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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 17

by Angel Medina

  Only time will tell. At least our heroes would get a chance to relax during the ride into space assuming no surprises take place.

  Area 3 - Lunar Armageddon

  Chapter 10


  After Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis get through the warp then find themselves at the Tiberius Launch Facility. Luis remembers this is the same place where he had stopped a rocket from hitting NYC, but this time they were at the other side of the facility. Surviving members of the facility prepared the heroes with the proper equipment and then the heroes were escorted to the rocket to be launched to the moon. After all the preparations were made the countdown began for the launch. After the countdown the rocket blasted off and began its journey to the moon. While the rocket was in motion the heroes relaxed and began to talk about their experiences. Two and a half days have passed since they began their journey. Maria was getting ready to reveal her feelings for Angel but before she got the chance to say anything, a missile strikes the rocket…

  An automated voice says “Warning a foreign object has struck the rocket and has broken through. This rocket will make a crash landing.” Maria says “Never mind Angel we’re about to crash!” Angel tells everyone “Fasten your seatbelts everyone this is going to be a rough landing!” Dayvon says “Lets see if we even land on anything.” Luis says “Yeah knowing our luck we might just land on a black hole and end up on a strange land.” The rocket began to descent down at a rapid pace until it makes a crash landing. Angel asks “Everybody ok?” everyone responds that they are fine. The heroes grab a weapon from the rocket and began to explore where they had landed at. When the heroes get out of the rocket they realize the moon was still a distance away but Angel sees a long path to the moon. Angel says “This is probably the international space station and the aliens have gotten possession of it trying to build their death ray to destroy major cities from right under the noses of everyone on earth.” Dayvon says “True but I’m sure we can stick it to them here I feel like a lot of their production is coming from here. So we can weaken these guys big time.” Luis replies “Watch out alien ships coming our way!” The heroes enter the space base before the ship can shoot them.

  The sign says “Welcome to Spaceport” then the same enemy ships attack the base shooting missiles into the base, while mechanical sentry guns try to defend the base. Angel tells everyone “We’re in for a long trip in outer space. The heroes begin their investigation seeing a force field and a room used to communicate orders all of the workers were already dead. Several salamander troopers are found guarding the area but our heroes easily take care of them. Maria spots a switch which deactivates the forces field and our heroes continue on down the ramp. More troopers are found then are killed by our heroes. They enter a room with a force field surrounding a pool of water but when seen up a platform can be seen, possibly a futuristic elevator. Anyway Angel and Maria go up the small elevator to take care of the troopers upstairs, they spot an access card reader. Dayvon and Luis go down to the storage area where a couple of iguana enforcers pop up trying to surprise the two. However the two were prepared and shot them at sight, Luis says “Nice try but we know how to play that game already!” More iguana enforcers show up below Angel and Maria, they both jump on the enforcers and in unison slash their necks. Luis finds the keycard while Dayvon finds some pipebombs; Luis uses the card to open the elevator while everyone hides just in case there’s a surprise behind the door. Then a few iguana enforcers come out of the elevator walking slowly looking for any intruders, Dayvon says in sign language for everyone to hold their position. Dayvon throws a pipebomb at the three enforcers then detonates them then boom the enforcers are blown to pieces. Dayvon says in a cocky tone “Killed three ugly lizards with one explosive stone. Well let’s go into the elevator and see what’s next.” The heroes head up in the elevator.

  The four of them take the elevator up to the next level up. When they get upstairs they see several iguana enforcers coming at them from all sides. Dayvon freezes several of them, Luis uses his shotgun to take out more enforcers, Angel uses his devastator and Maria uses her sub-machine guns to finish off the iguana enforcers. Maria says “I think we cleaned house over here, now all I need is a mop and broom.” Everyone laughs at Maria with Angel replying “Good one sweetheart. I’ll bet you no one would even dream of cleaning this green blood up.” Another enforcer comes out Luis shoots it down but at the same time he shoots an explosive barrel causing part of the wall to explode off. Angel checks inside the shaft and sees a pull down switch they hear a loud noise from an unknown location. The four head up a ramp and kill some more aliens. They find four circular switches and they play with the switches till they get the right combination (1-Red. 2-Red, 3-Green and 4-Red) then hear a chime. However they have no idea what the switch activated, till Angel seen the force field surrounding the middle pool area was gone. Angel and the others decided just to move on to the next door figuring the pool had nothing of interest. A couple of iguana enforcers drop from the ceiling but Luis blasts both of them in the heads. The following door was locked and required a red keycard to open it. Angel says "Crap looks like we've gotta go swimming to find that card." Everyone looks at Angel silently then Angel says "Fine I'll go but all of you cover me to make sure none of the bastards try to jump in for a swim." Everybody heads to the pool downstairs and Angel dives down underwater sees a switch, hits the switch which opens a small wall behind him.

  The wall behind Angel opens and sure enough the red keycard is inside. Angel grabs the red keycard then resurfaces to see his friends in a gunfight with enforcers looking to ambush him. After the last alien is killed Angel says "Thanks for covering me guys! I got the red keycard lets get on moving." All four of our heroes head back to the door to open it with the keycard however the floor underneath them was slightly brighter than the rest of the floor due to the light. After Angel opens the door with the keycard Angel, Dayvon and Luis enter the next room Maria was just behind them. The floor underneath Maria opens and Maria falls through the floor; the floor closes quickly so by the time the other three turned their heads Maria was gone from right under their noses. Luis asks "Hey where did Maria go?" Angel looks and screams "Maria! Where are you?" no response was received. Dayvon notices the notch on the floor and says "Hold on this door is a trap door Maria probably fell down question is where she end up?" Angel replies "I don't know but we can't stay here to find out I'm sure we'll bump into each other again like we always end up doing." Then Angel says in his head "Maria the love of my life I hope you are still alive, I can't wait to tell you how I feel about you." Dayvon asks Angel "Hey earth to Angel, are you gonna to wake up from that dream you're in?" Angel replies "Oh sorry about that I was thinking but anyway let's get moving." Luis asks "Thinking about what? How much you "Love" Maria, Angel I know and you know that you are in love with her." Angel responds "Fine it's true I do have feelings for her but I don't want you two blabbering about it till I'm the one who tells her, is that clear?" Dayvon and Luis give Angel a stern look and the three proceed to a red color elevator.

  Maria falls through the trap door and finds a new gun with a green crystal inside of it. She sees a couple of enforcers then she uses the gun which shoots out a green laser shot that shrinks them. Maria in shock says "Whoa that is hot one shot and all of a sudden I'm the big dog around here. Heard that baby iguanas I'm bigger than you and I finally get to do what I been dying to do to you guys." Maria takes her foot and stomps the two shrunken enforcers crushing them in the process. Maria says "Squish! How does it feel to be the pip squeak, doesn't feel too good does it." Maria moves deeper into the hallway until she sees a black hole, she says "Oh shit let me not go in there!" The black hole began to suck Maria in, Maria tries to fight the force but the black hole is simply too strong and it sucks her in. Maria gets sucked into the black hole and says "What the hell is this purple, blue and red am I on LSD or something? Oh wow now I see clocks and ugly faces oh God did I just get stuck in an infinite tim
e warp breaking the space time continuum. Did I just go into another dimension?" Maria fights the strange objects attacking her as she tries to break the time warp.

  While Angel, Luis and Dayvon able to get out of spaceport just fine with their hides. Maria on the other hand has fallen into a trap and while she was able to defeat the enforcers however a black hole has swallowed her. In the real world Maria would not have to worry but because this was a "virtual" world the world doesn't have to follow natures law adding to that is the fact Maria is in space. Outer Space is a dimension that is still relatively unknown to us despite our advanced research. Maria fights her way in the black hole which is always been called at least by the legend "space time continuum breakers". Could this be what death is an infinite loop of colors and shapes that one cannot break out of? Is Maria experiencing death itself at the current moment, is Maria seeing what normal mortals can not see. Or has Maria broken the space time continuum and gone to a completely different dimension.

  Chapter 11(M)

  Incubators and Time Warps

  Maria continues her journey through the black hole time warp looking for anyway to get out. However Maria continues to get weaker by the second begins falls out and she starts to think that this is indeed death itself that she is facing. She begins to say goodbye to the world including Angel her love interest since the beginning of the journey. Then a white light appears breaking through the various colors and shapes. All of a sudden Maria is out of the time warp and she falls on solid ground...

  Maria finds herself out of the black hole which was the ride from hell in Maria's eyes and she finally finds solid ground. Maria still dazed from the warp lies down for about five minutes to regain her equilibrium. Maria says "What the hell was that about? It was like I was on LSD or speed." The Elder God to Maria's surprise shows up and he explains to Maria about the black holes. The Elder God says "Maria my child it's a miracle you are still here, you must be careful next time." Maria says "Why? I didn't even want to go inside the hole." The Elder God says "These black holes are hidden from view while some of them will warp you to another part of the alien base like which you were lucky to find. However there are others that are "True" black holes which lead you to an infinite time loop of despair which the only way out will be your death or that is what death will actually look like." Maria replies "Now you're scaring me how do I know what holes are good and which ones will kill me." Elder God says "Unfortunately I cannot tell you what holes are which, there are too many of them; the best way to tell is to do what your heart tells you to do." Maria says "Well at least I'm alive, best thing is to avoid them at all costs." Elder God says "That works as well but I get the feeling you will have to cross another warp to get to the anti-matter ball. There's nothing I can do here so I must leave, you have been warned. Good bye and good luck!" Maria says "Thanks for the warning Elder God, great now I got to worry about breaking the space time continuum." Maria finds herself in a small ship ready to touchdown at another space base.

  The ship lands at the base Maria goes through the first door and she sees a group of sentry drones ready to strike. Maria simply closes the door in front of her then the dumb drones explode. Maria says "For robots they are sure really dumb." She does through the door and sees a turret right above her; Maria shoots it down then proceeds. Maria moves into a semi-dark room then a door opens revealing some alien troops, Maria shrinks them then crushes them. She sees a switch then the room lights up but several sentry drones come popping out. She tries to shrink them but the shrink ray has no effect on the drones since they are made of metal. Maria runs away to avoid contact until she sees a hiding spot to avoid them. When the drones see that the coast is clear they begin to move away and back to where they came from. Maria says "Wow that was a close one!" She sees a couple of salamander troopers standing around, to conserve her shrink ray she takes them out with her machine gun. Maria tries to go on but she bumps back and says indifferently "Oh a force field no wonder, ah gotta find a way to shut it down like I'm surprised." Maria goes on to find a way to shut down the force field.

  Maria sees a couple of walls gets discouraged then begins to walk back until she hears a loud noise. She turns her head back and sees the walls begin to come down along with another part of the base. Maria says in shock "What the heck? Wait I should be used to this already I forgot nothing in this world is gonna to follow the rules." Maria waits for the walls to finish coming down to go inside, the room has flickering and flashing lights. Maria finds some more shrink crystals for her shrink ray and some more ammo for the sub-machine gun; an iguana enforcer tries to ambush Maria but she shrinks the enforcer quickly then crushes him. She moves on to a dark blue room with several salamander troopers including a couple of teleporting troopers. Due to the room being dark Maria had some trouble seeing them; the troopers attacked her from both sides. One was ready to slash her but with pure instinct she elbows the slashing trooper then shoots the other trooper down. Maria says "I'm getting too good for these guys; that must be the switch there." Maria presses the switch and looking at the camera she see the force field has disappeared. Maria goes beyond the force field and sees a sign saying "Incubator". She says "This must be the place where these alien scum's are born and begin their life of terror. It's time to get to the root of the problem!" The room had many vines similar to what was at the laboratory so the gloobas in their own way were trying to say these were their lands now. Maria sees a group of slimer eggs and poisonpus's surrounding her on both sides of the hall.

  Maria says in a comical tone "Oh my old friends poisonpus I missed you guys. Trying to give birth to your evil spawns, well not on my watch." Both poisonpus's shoot poison towards Maria but she jumps to dodge the shots while at the same time shoots down one of the poisonpus's. The other poisonpus moves towards Maria and grabs her but Maria with her quick thinking shrinks the poisonpus and says "Thought you had me huh? Now do you still have me? I don't think so!" Maria crushes the poisonpus and then empties with great emotion her sub-machine gun to destroy all of the eggs. Maria says angrily "Now who dares to come out and challenge me? I think its time to get rid of your whole species!" Maria moves to the left hall sees a sentry drone and destroys it with relative ease. Maria finds more ammo for her sub-machine gun and a yellow keycard but she sees something even more disturbing. She sees a colony of slimer eggs and poisonpus's guarding them, then says "Looks like this is their little breeding grounds time to put it out of order for good." She goes to the other side of the hallway and finds a door inserts the keycard then heads inside. A turret, an iguana enforcer and a salamander trooper are inside the room. Maria grabs the iguana enforcer from behind and then uses him as a human shield. She then uses the enforcer's chaingun to take out the turret and trooper; finally she rips off the chaingun off the enforcer and uses the blade of the gun to slash the enforcer. A switch can be seen, Maria presses it and then the water level rises.

  The water level is not the only thing that changes the walls that were on each side move down and now are able to be accessed. Maria climbs up the small wall up to the platform, from the platform she can see a waterfall leading down to a pool. Then cracks of eggs can be heard those would be those of slimers being born into the world. Maria tries to take out the poisonpus's from a safe distance and while she gets a few poisonpus's and slimers a sentry drone tries to sneak behind Maria. The drone while it doesn't hit Maria but it forces Maria to drop into the water fall down into the pool. When Maria is dropped underwater she sees a whole army of poisonpus's and right away she resurfaces and to the platform. When Maria gets to a platform she feels a hard bit on her shoulder until she realizes that a slimer is on her. She grabs the slimer and throws it to the ground then steps on it. She then says "Eww this thing is slimy and creepy. That's what that monster on the train was? It was a combination of these creatures coming together to make on freak of nature?" Maria shoots each slimer one by one, some are hard to hit because they are floating on the water. Maria jumps towards where the eggs
were hatched finds more shrink ray crystals then continues her way up the gooey alien grass. She shrinks the poisonpus that was upstairs and makes quick work of it.

  In front of Maria was a strange alien looking switch, she presses it but she sees nothing happen. Perhaps that switch was just placed there for decoration. When Maria gets to the other side a poisonpus and a sentry drone show up then begin to attack her. Luckily the sentry drone during its attack exploded onto the poisonpus causing it to explode to pieces. After that Maria was being shot at by a turret but she had no idea where the turret was located. Maria then peeks out and sees the turret up in the upper right corner of the room. She then peeks out and shoots the turret until it's destroyed. Maria sees a switch that wasn't there before; she presses it and all of a sudden the grass wall opened up. Beyond the wall was yeah you guessed it more slimer eggs and poisonpus's; however Maria had an idea to take care of the glooba mess. Maria shoots her shrink ray several times till all the eggs and poisonpus's were shrunk. Maria would then say "Hmm even at regular egg size these eggs still look disgusting, I wouldn't eat them even if I was paid to do so. I could see why these eggs would cause a health epidemic. These aliens are going to pay for messing with my food!" Maria then proceeds to the next door and more poisonpus's are behind the door. Once again Maria uses the shrink ray to dispose of the poisonpus's with ease. Maria then enters an elevator which says "To the USS Cadet defense station" and she pushes the button to start the elevator.


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