emotions.

  By the time I’d washed, rinsed, and soaped away the past few days, my heart rate was calmer and I wouldn’t make a fool of myself next time I needed a shower. It was just water.

  Stepping from the steaming facilities, I looked down at the bandages on my legs. Drenched. Probably not a good thing to get them wet but I was past caring.

  I was clean. And now I was bone-weary and ready to drop into a coma.

  But not in an empty bed.

>   Not bothering to dry myself—that would require the use of a towel—not going to fucking happen—I padded barefoot and naked through the house to the other wing. I hoped to God Suzette had left otherwise she would get an eyeful. Not that it seemed to matter. Most of my staff had seen me naked—hazards of the job.

  A few bedrooms branched off the wide corridor; I peered into each one before I found my esclave.

  Her room was shrouded in shadow, making the passed out figure in the centre of the bed look fragile, lonely—so fucking vulnerable.

  She’d had a shower too, smelling of fruit and whatever shit was in the shampoo.

  Inching into the room, I moved as silently as I could with a mangled body. My heart physically hurt looking at her. Her features were smudged by the night but her blonde hair glowed like a lighthouse, guiding me toward her.

  Gently, I pulled the covers back, hissing between my teeth as I lowered my body from vertical to horizontal. The pressure of the mattress against my back was like a fucking bat all over again. The fronts of my legs stung as the sheets stuck to cuts not covered with bandages. Every inch of me groaned in agony.

  But I didn’t care.

  I didn’t care because I was in bed. Safe. Beside her.

  Tess’s breathing changed as I shifted closer. Her form tensed into a tighter ball. “Q?”

  “C'est moi.” It’s me.

  Her body relaxed, radiating heat and welcome. Her hand came up, stroking my damp hair as I settled painfully onto my side. Her eyes met mine. “Are you okay?”

  “Turn around, let me hug you. Ensuite, j’irai bien.” Then I will be.

  Tess didn’t utter another word. Obediently, she turned over, pressing her bed-warmed body into mine.

  The moment her form slotted against me in perfect synergy, the aches and bruises and cuts all faded into non-existence.

  Nothing else mattered anymore. I was exactly where I wanted to be. For life.

  I sighed heavily, breathing in the fruitiness of her hair. “God, I needed that. Needed you.”


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