Book Read Free

Rescue My Love

Page 18

by Lynn Story

  “Ever. Thanks.”

  “I know this isn’t the time to ask but I look forward to hearing about your weekend.” She gave me a weak smile.

  “When this blows over, I’ll show you all the pictures. “I caught the biggest fish of the day!” I boasted.

  “Good for you, girl.” She smiled.

  I went back to my office and poured some coffee. It was going to be a long day.


  My desk phone rang a little before noon. “Agent Craddock.”

  “Agent Craddock, this is James McIntyre, NCIS. We have a problem down your way, and I was hoping we could enlist the help of the FBI.”

  “Agent McIntyre, we’d be happy to help,” I offered.

  Logan looked up at me and raised his eyebrows.

  “Actually, it’s Director,” he said knowing it would give me pause.

  “Excuse me?” I asked.

  “It’s Director McIntyre,” he clarified.

  “Forgive me for asking but why is the Director of NCIS calling an FBI field office?” That made no sense, unless this was really important.

  “I already spoke to your boss if that is what you are worried about and frankly, I don’t have time to stand on ceremony. I have a missing NCIS agent and a dead sailor.”

  And there it was. “Okay, well what can we do to help?”

  “This is a sensitive case, so I’ll be there in a few hours to brief you.”

  “Yes sir, Director,” I acknowledged.

  “Oh, and I’ll be bringing one of my agents along,” he added.

  “Yes, sir I believe he is on the phone with him now.” I heard Logan say. “Yes sir, I’ll tell him.”

  We both hung up.

  “What’s going on?” Jared asked.

  “That was the Director of NCIS saying he needs our help with a case. They have a missing agent and a dead sailor,” I said, half telling the team and half wondering where this was going.

  “Why do they need us?” Jared continued.

  “Not sure, but he said he was on his way down here to fill us in.”

  “The Director himself is coming?” Stephanie asked clearly surprised.

  “Apparently.” I nodded.

  “Well, our Director just called and said to make sure we give them every courtesy and help them as much as we can.”

  “Wonder what is going on?” Jared looked from Logan to me.

  “That is a very good question, Jared. Start looking into it. I hadn’t heard anything about a dead sailor.”

  “They must be keeping it really quiet.” Stephanie stated the obvious.

  “We’ll, find out as much as we can before NCIS gets here so we can be prepared.” I instructed the three of them.

  We all got to work. I sent Kay a text explaining I’d be tied up tonight and would call when I could. I had a feeling that might not be for a while.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  It was Thursday evening and I had barely heard from Ethan all week. I also hadn’t heard from Mac. I knew Ethan’s team had a big case they were working on, but he couldn’t give me any details. I didn’t need them. I had my own issues to deal with this week. I had made a tender offer to my other shareholders in the company. I wanted to take the company from public to private to try and protect it from the wolves at InDesign. I didn’t care how much they were offering, and I knew they were willing to pay an outrageous sum to try and buy the stocks that weren’t held by me. Going private would put the expansion into the medical arena nearly impossible but I was willing to give that up before I was willing to give up the company.

  The tender offer had been met with mixed results. Some shareholders were willing to sell, and others were offended assuming that I didn’t trust them to hold out against a takeover. At this point I couldn’t be worried about feelings. I had employees and their families in three cities to worry about. It had been a long week and it was far from over.

  I decided the least I could do was take a couple of pizzas to Ethan and his team on my way home. I called in the order to pick up and headed out of the office for the night.

  “Sherry, go home.”

  “What about you?” Sherry looked up for her computer.

  “I’m going to pick up a pizza and go home myself.” It was a half truth.

  “Okay then, I’ll see you in the morning.” She picked up her purse and coat as she headed for the elevators.

  When I arrived at Ethan’s office there were a lot more cars in the parking lot and I hoped I had brought enough pizza. Maybe they had other teams working late tonight.

  I walked in the door and was greeted by Logan. “Kay what are you doing here?” I surprised him. That made me smile.

  “It is always a pleasure to see you, Logan.”

  “I mean, we’re a bit busy,” he continued.

  “So, I heard. That is why I am dropping off pizza,” I replied, pushing my care package ahead of me.

  “Thank you.” Jared said as he stepped into the bullpen. “Is what Logan meant to say.”

  “I know it is, he just says it differently than other people.” I smiled at Jared.

  “We’ve tried retraining him and it just doesn’t seem to work.” He looked down and shook his head in mock dismay.

  “Hey, you two I’m sitting right here.” Logan growled.

  “I brought three, I hope that is enough. One veggie for Stephanie, pepperoni for normal people and then a meat-lovers for Logan.”

  “That was very thoughtful.” Jared smiled.

  As sweet as Jared was, I could see tension in his face.

  “Well, I won’t keep you. I know you’re busy.” I turned to leave.

  “Kay?” Ethan stepped out of what appeared to be a conference room. “What are you doing here.”

  I glanced over at Logan. “You’re a bad influence on him.”

  He just grinned and shrugged.

  “I’m not staying, I just dropped off a snack.”

  “Thank you so much.” Ethan stepped over and kissed my forehead.

  There was a coughing sound from behind Ethan. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Ethan stepped aside.

  I stood face to face with Mac. I felt the blood drain from my face and my knees felt weak.

  “Kay Dandridge, James McIntyre, NCIS. We have a joint operation we are working on this week” I heard most of what he said, my mind was racing to find a graceful way to leave as quickly as possible.

  “Really?” I said. My mouth felt like it was full of cotton.

  “Ms. Dandridge it is a pleasure to see you again,” he said, reaching out his hand.

  I was sure it was anything but, I was certain he hadn’t missed the kiss from Ethan. This is not at all how I wanted this to happen. I took his hand, weakly, hoping he didn’t notice.

  “You two have met?” Ethan looked surprised.

  Logan’s looked turned dark.

  “Yes, I met Ms. Dandridge through her grandfather, and she managed to beat me rather badly in a friendly game of poker.”

  “It was just beginners’ luck.” I squeaked. I heard Logan make a noise that sounded like a snort.

  “Well, I will let you all get back to work. I’m sure you’re terribly busy.” I started backing towards the door as quickly as decorum would allow.

  “Okay, I’ll call when I can, Kay.” Ethan was saying.

  “I understand. Not to worry, things are crazy this week in my world.” I put my hand up to wave. “Enjoy the pizza.”

  Ethan smiled and turned back to the team. Only Mac stood watching me leave. I hated myself and I had no idea what to say or do. I wanted to say I was sorry, for what? I just held his gaze until I finally looked away and walked towards my car.

  I wondered how long he had been in town and what if anything he might have said to Ethan. A million thoughts raced through my mind. I was second guessing everything. Should I have called Mac when I got back home and told him I met someone? I had no commitment to him. Still I hadn’t intended to hurt him if he was even hur
t? Maybe he didn’t care. I was going to drive myself nuts with this, I needed to relax.

  I put the car in the garage and went in the house for a nice hot bath and maybe a little splash of scotch. I took my phone with me in hopes that Ethan might text me later. An hour later, the bathwater was cold, and I needed another scotch. I went downstairs and poured another drink. Then I decided to just take the bottle back upstairs with me. I was in the mood for a movie to help me forget what an ass I was making of myself.

  I needed to talk to Ethan, and I needed to explain things to him before Mac did and gave him the wrong impression. But I wanted to talk to Mac, as well. I checked the time. It was nearly midnight. Surely, they weren’t still working. Maybe Ethan was sleeping at the office or maybe he was just too tired to call when he got home. I laid back on the bed and tried not to think about it. I pressed the button for another movie.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  It was nearly one o’clock in the morning and too late to call Kay when I got home so I sent her a text with a promise to call her the next day. I didn’t get a reply, she was probably already asleep. At least I hoped she was. I missed her and I felt very uncomfortable not knowing how she was doing. I had a bad feeling in my gut, and I couldn’t shake it. I laid down across the bed trying to chase the thoughts from my mind. When I opened them again it was six in the morning the sun should have been up instead there was a strange light in the sky like there were too many clouds for the sun this morning and it cast a gray pallor over everything. It reminded me of the color of worn gravestones, and it sent a chill down my spine. I’d been working too late and getting too little sleep and my mind was starting to go to some dark places.

  I showered, changed, and headed back to work. Mac met me in the parking lot.

  “Couldn’t sleep either?” he asked.

  “No, not really.” I returned his look.

  He nodded and we walked into the office. I liked Mac but he didn’t have to be here. He had his team from the Navy base. Plus the agent he brought with him from D.C. Mac was a marine and he had a man missing. He wasn’t going back to his office until that man was found. I had to admire his grit and his ethics.

  Logan came in a few minutes later, looking like the rest of us felt. “Did you even try to sleep last night?” I asked.

  “No, why did you?” Was his reply.

  “I passed out in my clothes and woke up this morning.” I answered.

  He nodded and headed to the kitchen to make coffee.

  I walked around turning on all the computers and monitors and bringing everything to life so we could get started for the day. I felt like we were getting close to something, but I wasn’t sure what. I wasn’t holding out a lot of hope for the missing agent. There hadn’t been a ransom demand or any contact from anyone, so I didn’t believe it was a kidnapping. Although, I hadn’t ruled out that he had been taken, I feared it may have been for purposes of revenge rather than a means to an end.

  I sent Kay a quick text knowing she was usually up by now. No reply. I wondered if she was upset about something. Surely, she knew Logan well enough to not pay any attention to him and I hoped he hadn’t offended her last night when she stopped by. Although, she didn’t seem like herself and she seemed in a hurry to leave. I frowned at my phone.

  “Everything alright?” Logan asked returning with a cup of coffee.

  “Yeah.” I said stuffing the phone in my pocket.

  The forensic team popped in on the screens about nine o’clock. “Agent Craddock, I think we may have something.”

  “Okay, what?” I asked not feeling particularly patient this morning.

  “According to the GPS records from his phone it appears that Agent Foster made a couple of trips out to an old hunting lodge recently and when we investigated the lodge, we found the property traces back to this man.”

  An image flashed up on the screen.

  “Do you know who that is?” I asked Mac.

  “Yes, I do.”

  We all waited.

  “That is Walter Simmons, a former NCIS agent. He was fired ten years ago and is believed to be working for the highest bidder these days.”

  “Doing what?” Logan asked.

  “Computer hacking.”

  “Why would Agent Foster contact him?” I asked.

  “Because Agent Foster was investigating Simmons.” Mac stared down at the floor as if he was trying to see something not there.

  “So, they set up a meet?” Logan asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see anything in the case notes that indicated he set up a meet.” Mac looked worried.

  “I’ve looked through them all I didn’t see anything.” Stephanie offered confirmation.

  “Alright team, let’s go.” I said. “Send me the directions to the cabin and meet us there.”

  A moment later my phone beeped with a notification that the directions had been received. We all headed out to the parking lot. It was going to be a two-hour drive to get out to the cabin in the mountains. Logan drove, while Mac, his case agent and I discussed what he knew about Simmons.

  Stephanie was riding with Jared and working the laptop for any information that might help us. “Stephanie, I need to know if this place is going to be booby-trapped or something.”

  “On it, I’ll have to be a lot closer to do us much good. I need to see if there is a Wi-Fi system or anything on site,” she replied.

  “Understood, stay on it.” I nodded.

  We finally found the place. It was well hidden among the mature trees and some overgrowth. The place looked like it was a hundred years old. We all stepped out of the vehicles and looked around.

  “Everyone move very carefully. We don’t know if this is a trap or not.” I ordered. “Stephanie you got anything?”

  “I’m not picking up any wireless signals,” she whispered.

  “Okay, what about cell phone signals?” I wanted to be damned sure we weren’t going to get blown up walking up on the porch.

  “Nothing. That just means that if there is someone up there either they don’t have a cell phone, or it is turned off.”

  “Stay alert,” Mac called out and started advancing forward.

  I motioned for Jared and Logan to take the back. Stephanie and Mac’s agent covered the sides and Mac and I headed for the front door.

  My eyes swept the ground and the steps to the porch and I stepped up gingerly.

  “Hello! FBI anyone home?” I called out.

  “NCIS! Open the door!” Mac yelled.

  We both waited. No response. He nodded and we both flanked the door.

  “FBI and NCIS, anyone home?”

  Again, no response so I knocked and yelled again. Three times, no response. I nodded to Mac as I reached for the door handle and pushed the door open. The stench from inside escaped out the door as soon as it was open.

  “Ah!” I used my arm to cover my mouth and nose. I entered and Mac followed in behind me.

  Logan and Jared breached the back of the cabin and were backing out from the stench. I held my hand for them to stay back. The cabin wasn’t that big, and we didn’t need to be tripping over each other. Mac and I found the source of the smell in the back bedroom. Agent Foster was tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth.

  We called the cabin clear and instructed everyone to stay out and let the forensic team come in and do their work. Once outside Mac and I stood taking in deep breaths of clean air.

  “I’m sorry about your man.” I said to Mac.

  “Thanks.” Mac’s face was grim.

  “Now we just have to find out who did it.”

  “Yeah.” He agreed.

  My cell phone rang. “Agent Craddock.”

  “Is this Ethan?” A woman’s voice asked.

  “Yes, this is Ethan Craddock, who’s this?”

  “My name is Sherry; you don’t know me. I work for Kay Dandridge.”

  Her voice was shaky, and she sounded upset. The hair on my arms stood up.
“Sherry, what’s wrong?”

  “Kay mentioned you were friends and you worked for the FBI,” she said, making it clear this was not a social call.

  “That’s right, what’s wrong? Has something happened to Kay?”

  “I’m not sure, well yes, I am. I’m sorry to bother you. Kay didn’t come to work today. She isn’t answering her phone and when Eddie went to the house, she wasn’t there but her car was in the garage.” The words came in a rush.

  “Okay, slow down, Sherry. Did Eddie see anything else at the house? Was the door open or anything like that?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said, her voice cracking.

  I could tell Sherry was on the verge of crying. Frankly, I was surprised at how calm I sounded because my adrenaline was pumping hard. I turned back towards the cabin.

  “Hang on, Sherry.” I held the phone away from my face. “Logan! Keys!”

  Logan jogged over.

  “Everything okay, boss?”

  “No, I need the keys to the SUV. You’ll have to ride back with Jared.”

  “No problem.” He handed me the keys. “Anything I can do?”

  “Not right now.” I looked at Mac. “Sorry man, something’s come up and I gotta go.”

  “No problem.” Mac turned back to the task at hand.

  I started jogging to the SUV. “Sherry, you still there?”

  “I’m here,” she squeaked.

  I could tell she was crying. “Listen, I’m two hours away but I am driving back right now. Can you have Eddie meet me at Kay’s house?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Okay, then I will come see you at the office. Are you sure she just didn’t take the day off?” I needed to check.

  “No, Kay has never taken a day off in four years and if she wasn’t feeling well, she would have called me or something.” A sob escaped her lips. She was starting to come apart.

  “Hang on, I’m on my way.” I assured her.

  I turned on the sirens as soon as I hit the interstate. I don’t think I have ever driven so fast in my life. I had a bad feeling. I thought it had to do with the case we had been working on and I had been right when we had found Agent Foster dead which is what we all feared. But Kay was missing? My mind was reeling, and I couldn’t let anything happen to her. I knew I couldn’t live without her. The six years I had been without her had been dark times for me, but those days wouldn’t compare to what my life would be like now if something were to happen to her.


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