The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy Page 67

by Angel Medina

  “I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way Uncle Carlos! You should had stood away from my family and leave me out of this. It’s time to pay for your sins!”

  Angel continues to keep his distance from Carlos until he burns to a crisp.

  Carlos says before he burns to a crisp in a weak tone, “I’ll see your whole family in hell!” then Carlos dies and only his burning body is what remains of him to the content of Angel.

  Angel says in his head, “It’s all over, the head of the serpent has been cut off and now it was just waiting for Quentin to come with the anti-matter ball. Once the ball is inserted the machine, there would be peace again. Well at least until the next time somebody wants to abuse this virtual world.”

  Maria, Luis, Maine and Quentin all rush inside the hotel towards Angel’s location.

  “Angel are you in there, Quentin is here!” Maria says to Angel loudly.

  “I’m in here the machine is in here, tell Quentin to come on in. You may want to call the fire department as well so they can shut this fire down. I’m glad you guys made it out of the train station.”

  Quentin makes his way to Angel with the anti-matter ball. Angel awaits the arrival of Quentin until he is pushed into a pipe. Maria asks if Angel is ok, but gets no answer from Angel. She tries to open the door but it was locked from the other side.

  Maria screams, “Guys Angel’s in trouble, he didn’t respond to me just now and the door is locked. Luis and Maine you guys try to find a key or a crowbar to pop this lock. Quentin and I will stay here in case anything happens.”

  Maria says in her mind, “I hope you’re ok Angel, I sense a greater evil in that room.”

  It was 11:30 at night and Angel finally gets up after being knocked out. Angel regains consciousness and sees the man who knocked him out. To Angel’s shock it was Orlando, the same man he thought he had killed back in the gas chamber in the prison.

  Angel in shock says, “Orlando… it can’t be… I killed you back in prison, how are you here?”

  Orlando begins to pour gasoline around Angel and lights the gasoline to create a ring of fire.

  “Surprised huh, thought you had me back in prison didn’t you? To answer your question what keeps me alive is my drive, my drive to kill you! I have nothing, but hate for you and your family. It will be my pleasure taking you out. I don’t care about power, plutonium or even being rich. None of that matters to me. I only care about taking you out. Even if I die I want to be the one who is called the killer of Angel Medina! There’s no where for you to go. Now we will truly see who is better! Come on put up you hands and prepare for your final battle of your life.”

  “Ok Orlando you asked for it!”

  Orlando says in an evil tone, “Come on!”

  Then Orlando immediately goes after Angel, who was battered and bruised up. Orlando punches and kicks Angel, while laughing evilly when Angel hits the floor. Angel uses every ounce of energy to get right back up only to get beaten down again by Orlando.

  “I wish I had been the one to kill your brother, I would have tortured him just like I’m doing to you.”

  Then out of nowhere Angel gets a sudden burst of energy and gets right back up. Was it that Orlando mentioned Angel’s brother or was it something else? It was the spirit of Maria.

  Maria’s spirit says to Angel, “Get up my love you’re not going down today! It’s time to put this clown back in the circus.”

  Maria’s spirit enters Angel’s body and Angel begins to beat up on Orlando. Angel does combinations of punches and kicks to take Orlando down. Orlando in shock tries to fight back but the combined power of Angel and Maria’s spirit were too much for Orlando to handle. Angel grabs Orlando and decides to throw him in the fire. However before Angel got a chance to throw Orlando into the fire the ceiling began to collapse. Both Orlando and Angel move out of the way of the falling rubble. Meanwhile fire officials were able to break the door down behind Angel and began to shut the fire off in the room.

  With the room still collapsing Orlando is on the other side staring at Angel with a mean look.

  “Angel you may have lucked out this time, but just remember I’m going to be on your ass until I get my revenge. I promise you this will not be the last time you will see me! You’re a dead man Medina, maybe not now but soon!”

  “And I’ll be waiting for you! Quentin glad you’re here give me the ball.”

  Quentin hands Angel the anti-matter ball with 10 minutes to spare before the 10 days were up.

  Then the Elder God shows up saying, “Congratulations on completing your mission once again, hope this adventure teaches you that even family can be deceitful and spiteful. Now that you have the ball inside the anti-matter machine you will now return to the world 10 days before all this ever happened. Angel I must ask you is there anybody you want to never return to Earth?”

  Angel replies to the Elder God, “Yes I do, actually a few one is Patch since he killed my brother and Frank Kelly, Boris he’s simply a wasted life, Iván as Puerto Rico could use one less drug kingpin, Mayor Williams we may not have a mayor but anyone is better than that man and finally Carlos himself I never want to see that man ever again. I know this is not the way my brother would want me to avenge his death but I don’t want anybody else getting blackmailed by that bastard. I would pick more, but I think the evidence is good enough that they will simply suffer in jail. I would have liked Orlando to burn in the netherworld, but he managed to get away, so I’ll be seeing him again.”

  “Thou shall command, thou shall be done. The warp back leading back to 10 days ago before this mess all started is now open. Good job my children and good luck in your future endeavors. You might be called upon again, we must begin to find a way to rid this virtual world before anymore evil people decide to use it for their own purposes or the gloobas strike again. I get the feeling that this was a glooba attack, but they used humans as their pawns to do their dirty work. Anyway I’ll let you go and once you reach the end of the warp time shall be reversed back to the way it should be.”

  “No this wasn’t a glooba attack it was greed. It was simply my uncle who wanted the Medina family out and to take over NYC. It’s a shame, but the police force will be decimated because many of them were in on this.”

  Angel, Maria, Maine, Maria and Quentin all head into the warp, which leads them back to August 15, 2015 where they could enjoy a normal life for once.

  The Elder God congratulates our heroes and warns them that the virtual world is still a danger to the world. Angel made it clear that he never wants to see his uncle along with some others once they return to Earth and he wants the public to know what this who scheme was, in order to prosecute those involved. For now Angel, Maria, Maine and Luis could enjoy a normal life once again. In the back of Angel’s head the thought of Orlando still remains.


  Angel, Maria, Maine and Luis all head through the warp and go back to August 15, 2015 the day where everything started. Angel heads to the construction site and sees that it has been given a stop work order until a more legitimate owner comes to buy the site. Over 50 NYPD officers and lieutenants were rounded up and taken to jail charged with capital racketeering as Angel had suspected was going to happen.

  Angel was disappointed that he would not get to see his brother ever again since he was shot in the virtual world and not in the virtual world. He and Maria made funeral plans for Robert, as sad as the burial was Angel did feel like there was closure now that the killer(s) were out of the picture. He touched his brother one last time and the feeling was very cold almost eerie. He touched the coffin before it began its descent towards the burial spot. Angel regained the trust of his friends after being framed for a crime he didn’t commit.

  Angel goes to Dayvon’s house with the crew and they throw a get together party for Dayvon.

  Meanwhile all of the plutonium that was being mined and stored was confiscated by federal investigators.

  Angel’s family wasn’t necessary excited
about what Angel uncovered and they didn’t talk to Angel much. In fact contact between him and his family was very limited, that’s because everyone saw Carlos as a heroic figure. Eventually however they understood that Carlos was crooked and needed to be taken out.

  Maria shows Angel the divorce papers as she rips them up and then Maria come to hug Angel. Angel and Maria begin to kiss passionately renewing their love for each other that was nearly ruined.

  Angel is stilled bothered by the fact that his uncle would turn on the family the way he did, especially against him and his greed would reach that extreme. It was like Chief Sitting Hawk said, “Greed is mankind’s greatest weakness,”

  The next day Angel and Maria get up at five in the morning to take a jog to Prospect Park, they run about 10 miles then stop. After the jog the two sit on a bench holding hands and looking at the sunrise which was nothing but beautiful. The sunrise had a beautiful yellowish/orange tone which represented the beauty of a new day. Angel looks at the sun which symbolizes a new dawn and a clean slate for his life. Like Angel had said before, it was always darkest before the dawn. Now that Angel has gotten past the darkness he and the others got to the dawn which was to enjoy a normal life. After an hour Luis, Dayvon, Maine and Quentin come join the others in the park as they prepared for a picnic.

  It was just a good ending to what was a terrible situation. The only thing in the back of Angel’s mind was Orlando. Angel knew he would bump into Orlando one day and they would battle once more. Angel was certain that this meeting would come sooner rather than later. Finally Angel knows in the back of his mind that the gloobas were still alive and they were planning their next move. Angel knew he would be prepared for that next adventure!



  Revenge of the Gloobas: The Third Book of the Thousand Years War

  By: Angel Ramon


  It’s August 15, 2016, one year since the events of the previous adventure. Angel and Maria are able to enjoy the fruits of being a married couple. The couple heads to Puerto Rico for their honeymoon, where they get to meet Angel’s family in Aguadilla. The couple enjoys the sky blue water, the tall green palm trees, the nice sandy beaches and the cool crisp air that they get from the ocean breeze. It is a much more peaceful scene than the one that they went through just a year ago. Angel feels much more encouraged that the police force is all cleaned up now and all of the rotten apples were dead or under arrest.

  Dayvon is enjoying his time with his future wife which he is due to marry next year along with his two kids. He decides to get out of the housing projects in Red Hook and decides to buy a house in Valley Stream, New York. The house is a beautiful 2 story colonial one family house. It is a nice red wine color along with tan for the moldings. The front porch is filled with lilies, roses, sunflowers and carnation flowers. The smell of these flowers alone symbolizes peace and tranquility. His friend Maine decides to move from New York and never returns back to New York despite his occasional phone calls.

  Meanwhile Luis and his wife Erica are still running their car dealership in Elizabeth, New Jersey which continues to do well. They are in the process of buying a nice 2 story Tudor style house which is a nice dark brown with white moldings and also had beautiful columns. Their daughter meanwhile is heading to High School, she is a straight A student who loves to cook. Her aspiration is to become a chef of her own restaurant one day.

  Quentin continues his Job in Virtual Labs Inc and becomes the CEO of the company after the previous CEO was fired. He is continuing to research new things about the virtual world along with his new partner George.

  Quentin and George notice something strange in the satellite loops. Faraway planets such as Neptune and Pluto are abnormally close to Earth, which explains the unusual cool summer New York is experiencing. However it isn’t just those planets Mercury is at the point of being many more light years away than normal from Earth. The two are puzzled by what is taking place and come up with a theory, which is that the gravitational pull of Earth is much stronger than what it’s supposed to be. Upon further review they are correct. The gravitational pull is quadruple the normal pull and the fear is weather patterns would change, possibly causing major and catastrophic changes to Earth’s landscape.

  On August 23rd, 2016, Angel returns to work as the new captain after exposing his uncle as the mastermind of a major corruption scandal that nearly destroyed the reputation of the Medina Family. It’s six o’clock in the morning. His day starts out normally with his morning cup of job. Also his good morning kiss from Maria and the fresh air coming from the window. It is an abnormally cold day with temperatures only in the low 60’s for an August day. Angel puts on his uniform on his way to the police station for the work day. Maria puts on a white button down shirt, with a black skirt, black panty hose and a pair of 4 inch black high heels. She is heading to her job at a local newspaper press in charge of investigative stories such as scams and false advertising.

  “Wow mama you look good, you sure you don’t have anyone in your job that you’re trying to get? Haha.” Angel jokily asks Maria.

  “No Angel, I just want to get you pumped up baby, when I get to work I take off the heels and put on my flats so no one gets any ideas. My heels become my self-defense if you catch my drift.”

  “Oh yeah I know what you mean honey…”

  Angel cuts off and begins to rub his body on Maria. Angel beings to rub his hand on his wife close to her genitals and he begins to have an erection. The couple kisses passionately for about 5 minutes. Maria sneaks her hands into Angel’s pants trying to touch his penis. Until Angel has an orgasm and sperm gets on Maria’s hands. She doesn’t mind though, she heads to the sink and washes her hand.

  “That was fun baby now you got to get to work honey, my captain can’t be late!”

  Angel’s phone rings and he answers “Hey Manny, what’s up my man?”

  “Angel we have a code red in the Kings Plaza mall, we have gotten reports of shots being fired into a large group of people. We believe that hostages have been taken and are being held. We have no identity of the suspect or suspects involved. All we know is that they are wearing reptile masks of various creatures. We need you there pronto!”

  “You got it Manny I’m on my way there! Maria you might want to call in sick today, I might need your help. I don’t think these are human beings, I think the gloobas are here. They are probably using the warp to get their soldiers on Earth, the same one my uncle used to get Patch to murder Frank Kelly.” Angel hangs up the phone

  “I’m here for you honey, I love you and we’re going to take this evil down together. Although I think we should call Luis and Dayvon to see if they can help.”

  “I agree honey, let me call them now. We can use all the help we can get!” Angel agrees with Maria.

  Angel calls Dayvon and Luis, the two of them agree to help. Angel and Maria grab their guns, crocking them and preparing to head to the Kings Plaza Mall. Let the games begins!

  Area 1: Earth

  Chapter 1

  Gloobas Invade Earth!

  Maria changes into her tactical gear which includes body armor, army styles pants and Timberland boots. A far cry from the seducing sexy attire she had on heading to work. She calls out to her job saying that she won’t be able to make it in today. Angel and Maria jump into Angel’s Blue Corvette on their way to the mall.

  Meanwhile Dayvon is a bit flustered that he couldn’t relax on his day off. However he understands that this situation may not be an ordinary mall standoff, he jumps into his black Acura and heads for the mall.

  Luis gives his wife an excuse to get out of the dealership he’s running and jumps in his Cadillac Deville, then he heads for the Kings Plaza mall. The Kings Plaza Mall is on Flatbush Avenue and Avenue U in Brooklyn N.Y. Thousands of people pack the mall everyday to shop, hang out or watch a movie. So a group of men with “Reptile” masks is an unwanted surprised for shoppers. What does the Mall have in store for th
e four heroes?

  Angel and Maria drive from State Street in Downtown Brooklyn through Flatbush Ave. Angel races down Flatbush Avenue with his sirens on to beat traffic. He swerves in and out of rush hour traffic barely missing oncoming cars, the drivers of the other cars honk the horn at him angrily. Maria turns pale white when she sees her husband driving the way he is. She is scared that he will lose control of the vehicle. However Angel maintains control of the vehicle, as he has experience in high speed chases in his resume.

  “I got a feeling Orlando is behind all this just to catch my attention. It looks like one year was too much for him to hold his anger.” Angel says while trying to concentrate on driving.

  “Baby we have to be careful though, we have to work together. That mall is huge, way too many hiding spots.” Maria foreshadows the situation ahead.


  Dayvon hops in his Acura. His drive is much longer driving from Valley Stream than Angel’s drive. Luckily for him though he lives close to the Belt Parkway, but it doesn’t matter as the Parkway has a bad reputation of being packed on rush hour. He goes on the Belt Parkway and to his surprise the highway is actually empty. There is an accident on the previous exit which is holding traffic back and that gives Dayvon open road to drive. He has to be careful though because he isn’t a cop, so he could be pulled over for speeding. However all of the cops are all at the scene of the accident, so he just keeps speeding until he reaches exit 11-N which is Flatbush Ave. north. Dayvon sees the scene as he approached the Kings Plaza Mall.


  Luis quickly hops in his Cadillac and quickly heads for the Verrazano Bridge. Unlike Dayvon, Luis is faced with much more traffic and its bumper to bumper traffic. There isn’t much Luis could do, honking his horn doesn’t make things better. To add insult to injury a real bad smell is in the air, which is coming from a backed up sewer. Luis tries to not breathe in the air so much, but he is stuck in traffic so the smell doesn’t go away at all. Luis can’t handle the smell and ends up vomiting out of his car along with others on the road.


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