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Page 7

by Shameek Speight

  "But Daddy, I like my bow. I’m fast with it and it doesn’t make a sound. Those things can never hear me or see me coming when I’m attacking,” Niomi replied.

  “Listen, we don’t have time to debate. I taught you how to use all weapons because I never wanted you to be a victim to some man who thought you were just some weak girl. Earlier tonight when that thing sat on top of you, I thought I lost you. You had no weapons, but your arrows,” I said with a tear slowly coming down my cheek.

  “Dad, you taught everything can be used as a weapon and that’s what I did. I used my arrows as weapons with my hand,” Niomi replied. “Yes, you did well, but the gun is going to be much faster if a situation like that takes place again,” I said and stopped talking. It felt as if the wind was blowing, but that was impossible we were inside a house in the hallway. Then I heard the whispering voice again, "Run! Run! Now, it’s almost too late! Run!" I looked at Niomi and Anais and from the look on their faces, I could tell that they heard the same voice.

  Niomi clipped the hustler to her belt with the 38 reveal attach to it, and we all took off running for the front door. Then I stopped and looked through the living room window. I could see people of different shapes, sizes, and they just stood outside the house. I counted about 30 people all together. “What are we going to do? There’s too many of them,” Anais said.

  “We’re going to fight like we always do," I replied.

  “But, there is no way we'll get passed all those people,” Anais said.

  “They’re not people,” Niomi informed Anais.

  I looked around and saw keys to a minivan on the walk by the kitchen hanging on a hook. I grabbed the keys and ran to the door leading to the garage with Mimi and Anais following. We all looked up towards the ceiling as we could hear footsteps like animals on the roof. "Wait!" the sound of someone’s voice caused us all to flinch and turn around aiming our weapons to only see Christopher and his family. “Come the fuck on then,” I said.

  “No, I mean wait y’all are mine. We don’t like to share,” Marie said.

  The sound of her voice stopped me in the middle of my tracks and I turned back around. My mind was already playing out different scenarios on what was going on. I looked at Mimi and Anais and they read my body language and spreading out. It’s never good to be packed tight together when you’re in a fight. It’s always good to have room to maneuver. We stared at Marie.

  Chapter 12

  Christopher and his son Jr.'s clothes and mouths were covered in blood. “We just got done finishing off Jenille and her daughter. They tasted great, but for some strange reason I think you will taste much better," Christopher said to me with his eyes beginning to glow dark red.

  “Bitch, you don’t know how bad I was holding back not ripping off your head and licking the blood out of your skull. I had to wait for the perfect time, but after smelling Jenille and Jurea's blood we couldn’t keep up with scheme anymore,” Marie said as her teeth started to grow larger. She licked her lips as if she was staring at a Big Mac cheeseburger.

  “Fuck this!” Anais yelled and squeezed the trigger to the shot gun.

  Marie moved faster than a blink of an eye and was now standing right in front of Anais. She swung and back slapped Anais in the face. Anais went flying up in the air and on to her ass. "You're going to have to do better than that. See we’re not like the others. We’re stronger and we come from an older bloodline. That’s why they don’t enter our house. They know we’ll eat them alive," the more Marie talked, the deeper her voice got and more demonic it sounded. She ripped her clothes off and her skin melted off. Marie walked over to Anais and picked her up and tossed her across the living room. I aimed and fired. The shotgun roared, pellets flew in to the back of Marie’s head, blowing it to pieces. It was like dropping a pumpkin off a roof blood and brain matter splattered everywhere.

  Christopher and his son Jr. just laughed. That laughter had a wicked demonic tone to it. "What’s so fucking funny? I just killed your bitch of a wife and you're next. Maybe you’re laughing because you couldn't wait to get rid of her as well. I could tell she wears the pants in y’all marriage, huh,” I said, sarcastically and looked down to my right side where Mimi was standing, but she was long gone.

  The sound of Christopher voice snapped me back to the situation at hand, “I’m laughing because it’s been centuries since someone managed to really piss off my wife. She’s going to use y’all bones as tooth picks and keep y’all skulls as souvenirs,” Christopher said.

  "I knew you was a bitch. Sounds like she had all the balls, but your wife won’t be doing nothing. I just blew off her head, asshole,” I replied. Christopher had a sick twisted smile on his face, while pointing to the dining room area. I turned my head, but making sure to keep my left eye on Christopher. I could see Anais easing off the floor. And to my surprise Marie’s body hasn’t dropped lifeless to the floor like it should have after the fact she no longer has a head. I stared in horror as my body began to tremble. It was a whole new ball game. Whatever we thought we knew, we didn’t know shit about these creatures. I fought off the urge to scream. Marie's head was growing back and fast.

  “Like my wife said, we’re not like the others we’re older. You’re going to have to destroy our heads and heart, which is going to be very hard since we move very fast,” Christopher said. Before I could blink my eyes, he punched me two times in the chest. The blow was so hard it sent me to the ground. If this was a boxing match, I just lost and would’ve stayed the hell down. Christopher was skinny framed, in no way he should be that strong, and more powerful than me. I felt as if everything inside me was now broken. I fired twice. Christopher moved side to side, dodging both my shots. He walked up to me and his jaw dropped, starching opening wide as if he was going to bite my fucking faces off.

  "Ughhhg!" the sound of Jr. making a gurgling sound. It caused Christopher and I to turn around to see Niomi standing in front of Jr.

  “Oh god no!” I said out loud, thinking the worse.

  Niomi turned around with a wicked smile on her face as Jr. dropped to his knees. Christopher and I looked passed Niomi to see a deep slice in the center of Jr’s forehead. The holes where his heart should be. And then I looked back at Niomi with a puzzled facial expression. In her hand was Jr's heart, it was still beating until she squeezed it, blood oozed out. Then she tossed it on the floor. She raised her foot high and stomped on it, squashing it.

  “Ahahahahah,” Christopher screamed and took off running towards Niomi. Niomi tossed the knife she had at him. Christopher dodged it making my eyes open wide as I looked at the knife continued to travel, flipping over and over coming towards my face. I moved my head just in time. Mimi pulled her bow back and released an arrow. Christopher dodged it with ease and continued to charge towards Niomi. Before he could reach her, she jumped up in the air flipping over his head. Before her feet touched the ground again, she pulled out the small sub-nose 38 revolver. She moved the gun I gave her out of the holster on her waist and fired, blowing a huge whole in the back of Christopher’s head. I looked at my child shocked, wondering how in the world was she able to jump so high with ease, just flipped over a six feet tall man when she’s so short.

  “Ahahahahah,” Christopher screamed as he turned around extremely angry. Niomi and I looked at the large hole in his head that you could see straight through. My facial expression was twisted up with disgust.

  Niomi stood there with her bow strap resting a cross her back and smoking 3.8 revolver in her hand and a smile on her face, “This is so fucking cool,” she said.

  "Hey! Hey! Watch your mouth! I don’t care if we are facing a life or death situation, I’ll find time to beat your ass,” I said.

  “Yes daddy,” she said but I could tell she was somewhat annoyed.

  “AHHHAHA! I’m going to rip your limbs from your body, devour your bones, and drink your blood while you’re still alive,” Christopher said in a demonic tone.

  The next thing he did scared the s
hit out of me. His body increased massively in size. Muscles popping out of everywhere as he grew bigger his tongue grew four tentacles. He opened his mouth and his tongue came speeding out towards me like an octopus. His tongue was as big as my arm. I jumped up as his tentacles got stuck to the wall. Niomi gabbed the pocket knife that was into the wall and chopped off a piece of Christopher’s tongue.

  “Ahahahahah” he hollered in pain in a voice so deep it felt as if it made the whole house shake. He retracted his tongue pulling it back into his mouth then jumped up.

  I followed him with my eyes and looked on in amazement. He was on the ceiling. His mouth opened with his tongue moving around like a snake. The hole in his head was slowly healing, closing up, getting smaller and smaller. What I seen next made me blink five times in disbelief.

  Niomi leaped up in the air and was now walking on the ceiling. “This is so cool,“ she said with a wicked smile. I don’t know who was more shocked, me or Christopher, even with his monstrous ugly face. I could still see a surprised look on his face. Before Christopher knew it, Niomi grabbed his tongue that was moving around like a snake and yanked it out of his mouth. Green and red blood squirted everywhere.

  “Ughghghgh,” Christopher hollered in pain. Niomi kicked him down off the ceiling while falling she squeezed the trigger twice, sending a bullet ripping through his head and another one into his heart. He dropped on the floor lifeless.

  “Okay then,” I said then turned my head to the left to see Marie’s head had fully grown back, but her face had no skin on it.

  She looked like raw meat and her head had no hair on it. Anais couldn’t believe all that was happening. She hasn’t moved off the floor from where Marie had knocked her. Marie’s eyes popped open with an evil smile on her face, showing off her razor sharp teeth. She licked her lips and stared at Anais as if she was her next meal. Anais raised her gun and aimed.

  “Haven’t you learned yet, bitch? You can’t kill me unless you destroy my head and heart. By the time you squeeze that trigger, you’d only hit once and I’d rip your fucking head off,” Marie said in a deep voice sounding like she’s a man.

  Anais smiled, “You stupid, bitch. I only have to hit you once. I have family unlike you. Now, Mimi the head,” Anais shouted.

  It took Marie a second to understand what Anais meant. She turned around to see Mimi standing on the celling hanging upside down holding her chrome 3.8 revolvers with both hands.

  “Oh shit!’ Marie said as Anais and Niomi squeezed their triggers at Marie at the same time. Her body dropped to the side.

  “I told you, bitch, to control your attitude before I fuck you up," Anais said while stomping of what was left of Marie’s face. Anais looked up at Niomi, “Girl, get your little ass off the ceiling,” Anais shouted.

  “But, Anais this is so cool. You got to try it. I don’t want to get down,” Niomi replied while walking around on the ceiling enjoying herself. Grrrr! We all could hear growling noises outside.

  “Uhmm, I think it’s time for us to go,” I said remembering when Christopher said they never came into the house because they were there and I think the creature’s sense that they’re gone.

  Anais picked up a broom and starting swinging at Niomi, “Get down! Get down and let’s go little girl,” Anais shouted.

  “Okay….okay,” Niomi said disappointed that she couldn’t play on the ceiling any longer.

  “You got some explaining to do young lady,” Anais said.

  Rhhhhh! A loud roar echoed through the house. And people came crashing into every window in the house.

  “Let's go!” I shouted as we ran to the garage, Anais and Niomi entered first. Before I shut the door that lead to the garage, I watched the people eat the bodies of Jr., Christopher, and Marie. They were killing each other just to get a body part. I shook my head and hopped into the blue minivan.

  “I knew I really didn’t like that bitch. Why she couldn’t have a pickup truck or any kind of truck anything, but a damn Minivan,” Anais said. It caused Niomi and me to burst out laughing.

  I pressed a button that made the garage door open. I exhaled and stepped on the gas, running over eight people standing in the drive way. I looked in the rearview mirror and could see a few of them chasing us as I turned right. The sun beamed in my eyes as it raised. I had to squint my eyes to be able to see the people that were running behind us. They stopped in their tracks as the sun hit them. They turned around and took off running in opposite directions.

  "Okay, it seems like these things don’t like the sun too much,” I said.

  “Yea, we see that,” Anais replied, sarcastically, “And uhmm, little girl, when can you start walking on ceilings and flipping over people? If you turn in to one of those things, daughter or not I will hurt your ass,” Anais said.

  “I don’t know. I just feel different like I can do anything. I feel stronger,” Niomi replied.

  “Well, your eye is looking pretty bad, Niomi, but we’ll worry about that later. I have a plan. I’m going to run to the front gate and see if I can break it,” I said, but got interrupted by Anais.

  "You know that gate is too strong and thick. You want to put a dent in it and all you’ll do is ruin the van. That’s our only way to get around this big ass community,” Anais replied.

  “I have to try something or do you have a better idea?” I replied.

  “No, I don’t but your idea is dumb, baby. And its only going to hurt us all,” she replied.

  "Well, I have a plan for that as well. The front gate right next to our home. I’ll drop you and Niomi at the house. Y’all grab some food and my car so we can still have a way to out run those things.”

  "I don’t like your plan, not one bit," Anais said poking out her bottom lip.

  "Just trust me," I said not really trusting myself. 'I had creatures after us, a daughter that now can claim on walls, and way out of this God forsaking community.

  I got to keep planning and coming up with solutions, keep thinking positive because the moment I don’t, then we will really lose. If i find the power source to the gate, and get us the hell out of here,' I thought to myself. I pulled up alongside of our house.

  “Mhhhm,” I moaned while kissing Anais on her juicy lips. And then kissed Niomi on the forehead. "I love you, both,” I said and could tell they really didn’t want to get out the van.

  My girls are loyal. I wanted them by my side the whole time, but I know there was a chance I could seriously hurt myself and couldn’t allow that to happen to them. I looked at the lost time and ran the gas and took of packing up speed. “God, I hope this work, please protect me, allow me to keep my family safe,” I prayed out loud and went straight in to the gate at full speed. Boom! The sound I last heard and while the air bag released slapping me hard in the face causing me to lose consciousness.

  Chapter 13

  “Ughghghh,” I groaned in pain. My shoulder hurt and my whole face felt soar. "Why the fucking hell they think air bags is supposed to protect someone? I think they do more damage than the crash," I slowly opened my eyes and knew something wasn’t right. I wasn’t in the van anymore. I was on an old fashioned couch and I could smell mothballs. The scent reminded me of visiting my grandmother’s house, who kept plastic on all her furniture. I tried to sit up.

  I wanted my guns although I relaxed when I heard Anais's voice, “Easy baby, take your time. You hit that gate really hard,” she said.

  “Did I break it enough for us to escape?” I asked and felt my head spinning out of control as if I was drinking tequila.

  I sat up to see Anais next to me. I studied my environment and could see Niomi on the other seat, twirling around an arrow as if she hasn’t gotten a care in the world.

  “I see you finally gotten up young man,” I heard a voice say and when I see where it belonged to

  I screamed real fast like a little girl, “Ahahahahhahaha! What the fuck? What the fuck?” I said and hopped off the couch pulling my 9mmm at the elderly women, then at Anais an
d Niomi. “They got to you, too, huh! What’s the password? What’s the damn password?" I screamed while pacing. We had a password that only we knew and made up just in case something was wrong. If someone was in danger, you’d say the password wrong.

  “Squish the cat!” Niomi and Anais both said in unison while looking at me crazy and getting the password right.

  “Okay, so y’all still who you supposed to be, but I don’t trust her,’ I said pointing out the elderly women.

  “And you shouldn’t trust me young man, but I’m all you got. If you even want some answers, now sit your butt down,” she said.

  I didn’t trust her for a second. Everything about her creeped me the fuck out, to her yellow stain teeth, her dark gray hair, even her eyes. Something just wasn’t right with her. I knew she had to be one of those things,' I thought to myself.

  “Y’all do know she have to be one of those things, right?" I said to Anais and Niomi, never taking my eyes off the elderly women.

  "Yea, we figured this much, but after you crashed in to the gate that didn’t do nothing at all to even bug it. More of those things came in human form, we pulled you out of the van and had no time to run to our house. Ms. Cathy here, opened her door and we ran in, dragging your big ass with us. Trust me it wasn’t easy, but those creatures didn’t follow. So that was our first sign. Niomi and I think Ms. Cathy is like Christopher and Marie, stronger and faster, not like the rest. That’s why the others are scared of her because she’ll properly eat there asses easily,” Anais stated.

  “Uhmm, did the thought of her eating our asses easily cross your mind? You just got me laying here like a fucking buffet,” I shouted not believing what the fuck I was hearing.


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