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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 62

by Angel Medina

  Angel gathers himself and tries to punch the gas mask out of Orlando’s face but to no avail. Angel begins to get drowsy and leans towards the wall.

  Orlando says in an evil tone, “Aww looks like Angel has run out of breath, it’s all too easy but why delay the inevitable. Goodbye Angel!”

  Orlando begins to deliver the final blow until Angel is able to lift his right arm up and remove the mask from Orlando’s face. He put’s on the mask right away to catch his breath. Orlando tries to fight back but the gas is too much for him to handle and he passes out on the floor. Angel grabs the keycard out of Orlando’s pocket getting him out of the gas chamber and to the chief’s office. Angel ponders why did Maine turn on him or was he trying to help him by killing Orlando with the Gas. Angel could not be too sure however.

  Angel enters the waiting room of the chief’s office which actually looked pretty good with a glass table, comfortable couches and a big screen television. Angel sees several guards sitting around and decides to go in guns-a-blazing as he was catching them by surprise. While Angel was killing off the guards he can hear the voice of Mayor Williams.

  “I know you’re in there Williams there’s nowhere to hide or run to. So why not do us a favor and just come out like a man!” Angel screams towards Williams

  Mayor Williams says in a low tone, “Come on in Angel.”

  Angel goes inside the office surprised that the Mayor is letting him in

  “Ok Mr. Williams you got some explaining to do, first things first why did you kill my brother?” while pointing a gun at the mayor.

  “Now Angel I did not kill your brother. I’ll admit I am involved in this plutonium business along with Ivan but it’s strictly business nothing more.” Williams stays calmly.

  “Bullshit! Business my ass only, so why was my brother killed at the construction site? Answer that!”

  Angel’s face turns red, foam begins to come out of his mouth, and points the gun to the mayor with more emotion. Angel was so heated that one smart word by the mayor and he would be a dead man.

  “Also why are you so scared of me and determined to get rid of me? Sounds like I’m the pawn that needs to go down before you can start your new world order or complete your orders from the gloobas! I seen the creatures at the docks Williams, you can’t lie to me!”

  “Well I may be involved in some “questionable” activity with Ivan but I did not kill your brother.” Williams keeps his cool.

  “How can I believe you? Wasn’t Jane a target of yours so you can win the election! Look Williams I don’t trust you with the tip of my finger. You lied to the public about the housing project and you’re working with Ivan out of all criminals! I ought to shoot you now!”

  “Go ahead, but if you do you are not half the detective that I took you for. Don’t you question who was there first at your brother’s corpse?”

  “Carlos, wait a minute you’re saying my uncle killed my brother and is framing me?” Angel suddenly has second thoughts.

  “Why else would he tell you to stay out of the case? Besides he’s trying to bring his CES forces here and always finds a way to dig into my bank account once in a while. Believe me Carlos is a treacherous bastard who has betrayed and blackmailed many officers in the force. I for one want him out as much as you. You just don’t know it yet. He wants to break you because he could get rid of any other officer. With you in the picture his plans have gone kaboom.” Pinnacle continues to pace back and forth calmly, while smoking a cigar. “I purpose an alliance between me and you. We may not see eye to eye on most things but if you go to Carlos’s office and get into his files you’ll see he was involved with your brother’s murder and he’s the one who made the order with the glooba alien race. What do you say Angel?” Williams puffs smoke out of his cigar.

  “Well looks like I don’t have no choice, no do I? I gotta trust you after you sent Orlando to kill me!” Angel is hesitant to answer the Mayor. “However I’ll do It, Carlos hasn’t always been the most honest man in the world. However don’t think I won’t be watching though because I will!”

  Angel makes his way back to the place he almost gets executed and finds the place is in shambles. However the only thing that concerns him is catching Mayor Williams. When Angel gets deeper into the prison he learns that Maine isn’t a true ally as he turns on the gas in the gas chamber when Angel is attacked by Orlando. Angel has no idea if he was the target or if it was Orlando. Angel confronts the Mayor who pleads that he is not the killer of Angel’s brother, in fact the Mayor wants to work together with Angel to bust Carlos. Williams claims that Carlos is the real murderer of Robert and Frank Kelly. Angel accepts the alliance but not on good terms, Angel still has his doubts about Mayor William’s allegiance.

  Chapter 16

  The Stash

  Angel finds out that Mayor Williams is indeed playing a role in the plutonium scandal. The mayor pledges though that he did not kill Angel’s brother and that his uncle Carlos had a hand in that. Mayor Williams also refuses to accept responsibility for the unsuccessful hit put on Jane Parker his mayoral opponent. He also puts blame on Carlos for that hit attempt. He does open up to the fact that there is corruption and he has a hand in it. However, he indicated that Carlos is a man that cannot be trusted, as he would try to get his hands on the money that was being made. Angel agrees with the mayor’s plan salvaging his life, to go to Carlos’s office. Williams promises the evidence he finds there will be ground-breaking.

  Angel says in his mind, “Plan was simple Williams would call Carlos saying I was chasing him in the precinct. That would give me enough time to see what worms my uncle was hiding from me.”

  Angel gets spotted by a CES trooper and he heads to the command center to radio Carlos. Angel kills off most of the troopers in the parking garage, trying to kill the trooper who was trying to radio Carlos.

  The trooper tries to radio Carlos saying, “Carlos… Carlos are you there? Can you here me? Damn this stupid frequency is too hard to pinpoint exactly.”

  With that Angel had some time to kill the trooper before he could contact Carlos. However more CES units make their way out, Angel shoots several of them. With the other troopers Angel disarmed them or used melee combat to pick them off. Angel made good use of Carlos’s cars that were parked for cover, as he was being shot at. The cars that were parked included Dodge Chargers, Chevy Corvettes, Porsche 911’s and Ford Mustangs all high priced cars.

  “Well Carlos there goes your priceless cars all shot up, wonder who’s putting up the bill for those cars. I gotta hurry that dud is bound to find the right frequency and if he does I’m a dead duck.” Angel says humorously.

  Angel makes a run up the stairs and sees the man calling for Carlos. The door that the radio is located is locked, so Angel looks for another way. He sees the man through the window. The window looks like it is bulletproof

  “Shit there’s got to be a way inside. Oh what am I talking about all I got to do is break this window.” Angel breaks the window using the handle of his machine gun. To Angel’s surprise the window was breakable and Angel enters the room where the trooper was located.

  “Sorry to do this but I can’t let you call your boss. There’s been a change of plans. No need to worry you’ll be back to yourself after I reverse time! Well here comes the cavalry!”

  Angel shoots the CES troopers from the safety of the command center. When Angel gets out of the commander center he meets a couple of troopers waiting for him outside. He arm throws one of them and roundhorse kicks the other trooper in the jaw. Angel finds the button in the commander center to activate the door to go inside the office.

  “Well lets see what my uncle has hiding under the rug? Ok my bastard uncle, time to expose your ass for whom you really are!”

  Angel enters the main hallway that is blue and gray in color. Angel needs to find a map of the place and find where Carlos hides the evidence on his cases. He takes care of a few CES units in the hallway, using the wall as cover. The room to his le
ft has bullets and a map of the office. When Angel leaves the room more CES troopers come out including one that is armed with a Gatling gun.

  “Shit I’m a dead man if I walk out there like a fool, I gotta improvise.”

  Angel finds some flashbang grenades that he threw backhanded towards the troopers. After the flashbang goes off Angel uses the blindness of the troopers to pick the off from behind. As for the man with the Gatling gun he was a heavier built, Angel disarms the trooper. This CES trooper was much bigger than his fellow teammates and went by the name of “Big Debo”. He was African-American with a huge built. He was at least 7ft tall and by looking at his face he would intimidate just about everyone. However Angel is not intimidated by Debo. Debo punches Angel down to the floor.

  Debo then asks, “You had enough punk or does Debo need to do more?”

  “Yeah a whole lot more, you maybe, big but the bigger they are the harder they fall!”

  Angel continues to dodge Debo’s punches and avoids getting grabbed. Angel gets Debo into a corner and begins to unleash on Debo until Debo kicks him back to the center of the hallway. Then Debo chases Angel into the storage room trapping Angel inside. Debo punches Angel in the stomach and Angel falls to the ground.

  Debo in a cocky tone says to Angel. “Well Angel punk ass what you going do now? Any last words Angel before Debo destroys you?”

  Angel grabs a brick without Debo being aware that he has picked up the brick.

  Angel response to Debo, “Yeah I hope you like eating bricks for breakfast!”

  Angel with his right hand strikes Debo with the brick knocking him out. Then he uses the brick again on Debo, just for good measure.

  “I maybe little but I’m one tough cookie! Now where is the evidence room? No answer I guess. Hmm gotta go through the center door, proceed to the hallway all the way till to the end and then go left. That sounds easy enough, well that is if the door isn’t locked, shit gotta cut the power on this door so the lock will release.”

  Angel heads to the electrical room but that door is locked as well. So he heads right till he gets to the shooting range. There numerous numbers of CES troopers waiting for Angel.

  Angel says, “Hmm target practice, perfect chance to hone my shooting skills, time to kill some sitting ducks!”

  Angel ducks down when the men shoot and pops out shooting a few of them when the time is right. Angel grabs a grenade and lobs it to where the men are standing.

  “Bombs away suckers!”

  One of the CES troopers says, “Grenade!”

  The troopers blow up along with the grenade. Angel heads to the corpses to see if they left anything useful and to his suspicion he does find something useful. Angel acquires an electrical room keycard from one of the dead corpses. He heads to the electrical room where he uses the keycard to gain entrance. Inside more CES troopers try to attack Angel and Angel makes quick work of them. Angel heads to the console to release the power for the door.

  “Hmm a timer with a contact looks like a simple circuit that I need to override. Hmm… Normally Closed Circuit… should keep the door closed; all I have to do is make it open all the time. Just move this wire from N/C to N/O and boo-ya the door should be open overriding the keycard reader.”

  Angel heads to the central door and sees the door is open. He heads inside the hallway and begins to make his move towards the evidence room. Before he gets there CES troopers come and try to take Angel out. Angel makes quick work of the troopers. Angel realizes that chances are that the evidence room door is going to be locked, so instead Angel explores the other rooms.

  “The evidence room will probably be locked so I should explore the other rooms. There could be more evidence in those other rooms that I may not be even aware of.” Angel says thinking of his next move.

  Angel enters the filing room where he is met with some more CES troopers. After killing the troopers inside, he looks through the files but finds nothing of interest. All he finds are archived files of past cases, but Angel decides to take them just in case.

  “May not be what I’m looking for, but with this evidence it looks like my uncle Carlos has been blackmailing people for a very long time. He even tried to blackmail my father at one point, but I was too young to realize what the two were fighting about. This alone could get him kicked out of the force. At that point I realized Carlos may have hired Bill as a hitman to kill my father. It was all starting to come together! Now I just have to make sure I got this information to the right person.”

  After leaving the filing room Angel puts the files inside one of William’s cars for safekeeping. Angel goes back and enters the other room which simply read “Restricted Access”. Angel wonders what secrets are lying inside that Carlos doesn’t want anybody to know. When Angel enters the room he is shocked at what is inside. It is rows and rows of capsules containing gloobas like creatures, ranging from ones he’s seen to ones that were in their experimental stages. Angel takes pictures of all of the capsules while in complete shock.

  Angel says in his mind, “Now I understand why this was such a big secret. Carlos is working with the gloobas to take the city for himself. Poor fool he doesn’t realize that all that money is going to buy him nothing but a fancy funeral. What’s this, a memo from the gloobas it reads?”

  The memo reads, “Kill Jane Parker, Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis. Also send us a continued supply of liquid plutonium to feed and raise our army. Just remember you’ll get all of New York and a nice salary for the rest of your life along with the mayor and Iván. However we get the rest of the world is that understood? Remember Angel is our biggest threat; make sure you do everything you can to keep him out of the picture!”

  Angel says in his mind, “Oh that makes a lot more sense they are trying to make this look like an accident. Carlos though he had everything planned but Robert had discovered him or at least investigating that’s why he was killed. In otherwords he had to be killed, leaving me the odd man out. If Carlos could get rid of me he could cruise on by, but as long as I was still around his plans were being delayed. Hate to say it but the mayor maybe right Carlos maybe trying to get me next therefore taking the Medina family out. If I found this much evidence here I wonder what the evidence room had in store for me.”

  Several of the capsules begin to break open and the glooba creatures came out aiming for Angel. It was a salamander trooper, poisonpus, iguana enforcer and a new frog-like creature. Angel has no problem taking out the salamander trooper and iguana enforcer. However he is grabbed by the tongue of the frog creature and hit by poison ink by the poisonpus. Angel hits the floor hard not being able to get up. It looks like Angel was defeated and unable to get up. The frog-like creature opens its mouth like it was ready to swallow Angel in whole. However a mysterious man kills both creatures. It turns out to be Luis; Angel is shocked to see Luis.

  Angel says while on the floor poisoned, “Thanks Luis but why?”

  “I believe you are indeed innocent. Well it did take the Elder God to convince me, but I know you wouldn’t go kill the commissioner yourself. Let me help you up and see if I can heal you back to health.”

  Angel goes into a filing room and finds out that the mayor is right, Carlos has been blackmailing officers for a very long time. However the more disturbing discovery is the one he makes in the restricted access room. He finds that Carlos is experimenting with glooba creatures, so the gloobas have made their presence known, although to a much smaller degree. Angel reads the memo written by the gloobas to Carlos, which indicates a deal that he, will give them the plutonium in exchange for riches. Now if the mayor and Iván are aware of this remains to be seen. The million dollar question was what was behind the evidence room door? Luis was going to help Angel recover from being poisoned, looks like Luis has gotten to trust Angel once again.

  Luis helps Angel up and gets him to the medical room where he prepares a simple herbal tea. Luis wasn’t as good in preparing medicine but he has read up on it. Angel drinks the tea and begins t
o feel better almost instantly.

  Angel asks Luis, “You trust me I assume. I guess you’ve learned the truth as well.”

  “Yeah that double crossing uncle of yours is the one I don’t trust. I should have known he wasn’t only after you, but after us as well. To add to that he’s working with those alien bastards!”

  “It’s like Chief Sitting Hawk said “Greed is mankind’s biggest weakness” He has a flashback to the conversation he has with Chief Sitting and he was told the same thing. It was like a warning to be careful who you deal with. “My uncle is simply a greedy bastard that needs to pay for his sins. I can’t help but to think the mayor shouldn’t get a free pass either.”

  “Well I’ll find another way out of this place, I’m sure those CES troops will have the front entrance covered. I’ll meet you by the back exit. Take this is the keycard for the evidence room.”

  “Thanks Luis for helping me out of this mess. I’m glad you see thing for what they really are.”

  Angel heads for the evidence room, while Luis heads for the back exit. Angel meets some CES units and handles them in melee combat. He uses his legs to flip one of the troopers to the wall, the second trooper he knee bashes the trooper in the head, and for the final trooper he sweep kicks him, then he shoots him in the head with his pistol.

  Before heading inside the evidence room Angel says,” Well I’m about to find out all of your dirty secrets my dear uncle. I’ll bet you wanted me dead since day one or when I joined the force.”

  Angel is anxious to get inside of the evidence room, but has to wait for the keycard to be accepted. After a few seconds the card is accepted and Angel opens the door to the evidence room. What Angel finds inside are files belonging to his father and his brother. He also sees that Patch was hired by Carlos himself to kill Frank Kelly by cloning himself to look like Angel to cover his tracks.

  Angel says in his head, “When I went inside the evidence room, most if not all of my questions were answered. I found out that the anti-matter ball is at the air base being worked on, but I may not need to have to reverse time. I uncovered the truth that the mayor was indeed right I was setup by my uncle. He had hired Patch to clone himself using my DNA to kill the police commissioner and make it look like it was me. That son of a bitch set me up and I was beginning to understand why. I was the old man out, I had to be killed. Since I was the only one who could expose Carlos for who he really is or at least have the skills necessary to convict Carlos. What is this lizard masks I’ve seen them before in the cemetery and the docks. Now I know who I been blasting, CES boys, Carlos had been trying to kill me since I escaped.”


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