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Rescue My Love

Page 15

by Lynn Story

  “You were thinking about me recently?” I said over my shoulder as I led him into the living room to sit down.

  “Yes, and no.”

  “I turned and was surprised he was standing so close to me.”

  “I have never not thought about you, but lately you’ve been on my mind more so than usual and then I thought I saw you in the crowd at the Mayor’s Chamber dinner.”

  “You were there?” I asked surprised.

  “Yes, were you there? Wearing a green dress?”

  “Yes.” I laughed.

  “I knew that had to be you. But I couldn’t get across the room quick enough to get your attention and I never got a good look at your face.”

  “Then why did you think it was me? “

  “I heard you laugh.”

  “Laugh?” I was appalled, I suddenly wondered if I sounded like a braying ass and no one had ever told me.

  “Yes, your laugh, it sounds like crystal wind chimes.”

  “And that is a good thing?”

  “Yes, that is a very good thing.”

  There was an awkward silence and I thought he looked like he wanted to kiss me.

  “Please have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?” I offered taking a step back.

  “No, thank you I’m fine.” He sat down on the sofa.

  I had a flashback to the last time we had been alone in a very similar situation. I sat next to him but not too close.

  “So how have you been?” I asked tentatively.

  “I’ve been okay.” He nodded.

  I nodded. I wanted to tell him that I thought of him every day and of how the memory of him had gotten me through the worst part of my life. I wasn’t sure how to say it and I thought it might be a little much for the first conversation in six years.

  “The last time I was here you were staying in the guest house; can I ask why?”

  “I was home that week because my mother had passed away after a battle with cancer. I couldn’t bear to stay in the house, too many memories and all.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “No reason why you should.”

  “That is why you were drinking alone at the club that night.” He asked.

  “Partly, yes. With my mother’s passing and me being an only child, my life got complicated for a while and I wasn’t looking forward to having to deal with all the legal aspects of that.”

  “I see.” He nodded.

  He didn’t ask for further details and I wasn’t quite ready to offer them. I was feeling very nervous for some reason. Like I was sneaking a boy in through the window or something. Like we were going to get caught at any moment.

  “Why were you there that night?”

  “My wife was out with her girlfriends again and she said she would be late. I couldn’t stand the thought of going home to a cold empty house again. And because, I like Charlie Pickens music.” He smiled.

  “I heard that.” I agreed.

  The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Suddenly I didn’t know what to say.

  “So…” We both said.

  “You first.” He said.

  “I was just wondering how you have been?” I paused. “If feels like I haven’t seen you in forever and at the same time if feels like only yesterday.”

  He smiled and nodded. “I know what you mean. I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately, not that I haven’t thought about you the past several years.”

  I nodded and waited for him to answer my question.

  “I’ve been okay.” He shrugged.

  I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “I pretty much live on caffeine and don’t sleep much.” He continued.

  “Why is that?” I was curious.

  “I’m not sure,” He paused and looked very uncomfortable. “I think it is because I was missing you. I wasn’t totally sure that was the reason until tonight.”

  I felt my cheeks redden.

  “What about you?” He asked.

  I swallowed hard. I wasn’t ready to answer and yet it was only fair that I did. I had asked him first. “Well, it has been an interesting few years.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, after I inherited the family business, I had to try and run things from the Middle East. It was not my intention to be an absentee boss, but I was under contract and I needed to finish the assignment.”

  He nodded. “Makes sense.”

  “Yeah, but then,” I stopped as I was afraid to tell him. It was a completely irrational fear but still it was there.

  “Then what?”

  “I was injured.”

  “Injured? Injured how?” His face paled.

  “I was imbedded with a Marine unit and I went out on a patrol with them. We were attacked and...” I had to swallow hard. “We were all injured pretty badly. And one Marine was killed.”

  His face looked stricken. “How bad?” His voice was hoarse.

  “It was pretty bad. I nearly lost my leg and I spent nearly a year in rehab.”

  He edged close. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Kay. I wish I had known. I would have been there for you.”

  I loved that he was comforting me even now years later.

  “I wish you had been there too. I was afraid to call and tell you, even though I wanted to. I didn’t know your situation.”

  “I understand and I wish you had called as it wouldn’t have mattered my situation. I would have been there.”

  I pushed him away gently, just enough to see his eyes. “You were there. When things were tough, I just closed my eyes and thought of you and remembered you and your smile.”

  He gave me a small grin.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not tonight. One day I’ll tell you all about it, but I thought you should at least know.” I shook my head.

  “Thank you for telling me and when you’re ready to talk, I’ll be here this time.”

  I smiled at him.

  “You are the sweetest man.” I reached out and squeezed his hand in mine.

  He laughed. “You probably think I’m some kind of idiot or a stalker.”

  “No, I think it is romantic.”

  “Romantic? I’ve never been called that before.” He laughed again.

  “Well, then someone didn’t know how good they had it.” I looked into his eyes deeply, “am I to assume by the fact that you were parked in front of my house that you are no longer married?”

  “No, I am no longer married.” He gave me that lopsided grin I remembered so well.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Ethan and I stayed up talking all night. When the sun started to come up, I got up from the couch to make us breakfast. We sat in the kitchen eating omelets and bacon with toast.

  “I wish we didn’t have to work today.” I said.

  “Me too. Maybe we can have dinner tonight?” he suggested.

  “That would be nice.” I smiled. He smiled and took a bite of toast. “I’m sorry I kept you up all night, you’ll be dead on your feet at work.” I offered.

  “Actually, I don’t think so. I think I have more energy that I have had in a long time.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really.”

  “Will you get any guff from your co-workers if you’re late?”

  “Well maybe just from Logan, but only because he is my best friend. And he probably knows more about you than I do.”

  “How so.” That struck me as odd and a little creepy.

  “Well, when I thought I saw you at the dinner party that was sort of my breaking point. I refused to look you up on online or anything because I thought that would be breaking our code or something. Logan researched you.”

  “Did he tell you what he found?”

  “He tried but I refused to listen. I said I didn’t want to know from a computer. I wanted to know about you from you.”

  I smiled. He made me feel like the happiest woman
on earth. “That is sweet. And now I’m a little nervous about Logan.”

  “Don’t be, he’s a cool guy and I’m sure he deleted whatever he found.”

  “Well, whatever it was I’m sure it was boring. These days I spend my time in board meetings.”

  “Quite different than the Middle East.”

  “It is and I’m not complaining.”

  “I’m glad you’re back.”

  “You’ll have to come to the office one day let me show you around.” I smiled thinking of Sherry and her reaction which made think of her comment about holding out for Mac. Mac, I had forgotten all about Mac. Damn.

  “Everything alright?”

  “What? Oh yeah.”

  “You looked like you drifted away there for a minute.”

  “Sorry just remembered something about work.” I hedged. He accepted that answer and finished his breakfast. He left with a kiss on the cheek and a promise to call later about dinner. I stood smiling after he was gone.

  Then my thoughts returned to Mac. Maybe, I was worried over nothing. I hadn’t heard from him so this might be a non-issue. I had a feeling I was going to have to face this sooner or later. Until then I had a company to run and I needed to get on it.

  I drove myself to the office again. When Sherry greeted me with her cheerful morning self, I matched her smile for smile.

  “Morning, Kay.”

  “Morning, Sherry. Beautiful day, isn’t it?” I walked straight into my office and looked out the window at the water. Sherry waited and then came in to make coffee. “Sherry, you know I really can do that. You don’t have to do that every morning. I know you’re busy.”

  “What are you talking about, of course, I have to do it. First, if I don’t, you’ll forget and be off to a meeting without any caffeine and I would feel sorry for the people you would be meeting with, and second, it is our girl time.”

  “Okay, well you have a point. This morning I’ve already had a couple of cups and we can have our girl time without the coffee.” I smiled.

  She eyed me suspiciously and came over to sit down in front of my desk.

  “What?” I questioned her look.

  “What’s up with you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you are not a morning person, not in the four years I’ve worked for you.”

  “With me, not for me,” I corrected her.

  “Whatever.” Clearly, she was mentally rolling her eyes at me. “You have never once been rude or short with me, but you are not a morning person. What gives?”

  “Nothing. I was just up all night and I’m already tanked up on coffee; I just already have a caffeine high.”

  “I’m not buying it.” She crossed her arms.

  I raised my eyebrows at her. “Okay, what’s your theory.” I stared at her hard using my best intimidating look.

  “A man.”

  “What?” I lost my composure. How did she always know?

  “Nothing else it could be.”


  “You’re right. It is unbelievable you haven’t already told me everything, now get to it.”

  I had to laugh. “You should be handling some of my meetings for me Sherry, you’re a tough nut to crack.” She stared at me unamused, waiting “Okay, okay.” I threw my hand up in surrender. “Close the door.” Sherry eagerly returned to her chair and sat waiting for me to speak.

  “I decided to drive around the block before I pulled into the driveway last night to see if the same car was parked out front.”

  “You didn’t!” Sherry put her hands over her mouth. “So, what happened?” She whispered.

  “The car was sitting right in front of the house.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “I pulled up alongside it and rolled down my window. He did the same and it was Ethan, just like I knew it would be.”

  “Really? Did he say anything?”

  I smiled. “He said hello and then I invited him inside.” I paused, deciding how much detail to share after that. Sherry looked decidedly scandalized at this news.

  “You did what? Well, you didn’t waste any time.”

  “Sherry! It wasn’t like that, let me finish.”

  “Okay.” Sherry looked at me with suspicion. “Did you kiss him?”

  “No, well yes, but not right away.”

  “So, what did you talk about?” she asked.

  “Well, I don’t know, everything.”

  “Did you tell him about your accident?”

  “Yes, and no.”

  “Kay, there is a lot of yes and no’s in this conversation?” It was beginning to feel a little like an interrogation.

  “I only told him that I had been injured and it was bad. I didn’t share any other details.”

  “Why not?”

  “Didn’t seem like first date conversation.”

  “Okay I get it.” She nodded.

  “I mostly told him about taking over the company and that sort of thing and he told me about what he had been doing for the past six years.”

  She nodded.

  “I just have one question.” She said.

  “What’s that?”

  “What about the NCIS Director?” She nailed it.

  “Yeah, I don’t know.”

  “Well, don’t you think you should let him know?”

  “What do I say? Hi, how’s it going? By the way I’ve reconnected with someone, so I won’t be calling?”

  Sherry gave me an impatient look. “You know that is not what I meant.”

  “I don’t know what I will do about Mac, if anything. I mean it isn’t like my phone is ringing and so it might be a non-issue.”

  “Do you really believe that?” Reality check.

  I knew deep down I didn’t. I knew this was the sort of mess I normally got myself into, so no need to think it would have an easy solution.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Having Kay back in my life changed everything. I felt alive. I felt energetic. I stopped for my usual cup of coffee at the Island Cafe and took time to notice the people around me while I waited. A man was in the corner reading on a tablet and ignoring those around him. A table with four retirees laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Several people in suits waiting impatiently for their orders. I smiled and tipped the barista and headed to the office.

  “Morning.” Logan said with a smile.

  “Morning!” I returned the greeting and headed for my desk.

  “You look,” Logan paused. “relaxed.”

  “Do I?” I wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

  “Yeah, like maybe you got some sleep for a change?” he replied.

  “Hmm.” I tapped away at my keyboard.

  “Morning all.” Jared came in carrying a bag. “I stopped and got bagels.”

  “Good man.” I smiled.

  Jared did a double take when he looked in my direction, but he kept his thoughts to himself. I saw him look to Logan for an explanation. When none came, he set the bagels down in the kitchen and returned to his desk.

  Stephanie was next, our resident morning person couldn’t get under my skin with her exuberance today. In fact, I found her attitude refreshing to the cynical duo of Logan and Jared.

  “Morning, Stephanie.” I greeted her.

  She rewarded me with a huge smile.

  “There’s bagels if you want.” Jared announced.

  “Oh, fabulous. I was running late so I skipped breakfast and I’m starved.” She turned and bounced into the kitchen. “Anyone else?”

  “Yeah I’ll take one.” I called out.

  Stephanie smiled.

  “Do you have a favorite?”

  “No, I’m good with anything.” I called back. A few minutes later she bounced back out of the kitchen carrying two small paper plates each with a bagel. She walked over and set one down on my desk.

  “I added cream cheese, I hope that is okay.”

I said nodding to her.

  Logan and Jared exchanged looks. We all worked on our respective cases until noon.

  “Why don’t we all take a break and go out to lunch.” I suggested.

  They all looked up at me; it was Logan who scowled.

  “Sure, what did you have in mind?” Jared asked.

  “It’s Friday and I thought we’d all go out after work.” Logan suggested. I knew what he was doing. He had no such plans.

  “Well, I thought all you young folks would have plans on a Friday night, so I thought we’d head over to the Dockside and have lunch.” I smiled thwarting Logan’s plan for digging up information.

  “I’m in.” Stephanie stood up and grabbed her purse. Jared followed suit.

  I stood up and took my service weapon out of the locked desk drawer and put it on my hip. “You coming, Logan?” I asked.

  I thought for a minute he might say no, but he stood up with some reluctance and joined us.

  The Dockside was one of the best seafood restaurants in town if you weren’t into the five-star scene. It wasn’t fancy but the seafood was fresh, and the fishing boats were actually docked at a pier behind the restaurant. The place had checkered tablecloths covered in plastic. If you ordered a soda, it came in a can and if you wanted it in a glass you poured it yourself. The prices were right, and you could enjoy a cold beer with your meal if you chose. The owner used one of those old coolers that ran cold water through it to keep the bottles and cans extra cold. It was better than a draft beer.

  We found a table in the corner and seated ourselves. The place was packed, and the waitresses were running back and forth their arms loaded with more plates than I would have thought possible for one person to carry.

  “This might take a while, boss.” Jared said looking around.

  “No problem.” I smiled as a waitress approached the table.

  “Ya’ll know what you want to drink?” she asked.

  “I think we’ll have sweet tea all around.” I said, knowing that is what the crew usually ordered if we weren’t drinking alcohol. Everyone nodded in agreement and the waitress left us with menus and went to retrieve our drinks. She returned a few minutes later with four glasses filled with ice and two pitchers.

  “Ya’ll ready to order?”

  We gave her our orders and then I poured tea for Stephanie and myself. Logan and Jared each poured their own. L


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