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Playing For Keeps (Montana Men)

Page 34

by Jaydyn Chelcee

  “I had no idea she couldn’t have another baby.”

  Somehow, he doubted that. There was something in her voice, a hint of malice or glee, he didn’t know which, but she knew Lacey couldn’t have any more babies and it pleased her.

  “For heaven’s sake,” she snapped, “why are you defending her? Your loyalty belongs to me and our child. I’m trying to be supportive to the woman. Will you drive by there and invite them over or not?”

  “No. It’s a lousy idea. They didn’t return to be sociable, and if you notice, Rafe isn’t exactly my best friend.”

  Her eyes turned wintry. “Either you go by there and ask them over, or I will.”

  “All right! Shit! I’ll stop by there on my way to work. I’m warning you Karen, you better not start any crap with her while she’s here!” Danger shuffled into his sheepskin lined denim coat, grabbed his keys, and slammed the back door behind him. He needed fresh air in the worst way.

  * * * *

  Karen stood in the middle of what had once been Lacey’s kitchen and rubbed the rim of her coffee cup with a fingertip. A fleeting smile touched her lips, there and gone. Inside, her heart beat faster. Her stomach bubbled with excitement. “Start anything with Lacey?”

  She laughed. Oh, she wasn’t about to start anything with Lacey Blackstone. No. She was going to finish everything with her. This time, the bitch would die!

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.

  ~Jean Anouilh

  West of Denver

  Duel’s Cabin

  February 19, Thursday

  Fifty-six hours after the assassination…

  Flayme woke to the mouthwatering aroma of bacon and fresh coffee. Her stomach rumbled eagerly. She patted her tummy. She could hardly blame it for complaining. She couldn’t remember when she’d last had a decent meal.

  Moaning, she stretched and wished she was as eager to rise as her insides were for a meal. She had to get up though, her bladder demanded relief. Ignoring her mind’s warning that the room would be cold, she tossed back the heavy layers of cover.

  Flayme slowly sat up on the side of the bed, hesitant to plant her bare feet on the wood floor, but to her surprise and pleasure, not only was the room toasty, the floor was warm as well. Heating coils. Oh, boy. Duel hadn’t cut corners when he built this place.

  She looked around, taking in the man-sized bureau, dresser, and king-sized bed made of knotty pine. Beautiful. The furniture glowed with a rich finish.

  She eyed the big pillow on the opposite side of the bed. Definitely used. Definitely the manly scent filling the room belonged to Duel. He’d slept with her? Duh! Well, of course, he had. No one else was here but him and her.

  He’d slept beside her? Cuddled her? Oh, yes, she certainly remembered lots of cuddling. Heat crawled over her face. She still felt his hardness jabbing against her ass like a branding iron. She remembered his big hands cupping her breasts as if they were his exclusive property.

  He hadn’t touched her in any other way, well, except she thought she remembered a trail of kisses fluttering along her jaw, her nape, warm breath and his palm rubbing her nipples until they ached. She frowned. Why had he stopped? He was always stopping just when things got heated between them.

  Flayme padded across the room, entered the luxurious bathroom, and turned on the shower. Pinning up her hair, she stepped inside and let the hot water spill over her aching muscles. Her thoughts returned to Duel. He’d stopped because she’d been like a zombie, so out of it, dead tired and sleepy, and though she’d moaned with pleasure at his touch, she hadn’t been able to wake enough to be a partner. Half the time she’d believed she was dreaming.

  As she lathered her breasts, her nipples tightened, and she knew darn well she hadn’t dreamt his touches. Her body was alive and sensitive. And it remembered. Ooo, the lecher! He knew what he’d done to her. He’d fanned the sparks, then walked away and left the fire waiting to be extinguished.

  Flayme dressed in faded jeans, a chocolate colored T-shirt, and thick socks, then made her way downstairs. Last night, she’d been too out of it to appreciate the cabin’s interior. Now, she paused and took in the décor on the log walls. Trophy heads of elk, deer, moose, and long horn mountain sheep, male and female were positioned to catch the eye.

  In one corner, a mountain lion rested on a tree limb mounted to the wall. In the other corner, a six-foot grizzly stood looking sharp-eyed and hungry. Along one wall, two cross bows with quivers and quarrels were mounted next to a dark, pinewood gun cabinet with glass doors. Amazing. Wasn’t the man concerned about thieves?

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Duel said, coming up behind her. He stepped around her and held a cup of fresh coffee out to her.

  She moaned. “Ooh, it smells wonderful.”

  He grinned and took a sip from his cup.

  “What do you think I was thinking?” she asked, following his lead to the breakfast nook.

  “How do I keep everything from being stolen?” His brows rose with the question.

  She nodded. “Clearly I’m as easy to read as a book,” she said. “So how do you keep your guns, bows, and anything of value here from being ripped off?”

  “I don’t do anything. Sit down and eat.”

  Flayme slid onto a padded chair and picked up a fork. He’d made a bacon, egg, and cheese omelet then garnished it with mushrooms and grated cheese. Calories galore! Who cared? She was starving. Flayme dug in and groaned. “This is delicious.” She chewed and swallowed, then pointed her fork at him. “If you don’t do anything then…ahh, I get it, your rep keeps the thieves at bay.”

  “Plus the sign in the front yard.”

  She looked up. “Sign? Let me guess. Warning—if you steal anything from this cabin, the CIA will hunt you down and torture you.”

  His lips twitched. “Word for word. How did you—” He laughed. “You saw it from the bedroom window.”

  “Guilty.” Flayme finished off the omelet and pleaded for another cup of coffee. “You’ve already eaten?” she asked as he rounded off her cup.

  “I’ve been up for a couple of hours.” He eyed her clothes “There’s a heavy parka in the hall closet, gloves and a scarf. When you finish your coffee, join me outside.” He pulled on a brown leather coat trimmed with fringe on the sleeves, a black Stetson and at the last moment, tucked a gun in the waistband of his jeans at the base of his spine.

  “Are we expecting trouble today?” she asked and wondered if she was really in need of all this security.

  “Every single minute.” He eyed her. “I’m not willing to take chances with your life. Have you ever shot a crossbow?”

  “Uh-uh. And I have no desire to learn.”

  His eyes sparkled with amusement. “You have no choice, doll baby. If something happens to me, you’ll need to be able to defend yourself.”

  “With a bow and arrows? I’m not Geronimo.”

  “Damn good thing, because I wanna kiss you.” Duel dragged her to her feet and tilted her face to meet his. “Him? Not so much.”

  Flayme locked her arms around his neck, and glided her fingers through his dark hair. He crushed her mouth beneath his, nudging her lips apart so he could slip his wicked tongue inside. His lips owned hers. His tongue swept inside, seeking hers, plundering and robbing her of her breath. The sparks he’d ignited in the night burst into a raging fire. The hunger between them spread hot and fierce.

  She fumbled with his shirt, yanking it out of his jeans, then cursed when she realized she couldn’t pull it over his head because he had that damn leather jacket on. He laughed and shrugged out of the coat. His fingers trembled against her ribs as he tore her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. He toyed with the front clasp of her nude-colored bra.

  For a moment, he buried his face between her cleavages and inhaled deeply. “You smell like honeysuckle.”

  “Shower gel,” she whispered.

  “It’s my favorite scent.”

  “Is it?”

  “Yes.” His warm breaths against her breasts were as unsteady as his fingers had been. Slowly, he lifted his face to hers. His chest rose and fell in ragged bursts. “If we do this,” he said, “there’s no going back. We can’t undo—”

  “Shut up and kiss me,” she ordered. “We’ll worry about the consequences later.”

  Flayme wasn’t sure how or when they ended back up in the great room, but there they were, in front of the fireplace, the soft glow of the gas logs creating a sense of privacy and romance. She hid an inner smile. He didn’t know it yet, but the man had been wooing her since the first moment he opened his eyes back in D.C. and kissed her in that little alcove.

  Maybe she wasn’t his Nicole, but he didn’t seem to notice that, and she was fighting for the man she wanted, loved—whatever it took, she thought, whatever it took, she was willing to sacrifice.

  Duel lowered her to the thick bear rug spread before the low burning fire. He stood looking down at her and she thought she’d never seen a more sexual animal than Duel Remington. As he removed his belt, boots, and socks, he watched her, his lids heavy, his breathing ragged.

  When he slid off his jeans and briefs, her breath caught at the sight of his jutting penis. “You’re perfect,” she breathed.

  He smiled. “Don’t know ‘bout that, doll baby, but let’s see how perfect we fit together. Shall we?”

  “Oh, yes,” she said, gasping, and lifted her hips so he could slide her jeans and the nude silk thong down her legs. With every new inch of skin he revealed, he pressed a kiss along the way until he reached the tips of her toes. Slowly and with exquisite torture, he trailed kisses back up the length of her body until he reached the nest of tight, red curls.

  Flayme gasped and clenched her fists. This was heaven. He teased her clit with his fingertip light strokes that maddened her. He licked a path along her inner thigh, before settling between her thighs and dragging his tongue along her clit. There, he toyed and teased, licked and sucked until she screamed with multiple explosive climaxes.

  He stabbed the inner tissue, tasting and licking until she thought she’d die of pleasure. Slowly, he lifted his head, his eyes blazing with passion and need.

  “My turn,” she whispered.

  “No,” he shook his head. “It’s been a long time for me. I need to be inside you,” he choked. “I need to feel your heat surrounding me.”

  “Then take me, cowboy. I’m yours, today and for always.”

  He came down on top of her, nudging her knees apart. One hand closed around his cock and he guided it to her opening. Flayme rose to meet the head of his penis as it entered her. In one smooth thrust, Duel pushed inside her.

  Flayme bit her lip to keep from crying out at his possession. She fisted her hands on his back and ignored the stinging pain. He hesitated, but she couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye. It was too late to change her mind anyway. He was buried deep inside her and at the moment, she hurt. She swallowed her tears and smothered the moan rising to her throat.

  “Flayme,” he whispered. “God…”

  “Just love me.” She cupped the sides of his face. “Make this last a lifetime.”

  He swallowed hard. “Flayme…I…”

  “Shhh. Don’t say anything.” Tears tracked the corners of her eyes and she knew from the set look on his face, that yes, he’d make it last a lifetime, but he’d never touch her again.

  * * * *


  Blackstone Property

  February 19, Thursday

  Fifty-six hours after the assassination…

  Lacey lifted her hips and savored the deep penetrations as Rafe thrust harder and harder. When he shuddered helplessly, a low moan escaped from deep within his throat. At that moment, his semen erupted inside her. No matter how often he took her, each time was like the first time.

  She’d come home. Rafe was her lighthouse on a stormy night.

  Most of the time he treated her as if she was spun of glass, except when they made love, then he lost control. Slowly, he pulled out of her and rolled, pulling her into his arms. Yes, she was home as long as she was in Rafe’s arms. It would never matter where they were. When he took her, claimed her body, he was her shelter.

  “I love you,” she whispered. She felt his smile as she traced one of his flat nipples. “You make me happy, Rafe. Complete. I feel safe in your arms.” She frowned in the shadows. Did feeling safe also feel just a bit boring? No. She couldn’t think like that. Rafe loved her. And she loved him. She forced a smile to her lips. “You hold me as if I am…” Her words ended with the sudden banging at the back door.

  Rafe moaned and sat up on the side of the bed. Grabbing his jeans off the floor, he cursed, “Shit, who the hell could be knocking so damn early in the morning?”

  Lacey giggled and felt her doubts settle in the pit of her stomach like a rock. “Give you one guess.”

  “Yeah.” Rafe yanked on his socks, buttoned all the buttons except the top one on his jeans and headed to the kitchen. “Couldn’t he give us just one damn morning?”

  Lacey grabbed the thigh-high sunshine-yellow silk robe she’d placed at the foot of the bed the night before and tied the narrow belt around her waist. Sliding her feet into matching house shoes, she hurried to the bathroom, brushed her hair, washed her face and hands and fell into step beside him. “I might as well put on coffee.” She sighed. Their leisurely morning was ruined now anyway.

  Rafe jerked open the back door and glared at Danger. “It’s a little early to be banging on someone’s door, Sheriff. You have any idea how late it was when we got here last night?”

  “Mind if I come in?” Danger’s hard gaze slid over Rafe’s bare chest, the button left open and his lips tightened. “I won’t be but a minute. I’m on my way to Rimrock.”

  “Like I care?” Rafe thrust fingers through his dark hair.

  “Rafe,” Lacey said softly. “It’s cold. Let him in and shut the door.”

  Rafe stepped aside and closed the door behind them.

  Danger’s hot gaze zeroed in on Lacey standing at the sink filling the coffee pot. She felt his eyes on her, felt them sliding over her bare legs. Heat spread through her and she wondered why she hadn’t thought to grab a longer robe instead of the one she did. She turned and he quickly looked away.

  “I’m sorry to be here so early,” Danger said. “I didn’t think about you still being in bed.”

  Rafe snorted. “I doubt that.”

  “Rafe.” Lacey set the pot on the burner and sidled up beside him. She hooked her arm through his. “Let’s find out what he wants and let him be on his way.”

  He nodded. This was the first time she’d seen Danger since she visited him in the hospital and told him she’d married Rafe. Her hands trembled against Rafe’s forearm. She might sound normal, but she wasn’t comfortable with Danger around. He’d always had a strong sexual pull on her and suddenly she felt that attraction stir to life deep in her womb. Oh, God! This couldn’t be happening. She thought no she’d believed Danger had killed every ounce of feeling she’d ever had for him.

  Lacey plastered a weak smile on her lips and put on a brave front, but she knew Rafe was pissed off over her ex being here. She also knew he’d be pissed no matter the time Danger popped in. He was a part of her past. They’d shared a child and a life together. He’d always be a part of her. Rafe had to come to terms with that, and she needed to come to terms with the fact that her life with Danger was dead and buried. There was nothing left between them.

  “Would you like coffee?” Lacey asked quietly, at last looking up at Danger. She held her breath. The last few months she and Danger were together, nothing she cooked suited him, not even her coffee. She hardly expected things to be any different now.

  Rafe growled. “I’m sure the sheriff has to be on his way.”

  Danger bared his teeth in a wolfish challenge. “I’d appreciate a cup, thanks. You know how much I love my caffeine. You know how
much I love your coffee.”

  Lacey hesitated. Startled by his words, she wondered if Danger had deliberately said them to remind her of the little intimate details they’d once shared or if instead, he’d said them to annoy Rafe. From the glitter in his dark grey eyes, she thought it was a bit of both.

  She jerked her gaze away from his and turned to open a cabinet door. Standing on tiptoe, she stretched to reach a mug. The short robe crawled, the soft silk rubbing just below her butt. She tugged at the hem one handed.

  “Don’t look at her.” Rafe snarled with a baring of teeth.

  “I’ve seen her in less.”

  Rafe swore quietly. “She isn’t yours to look at.”

  “You have her,” Danger replied. “She’s your wife. Surely you don’t think I’m a threat to you?”

  Rafe folded his arms across his bare chest. “You’re no threat at all. By the way, do you have any idea if the pharmacy in Rimrock carries early pregnancy test kits?”

  Lacey whirled at the question, nearly dropping the mug. Her gaze settled on Danger’s face. She saw the ache that spread across his dark face. “Rafe, don’t.”

  Danger’s head jerked away from her and his gaze narrowed on the Texan. “Lacey’s pregnant? I thought you said she couldn’t have any more kids.”

  “What?” The cup she held slipped from her hands and crashed to the floor.

  Danger raced to her, lifted her into his arms and swung around, heading to the living room. “You don’t wanna cut your feet.”

  Lacey gasped, amazed he’d moved so fast. The narrow belt on her robe loosened and the top parted, giving him a bird’s eye view of her bare breasts.

  “Lace,” he whispered. “God, baby, I want to touch you so much.” He squeezed her closer and buried his nose in her hair. Her nipples tightened and she knew he not only felt them, but saw them poking like little spikes against the thin silk in response to his words.


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