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Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys

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by Cameron, D. H.

  D. H. Cameron Presents


  Big Girls & Bad Boys


  Thanks for picking up my book, Hunter - Big Girls & Bad Boys! But you don’t get just one novel. You get two! That’s right, Hunter is a double-feature. After you finish Hunter, be sure to read to bonus novel, Softail Curves.

  And don’t forget my grab my other recent releases. Each is a double feature just like Hunter. Grab your copies now!

  Hot Damn! - A BBW Stepbrother Romance


  Stone - Big Girls & Bad Boys



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  Table of Contents

  Hunter - Feature Novel

  Softail Curves - Bonus Novel


  I was four or so when we went to war. I barely remember what it was like before that fateful day in 2001 when everything changed. I didn’t understand until many years later what being at war even meant. Veteran’s Day 2008 was the day it all became clear to me. That’s the day I knew I couldn’t live with myself unless I stood up to be counted.

  He was a young man, barely twenty-one if I remember correctly. He might have been handsome once. He might have been happy. That’s what I thought anyway. He was burned and missing most of one leg. He scared me but more than that, what had happened to him angered me. How could we let something like that happen to someone?

  That’s when I became anti-war...well, everyone is anti-war I suppose but I was really anti-war. I carried placards at recruiting stations, I was the vice president of the Roosevelt High School Pacifists Club. I chained myself to a tank...though it was just an old one that had been sitting in the town square for decades. It was symbolic.

  Now, in college, I was even more active. I was way past just protesting America’s ongoing wars. I fought against war in all its forms. I protested Israel’s aggression against the Palestinian people. I objected to Russia’s aggression in the Ukraine. I picketed the Chinese embassy over their aggression in the South China Sea.

  But I wasn’t really political. I didn’t care what the politics of the aggressors or the victims was. I wouldn’t support a war just because I voted for the guy that started it. It was more about principle. We should all learn to live in peace. War should be a last resort. It should never happen at all. I cheered the President when he opened up talks with nations around the world. Not because I supported his politics but because I supported negotiation. I protested when he sent more troops to the Middle East. Waging war to stop war was even more stupid than starting one in the first place, right?

  War was ugly and I couldn’t see how any good could ever come from it. However, my activism and my views on war changed my life. War, in a way, changed my life for the good. But change is never easy and this shift in my life was harder than most.

  “Melinda, are you going to the party at Delta?” Daisy asked as we walked to our next class.

  “Yeah, I think so. I was going to do some vlogging but I’m burned out. I need a break,” I replied.

  “Sweet! I hate not knowing anyone,” she told me.

  “I’ll hook you up, girl,” I said. I wasn’t a party girl but I didn’t mind a good party. I went to the Delta mixer last fall as well. Plenty of booze, weed and most importantly, plenty of guys.

  “Thanks. I’m not like you. I shut down in crowds,” Daisy said. I was a senior at Berkeley, a Political Science major, but Daisy was a freshman and my new roommate. She was cool and down with the cause. Her parents protested the arms race under Reagan and her grandparents met at a peace rally in Washington D.C. during the war in Vietnam. Third generation activist!

  “Nothing to worry about. These parties are fun and everyone’s cool. You might even get laid,” I told her. Daisy glanced over at me.

  “Yeah?” she replied.

  “Maybe,” I said. We both laughed as we made it to the spot where we had to part ways. “I’ll see you after class?” I asked her.

  “No, I’ve got work. I’m off at four. Want to get some sushi?” she asked me.

  “Duh! I’ll meet you there, say four-thirty,” I told her.

  “Yeah...oh, shit. I’m going to be late. See you there,” Daisy said and headed off towards her next class.

  “Later,” I replied. I watched her go. Daisy was really cute with a perfect body. I looked her over and then looked down at myself. I sighed. I’d never look like her. Even though I stopped eating gluten and GMO, for a couple of months anyway, I still couldn’t lose weight. Might have been my aversion to exercise and not my diet. It might have been the chocolate fudge brownie ice cream that always managed to find its way into my dorm fridge too.


  “He’s cute,” I told Daisy as we surveyed the room.

  “Kind of short,” she replied.

  “Your problem isn’t that you’re shy. It’s that you’re picky,” I observed.

  “Possibly,” she told me and smiled.

  “Well, you can afford to be picky with that body,” I replied.

  “Stop it! I’d give anything for jugs like yours,” she told me. I laughed.

  “I’m empty, want another?” I asked her. We were both of age. I was beginning my senior year and Daisy had spent several years in Central America with the Peace Corps before getting accepted at Berkeley. Not that it mattered at these frat parties.

  “Yeah, more vodka this time,” she told me and handed me her Solo cup.

  “Alcoholic!” I teased.

  “Alcoholics stop drinking at some point. I’m a drunk,” she told me. I laughed as I left Daisy to get some drinks. That’s when I saw him. Tall, fit and those brown eyes. His brown hair was short and he was clean shaven. Yummy! He was mixing a drink of his own and seemed a little out of place. I couldn’t put my finger on it but he didn’t really fit in.

  “Hey,” I said as I joined him at the big table in the dining room. It was covered in virtually endless bottles of every type of liquor imaginable.

  “Oh, hi there,” he said. He was out of place here. I’m not sure what it was but he looked like a serious fish out of water.

  “Do you see the Skyy?” I asked. He looked around for my vodka of choice.

  “Here it is,” he said and handed the bottle to me.

  “Thanks,” I said as I began mixing the Skyy and cranberry juice with a splash of orange juice. “I’m Melinda. Melinda Hopkins,” I told him.

  “Oh...nice to meet you. I’m Hunter McCoy” he replied.

  “Nice to meet you too. You seem...I don’t know...out of place,” I observed.

  “I’m here with a friend from high school. I don’t go to school here,” he told me.

  “Oh, that explains that. So where is your friend?” I asked.

  “Honestly, he’s getting laid,” Hunter told me. I laughed.

  “Nice friend, leaving you to fend for yourself. Want some company?” I asked. Yeah, I was forward. I discovered a long time ago that waiting for guys to approach me made for a restful night’s sleep and sleep was overrated. Guys tended to gravitate towards the thin girls, especially if they had big boobs. I wasn’t thin but I had big boobs and I was a lot more fun, if I do say so myself.

  “Company?” he asked.

  “Yeah, you can hang with me and my roommate. It sucks
being someplace when you don’t know anyone, right?” I told him. I think he thought I meant something more intimate. I was forward but not that forward.

  “Oh, okay. Thanks,” he said and smiled. Damn, he was cute. And that smile. We finished mixing our drinks and then I led Hunter out to meet Daisy. As we approached her, I wondered if I was making a mistake. Would Hunter be all over Daisy thanks to her thin, shapely body? Whatever. If Hunter wasn’t into me, he wasn’t into me. No sense wasting precious party time on a guy that didn’t find me attractive.

  “Daisy, meet Hunter. Hunter, Daisy,” I said by way of introduction.

  “Nice to meet you,” Daisy said, shaking Hunter’s hand and then giving me a look. She liked him too.

  “Same. So you girls go to school here?” Hunter asked. We nodded. “That’s cool. Not my thing,” he added.

  “College?” Daisy asked. Hunter almost didn’t hear her. He realized she was speaking and turned to her quickly.

  “Yeah, not my thing,” he said and turned back to me. He barely noticed Daisy. “You want to dance, Melinda?” he asked. I saw Daisy roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye.

  “Yeah, I’d love to,” I said and smiled smugly at Daisy. She smiled back. The deejay was in another room in the back of the frat house. “I’ll be back,” I told my roommate and followed Hunter towards the source of the music. Once there, he turned and backed into the crowd. I joined him as he began to dance. He was horrible at it but then again, so was I.

  “You’re pretty good,” he told me. Shameless flirt.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” I said. Hunter may have been out of place here but he wasn’t shy.

  “Good to know,” he told me and danced a little closer. I certainly didn’t mind and in fact, I turned around, bent over and shook my ass at Hunter. I was in full on flirt mode too. I wasn’t easy but...okay, maybe I was sort of easy. I was a college girl, I was supposed to be having fun, right? Besides, Hunter was hot and I think he was into me. I straightened and turned back to Hunter. His arms slid around my waist. I smiled despite myself.

  “You live around here?” Hunter asked.

  “Why?” I asked, though I think I knew. This guy moved fast.

  “Just wondering...just in case,” he said. I pursed my lips and cocked an eyebrow.

  “Just in case. I see. Well, I share a room with Daisy,” I told him.

  “Is that all you share with her?” he asked me. The expression on his face told me he was playing with me.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I said.

  “Not really,” he said. I frowned at that. Not really? “I’m not really into your roommate,” he added.

  “Very subtle,” I teased him.

  “I wasn’t trying to be subtle. It’s not my fault you’re so pretty,” he said. Okay, he was hitting all the right buttons. I got lucky and found a good one, or at least a guy that could play the part.

  “I’m not subtle either,” I told him and pressed my lips to his. That caught Hunter off guard. He wasn’t sure what to think as I broke the kiss.

  “, you’re not. You want to get out of here?” he asked me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

  “We can’t go to my room but I know a place,” I said.

  “Why, Daisy might walk in?” he asked.

  “No, it’s a mess,” I told him. Hunter kissed me this time as his hands slipped down over my ass. Wow! This guy was hot and he was into me. I was into him too. This was going to be good.

  Ten minutes later, we were at the Eucalyptus Grove. We weren’t alone but it was dark and not what I’d call crowded. The Grove was a popular spot on campus for this kind of activity. As we left, I told Daisy I was leaving and she pouted but wished me luck. Hunter and I managed to find a bench that was out of the way and perfectly isolated.

  “You come here often?” Hunter asked.

  “Are you suggesting I’m easy?” I teased him. He laughed.

  “So do you?” he repeated.

  “No, I read about this place in an article. I’ve always wondered,” I admitted. I could barely see Hunter here in the dark but that was fine. I reached out and let my fingers do the walking, so to speak. My hands worked their way up Hunter’s thighs as he leaned in and kissed me. He was sexy and better yet, into me. I liked sexy guys that liked me.

  Soon, I was tugging at his belt as he was kneading my big breasts in his hands. Our tongues played between our lips. I wasn’t easy. I didn’t usually bed a guy on the first date, much less have sex with a guy minutes after meeting him. But Hunter seemed to like me and I know I liked him. I couldn’t put it into words, but there was something about this guy that made me want to push my limits. The vodka might have helped as well.

  “You’re so sexy,” Hunter said as his hands moved from my breasts to my backside. I had managed to get his belt undone and was massaging his thickening manhood through his briefs.

  “You’re just saying that because I’m touching your cock,” I told him. Hunter chuckled.

  “Maybe, but you’re still sexy. I’ve never felt tits like yours and your ass. Holy fuck I love your big ass,” he said. I stopped massaging him. I could just make out Hunter’s features and I’m sure he could see the frown on my face.

  “Are you saying I’m fat?” I asked him. I was teasing. I was fat, I guess, though I preferred the euphemisms people came up with like curvy or full-figured. In any case, I carried it well. I thought so anyway. Big breasts, wide hips and shapely legs. My soft features and golden blonde hair that fell about my shoulders didn’t hurt either. I thought I was pretty, anyway. I expected Hunter to balk at the question. I was playing with him but Hunter surprised me.

  “So what if I am? I like girls like you. I like a girl with big tits and a round ass,” he said. Hunter knew what I was about and I could hear the smug tone in his voice. He was playing the game too.

  “Good,” I told him, unwilling to let him get the last word. This was getting out of hand and I didn’t mind at all. I squeezed his rock hard shaft and then pulled my hand free. I pulled off my blouse and then unfastened my bra. Hunter’s hands were there to catch my breasts as they spilled forth. “You like those?” I asked playfully.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said and bent to begin sucking my nipples. I let him play as I reached forward and finished opening his pants. Soon, I had his naked cock in my hands, stroking it softly. For a moment, we each enjoyed the focus of our desire but at nearly the same instant, each of us looked up and found each other’s eyes in the darkness. Without a word, we began undressing frantically.

  I slipped out of my leggings and Hunter shed his shirt and then his pants. It was as if we both knew what the other was thinking. Naked, Hunter straddled the bench and I in turn straddled his lap. I reached back and guided his sheathed shaft into my willing and already wet pussy. He was quick. I never noticed he put a condom on, not that fiddling with one would have quenched this fire. I sat back, sliding down Hunter’s considerable length. I sighed as my lush behind settled onto Hunter’s lap.

  “I’m really not easy,” I told him. I was half joking but part of me didn’t want him to think poorly of me.

  “I don’t think you are. Now shut up and fuck me,” Hunter said, coming out of his shell. I did as he asked, hugging Hunter’s neck as I bounced on his thighs. Damn, that felt good. My pace quickened as Hunter’s hands roamed my body, his fingers digging deep into my abundant flesh. We kissed and Hunter sucked on my earlobe. I reached down and rubbed my hot, swollen nub. Hunter sucked my nipples and kissed my breasts.

  We rocked as one, our passion driven to great heights by the sudden and illicit act. I felt the sensations build and I resisted for a moment. I found I couldn’t hold back the insistent pleasure. I buried my face in Hunter’s shoulder as the climax hit me. I shuddered and bucked as the pleasure ravaged me. Hunter spread my ass cheeks wide and used his strength to thrust deeper into me. I gasped and climaxed again.

  We both tried to keep quiet. It was dark and we were deep
in the Eucalyptus Grove but this was a public spot. I felt a nagging modesty at having sex with a man I barely knew in such an open manner but that just made it even more exciting.

  “This is so naughty,” I told Hunter.

  “You’re so naughty. I didn’t suggest this did,” he told me and kissed me, his tongue snaking between my lips. I guess I was a naughty girl. I was in college. Experimentation was part of the deal, right? Anonymous sex, pushing the limits, doing things I might not do otherwise. Damn right that was part of the deal.

  “Oh fuck!” I exclaimed as another orgasm took control. I bounced frantically. I couldn’t get enough of Hunter’s big cock or his muscular body. A tattoo decorated his left arm but I couldn’t make it out in the near darkness. He was sexy and he knew how to push my buttons.

  “Come for me, Mel. Come all over my big cock,” he whispered. That sent me into hysterics once again. I rode Hunter for all I was worth and soon his fingers were digging into my thighs. I knew what that meant and though I could have enjoyed Hunter’s cock all night, I was eager to get him off.


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