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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 45

by Angel Medina

  Angel says “Oh so the BattleGlooba wants another ass whooping, the one he got before wasn’t enough I guess!” Luis says to Angel “Ah Angel I think this guy means business and it doesn’t look like he wants to be our friends.” Dayvon says “Yup all he wants is revenge and we’re the targets.” The emperor says “Your friends are right Angel BattleGlooba hasn’t been the same since you embarrassed him back in the Mohawk temple. Let’s just say I gave life back to him, gave him a bigger body, deadlier claws and a bigger badder attitude. Ladies and gentleman meet your doom and his name is Super BattleGlooba. All I got to say is have fun, good luck and let the games begin. Now we’ll see who’s truly the better race us the gloobas or some puny human beings! I know I’ll be having fun watching you guys fight for your pathetic lives along with the lives of your former kind, this is going to be epic!” Angel says “Well these “puny” human beings will beat your little monster here then we’re coming after your ass in India.” The emperor says “A bold call for a human who’s about to meet his maker, well I look forward to seeing all of you but especially you Angel. That is if you can make it out of this stadium alive, well gotta go tata!” Our heroes look at the monstrous Super BattleGlooba who is the same BattleGlooba they killed previously but now he’s been built up, better equipped and has his eyes right towards our heroes. Our heroes were preparing for what would be their toughest fight so far in their journey.

  Our heroes see the anti-matter ball on the football field but as they suspected the gloobas had one more thing up their sleeves. However no one expected to hear the glooba emperor himself although he did not show himself he did show our heroes a little surprise. That surprise was their little friend BattleGlooba who they had killed previously but this time he was much bigger, tougher and meaner than before. So indeed our heroes did have one more game to play before they get their coveted prize, lets just see if they survive.

  Super BattleGlooba wastes no time in shooting his chain gun to our heroes chasing them around the stadium. Our heroes ran through the stadium just to avoid being shot at as they try to figure out to even get close to defeating this monster. When the Super BattleGlooba gets tired of shooting his chaingun he being to launch mortar shots but these shots were able to travel further than previously. He blasts every single hero indirectly and all of them go down to the floor a then the Super BattleGlooba begins to laugh as he begins to approach Angel to finish him off. However Maria shoots a laser to Super BattleGlooba to distract him but it just does that distract him it has little effect. Then the Super BattleGlooba begins to bull run towards Maria, Maria is barely able to dodge the attack. Maria notices that the Super BattleGlooba has a blue hue around him probably representing his armor and the creature tries to slash her with his huge claws. However when he is prepared to slash Maria Angel launches a couple of missiles from his weapon to distract the creature, once again that’s the only thing that happens. The Super BattleGlooba once again begins to launch mortar shots and while they miss our heroes but the blast are enough to blast our heroes back to the ground. It seems like that the Super BattleGlooba was having his way with our heroes; the situation is becoming hopeless for our heroes. Have our heroes met their match, will BattleGlooba actually get his revenge on our heroes?

  Our heroes were still on the floor trying to get up but the Super BattleGlooba was making his approach and once again his target is Angel. The creature says in an alien accent “It’s all over Angel; it’s time to pay for making me look bad!” Super BattleGlooba prepared to slash Angel but out of no where Rebecca dives in the way saying “No way you got to get through me first!” taking full impact of the claw slash. Super BattleGlooba was shocked but glad at the same time because even though he didn’t get Angel he got Rebecca. Maria shoots the creature once again to distract him and the Super BattleGlooba turns his attention away from Angel which was Maria’s intention. Dayvon and Luis combine to shoot at the creature but even their combined effort has little to no effect on the creature. Angel screams “It’s his armor that blue color around him is his armor and probably how he get’s his power. Wait I see what’s going on here?” Angel sees where Super BattleGlooba gets his power from; it was a panel reflecting powerful UV rays towards the Super BattleGlooba giving him his power. All Angel needed to do was to take down that panel but it was high up and too far for him to reach. Angel tries to take the risky approach of having the Super BattleGlooba shoot him with mortars in hopes he shoots the panel down by accident. Angel says to the others “Run away as far as you can and as for you ugly piece of shit come and get me if you can!” The creature takes Angel’s bluff and begins to launch mortar shells at Angel; Angel had to be careful not to get hit himself. Dayvon then sees a blimp which throws down a weapon of some sort but he has no idea what it is.

  Meanwhile Angel tries to dodge the shells being shot at him and his plan was coming to fruition the foundation holding the panel was collapsing it just needed a little more for the panel to fall. The Super BattleGlooba was so involved with getting his vengeance on Angel kept shooting without realizing he was destroying his own power source. After a few more minutes the foundation collapses along with the UV panel and all of a sudden the blue hue around Super BattleGlooba was gone. Angel says to Super BattleGlooba “Hey looks like that blue shine you had is not there anymore, aww you mad I killed your shine.” The Super BattleGlooba hit the ground so hard it causes an earthquake taking the seats out and Angel falls through the cracks. Maria sees what just happened and says “You son of a bitch you just messed with my boyfriend, play time is over!” Maria starts to shoot Super BattleGlooba without any care in the world and the shot begin to have more of an effect but not enough to take the creature out. Maria says to Dayvon “Grab that weapon, it maybe our only hope!” Dayvon heads to the weapon being careful not to get hit by any mortar shells and he grabs it. He sees it is an ion blaster which would shoot ion rays instead of laser waves it has just enough juice for one shot so he had to make it count. Once Dayvon has a clear shot he says to Super BattleGlooba “Game over pal!” he shoots the ion blaster which weakens Super BattleGlooba significantly even to the point he starts to kneel down for a second. Luis says “Everyone this is our chance he’s down! Everyone shoot to kill!” Maria, Luis and Dayvon combine their efforts to shoot down Super BattleGlooba and eventually the creature kneels down for more than a minute. Maria sees this as a shot to go under Super BattleGlooba groin area and she’s know even though this was “Super BattleGlooba” his groin was still his weak spot. She gets under Super BattleGlooba and says “The only thing super about you is how super useless you are, goodbye and good riddance because you lose!” Maria uses her RPG to blast a hole in the creature groin which causes him to bleed uncontrollably, the Super BattleGlooba screams in pain so loud even the emperor could hear.

  The emperor says “No how can this be, how could a bunch of human defeat my ultimate weapon?” Maria responds “If this is your ultimate weapon you better try harder because we’re coming for you! If I was you I would gather whatever troops you still have and retreat before we come to destroy your whole race!” The emperor replies “Damn you might have defeated Super BattleGlooba but you’re running out of time. I dare you to come to India I’ll be waiting for you, all of you even if I have to finish you off myself!” Dayvon says “Well we got you scared; we got you on the run now!” Luis follows with “Today Super BattleGlooba, tomorrow it will your ass that will get fried. You will eat your own words.” The emperor replies “Curse you humans you’re more of a challenge than I thought but you haven’t won yet!” After the emperor cuts off communication the trio goes to check on Angel and Rebecca. Angel is caught in between section of seats but he is pulled out by Luis and Dayvon and says “Good job guys that was a rough one I can’t believe Rebecca gave her life to save mines.” Dayvon asks “What are you talking about?” Maria looking at Rebecca’s dead body says “This is what Angel means, Rebecca’s dead but if it wasn’t for her Angel would had gotten slashed and he would have
be killed instead.” Angel grabs the last part of the anti-matter ball putting the ball together and now our heroes had the anti-matter ball in full, all they had to do was get Quentin to reformulate it. Angel says “Don’t worry Rebecca I’ll make sure your death isn’t in vain, you shall be avenged!” Luis says “Now we got the ball how do we get back to the Arctic Circle where Quentin is.” The Elder God appears in front of our heroes.

  The Elder God responds “Don’t worry Luis I’ll create a warp for you guys to get to Quentin, now the question of if he’s alive I can’t answer we can only hope he’s still alive. However congrats on your hard fought victory against this beast, you have completed part one of your mission. Now the toughest part is next going to the Himalayan Mountains and getting the ball into the anti-matter machine. You can be sure the glooba emperor will be waiting for you out there trying to stop you.” Angel says “You can count on us to stop him!” The Elder God says “The warp is complete now hurry you don’t have much time left.” All of our heroes head into the warp back to the Arctic Circle where they would hopefully find Fabian and Quentin still alive at Fabian’s hideout back in the Yukon.

  Our heroes did it they have completed their journey in getting the anti-matter ball in complete form. It did not come without its price, Rebecca sacrificed her life to save Angel’s and Orlando was still MIA. Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis manage to defeat one of the emperor’s greatest creations the Super BattleGlooba thanks to some quick thinking by Angel. Now it’s time to get the ball reformulated and head to the Himalayas located in the peaks of India. However the emperor of the gloobas promised he was not done yet, so our heroes were prepared for a final fight against the emperor of evil itself. Now it is a race against the clock only a day and a quarter remains before the effects of the virtual world would become a reality on Earth itself. The only question how many worms were going to pop out and is Orlando really on our heroes side or was the time trap Angel got caught in back in medieval times trying to tell him something. At this point anything that can happen will probably happen.

  Chapter 39

  Preparing For The Final Destination

  After defeating Super BattleGlooba our heroes head back into the warp where they are transported back to Fabian’s hideout. When our heroes are inside they are relieved to see that Fabian and Quentin are still alive and well. Angel gives Quentin the anti-matter ball so he can reformulate in a matter that the ball can reverse the effects of the virtual world once it's put inside the anti-matter machine. Then the Elder God appears once again to give our heroes a briefing of what they are about to walk into.

  Angel says “Hey Quentin am I glad to see you!” Quentin says “The same to you and everyone else. I see you didn’t make any new friends.” Maria responds “Actually we did but one is defending space, one is gone missing and one sacrificed her life to save ours.” Quentin replies “Well sounds like an adventure now let me take the anti-matter ball so I can begin to reformulate it and we can go finish the mission.” The Elder God appears and says “I will begin to create the warp to India but as I speak to you know this maybe the last speech you receive if you shall fail. I sense very negative vibes coming from India, vibes that indicate that someone is up to no good.” Angel says “The only thing I sense is the emperor finally coming out and getting his ass handed by me!” Elder God says “Yes the emperor has his main base there but getting there will be a challenge you have to cross the rock bridge of endurance and I’m sure the emperor will throw everything at you guys. However you guys are so close to victory and I will help you by giving all of you better armor and upgrading your weapons to defend yourselves better, you’re going to need it. I figured I would call upon another one of your friends to join you, you will need all the help you can get.” Coming out of a separate warp Samantha comes to join the rest of the crew members.

  Samantha says “Am I late to the party?” Angel replies “Nope you’re just in time, now this is a team to be reckoned with!” Quentin says “Well the ball has been reformulated as you can see by the green color on the ball instead of the white it used to have.” Luis says “Good job poindexter now lets get out there and kick some alien butt!” The Elder God says “Even with your numbers you’ll be outnumber by the aliens but you guys have been able to over come those odds.” Angel says “If we had Orlando it would be better but who knows if he need our help or if he’s trying to two-time us. However we can’t worry about that now there’s only one thing left to do and it’s to jump inside the warp. Quentin says “Well we got one more day to do this so it’s us against the aliens and time.” The Elder God says “I’m confident that you will succeed, I wish you guys the best of luck in this trial that has been put in front of you.” All of our heroes head into the warp on their way to the Himalayas and the Elder God says to himself “The true battle of good and evil has truly begun. This will decide everything the fate of mankind and the fate of Earth. Will Earth be saved or will it be plunged to darkness for years to come. It is no longer in my hands good luck my children.”

  Angel gives Quentin the anti-matter ball to reformulate it and the ball turns green indicating that it has be completely reformulated. Then the Elder God comes in to give our heroes his final words before they head to India. He also upgrades their armor and weapons so they can defend themselves better. The Elder God now knows that the fate of Earth is no longer in his hands and Earth is in the hands of our chosen ones. Every trial our heroes have gone through was to prepare them for what will be the final battle. Remembering what the Elder God said before to go into every situation with a careful tongue. Our heroes have to be careful as Orlando is still MIA and Angel now questions the honestly of Orlando. Our heroes travel the warp to India.

  Final Area - The Himalayas

  Chapter 40

  Mountains Of Betrayal

  All of our heroes make their final preparations heading to the Himalayas as they look for the anti-matter ball to insert the ball. Angel and the crew still have questions about Orlando but they figure that he probably needs their help and he is being held hostage. Our heroes finally arrive at the beginning of the bridge of endurance; the skies turn into an ominous gray and even dark gray. Our heroes knew a storm was on its way and after a few minutes rain drops begin to fall along with a rumble of thunder. Angel, Luis, Dayvon, Maria, Fabian, Quentin and Samantha knew that a storm was about to begin not only literally but figuratively as well.

  Angel and the others arrive at the beginning of the bridge of endurance. Right away Angel sees numerous alien defense towers and knows that getting to the main alien base was going to be met with heavy resistance. Angel says to the others “Well hopefully everyone’s ready it’s going to be a bumpy ride, entering glooba defense zone.” Dayvon says “Here we go!” Luis says “Time to show these bastards whose boss!” Maria says “I’m right behind you guys!” Quentin says “I just want this to be over already, feel the wind picking up already!” An alien voice says “Caiman here no problems.” However as soon as he sees the heroes close by he says “Do you copy? Emergency maneuvers!” Angel says “Too late game over pal!” The winds started to pick up and the rain started to become steadier. As the heroes approach the bridge the aliens start to attack first groups of salamander troopers, second groups of iguana enforcers and third a group of boar cops. The aliens did not hold back coming in large numbers our heroes had to work together just to defeat the initial wave. However Angel knows that at some point that he and the others are going to have to make a run for it as the aliens were not going to hold back.

  As the heroes figured out already the crossing the bridge would only get harder as they were attacked by continuous swarms of glooba troops and now they were being shot at by hoverships along with a spaceship. Once again our heroes don’t even think twice they shoot at everything that moves while moving forward at the same time. Angel says “Come on guys hold together!” The winds became even stronger and the rain started to come down even harder; Quentin says “Well no use trying to stay
dry I guess.” The heroes pick up the guns that are lying around from the fallen spaceship and Angel spots alien troops coming out of the defense towers. He tells the others to shoot down the towers as that would slow down the pace the aliens would come out. Dayvon says “What the heck are those things?” Everyone sees flying robots in the shape of butterflies shooting energy balls at our heroes, the heroes dodge the energy blasts but the blast causes Quentin to nearly fall off the bridge. Angel and the others take out the flying robots while Quentin tries to hang on for dear life of the edge; he knows he’s literally on the razors edge with the high powered winds. Luis says “Quentin hang in there buddy we’re coming to get you…” As our heroes try to save Quentin the winds keep knocking them back down and Quentin starts to lose his grip on the bridge. Quentin says “Come on guys I can’t hold on much longer these winds are too strong…” Once the winds calm down Angel runs to Quentin and says “Come grab hand quick before the wind picks up or before more enemies show up!” More of the flying robots come after our hero’s.

  Angel, Maria, Dayvon, Luis and Quentin have made it to the Himalayan Mountains which is the final goal of our heroes but as expected it isn’t coming easy for our heroes. A storm of not only alien's hits but also a powerful wind and rain storm begins making it even harder for our heroes to cross. To make matters worse our heroes were at a very high elevation so falling down meant instant death. The gloobas pull off all of the stops even sending in their latest weapon the butterfly robot to take out our heroes in a last ditch effort to stop our heroes. A combination of a powerful wind and the blast from the butterfly robot push Quentin off to the edge of the bridge where he is hanging on for dear life. The wind makes it hard for any of the other to come in for the save but the wind calms down and Angel makes his move towards Quentin. As Angel is going to get Quentin more butterfly robots come out to attack our heroes. Will our heroes be strong enough to withstand the storm that has come towards them?


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