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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 7

by Angel Medina

  Chapter 4(L)

  Launching Rockets Are We?

  Luis after getting out of sewers finds himself at a sewer entrance to what the sign says is a launch facility. What was a launch facility doing in NY anyway and what were the intentions of the gloobas with this facility? Luis was going to be on his own here as he the only one of the group to find this facility.

  Luis takes out a couple of salamander troopers standing guard. Luis moves deeper into the hallway until he sees a force field blocking his way, he sees no switch to deactivate it, so he needed to either another way around or backtrack and look for the switch. There was an enclove on top of the waterfall but he didn't dare touch the toxic water. Then he finds a secret compartment door on the wall which contained a pair of boots. These boots were specially designed to withstand the toxicity levels and prevent the user from getting burned. However these boots had a limit on how much they could withstand till they ran out. So he puts the boots on and activates a switch in the enclove. He sees the force field is gone and he is able to proceed.

  He proceeds to a hallway with a large ramp leading to a security room and a couple of pathways with force fields.

  He says, "Better check the security room first." However he trips the alarm then a combination of troopers and boars come out. He while running towards the ramp shoots and kills a few gloobas along the way. As he goes up the ramp he sees a strange looking alien looking thing pop out of the ceiling and it begins shooting it.

  He says, "That's a strange and ugly looking turret, I'm sure they're going to be more of these things."

  Luis tries to shoot it and the turret spins around out of control. He shoots it again and it falls down, he doesn't bother studying the turret since he knew very little about circuitry and more enemies were arriving. He finally gets to the top and sees the door to the security room was locked, he also sees a set of four buttons probably used to open the door.

  Luis says in a frustrated tone "Oh great another one of these stupid puzzles!" He attempts to solve the puzzle but is approached by flying troopers he takes them down.

  He has a hard time solving the puzzle because he has to alternate between solving the puzzle and taking the enemies out. He finds the right combination 1-in, 2-in, 3 out and 4 - in. The door opens then he sees a trooper, Luis shoots it but it teleports out of the way.

  Luis says "Oh the disappearing act again, where did you go?" Luis is in a ready position.

  The trooper pops up in front of him; He tries to tackle but the trooper teleports again. The trooper teleports back this time lands on his back, Luis takes the trooper and throws is down, but the trooper also has a jetpack there it rises back to his level. The trooper and he go at it for about 5 minutes until he sees the trooper reappearing and shoots it when it appears. The trooper then falls down to the bottom. Luis finds 2 buttons which he assumes deactivates the force fields; however one is broken and unable to be used. So he presses the switch that does work and heads for hallway 3 which the force field had been deactivated.

  Luis deals with some boar cops and says, "Bacon Bacon and more Bacon!"

  He approaches a big green room with several enemies he easily takes care of them.

  A teleporting salamander trooper pops up but Luis shoots it right away saying. "No not this time buddy I've caught on to this little game."

  Luis goes upstairs deals with a couple of teleporting troopers with a bit of difficulty but eventually kills them. He finds a blue keypad reading "For Launch Pad Access". He peeks through the window and a rocket is shown getting set to launch.

  He says, "Looks like this is not even a rocket is a missile and its set for NYC! Crap I better get moving!" Luis goes back down uses the key card to open the door leading to the launch pad. Then an alarm goes off and an automated voice repeats in a loop "Warning 5 minutes until missile launch all authorized staff head for the missile shelter."

  After hearing the alarm Luis realizes he doesn't have much time before NYC is blasted to pieces. The blast doors to the missile out side were locked; Luis went to the security area and blasted the boar pigs guarding the area. He logs on the computer tries to scrub the missile launch but the computer says it cannot be done here it has to be done at the main computer. Then he sees password which shows him the password to access the main computer which says “Lithium505”. Then he sees the option to open the blast door, the doors open slowly. The automated voice said that there were only 3 minutes until the missile launch.

  Luis says anxiously, “Come on door open I gotta stop this missile from launching before it inflicts damage that could be too much to reverse!”

  An army of boar cops guard the area he grabs one boar and uses it as a human shield then takes the rest of the boars out. He goes to the shelter and finds the switch to control the missile is there; the switches have three options 1- launch 2- scrub 3- scrub and destroy. The switches are locked though instructions read “Launch sequence already in progress, password needs to be entered on main computer to override system.” Luis is running out of time he sees an elevator however it’s anyone’s guess where it leads to or if it even leads to the main computer.

  The automated voice says “Two minutes remaining!”

  Luis finds the main computer is up there, he enters the password that he got from the slave computer downstairs. He opens the switches in the shelter, then he hears that he has only one minute till missile launch, the missile begins to ignite.

  Luis says impatiently “Come on elevator you can’t go any faster, looks like I’m going to have to jump to make time!”

  Automated voice says, “30 seconds remaining!”

  Luis runs for the shelter but the doors are closing so Luis slid in head first right into the shelter before the doors close. Besides a headache Luis was okay. The automated voice started the count down from 10 seconds going down.

  Luis says, “Why just scrub the missile, lets destroy it at the same time!” At about 2 seconds to launch Luis presses the button and the launch sequence is stopped then a loud boom was heard.

  The shelter doors then open and the missile isn’t there in fact only the rubble of what was a missile is seen. Luis then takes the elevator going down the elevator begins its descent then it abruptly stops.

  Luis says to himself, “Hmm why did it stop, hope I’m not stuck here I always hated elevators.” Luis tries to jump on it hoping it would move but the elevator doesn’t budge. After a minute a boom sounds when rubble crashes down and it forces the elevator to start moving. However the elevator is moving very fast until it makes a crash landing…

  The elevator goes down with such force that it makes a loud crashing voice. Then the remaining rubble comes crashing down to the area around the elevator. The situation looks very bad, but is the situation as bad as it looks? Luis was able to break the rules of nature when he fell from the window back in death row, so perhaps he had survived another big fall that would usually kill a normal human. Five minutes pass and still no sign of Luis anywhere. Has it happened has Luis become a victim of this nightmarish virtual world?

  It’s a miracle Luis slowly but surely is able to get up and recover. However he takes 15 minutes for him to regain his equilibrium and get up again fully. He continues into another control room and outside a window he sees a sewer system. He has to deal with a teleporting salamander trooper in the control room and due to Luis’s weakened state the trooper gets the upper hand at first. The trooper takes Luis down pulls a laser sword out ready to finish Luis off. Luis is able to gather the little bit of energy he had left in him and punches the trooper then cuts him with his own laser sword. Luis still worn down decides to take another 15 minute break then gets up to continue his journey. In the control room window he sees some troopers and poisonpus’s waiting. Luis then finds remote controlled explosives used for controlled explosions when sewer work is being done. However he decided to use them to blow up the enemies, he plants one by the door and carefully throws a second one to the hall leading to the sewers. />
  He gets away from the bombs and he detonates the bombs. When he goes back to look all of the gloobas were dead, he sees the sewers waters are riding west at a fast place. Luckily Luis still had the protective boots on so he was able to ride out the wave until the next platform. Then Luis takes yet another break to gather his thoughts. What Luis sees at the end of the sewer is a set of large and small mountains. Then he seen a sign in bad shape but was still legible it read “Welcome to the Mohawk Indian reservation”

  Luis says “Looks like I made it to the reservation, now to find the others.”

  Luis was able to prevent a missile from being launched into NYC, although weakened Luis survived at least for now. Little does Luis knows Maria has also made it to the reservation as well. Meanwhile did Dayvon survive the fall of the huge waterfall? Angel and Quentin were still missing in action hopefully the whirlpool took them somewhere around the reservation lest they are dead already. What secrets did this reservation hide or would show our heroes? If any of the residents were alive and well, would they be friendly to the cause or hinder our heroes. Most importantly was the anti-matter ball going to be found here and what was that loud roar Maria heard, was it the leader or a powerful beast. While the skies cleared, the situation was about to become thicker.

  Chapter 4

  The Abyss

  “The Abyss” sounds like our heroes are heading for a bottomless pit of hell. An Indian chief can be seen walking around the sunset. His name is Chief Sitting Hawk and is a well balanced built man. He goes to the nearest river by the entrance of a temple and sees two bodies. Could it be Angel and Quentin? The chief makes his way to the bodies and finds out that they are…

  The bodies are indeed those of Angel and Quentin, the chief looks to see if they are living, he feels their pulse and indeed they are alive.

  Angel and Quentin wake up Angel says in confusion, “Where are we? Last thing I remember was a whirlpool underwater and I thought we were dead.”

  Quentin says in shock, “Where are the others, what is this?”

  The chief says in a calm tone, “My friends relax don’t move too much, you guys are probably still dazed I’ll go and make some tea you’ll feel better.”

  The chief heads to his house by the temple and prepares an herbal tea for the two to drink.

  Chief says happily, “Here, this will make you feel better its mint and orange a nice mix at least I think so.” The two drink the tea and relax for about an hour or so.

  Angel says, “Wow that was good, I feel better already, yo Quentin lets go.”

  Quentin says, “Right behind you buddy!”

  The chief says, “Where are you two going, you should rest up here for awhile.”

  Angel says to the chief, “Listen chief I appreciate you healing us back to health I really do, but there’s no time to rest.”

  The chief asks, “Why is that young one?”

  Angel explains, “Listen you are in great danger chief this world is not what you think it is and you are your people are in great danger. There’s an alien race called the gloobas and they are currently invading these lands as we speak. It’s a complicated story that I don’t have time to explain.”

  Quentin then adds, “We are looking for an anti-matter ball that we need to put in a machine to save Earth. You are probably one of the Elder God’s soldiers without knowledge. Anyway I have a feeling it’s here in your tribe here.”

  The chief says “Normally outsiders are not allowed in but I’ll make an exception for you two. In fact I wish to help you guys out in your journey, may the spirits guide us!”

  Angel says, “Thanks chief for the honor but I must you warn you these alien creatures aren’t just legends, these guys are for real!”

  The chief says, “Its fine it’s my duty to protect my people this warclub my grandfather gave me will help us out.”

  A loud roar is heard from inside the temple. Quentin says, “What the hell was that?”

  The chief says, “It came from the grand temple, no these creatures of evil are trespassing on scared ground.”

  Quentin says, “These guys don’t give a heck about your lands, they want these lands for themselves and Earth as a whole. Reason is whatever happens here will happen on Earth!”

  A ship drops off some salamander troopers the chief uses his club to take one trooper out. Angel and Quentin beat up on the other two troopers and grab their guns.

  Angel tells the chief, “You better take this gun while I respect your beliefs but you need to defend yourself.”

  The chief says, “While we don’t believe in using guns but I’ll gladly accept if it’s going to help my people out.”

  Angel says cool, “Let’s go in and kick some alien butt.”

  Maria jumps across the toxic river to a rocky platform. She nearly loses her footing, but is able to regain it. She can see a cave but she has to negotiate a set of steep hills. Maria begins to negotiate the hills but she is faced with flying salamander troopers who begin to attack her, one laser beam hits Maria’s hand and she falls but is able to grip another hill and pull her weight. Maria then shoots down all three troopers and a jetpack falls onto Maria hand, she puts it on and sees she can use it to fly across.

  Maria says in excitement, “Wow this is fun, better than a roller coaster! Whoa!”

  Then a heavy wind picks up and knocks Maria out of her focus. Maria with her quick reflexes is able to dodge a pillar in the way and then notices the jetpack fuel begins to run low. Maria is able to reach the platform where the cave is located; she’s met with boar cops and teleporting salamander troopers.

  Maria says preparing for the fight, “This is gonna be a tough one here!” She takes out a few boars but then she’s grabbed by a boar cop then a trooper aims for Maria but the trooper is shot with an arrow by a Native American man.

  He goes on to shoot the other two troopers and Maria fights off the boar cop then shoots it. The man jumps down to Maria’s level and introduces as Tadodaho a native of the Mohawk tribe.

  He says to Maria in a convincing tone, “Hi young girl my name is Tadodaho I’m part of the Mohawk tribe what are you doing here? Are you lost?”

  Maria responds, “Yeah in a way I'm lost I was told that an anti-matter ball is here in your reservation, you and your people are in great danger.”

  Tadodaho replies, “I’m aware of that our people and Earth are in danger that’s why I saved you from those aliens, I also heard a loud roar as well.”

  Maria responds, “So did I, I think it’s best if we stick together, what’s inside this cave?”

  Tadodaho answers softly “That’s a passageway to the Grand Temple, but be careful there are many traps inside. Let’s go!”

  Maria says in her head, “Seems like a good guy but he seems to know so much about what’s going on maybe a little too much. I got to remember what the Elder God said.”

  Maria has a flashback, “This virtual world is sparsely populated but you may find some of my soldiers that were able to get in to the world who may prove to be a big help in your quest. That is if they haven’t been captured by the gloobas or turn into traitors themselves.” These were the words of the Elder God when he first met the heroes. “I should be cautious with this man.” The two made their way into the cave.

  Luis finds himself in the sewer system after stopping a missile launch attack from hitting NYC. He meets a couple of troopers and takes care of them easily and then he sees a big mountain area ahead of him. The water was still green and toxic even going towards the mountains; luckily Luis found a new pair of protective boots on the right side of the wall. He goes down the ramp, sees a door but it requires a blue keycard probably to prevent any Natives from the reservation from getting into the launch facility.

  Luis says “These guys aren’t playing when they say no trespassing!”

  Luis goes to the other side, finds no keycard but an assault rifle and bullets. He says, “I’ll be taking this thank you very much, looks like I’ll be heading down

  He follows the flow of water to see where it leads, but it leads to a dead end and a whole bunch of enemies which he mops the floor with. Luis backtracks and finds two paths. One goes down to a ditch and one that has enough room for only one person at a time too bad Luis can’t see where it leads to. He decides to go down to the ditch and finds rounds for his rifle but no keycard. Then two teleporting salamander troopers pop out of nowhere and attack Luis he shoots one down; then takes the other trooper down with a tackle and he throws him to a fire behind him probably used during a ritual. Luis treks back up takes the other path moving slowly as to prevent falling down.

  Several more teleporting flying troopers arrive when Luis is at a bad and dangerous position. Luis tries to shoot them he gets two but one is able to teleport away, Luis then takes a risk running forward, goes around a cactus. The trooper pops up right when Luis goes around the cactus as a result the trooper hits the cactus and falls into the ditch. Finally Luis finds the Keycard in a tipi and hears strange noises of a Native American ritual coming from the other side. Luis climbs up and peeks through a hole to see a fire that was lit up but no actual ritual taking place. Unable to fit into the hole Luis backtracks to the door and uses the key card to open the door that was locked.

  With most of the heroes accounted for that are still alive, Angel and Quentin were heading to the great temple and so was Maria with her newly found “ally” Tadodaho or at least Maria carefully assumes despite his vast knowledge of the current situation. Luis continues to transverse along in the mountains of the Mohawk tribe area. There was one member still unaccounted for which was Dayvon who was last at the sewers back in the chemical plant. His whereabouts remain unknown to all of our heroes, heck you the reader don’t know where he is. For all we know he could be dead already, it was a rather long fall down. Meanwhile what was the loud roar coming from and who was making that loud noise? Would our heroes even find the anti-matter ball in the Grand Temple? Finally can either Chief Sitting Hawk or Tadodaho be trusted as allies or is one or both of them traitors.


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