The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 66

by Angel Medina

Clark takes off in his news van in a hurry so he could get the story in the press. Clark was only too excited about getting the story off to the presses. Then the Elder God shows up to greet our heroes.

  “Good work Angel not only did you figure out what is going on, but you have also regained the trust of your fellow comrades. It’s not over yet, I’m here to tell you that the anti-matter machine is located in the Marriott hotel in the furnace room. Carlos will try everything in his power to stop you. Don’t expect him to play fair. Remember this time if you succeed you get to chose who comes back to life. Well its time for me to go, you only have until tonight until the effects of what has happen become permanent. Goodbye and good luck.” The Elder God disappears.

  “How appropriate when the clock strikes midnight Carlos wins. Works out perfectly as that is where I was heading anyway. Let’s say he will be very disappointed when midnight never shows up. Come on everyone we don’t have much time!”

  Angel drives Quentin to Virtual Labs located in Queens so Quentin can begins to reformulate the anti-matter ball. While the rest of the crew head back to the city towards the Marriot. Angel decides to leave the car to Quentin so he can drive when he is done. Angel, Luis, Maine and Maria all decide to take the subway to the Marriot in the heart of Times Square. Quentin walks into the lab and quickly begins to work on reformulating the anti-matter ball, time was of the essence. It was 8:45 in the evening.

  “The time has come to put this whole scheme to bed. All of the worms have popped out of the can and it’s time to catch the rat bastard that deserves to be punished!” Angel prepares himself and Maria gets close to Angel to show her love for him.

  “Well this is what where relationships are put to the test and I almost failed that test. Now I know we are truly met to be together, I ripped the divorce papers. I love you honey!”

  “Sorry I ever doubted your honesty but Carlos made it seem so convincing. He almost committed the perfect crime.” Luis apologizes humbled

  “However he didn’t, we caught on to him. Now it’s just the matter of the media exposing him for who he is and getting everyone to believe us.” Maine tries to get the for pumped up.

  The four of them catch the next train heading towards Times Square.

  Cecilo confesses to Angel that he is a clone and his analogue is still on Earth but he still retained the same feelings as his analogue back one Earth. He didn’t like Carlos and wouldn’t mind see him go down. Angel is told by the Elder God that the anti-matter machine is located at the Marriot. It so happens that is where Carlos was going to be for the night. Angel drops Quentin off at Virtual Labs so he could reformulate the ball. Angel was prepared for a final battle with Carlos and knew that it was going to be rough, more importantly though it was going to be personal.

  Chapter 21

  The Story of the Century

  Angel, Maria, Maine and Luis ride the train towards Times Square and Angel thinks about how he should approach Carlos when he meets him. One part of his conscience says to totally kill Carlos mercilessly. The other part says that we would be no better if he would to kill Carlos and that’s not the way his father would want Angel to avenge him. The train arrives at the 8th Avenue train station, once the four get off the train station they are met with CES troopers. Looks like Carlos is one step ahead of Angel, he has troopers in the train station.

  Angel says surprised, “Shit looks like Carlos was waiting for us there goes his CES clowns on the platform. Let’s give them hell!”

  Angel and his comrades begin to shoot the troopers and a shootout would break out in the subway. Angel and the other three ran towards the exit of the subway. However the underground station is huge. The heroes would run into many store fronts and even dead ends that were barricaded by the police.

  “Shit they are determined to keep us trapped down here!” Luis sees the dead end.

  “There’s another exit towards the west side of the station. Let’s go!” Maine comes up with a solution.

  Maria screams, “Who the hell gave us away? I don’t think that man we met back at Long Island can be trusted. There’s no way Carlos would anticipate us coming that accurately!”

  Our heroes go through the other side of the train station, while killing off CES troopers along the way. Angel spots the exit from a far and tells everyone to follow his lead. Everybody jumps over the turnstile, Maria jumps and shoots a trooper who tries to ambush the four. Angel sprints out of the exit and out to street level. All of a sudden an explosion is heard and then the exit leading to the exit collapses trapping Maine, Luis and Maria inside the subway station.

  “Damn looks like I’ll be going inside solo until you guys can find a way out of the station. I’ll go in the hotel and get Carlos.” Angel says in frustration. “You guys just find a way out of the station. Besides it would be more appropriate if I took care of Carlos myself!”

  Angel runs towards the Marriot. Then he enters the hotel carefully not knowing who is inside.

  Angel says in his head, “They say that is always darkest before the dawn, it was pitch black by the time I got to the Marriot. It was the same Marriot where Carlos tried to kill Jane Parker. I was battered, bruised, beaten up and abused. However I wasn’t quite done yet. NYC was now short one mayor and one mayoral candidate. Helga was killed, so was Ana along with Boris and Iván. So was my brother which is the one that hurt me the most and has lit the fire in me for revenge. Everyone was dying except for the one man that deserved to die, but I still had a few bullets left in me!”

  Angel walks towards the elevator and when the elevator comes down a couple of CES troopers come out.

  One of the troopers says, “You’re a dead men Angel!”

  Angel disarms one of the troopers of his shotgun and uses it to kill him. As for the other trooper, Angel kicks the trooper up causing him to drop his machine gun. While the CES trooper still in the air Angel shoots the trooper midair. More CES troopers arrive in the hallway and Angel kills them off. Angel heads towards the main hallway, which consist of a skylight and upper levels above. Angel enters the main hallway until he hears the skylight crack and sees a helicopter above him. The helicopter begins to shoot Angel and drop CES troopers towards the hallway.

  Angel takes out as many troopers as he can, but notices that no matter how many troopers he kills more keep appearing.

  “These guys are just going to keep on coming until I take that helicopter out. Its armor plated though so I need some heavy artillery to take that chopper down.” Angel ponders on how he is going to take down the chopper.

  Angel continues to kill more troopers but he has to duck constantly to avoid the bullets from the helicopter. Angel shoots the helicopter, but it does little to the helicopter. Angel sees a CES trooper in the upper level with a RPG trying to shoot him. Angel runs and dives to avoid the rocket which destroys a few sofas and high end furniture. Angel sees an opportunity to find an explosive weapon to take the chopper down. All he had to do was get to the upper level where the CES had explosives located.

  Angel continues to dodge helicopter fire and continues to deal with the continuous flow of CES troopers. Angel tries to find as many hiding places to pick off the troopers and finds his opportunity to go back out to the hallway. Angel reaches the 2nd floor with only having to go up one more floor. Angel has a hard time going up to the upper floor as he finds himself surrounded by CES trooper as he gets trapped in a corner area. Angel finds another devastator and uses it to blast his way through the CES troopers.

  Angel makes it to the second level and finds another devastator. Angel being the master of the weapon uses it to clear the CES troopers that had him surrounded. Angel now aims for the attack helicopter and heads for the third uppermost level.

  Angel runs up to the uppermost level and loads himself with missiles for the devastator. Angel begins to unload missiles towards the attack chopper until it goes down. The chopper crashes down through the skylight down to the ground and then it explodes. Angel heads down to survey the
damage and sees where the furnace room is located in the hotel. Angel gives a call to Quentin to find out if he is done with the anti-matter ball.

  “Hey Quentin my man how’s the ball coming along?”

  “It’s done! I’m on my way there now!”

  “10-4 good buddy, good job!”

  Quentin was on his way to the hotel with the anti-matter ball, which was reformulated already. All that had to be done was to insert the ball into the machine, which Angel was in the process of finding.

  Out of nowhere a voice screams “Angel!” it was Carlos in a CES uniform along with an electrified riot shield.

  “No need to yell dick, I’m the only one here, your dear nephew that you wanted to screw so badly!”

  Carlos in an evil and cocky tone says, “You here those noises the cops are coming for you!”

  “What the hell are you talking about? You dirty bastard.”

  “The Smith and Wesson you used to kill the police commissioner, Hahaha or I should say I used. The same weapon you were issued. All I have to say that this was all in self defense!”

  “Carlos you’re absolutely pathetic, thought you had the balls to take me out like a man!”

  “I owe you one Medina. Even I wouldn’t have the balls to kill the mayor. With the mayor, Iván, Boris and Sal gone, this city is practically mine and all that plutonium.” Carlos gives off an evil laugh, as he was trying to get under Angel’s skin. “You have any idea how much power that plutonium can buy me?”

  “Yeah it’ll buy you one hell of a funeral!” Angel answers angrily. “Besides those glooba alien scums don’t give a hell about you, they’ll turn on you quicker than you count your dirty millions. I always thought you would have more class than this, but I was sadly mistaken. You killed my brother and I won’t let you get away with that!”

  “That’s cute so where’s that evidence you stole from my station?” Carlos remains arrogant.

  “I gave it to a good friend of mines for safe keeping.”

  “You did what? Who did you give the evidence to?” Carlos is shocked.

  “Now how fun would that be if I just told you!” The ten o’clock news begins with Reggie Clark with breaking news. “Let the media speak for itself!”

  Reggie Clark appears on television doing his report of the evidence of what he was given by Angel.

  “Breaking news tonight, Information has surfaced that indicated several key officials along with police officials were involved which is already being categorizing as capital racketeering! Central to those being investigated by federal officials is the captain of the NYPD Carlos. There’s documentation that indicates he made a deal with an alien race known as the gloobas for monetary payment in exchange for plutonium. There is also a major illegal plutonium black market operating that was moderated by Mayor Williams and Carlos.”

  Carlos asks Angel angrily, “What did you do?”

  Reggie Clark continues his report, “I forgot to mention that the kidnapped children that were never found in over 10 years, was part of a cover up by the police force. These poor children were being used for experimentation, possibly for the gloobas. We have also learned that the murder of Frank Kelly was not done by Angel. It was masterminded by Carlos himself, so he could get promoted to commissioner and to receive funding for his new police force known as CES or the Carlos Elite Squad.” The report goes on.

  Carlos asks Angel even angrier, “What did you do?”

  “Exposing you for the slimeball you’re really are!”

  Carlos approaches Angel and begins to run into Angel with the electric shield. The shield hits Angel and shocks him when he hits the floor.

  “Come on hotshot!”

  Carlos hits Angel again with the shield and shoots Angel with a stun gun. Angel goes down next to the fountain. Carlos prepares to ram the shield towards Angel again. Angel is able to sidestep to the right and Carlos hits the fountain. The shield short circuits and pushes Carlos back to the ground. Carlos gets right back up and the shield is still operational.

  “There’s gotta be a way to short circuit that electric riot shield. Hmm maybe crashing into the fountain will put that shield into retirement. I’m better off playing matador with the man.”

  Carlos tries to attack Angel with the shield, but Angel recognizes Carlos’s patterns and gets him to crash into the water until the shield short circuits, then an arc flash is seen.

  Carlos says angrily after the shield blows up, “Stupid shield!”

  “You’re not getting away that easily Uncle Carlos!”

  Carlos runs away going towards a side door, which leads to a hallway. Upon looking at the map Angel realizes that Carlos was heading towards the furnace room. Angel goes on hot pursuit of his uncle.

  Angel has a surprise for Carlos, all of the dirty laundry that Carlos had hiding was being on national television for the world to see. Even though this is the virtual world but everybody on Earth is currently watching the newscast. Everybody that called Angel the killer, including Manny back on Earth was stunned that Carlos was behind everything. Nobody back on Earth knew why or how a helicopter ended up in the Marriot hotel. Meanwhile Carlos tries to use the electrified riot shield to take Angel out, but Angel is able to outsmart Carlos. Angel uses the fountain to his advantage by having Carlos charge right into the water. Carlos’s shield explodes and Carlos runs away like the coward he is. He leads Angel into a side door that leads to the furnace room. Angel has to be cautious because Carlos might just be leading him to a trap, but that is a risk that Angel just has to take. The final battle between Angel and his uncle Carlos is not just a fight, its personal especially for Angel.

  Angel pursues Carlos to the side door. He enters a hallway where Carlos is waiting for him. Some CES troopers are also located in the hallway as well protecting Carlos.

  “Well don’t just stand there, kill Angel! Do your damn job!”

  One of the troopers says “Yes sir, target acquired.”

  Angel runs towards the troopers and does a bicycle kick in midair, knocking out two of the troopers. Angel does a high side kick toward another trooper breaking his jaw. For the final trooper Angel simply beats him to a pulse. Angel opens the door and enters the furnace but no sign of Carlos anywhere. Out of nowhere Angel is pushed by Carlos and Angel’s gun falls under some pipes. Angel gets up to see Carlos who was now out of uniform and in a t-shirt.

  Carlos says to Angel arrogantly, “Well what now hotshot, are you going to give up just like your dear brother? Ha I heard he was practically begging for his life!”

  “Go to hell!” Angel says in pure anger. Carlos laughs evilly while putting his hands into the furnace. His hands were now on fire, but Carlos didn’t mind because he had fireproof gloves to keep his hands from burning.

  The final fight between the two begun, Angel begins the fight with a few jabs and kicks. The attacks are effective enough to take Carlos down, but Angel knows it will take more than that to defeat his uncle. Carlos for his age is in rather good shape and has a good build. Carlos begins to attack Angel with his hands which were literally on fire. Angel is able to dodge each jab thrown at him and counters with a sweeping kick that takes Carlos down. So far Angel is keeping up with Carlos rather well. Carlos then grabs Angel and throws him to the ground. Carlos tries to stomp on Angel but Angel is able to get out of the way.

  Angel tries to grab and throw Carlos but he is able to break Angel’s hold. Carlos reverses Angel’s failed throw attempt with a combination of punches his own. Carlos knocks Angel down to the floor; Angel is engulfed with the flames from his uncle’s fists. Angel quickly finds a fire extinguisher and uses it to cool himself off.

  Carlos says to Angel arrogantly while laughing “Come on! Haha that’s it, that’s all you got? Come on Angel I want this fight to be fun!”

  The furnace begins to malfunction and pipes begin to explode, shooting hot gas out. After extinguishing himself off Angel goes after Carlos, Angel and Carlos exchange punches, but neither of them are able
to land any of their punches. Angel grabs the fire extinguisher and tries to throw it at Carlos. However is able to anticipate it and he crouches out of the way. Carlos sees Angel is open for attack and he takes advantage by punching Angel down. Angel catches fire again and with no extinguisher Angel rolls on the floor as fast as he can until the flames cool off. However Angel is left with several burns to his arms and his chest.

  Carlos arrogantly says to Angel, “Come on, that’s it?”

  Angel who is clearly angry tackles Carlos and begins to punch him furiously. Angel doesn’t stop until Carlos is able to muscle Angel back. Carlos decides to back away from Angel and he heads towards the fireplace. Carlos begins to open the fireplace door and the temperature in the room begins to rise quickly. Through the heat of the battle Angel spots the anti-matter machine, he just needed the ball. Carlos opens the fireplace in an arrogant tone and the temperature begins to rise. So does the arrogance level of Carlos.

  “It’s getting a little chilly in here! Why don’t we sit by the fireplace and I’ll tell you the story of how I single handedly killed the Medina boys!”

  Carlos and Angel grab each other and a test of strength begins between the two. Both were determined to push the other into the fire, both men had nothing but hate for each other. Carlos tries to throw Angel into the fire but Angel is able to break away.

  “You’re going to have to do better than that if you really want me out!”

  Angel and Carlos continued to battle fiercely. They both begin to sweat as well due to the increasing temperature in the room. Angel is able to land a knee to Carlos’s groin and throws him into the fire. Angel breathes a sign of relieve and begins to walk away. However when Angel is walking away, Carlos comes out of the fireplace in flames.

  “I’m not dead yet! Not until I take you to hell with me!”

  Angel approaches Carlos and keeps his distance away from Carlos. Carlos makes one last desperate attempt to grab Angel but Angel sidesteps away.

  “So you’re just going to let your uncle burn Angel? Come on Angel help me out and I’ll give myself in easily.”


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