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Into the Blue

Page 2

by Ann Cory

  Without paying attention, she sipped her drink too fast and started to hiccup. Great. How attractive? She sighed. It would have been more fitting to arrive with a sign around her neck that said “socially inadequate". The only time she conversed with men was at bars when she went away for business trips, which were rare but perfect for one-night stands. They worked in her favour because she didn't have to bother with formalities. Two lonely people looking for a quick fuck, no questions asked, never to be seen or heard from again. Even if she wanted to date just one guy, it would be a mistake. Not with her mountain of personal issues. She knew how to runoff men better than she could keep them around.

  But handsome was another matter entirely. She was very attracted to him, and already she was working for it. After following her friend's advice, she hoped he hadn't lost interest altogether.

  Samantha scanned the crowd to try and find him when the bartender passed by her with a megaphone and yelled “pool games” so loud, she thought her eardrums would burst.

  The horde of beautiful people broke from their groups and made their way around the perimeter of the pool.

  "We'll start with everyone's favourite, the lap swim,” he announced. “Anyone who wants to play has one minute to get into position."

  Curious, she took a step back and watched the men jump into the water and swim to the other side, while the women stripped naked and sat at the edge of the pool. To her surprise she noticed Chelsea getting in on the action, too. She didn't know what was going on and decided she definitely needed to get out more.

  "Everyone ready?"

  The crowd waved their hands in the air and cheered.

  The bartender shouted, “On your mark, get set, go,” and blew a big red whistle.

  Samantha watched the men swim in a straight line to the other side of the pool where the women sat waiting with their legs spread wide. One by one the men broke through the surface of the water and nestled their faces between the women's legs. Samantha felt her eyes bug out. What the hell? This wasn't any kind of lap swim she'd ever seen before. This was ... erotic. Raw. Unbelievably arousing. Her pussy flooded at the thought of some stranger going to town on her in front of everyone. She'd never considered herself the voyeuristic type before, but she found it damn near impossible to watch without being fully turned on.

  The whistle blew and the men stopped, swam to the other side of the pool, somersaulted, and swam back only to lap clits again. She stared in awe at the way the women tossed their heads back and ground their pelvis against the men's mouths. They trembled and moaned with their lips curled in pleasure, faces flush. Each time the whistle sounded, the men swam a lap and then continued suckling clits until one buxom blonde cried out.

  "And we have a winner,” the bartender shouted into the megaphone. The rest of the contestants stopped to watch the woman thrash about then broke into applause.

  Samantha squeezed her thighs tight, more than aware of how wet she was. It wouldn't take much right now to get herself off. If she had any kind of nerve at all, she'd find a secluded spot and put herself out of her misery. Stunned, she still couldn't believe what she'd witnessed. It had been so random and unexpected. The next time, she heard someone yell “lap swim” at a pool party, she'd be the first one in.

  Through it all, she'd kept an eye out for the hottie and hated to admit how grateful she was to not see him participating in the game. Not like it mattered. She had given him the cold shoulder and didn't hold any claim to him. But it would have pained her to watch him with some other woman.

  She resumed her attempt to find him and found her legs had gone all liquid. She took a few wobbly steps and ended up bumping into someone built like a brick. Unable to regain her balance, she fell into the deep end of the pool without any sense of grace.

  Embarrassed, she considered staying at the bottom, but her lungs demanded air. She pushed off the tiles and rocketed to the surface where the noise of the party resumed. Hair plastered to her head, she glanced around until she heard someone speak behind her.

  "Hey, are you okay?"

  She drew in her breath. The voice sounded familiar. In a good way. She turned and couldn't help but break out into a smile. Handsome's blue eyes glittered in the sunlight like sapphires.

  "Um, yeah. I'm fine."

  "Good.” Next to him floated an inflatable pool mattress that he gestured at with a slight nod of his head. “Consider me your personal lifeguard and hop on."

  It seemed impossible, but he was sexier up close. Beads of water slid down his clean-shaven face and trailed along his square jaw. Samantha volleyed her gaze between him and the mattress. She weighed her options. If she turned him down again, it would ruin her chances with him for good, and she didn't want that. Besides, she'd played hard to get once already, and Chelsea never said how long to keep it up. She wiped the water from her face and nodded. “I'd like that. Thanks."

  He held the mattress while she flopped on.

  "My name's Cole by the way."

  "I'm Samantha,” she replied and situated herself on her back.

  "I've never seen you here before. You a virgin?"

  "What?” She flashed him a look of surprise.

  He chuckled. “First timer, I mean."

  Heat fanned her face. “Yeah, first timer."

  "Nothing wrong with that.” He bobbed beside her and pulled the mattress along.

  Now this was the life. Samantha stretched out her legs and was surprised to feel water on the backs of her thighs. She tried to look between her legs without tilting the mattress. That was strange. “This is probably a dumb question, but why is there a hole there? Am I laying on it wrong?"

  A big grin spread across his face. “Nope."

  When he didn't bother to explain further, she decided it wasn't worth worrying about. In fact, she mentally told herself to stop with all the questions and just enjoy. It was a gorgeous day and she'd managed to gain the interest of an equally gorgeous man. Why complain?

  She shifted into a comfortable position and closed her eyes. The warmth of the sun felt nice against her face. How many summers had she missed out on for the sake of booking clients for their own personal vacations? The thought made her wince. Jamaica, Aruba, Hawaii, New Zealand. Places of paradise she'd only dreamed of going. Even her business trips were just that ... business. She never had time to sightsee or play tourist. Why hadn't she made use of all her vacation time and discounts? There were plenty of travel agents to cover her shifts, despite what her boss claimed. So she was the best and held the record for employee of the month, big deal. She could be lounging on a white sandy beach. Sipping margaritas in front of a crystal blue waterfall. Getting pampered beyond belief. Other people did it. Why not her? This hectic lifestyle she led had to stop. Where were the benefits if she didn't escape once in awhile?

  She took in a deep breath and let it all go. For the moment she felt like a queen being escorted around the pool on a chariot. Okay, it wasn't quite a chariot, but it was fun to pretend.

  The gentle rocking of the water helped relax her. Here she was, out of her element and borderline content. So content, she almost dozed off until the shrill sound of a whistle being blown brought her back to consciousness. Now what, she wondered.

  "Our second pool game will begin in one minute,” shouted the bartender. “Anyone for the raft ride?"

  Samantha raised her head and shielded her eyes as she glanced around. A bunch of mattresses like the one she laid on were thrown into the water, and she guessed those were the rafts. Curiously they too had a hole like her raft did. She watched the women hurry to claim one and climb on top while everyone else gathered in the pool. To her surprise a chestnut haired man swam up to the other side of her and together with Cole they pushed her closer to the shallow end. Much like the lap swim, she had no idea what to expect, but this time, she refused to just watch.

  "At the sound of the whistle, begin,” called out the bartender, and she looked to Cole for some sort of help. “I don't know how to
play. What should I do?"

  He winked. “You'll figure it out soon enough. But you won't need this.” He pulled loose one of the ties of her bikini bottoms while the other guy did the same. She felt the material slip away from her skin and the heat from the sun against her exposed sex. Thank goodness she'd bothered to wax or she would've been humiliated right about now.

  "I'm Lee,” the chestnut haired man to her right said and held out his hand. She reached out and shook it.


  "Pleased to meet you. I—"

  The rest of his words were cut off when the whistle blew. Right away the water started rocking the raft. Those in the water who weren't next to a raft were moving their arms back and forth, making waves. She gripped the sides to steady herself.

  The guy who called himself Lee smoothed her hair away from her breasts and traced a figure eight around her nipples. Instantly they tightened into hard nubs. She looked to Cole and watched him duck under water and disappear from the end of the raft. In the blink of an eye his head popped up through the hole between her legs. Samantha had no choice but to spread her thighs to accommodate him. Her body shuddered at the close proximity of his mouth to her pussy. Not even half an inch. His hot breath made her pulse race.

  "Ready,” he asked.

  Ready for what? she wanted to know. But as she stared into the blue of his eyes, she didn't feel the need to concern herself. Without question, she trusted him. If her counsellor could see her now, she'd probably sign herself up for a session or two. She smiled and nodded.


  Cole smiled up at her and then licked the inside of her thigh. Tiny flames ignited deep in her core. In a gentle sweeping motion, he slid his tongue up and down her thigh, like he was making a design. Tingles of desire gathered along her skin. She tensed her muscles as his lips moved closer to her pussy then moved to her other thigh. Pure torture.

  He had the most perfect nose. She loved the way it sloped. And his hair, all inky black with a gentle wave to it. She watched the way he tended to her. Eyes intent. Lips just so. It turned her on something terrible and wonderful at the same time.

  She moaned her pleasure, and he nuzzled his face between her legs.

  "Cole,” she sighed. It sounded right coming from her lips. His was the kind of name that fit with hers. She'd be proud to introduce him to people, just to say it. Cole and Samantha. Nice.

  The water sloshed about the raft, and she rested her head back. Lee continued caressing her breasts and nipples, sending a bevy of sensations through her. A warm gust of wind fanned her face. This was the closest to her version of heaven she ever expected to be.

  "You're beautiful,” Cole said, and she grinned so wide her cheeks ached. “And you have the most beautiful pink pussy."

  Any other time, she would have been embarrassed as hell but not now. It made her want to be open to him even more.

  He brushed his lips over her slit and dragged his tongue along the rim. All her past inhibitions seeped right out of her and sank to the bottom of the pool. She didn't have the dark to cover up what she considered flaws. There was no comforter to hide under. She was naked. Exposed. Afloat for the world to see.

  Her thighs fell open further with a will of their own. Cole kissed her slit gently, then harder sending a jolt through her. With the tip of his tongue he separated her folds. She forced herself to lie still and not squirm. There were things going on inside her body she hadn't experienced before. Little pings and tiny explosions. An awakening. Samantha trembled again when his fingers splayed her pussy apart wider. She waited with her breath held as he tongued her clit.

  "Oh,” she gasped and gripped the sides of the raft tighter. She stared up into the cloudless sky. Safe in the protective colour of the water, of the sky, of his deep blue eyes, and none of it was in her mind. It was all very real.

  Samantha turned her head and looked around through a misty gaze. The pool was a sea of yellow rafts that swayed with women on top in various stages of pleasure. It was the most incredible thing she'd ever seen, even more exciting than the lap swim. She guessed it was because she was a part of it.

  Lee's warm, wet hands cupped her breasts. He leaned over, his mouth propped above a nipple.

  "May I?"

  She nodded and watched his tongue circle her nipple. In some ways, she felt almost removed from herself, as if in a dream. Two guys pleasuring her at the same time? Another first. The experiences she would've missed had she not come. It helped put things into perspective. There was pleasure to be had in life, she just had to be a part of it rather than hide from it.

  Cole traced his fingers along the lips of her pussy and then slipped one between her folds. At the same time, Lee wrapped his moist mouth around her nipple and suckled it intently. A spark started from somewhere in her belly. Like a lit fuse the heat travelled along her skin and spread across her face. She welcomed it and cried out when Cole slipped a second finger inside. It had been too long since anyone had taken the time to open her this way. Too long since she'd connected on a different plane of emotions.

  "For someone who hasn't played this game before, you're a pro,” he said in a low, languid voice.

  She tried to come up with something witty in return, but when his tongue swept along her clit she lost all ability to think, let alone speak. Her body convulsed. With a skilled touch, he prodded and pressed against the sides of her clit.

  Lee furthered her arousal with his tongue, lips, and teeth tight around her nipple. She didn't think it possible to be any more charged.

  Another dark-haired man came up to the other side of the raft and mumbled a name she quickly forgot the moment he suckled her other nipple. Three men pleasuring her, oh yeah, this had to be a dream. One hell of a dripping wet fantasy that she never wanted to wake up from.

  While the two were busy with her nipples, teetering the pointed crests between their lips and teeth, Cole ran his tongue up and back along the soft folds of her pussy. Her breath hitched and she tilted her pelvis. While she didn't really know any of the men, aside from their names, she felt a connection with Cole. Not just because she had singled him out earlier, but she felt different around him.

  He licked her clit, harder and faster until she felt the blood rush from her face. She heard the other women sighing in ecstasy. Such a beautiful, ethereal sound that it made her head spin. So melodic. So sensual. A raft bumped into hers. A hand reached out and she let her fingers touch. She didn't need to open her eyes or see who it was. For now, it just didn't matter.

  Cole kept on, his hot mouth clamped around her clit, propelling her closer to the sweet surrender of an orgasm. He pumped his fingers inside her soaked pussy, and she trembled violently. The rocking motion of the water aided in the ecstasy of the movements provided by the three men who so expertly catered to her body. She'd never felt closer to people she didn't know.

  The fingers of the other woman gripped hers tighter, and she held onto them for dear life. For all she knew it was Chelsea, but she liked the mystery of not knowing. She imagined a chain of rafts drifting with everyone pleasuring one another. Men giving head to other men. Women tasting each other's sweet cream. She heard the most exquisite cries of bliss and realised they came from her.

  Her body tightened. She was close to coming. It was right there, spiralling around the edge, lost like she'd been for years. Like her, it waited for the right person to come along and show her the way. His tongue laved hard against the right side of her clit and her eyes fluttered open.

  "I'm so close,” she moaned. “So very close."

  Cole sensed her frustration and aimed to do whatever it took to free that stubborn orgasm. He loved the taste of her and couldn't get enough. As far as he was concerned he could eat her out all day. And the sight of her soft pink slit made his cock hard as stone. It excited him to have her open for him. She trusted him, and he wouldn't let her down.

  Her legs tensed along the sides of his face. He pumped his fingers swiftly and rubbed at her clit
. Her face turned several shades of pink and her lashes fluttered. She opened her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut tight. He knew she was ready, and he was going to take her over that edge.

  He pressed his tongue against her clit and felt the orgasm release.

  "Oh yes, yes,” she screamed, and her body thrashed.

  Her juices coated his tongue. He knew she would taste sweet. Cole waited a moment, licking up her cream like it was dessert, and then kissed the still-throbbing clit.

  He ducked under the raft and came up to the other side of her, nodding to his friends that he could take it from here. They kissed her breasts and moved away. Her eyes were all glazed over, lashes at half-mast. Such love and trust emanated from her eyes.

  "You're even more beautiful than ever,” he said, unable to keep the words to himself.

  A tinge of pink spread across her cheeks. “Oh stop it."

  "It's true.” His gaze followed the curve of her breasts and the crested tips of her nipples. Everything about her was perfect.

  "What you did was amazing,” she whispered.

  "You taste amazing."

  He leaned over her to kiss her when Lee cleared his throat. Cole looked up. His friend gestured to him from the side of the pool.

  He clenched his jaw. “I'm a little busy right now."

  Lee gestured again.

  Cole groaned. He didn't want to leave Samantha.

  "Come here. What is it?"

  Lee shook his head. “I've gotta tell you something important."

  He waved him over. “Just come here and tell me."

  His friend approached and kept his voice low. “It's Matt. Looks like he chose tonight to end his two years of sobriety. He's in pretty bad shape but insists he's okay to drive home. What do you want to do about him?"


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