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Playing For Keeps (Montana Men)

Page 22

by Jaydyn Chelcee

  “There.” He held up the tweezers for her to see the glass. “Got it.” Duel dropped the sliver of clear glass in the trash container beside the bed. “Hey, are you okay?” He rubbed tiny circles along her ankle, gently massaging.

  She didn’t think he realized what he was doing, but she felt his warm strokes clear through her body. Flayme caught her breath on a sharp note. “I’m okay.”

  He twisted until he was facing her, then dragged her onto his lap. “Still hurt? There might be more glass.”

  “No. I’m fine.” She pressed her face against his chest. God, the last thing she wanted him to know was how much his touch affected her. “I’ll be okay. I feel like I’m going to throw up.”

  He rubbed her back. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. It was in pretty deep. It was bigger than I thought it’d be. No wonder you were limping.”

  Flayme leaned away, searching his eyes. He looked awful. His face was so washed out, it looked like putty. He rubbed her shoulder, squeezed it, and oh, God, their lips were mere inches apart, so close, yet there was a huge gulf between them.

  He didn’t trust her. She sure as heck wasn’t about to let her guard down. She concealed way too many secrets. There were only four people who knew who she really was including herself. Yes, way too many secrets, too much intrigue. She’d love to unburden herself to this man, but she didn’t think he’d believe anything she told him.

  Flayme touched his mouth with an unsteady fingertip, tracing the firm curve of his top lip. “I want to kiss you,” she said, her voice unsteady. She couldn’t believe she’d dared to say such a thing.

  Duel grabbed her wrist and jerked her hand away. “Don’t,” he advised, his voice dripping with ice. “I’m not into playing games, Flayme. You kiss me. I kiss you. It’s not stopping there, that’s a promise, lady. So unless you’re ready to give up Mac, don’t tempt me.” He scooped her off his lap and set her aside on the bed. “You have five minutes to get in the bathroom, shower, and get back out here, before I come in to get you. I come in there, I’m not making any promises I’ll stay out of the shower. Trust me, cupcake, I won’t shower with my clothes on. So make it snappy!”

  He drew her to her feet, paused, and pulled the cuffs from his back belt loop.

  “Really?” Flayme felt the bite of the cold steel as they tightened in place around her wrists. “You’re one hard bastard,” she snapped. “Let me go. I don’t need you or your protection!” She opened her mouth to scream.

  Duel clamped a rough palm over her mouth, turned her and pointed her in the direction of the bathroom. His chest heaved against her back, and sure enough, there was the proof that he wanted her poking against her ass. “You scream, or try to scream, I swear I’ll gag you and leave you gagged for the rest of the trip. Do you understand me?” He tightened his hold across her mouth. “Nod once if you understand. It’s all the warning you’re getting, so be smart and don’t make a peep.”

  She nodded and swallowed a groan behind his hand. Lord, she wanted to scream her lungs out, but she knew he meant what he said. The man would gag her all the way to wherever he was taking her.

  “Don’t make the mistake of thinking I won’t shut you up.” Slowly, he removed his hand and stepped back.

  Flayme whirled, rage flooding her body. “I really, really detest you.”

  “Uh-huh. Where’d the love go? A moment ago you wanted to kiss me.”

  “Momentary insanity?”

  Duel gripped her shoulders. Although he was careful not to hurt her, the position brought her close to him. Her chest rubbed against his. Flayme tried to ignore the sudden ache in her breasts, but her nipples had a mind of their own. They tingled and tightened into poker stiff points.

  He glanced down, apparently surprised by her body’s acute reaction to his. A slow grin spread across his mouth. “Good to know it’s not just me with body parts that get pointy.”

  “Shut up,” she snapped. “It’s the cold.”

  “Uh-huh.” Duel shoved her toward the bathroom. “I know the feeling, doll baby. I’m freezing here, too.”

  “Just how do you think I’m going to take a shower handcuffed like this?”

  “Easy. Turn on the water and step under it.”

  “How am I supposed to undress?”

  His smile slowly vanished. “Shit. All right, I’ll uncuff you, but I’m cutting back on your shower time. Two minutes.”

  “Two minutes? I can’t get undressed and shower in two minutes.”

  He shrugged. “Fine.”

  She should have known from his wolf-like smile what he was going to do. In an instant, he slapped the cuffs back on her, pushed her toward the edge of the mattress and shackled her right wrist to his left one.

  Flayme yanked on the cuff but the only thing she succeeded in doing was bruising her flesh. “What are you doing? Let me go.”

  “I need sleep. The only way I’ll get it is if I know you can’t escape. So you stay cuffed to me.” Duel flopped down on the bed beside her and shackled her right wrist to his left. “Go to sleep. We’ll sort out things like taking a shower in the morning.”

  “It is morning, you moron.”

  “Look, this is the only time I’m going to say this. Shut up, and go to sleep.”

  “Make me,” she snapped for the second time.

  “I’d love to make you do a lot of things, sister, so don’t push me, and don’t keep pushing my buttons.”

  “I haven’t been pushing your buttons!”

  Duel rolled and in nothing flat, he pinned her beneath the weight of his powerful body. “Listen to me, doll baby. I’m in no mood to play. What I am is in a very foul mood. I ache everywhere, including places you don’t wanna know about. I’ve lost enough blood to supply the Red Cross for a month, so don’t give me a reason to drag you off this bed and cuff you to the bathroom sink, because I will.”

  Flayme nodded. She knew when not to cross a bear.

  “That’s better. Let me get to feeling a little better, you push my buttons then, and I’ll give you what you want.”

  Her breasts heaved as she tried to buck him off her. He ground his hips against her, pinning her to the mattress. “You want to do this now?”

  “What exactly is it you think I want?” she said through clenched teeth.

  A tiny smile settled on his lips. “A good fucking…the same thing all young mares want when they discover their sugar daddy can’t satisfy their needs. Keep rubbing it up against me like that and I’ll give you what you’re asking for.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Duel rolled off her and slid the key to the cuffs inside his right front pocket. He closed his eyes and sighed. “I’m a light sleeper. Don’t try to steal the key.”


  “You’ve been warned. Now go to sleep.”

  * * * *

  North Western Australia

  The Kimberly

  When Dianna moaned and passed out, Taylor’s shoulders slumped with relief. Thank God, she’d fainted. Watching her struggle to remain conscious while he set her broken bone had been nearly as agonizing for him as her.

  The splints he’d fashioned from tree limbs worked to stabilize her leg, but they were awful. Still, they were better than nothing. He’d padded them using what extra clothing left over from the travois he’d fashioned. How long the wobbly rig would hold up, he had no clue, but they couldn’t remain here, concealed from any rescue plane that might fly over. They had to get out in the open or they’d never be seen.

  No use thinking about what a bad way Dianna was in. He wasn’t even sure he’d set the bone right. It was a terrible break, and the risk of infection high. Worried, he soaked a shirt, wrung the water out on her leg, and wrapped it around it. He prayed it’d help with the swelling and maybe give her a little comfort.

  Gingerly, Taylor washed the clumps of drying dirt from her hair, but it was impossible to get it all out. He should have let her wash it while she was in the pool, but he’
d known the longer they delayed setting her leg, the worse it’d get.

  She stirred as he smoothed her hair back from her face. He soothed her with calming words as he lifted her head and trickled water into her mouth. “No, don’t sweetheart. Swallow it. You need to drink.”

  “What―” She drifted away. The water trickled from her mouth and dribbled down her neck. Travis wiped it away with an unsteady hand. His heart plunged to the tips of his toes. Being hurt or injured was one thing, being unresponsive or able to take fluids was quite another. Dianna could die, and there wasn’t one thing he could do to prevent it from happening.

  Bowing his head, words spilled from his mouth in a frightened plea. “Please, God. Don’t take her from me. I know I’ve been a bastard. I’m a man, and men can be pigs, but I swear I love her. If one of us has to be sacrificed, let it be me.” Taylor lifted his head. Dianna shivered. A spear of panic slammed into him. He bowed his head a second time and mumbled, “Oh yeah, Amen, Lord. I’m sorry I forgot to say that. Amen.” He didn’t have to touch Dianna’s forehead to know fever had set in. Taylor grabbed her mink coat and wrapped it around her. “God, I’m sorry. I can’t seem to stop annoying you this day…I know she deserves better than me, but no man will ever love her more than I do. So please, if you need a quota of souls today, leave hers and take mine.”

  Taylor curled up beside Dianna and pulled her close.

  And he continued praying throughout the long hours of the day. When it came right down to, he figured a one-on-one with the Lord couldn’t hurt—and just maybe it’d help.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.

  ~Author Unknown

  McLean, Virginia

  February 17, Tuesday

  Five hours and thirty minutes after the assassination…

  Travis pulled in Sam’s drive, sighed, and cut the engine. Damn, he couldn’t remember when he’d ever felt so drained or worried. Sam, his Sam was in trouble, whether she realized it or not. “I know you don’t like it, but I’m staying.”

  Sam twisted in the seat, facing him.

  Yeah, her face plainly said she didn’t like it one bit. Too bad.

  “No, you aren’t,” she replied. “Go home.”

  “You might be the boss, Sam, but we’re talking about your life here. Until this thing is resolved, I’m staying right here. So deal with it.”

  She glared, but he knew her, knew her glares. This one meant even though she didn’t want to admit it, she was secretly glad he was remaining on guard in her driveway, even if she mouthed the opposite. Which she did. “I don’t want you here, and I’m not inviting you in.”

  Perhaps he’d misread her? He shrugged. “I understand. You don’t want to take the risk I might see Hayley.”

  “I’m not risking anything. There’s no question about it. You aren’t going to see Hayley.”

  “Right now, you’re the one who matters.”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Look, Sam, you have to face the fact that an unknown assailant shot up your office floor. For God’s sake, we have no idea why, or who the shooter was after, but to murder five guards leaves little doubt he means business.”

  “Shooter?” Sam brushed a strand of dark hair out of her eyes. “You think there was only one who did all that?”

  “Yes, at least inside the building. If there’d been two inside, both Flayme and Jayla would be dead. I’d say there was one in and one or two out.”

  “I can’t believe any of this is happening,” she said. “It’s insane.”

  “Agreed. They did a real number. We have no clue who the perp was after. We know the first lady is dead and the president has gone into seclusion.”

  She snorted. “You mean he’s hiding.”

  “He’s the country’s leader. He isn’t hiding. He’s being protected.”


  “Forget him. He has nothing to do with this. Us.”

  “There is no us.”

  “Oh, baby, there’s been an us since the first time I kissed you. You can hide all you want, Sam, but it isn’t going away. I’m not going away. If Hayley is mine, all the better, but I don’t give a shit if she belongs to David. What matters is that you belong to me.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think I’d ever hurt you? Hit you the way David did?”

  “You’re a man. Yes, I think you’d hurt me. Hit me.”

  “Then you don’t know me.”

  “No, I don’t know you. Just because we had sex once, doesn’t mean I want to repeat it, or that I know you.”

  “No, my bad.”


  “Sam, understand one thing, baby. We didn’t have sex. What we did had more meaning.”

  “Only in your mind.”

  Travis held up his hands in surrender. “Damn, woman, why don’t you just stab me in the foot? Okay. Have it your way.” For now.

  “So you can go home.”

  He shook his head. “Nice try. I get it. You want this to remain strictly business.” Travis scowled. “Fine with me. We know your secretary was shot at, and possibly Jayla Ross. There’s blood near the elevators and more blood in the parking lot. We know one of those ladies was hurt, possibly seriously injured. Until you hear back from Duel, and discover if Flayme was the one shot or not, I’m here to stay.”

  “I’m sure if Flayme was the one hit, Duel would have called me.”

  “Maybe. He isn’t thinking straight. The man’s bushed. You should never have called him to duty.”

  Her lips tightened. “I needed him here, and now you see why. Everything’s gone to hell in just a matter of hours. In the morning, statements will have to go out to the press. It’s gonna get hairy.”

  “From the way things have gone down, you might need him worse, and he’s in piss-poor shape.”

  “Don’t tell me how to do my job, Travis. Ever. The first lady needed protecting.”

  “Huh. And look how well we did our job.”

  “What happened wasn’t our fault. We were off-duty by the time she was assassinated.”

  “You think the Secret Service is going to take the fall for this one?”

  “Yes, they are. It’s their job to keep the president and his family safe…at all times.”

  “Then why the hell were we doing their job?”

  “We weren’t. It was a personal favor. Nothing more. Molly wanted some me time. I lost a friend tonight, possibly three, because I have no idea if Jayla or Flayme is dead or alive.” Her voice broke. “Go home, Travis.”

  “I’m not going home.” He looked away because God knew he couldn’t bear seeing her cry. “I won’t come inside, unless I’m invited.”

  Sam fumbled with the door handle. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  “Honey, I stopped holding my breath where you’re concerned years ago.”

  “You’re going to stay in my car all night?” She frowned.

  “What all night? It’ll be daylight in a couple of hours. You can call me a cab when you wake up.”

  “I don’t have to like it,” she uttered.

  “No, you sure as hell don’t. But I’m not budging. Lock the door behind you.”

  Sam lifted a brow.

  “Your house door.”

  “I always do.” Ice crunched under her heels. “Damn it, it’s freezing and you want to hang out in my driveway? You need to get a life, Travis.”


  She whirled. “Yes?” she breathed.

  Travis hesitated, then shook his head. “Nothing. Good-night.”

  Sam gave him one last hasty glance, saw him settle deeper inside his coat and frowned. “You’re going to freeze your ass off.”

  “My choice.”

  “It is.”

  * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, Sam jerked open the car door, thrust several blankets and a
thermos of coffee at him. Wide-eyed, Travis stared at her. “You’re very kind.”

  Her lips twitched. She hadn’t asked for his protection. But she’d accepted it for Hayley’s sake. There was no way she’d risk her daughter’s life and he knew it. If that meant he slept in her driveway every night, then Travis knew she wouldn’t voice any more objections.

  “I might have ice water in my veins, but I couldn’t go to sleep knowing you’re out here in my car, freezing.”

  “Thank you. As I said, you’re very kind.”

  “Kindness has nothing to do with it,” she snapped. “Think of all the paper work I’d have to do if you freeze to death in my driveway. If anything happens, be sure and let me know,” she finished briskly.

  He lifted a brow. “I’ll shoot off my gun.”

  Color crept up her face. She glared at him. “You’re so not funny.”

  “Huh. A bullet in the air? Something wrong with that message?” He grinned.

  “You know what you can do with your gun—”

  “I know what I’d like to do with it, but you—”

  “Nothing is ever happening between us again, Travis.”

  “Oh, things have been happening between us for quite some time now. You just choose to ignore them.”

  “Oooh! Just honk the damn horn if there’s a problem,” she replied through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She slammed the door and stalked away, her back straight and rigid. A grin tugged at Travis’ lips. The blankets were a godsend. He snuggled beneath their warmth inhaling her floral scent inside the folds of soft wool.

  The emptiness left his heart.

  This was sheer bliss. Her scent all around him—why, he was happy as a bee pollinating flowers. He’d like to do some pollinating, all right. Swear to God, if he didn’t bury his cock inside Sam soon, he was going to explode, in more ways than one.

  She was weakening. He knew it. Felt it. No way could she continue to resist him. Yeah, she wanted him, as much as he wanted her. She was just too dang stubborn to admit it. His grin widened, then he whistled softly and poured a steaming cup of coffee from the thermos. Smacking his lips, he chuckled. If he had room, he’d dance a jig. “She loves me. One day soon, I’ll make her admit it.” He took a sip from the thermos cup. “Ahh. Perfect.”


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