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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 32

by Angel Medina

  Once our heroes jump into the hole they are transported to the other side of where the guillotine was. Luis says “Well looks like we found a way around that bad boy there.” Dayvon says “Hmm a strange looking switch on the floor lets see what it does?” Dayvon presses the switch which makes a wooden bridge come out on the lower level in the pool area. The duo jumps down to the pool where the Cabal probably bathed but the pool was filled with piranhas. Also the room was surrounded by Cabal cultists with crossbows trying to take the duo out. Luis and Dayvon clean house and kill off all of the cultists. The duo knowing the water was full of piranhas they try to jump to the bridge from where they were. They both jump while piranhas were jumping out of the water trying to get a piece of the two. The two were able to get onto the bridge then they cross it where they see a bunch of behemoths on the other side of the bridge. After killing the behemoths they find ammo for the nailgun and hand cannon plus they find a sliver key but they had no idea where it needed to be used. Dayvon finds a switch of the same kind on the wall which brings out another wooden bridge which went in the same direction but in another hall.

  Once they got the key they jumped onto the other wooden bridge and then went to the other side of that hallway. On the other side of the bridge they found a shambler waiting for them, although the creature could not see them the duo were close enough that the creature was able to sense their presence. The shambler shoots a bolt of electricity which the duo dodges then the shambler tries to chase Dayvon but Luis shoots it in the head weakening it. The shambler takes a slash at Luis but then falls down due to the blows it took to the head. The duo escapes from the room then go up a set of stairs where undead knights try to ambush them. The duo simply run as they try to get away from the shambler who was waking up again after going down. Dayvon and Luis who were simply running and then they trip into a pool, when they get out the two feel regenerated like all they muscles felt like new. When the undead knights came in pursuit of our heroes our heroes easily defeated the knights in melee combat. After finding what seemed to be a healing pool the duo finds their way back to the main hall where they first came in.

  When the heroes arrive back at the hall they find another hallway which has a picture of a small key on top of the hall giving them the idea the door requiring the sliver key was up ahead. When the heroes went inside the hall it looked all too familiar, it was the lower level of the bridge they had crossed on the second floor. Luis says “Looks like we’re walking into the lions den here!” That’s because they remembered that there were fiends and another shambler running around beside the one they had gotten away from then lost. Luis and Dayvon prepared for one tough battle, Luis took on one set of fiends while Dayvon took on another set of fiends. However what they didn’t know was that this hall was rigged with cultists throwing dynamite at out heroes, a stick of dynamite is thrown towards the duo. Dayvon and Luis are able to jump out of the way but at the same time the dynamite kills off all of the fiends so the cultists actually did a favor for our heroes or at least killing the fiends off. However the cultists were really aiming for our heroes so our heroes had to make sure they weren't going to be blown into pieces. So the duo sprinted across the hall until the bumped into the shambler which they so wanted to avoid.

  Luis says in a nervous voice “Well hello there big guy, why don’t you just chill out and lets us walk by we won’t hurt you.” The shambler doesn’t fall for Luis’s sweet talk and instead begins to attack the duo. Dayvon says “I don’t think he wants to be friends with us, he wants to make us his next meal!” The shambler tries to shoot a bolt of lighting at our heroes and he misses them. Dayvon uses his hand cannon on the shambler head which knocks it down to the floor; Luis decides to finish it off with the nailgun with great emotion. Luis goes one to say “Well I offered to be your friend and you declined so that’s what you get!” Dayvon replies “Just consider yourself lucky that we were able to kill that thing, because there are bound to be more of them around.” Luis responds “Yeah you’re right but we can handle them just like everything else!” The duo uses the sliver key on the door in front of them which opens and leads them inside a brown wooden room once again with the ominous looking Cabal symbols on the walls.

  Dayvon and Luis explore “The Palace Of Hate” which lives up to its name dealing our heroes nothing but hate towards them trying to make sure they fail in their mission. The palace is full of many dark rooms which made it prime real estate for ambushes which our heroes endured much of. However despite all of the challenges put in front of our heroes they survive or at least for now. Now they enter a wooden room and begin to explore their next labyrinth of survival horror. What was next for Dayvon and Luis? One can only guess what was next.

  Chapter 25(A)

  Darkgaryl’s Dark Delight

  I’m sure you would like to know the fate of Angel and Mariano; yes they did fall down the bridge but they are not dead or at least they are still breathing. However they have fallen into a dark abyss an underground labyrinth or the surroundings look like a place where lost souls would be lurking around. While their bodies are in the underground area, Angel’s soul is not. In fact Angel was back on Earth or so he thinks, he sees Maria goes to hug and kiss her. They kiss passionately for a couple of minutes. Everything seemed so beautiful to Angel almost like he had completed his mission that everything on Earth had been restored back to the way it was before all of this chaos started. However just like Dayvon this is all just an illusion that Angel has to break out of or else face the rest of his life living in a world of illusions where everything looks real but isn’t.

  When Angel opens his eyes he’s back home in Brooklyn but this time he is in a brownstone house. Angel says “Where am I, is this my new house? I see pictures of me and Maria when we got married but we never got married. I think somehow I’m back on Earth and the others were able to save me and now I’m back on in the real world with my dream girl how cool is this. I’m going to call the rest of the crew so they can come over, hey honey were are you?” Maria or at least it looked like Maria says “I’m over here honey putting something nice on just for you so that your friends can see that you got a good wife.” Angel responds “I love you honey, I’m glad you guys were able to save Earth even though I had died in the virtual world but it looks like everything has been reversed I got or I mean we got a nice house now!” Maria replies “Yeah this house is beautiful I love you too Angel but I think you better take a nap I think you been watching too many of those late night movies honey. Don’t worry I’ll wake you up.” Angel says in his head “Either Maria has some really bad memory or this isn’t really my wife and this is all just a really bad dream.” Angel says to Maria “This may sound strange but I want to ask you when we got married?” Maria happily replies “You silly goose you’re just pulling my leg aren't you but anyway all of you men forget anniversaries. We got married on May 27, 2015 on your birthday, it was so special I’m sure you at least the wedding itself.” While it all looked good to Angel but the reality was that May hasn’t arrived yet and while Angel wants to say he remembers his wedding the reality was he doesn’t remember because it never took place at least in his eyes.

  Angel begins to think is this all too good to be true or did actually die after falling off the bridge then his friends were able to complete the mission of saving the Earth and he has simply been transported to the future. Angel was very confused of what was going on but decided to go with the flow and acknowledge Maria as his wife as that is what was is true desires were anyway when the evil was defeated. Angel tells Maria “On second thought I’m fine hun I’ll be ok I’m just going to call everyone to ask them what time are they coming.” Maria replies “Ok baby you do that and I’ll start cooking.” The fact that Maria was acting normal did seem encouraging to Angel but he was still a bit spectacle about the situation. When Angel went to call his friends nobody answered their phones, Angel thought that everyone was busy or probably driving over to his house. Angel then asks Maria �
�Where do Luis and Dayvon live again?” Maria responds “Luis lives in New Jersey and Dayvon lives in upstate New York, you should know that. Baby you’re acting a little weird you seem to be losing your memory trust me everything you see here is real you got nothing to worry about.” Angel says “You’re right must be the business stressing me out.” Then he says to himself “At least I still have my business looks weird but I think this is real; can’t wait to talk to everyone about the adventure we had and what actually happened to me. Maria then calls Angel upstairs.

  Maria says “I’m upstairs honey I want to show you something real sexy!” Angel responds “Thought you would be cooking right now don’t you think these guys could be here any second.” Maria replies “Don’t worry this will only take ten minutes and I suggest you start stripping down yourself down to your underwear. I’ll take if off for you I’m feeling a bit hot right now and I need you to cool me down.” Angel excited says “No problem honey I don’t remember getting married but if I get to have sex that’s just fine with me! I’m on my way honey!” Angel felt strange going up to have sex with Maria, a girl he never was intimate with back on Earth and then all of a sudden Angel freezes where he is becomes concerned because there were simply too many questions in his mind about what everything that was taking place. Despite his doubts Angel goes up stairs begins to take his clothes off, enters the bedroom where Maria is waiting for him in sexy lingerie. Maria says “There goes my sexy tiger I knew you couldn’t resist to come up by the way I just got a text from your friends and they’re going to be a little late, giving us time to have some fun!” Angel jumps onto the bed stripping Maria naked and Maria taking Angel’s underwear off at the same time. Angel and Maria began to have passionate sex with each other, Angel felt convinced about everything because the sex felt real and the love between the two felt real; so what was there to be worried about? After an hour the two of them had become tired and began to cuddle each other inside the bed then they began to talk to each other with great emotion.

  Angel falls off a bridge in the virtual world and when he wakes up he finds himself in a nice brownstone house along with the love of his life Maria who was now his wife. Angel was beginning to be convinced that the others had succeeded in saving Earth because everything seemed to be normal again. Angel had his doubts because the date was much later than when he went into the virtual world meanwhile between then and now he had gotten married to Maria which he does not remember. Angel has sex with Maria or at least that’s what he’s thinking. However everything changes in a instant when he goes inside the closet to get his clothes Maria tries to stop him trying to tell Angel that she would get his clothes for him but the way she acted it was like she was trying to hide something. Angel becomes convinced that something is indeed wrong because his “wife” was trying to hide something from him. Angel waits until Maria leaves the room then he opens the closet and finds something extremely disturbing…

  Angel opens the closet to find hoodies similar to the ones that were worn by the Cabal and he says “Wait a minute honey what are we doing with this kind of clothing are you part of a cult. It’s time to come clean hun I knew something was funny. This isn’t Earth it's a trap by Darkgaryl to try and lure me into this sick illusion world. Alright Maria come on out or should I say Darkgaryl I know that this girl isn’t my wife. Maria comes into the bedroom with a handgun saying “I told you to stay still honey, now that you know the truth you need to die. FYI I still love you!” Maria shoots Angel but misses then Angel goes down the stairs with Maria chasing in hot pursuit of him. Angel says “I can’t believe it my girlfriend is trying to kill me after I gave her my love, is she part of this scheme?” Angel found a place to hide in the basement while he focused his mindset into believing that this was all just a really bad dream he was in. Maria says “Honey where are you, I just want to work things out with you don’t be scared now!” Angel is able to focus enough energy in his mind that he managed to break out of Darkgaryl’s mind trap and back into his body back in the virtual world. He finds himself in an underground temple or what was an underground passageway. Angel finds himself next to Mariano and is able to wake him up. Angel tells Mariano about the dream or mind trap that he was able to break out of. Then the Elder God shows up in front of our heroes.

  The Elder God says “Indeed Angel it was a mind trap that Darkgaryl tried to get you and he nearly succeed when you decided to get involved with what was an illusion of Maria. You were smart enough to find the truth that is indeed your future if the evil wins the gloobas along with the Cabal would rule the world, that’s what the Cabal hood symbolized.” Angel says “It felt so real though even the sex felt so good like it really was Maria and she even called me honey.” Elder God replies “I sense you have great love for this girl but you have to be careful Darkgaryl and the ultimate evil force who’s responsible for all this will try to brainwash you with illusions that everything is ok, you have to be strong to deflect those mind traps. You went through a lot just now Angel you are a very strong person anyone else would had fallen into the trap and live a life of lies for the rest of their lives. Well I have to go now; you must find a way out of this abyss I sense your friends are in great danger themselves, goodbye for now.” Angel and Mariano look ahead to the “Place of lost souls” or Darkgaryl’s dark delight where lost souls roamed the area.

  Angel and Mariano go straight for the elevator to their right side which leads them up. A teleporter or gateway can be seen ahead but it is blocked by a gate so the duo must find another way. Angel and Mariano go back down with the elevator then they find a door on the floor which opens revealing a small body of water. The two head underwater then they go through a small underwater passage until they resurface and they find themselves in a big room surrounded by cultists trying to take aim at the duo. Angel decides that the two of them should stay underwater in order to avoid getting shot at, they find a small path which leads them to a elevator that rises them into a hallway where they take out a couple of cultists. Mariano finds a switch which opens a four way bridge and then the center of the room opens as well. The duo heads for the center of the room while killing off more cultists along the way that were on the ledges. Angel and Mariano head to the center of the room where only one of the doors open while the ones to the left and right remain locked. The duo heads straight where they find fiends waiting but they are able to kill off easily. The two of them head down the ramp and activate a switch on the wall. All of a sudden the doors close and our heroes are trapped inside the room; afterwards several ogres come down to the room to attack the duo. Our heroes manage to avoid being cut up by the chainsaws of the ogres and are able to kill them after a long enduring battle then the doors open back up. Angel paused to think about once again what had happened in that mind trap and whether Maria could actually be trusted as a girlfriend or even as a friend in general.

  Angel tells Mariano “About that mind trap I don’t want think like this but was this really a mind trap or is Maria really going to turn her back on me and try to kill me?” Mariano replies “I wish I could help you on this one but you know this girl more than I do but only thing I can say is too watch your back because Maria does look like a person that could do something like that…” Angel cuts Mariano off and says “Whoa wait a minute didn’t you just say you couldn’t say anything but all of a sudden you’re saying not to trust her, which one is it? Second of all you don’t even know her that well you only met her for a few moments then boom we get separated!” Mariano responds “I’m just telling you what I thought of her, you can take it however you want it. Honestly that just might your wake up call.” After the small argument our heroes move on and head back to the center room where the locked door were now accessible, they see an elevator which takes them up. When they get up to the upper level they see some death knights who were new enemies to the duo so they were unaware of its characteristics. The knight attacks Angel but Mariano kills it with the life leech burning it to ashes, Angel gives Mariano his
thanks. Afterwards the duo jumps down to a lower level where an ogre is waiting he manages to push Mariano off the ledge into the water. Angel kills the ogre by pushing it to the spike that was sticking out of the wall; Angel says "You bastard, Mariano are you ok down there?" Angel gets no response from Mariano leaving him to assume that Mariano has perished after the fall. Angel then says "NO!! Mariano damn I'll avenge your death somehow, you might not have been the best person in the world but you didn't deserve to die this way!" Angel finds a platform next to him which floats around the room; he decides to get on to see where it would lead him.

  Angel kills cultists on the way that try to ambush him during the ride. Then angel sees a group of ogres at the end of the path but on top of them was a trap which would come down to crush the ogres. Angel looked for a way to activate the trap; he shoots the symbol above the ogres and the crushing trap with spikes comes down to crush the ogres. Angel says "Well you guys got a taste of your own medicine about time you guys become the bottom of the trap besides me! How does it feel, not so good I assume." The platform gets to the room where Angel killed the ogres with the trap; Angel gets off the platform goes into the room, finds another platform which activates once he is on. Angel understandably is nervous because he has no idea where the platform is taking him and he was all by himself this time around. The platform leads him to the door across the platform where Mariano was knocked off from, the door opens leading to an elevator. Angel takes the elevator up which leads him to a room full of hungry fiends; Angel mops the floor with the fiends with his thunderbolt weapon. Then Angel once again takes a pause to think about the mind trap again and is still upset about losing Mariano or at least that's what he assumes.


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