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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 77

by Angel Medina

  “A Water blaster, that won’t do anything Angel. I’m thinking more in the terms of fire or rock attacks, anything that will help us get through this planet.” “Maria says in a kind of scolding tone towards Angel.

  “Fine Maria I was just being funny, can’t take a joke. The gloobas want us to fight, so they can pick us out one by one. I’m sure that’s what they’re trying to do here anyway. Now let’s go I think I see a river up ahead.” Angel responds to Maria.

  Angel and Maria travel deeper into the core of Fortuna as they approach a river. However a loud roar is heard and Angel says, “No it can’t be, don’t tell it’s…”

  When the two of them look around they see the roaring isn’t that of a BattleGlooba. Instead they find themselves surrounded by triceratopses. Angel deals with one of them with his devastator weapon, but of course in the inopportune time he runs out of rockets and Maria runs out of juice on her poison shooter.

  “This is worse than BattleGlooba, if you have any ideas Maria now would be the perfect time to execute. It seems killing one of them made the others angrier!” Angel says in panic.

  “Angel, hold my hand please.” Maria orders Angel.


  “Just trust me babe, let them charge.”

  “Nah don’t tell me, you got a death wish! For us to get flattened like pancakes by dinosaurs, this is your great plan?” Angel tells Maria in a demeaning tone.

  As the dinosaurs come in charging at the two, Maria turns on her jetpack just before the two triceratopses crashed into each other. The two of them shoot up into the sky and the dinosaurs end up fight between themselves. The two decide its best to leave them alone and continue. The two of them arrive at the river only to find a small outpost full of glooba troopers and scorpion troopers. The two have to get rather creative as they had no projectile weapons. Angel took on the iguana enforcers in melee combat and stealing one of the chainguns from the enforcers. The scorpions of course do not go down easily, but Maria comes up with an ingenious idea.

  Maria used her harvester to harvest the water while Angel kept the scorpion crawlers distracted.

  “What are you doing Maria? Can you see I’m being ganged raped by two scorpions? Whatever you have in mind better had work!” Angel screams at Maria.

  She finishes gathering the water ignoring Angel’s ranting and she shoots her weapon which has become a hydro blaster. Although it shoots water, it shoots the water at such high pressure it pushes the scorpions back at such great force. She keeps shooting the water at the creatures until the creatures get caught by tree vines and are eaten up by a Venus flytrap.

  “So what were you saying about a water blaster hmmm, I’m waiting for an answer.” Maria says arrogantly towards Angel.

  “Ok Maria I’ll admit you did well and your idea came in handy. Ah! Ok you saved my ass, satisfied?” Angel asks Maria in a sarcastic tone. “Anyway I see a boat we can use. We gotta get to the other side of this river. That is where the glooba facilities are located.” Angel finally admits defeat to Maria and quickly changes the subject to the mission in hand not wanting to give Maria the scarification of her being correct. The two get into the boat which is glooba owned, but they could care less. It begins to drizzle and the drizzle turns into a light rain.


  Back in the mountain Dayvon carefully climbs down the mountain. What would normally be a rather normal task is made harder by the mountain spiders that reside in the area. They were black widow spiders, but only much bigger and more intimidating to look at. They were experts in making webs to trap their prey and Dayvon is unlucky enough to fall into one of web traps.

  “Shit I always hated spiders, oh crap I can’t move I’m stuck here and here they come. Oh wait a minute my shadow blade might just work, but I gotta be nice and quiet.” Dayvon realizing his margin of error is small.

  The spiders make their approach towards him and he slowly pulls out his blade to prepare. He plans to escape slowly and jump down to the surface hoping to land on something that won’t kill him. He uses the blade and starts to cut through the webbing slowly to avoid any suspicion. The spiders get even closer and Dayvon can sense their legs touching him. However he kept on cutting until he is able to escape the webbing and he falls straight down to the surface. What he didn’t expect was that he was landing right next to the house of the spiders. After the landing he is approached by the spiders that are much more aggressive. Dayvon uses his freezethrower to try to freeze the spiders, but the problem is the spiders are freeze proof.

  The spiders jump towards him surrounding him. The creatures shoot a substance at him to slow him down and after that they tackle him. The spiders shoot an acid substance at him which weakens him significantly even to the point of poisoning him. Dayvon despite the poison is able freeze several of the spiders. Other spiders shoot webs trying to trap him into another web. He fights through the poison in his system and tries to kill off the remaining spiders. However the spiders begin to burrow underground and the effects of the poison are beginning to kick in knocking Dayvon out. He is unconscious on the floor as the spiders pop out of the ground ready to make him the next meal. The two black widow spiders arrive towards Dayvon.

  Until a couple shots are fired from what is a powerful ray gun hitting and killing the spiders. The mysterious man plants a bomb in the house of the spiders home to make sure no more could come out. However who was this mystery man? With Dayvon still lying down on the floor the mysterious man makes an herbal antidote to cure Dayvon. He wakes Dayvon up and tells him to drink the antidote, which is a mixture of different kinds of plants of Fortuna or at least the ones that wouldn’t kill anyone. He opens his eyes and is relieved to see what he thinks is human.

  “Who are you…?” Dayvon asks the mysterious man.

  “I’m glad I could help you out, just keep drinking you’ll be fine. My name is Thomas by the way if you wanted to know. As you may well have guessed I’m an international space worker, I look at this planet and this planet has so much potential. However as much potential it has for us, it can easily be used against us as well. We should work together, besides I know where the gloobas main building is.” The mysterious man reveals himself as Thomas.

  “It’s good… to see… that at least you’re on the side of good. I don’t know how I’ll replay you. However I’ll find a way to replay you!” Dayvon expresses his gratitude towards Thomas.

  “Don’t mention it. Listen we need to go to the river and cross it that is where the gloobas are trying to build up their forces. I also saw another person being carried there, so we also have to save him as well.” Thomas explains the next step or next plan of attack.

  The two of them head towards the river, until Dayvon sees a big turtle shell. He decides that it may be a good time to rest and decides to sit on the shell. That is until the shell comes alive and throws Dayvon into the water. The two of them realize that this is no ordinary turtle. This is a glooba enhanced turtle with a much harder shell, making back shots almost useless. The “Troopia” which is what it is known as in Fortuna is around 8ft big and it has a huge figure. The Troopia wastes no time to make its mark known as it begins to spin itself and making a bee-line for Dayvon and Thomas…


  Meanwhile on the eastern most side Luis is able to fight off the pterodactyl that kidnapped him and he is dropped off to the eastern most part of Fortuna. The eastern most part of Fortuna is known for its extremes. Meanwhile in the southern part it is hot as hell. On the other hand the northern part is cold like the South Pole. Fortuna sure does have it’s variety of different environments, just like Earth. Are the gloobas planning to uses this planet as their new home and launch sneak attacks using black holes to Earth?

  Luis is currently on the northern part of the eastern side of Fortuna. It’s currently snowing, but in a nice clam pace nothing too extreme. He sees several weird polar bears roaming around who prove to be harmless at first. However as he continues through the barren snow desert the
winds begin to pick up and he sees more creatures. These creatures are polar bears, but have been mutated by the gloobas to be more aggressive and even the way they look has changed. These bears known as GloobaBears, they have one eye and a huge mouth big enough to swallow a human being. GloobaBears have been enhanced with more agility and better endurance.

  Luis dodges the initial pounce of the creatures and begins to shoot it, but with no success in killing it. The bear tackles Luis into the snow, but Luis gets right back up. All of a sudden he is surrounded by two GloobaBears.

  “Crap this isn’t good, that devil juice did a number to these poor creatures. Now I’m their next meal, better think of something and fast.” Luis says in his head.

  One of the bears tries to jump and pounce on him with its behind. He is able to dodge the attack, at the same time though the other GloobaBear is breathing out a purplish gas attack which freezes anything that it makes contact with. Luis’s laser pistol becomes frozen, but only the pistol, he remains unfrozen. The winds become even stronger and the snow comes down even faster. Eventually he remembers one thing, everyone has a universal weak spot and it is the back. In the case of the GloobaBear the back could not be anymore vulnerable. The back is a huge hunchback which holds in the cold for the bear to survive. You see the creature cannot survive in hot environments or it will die of exhaustion. The back is essentially the bear’s heart so to speak.

  With that in mind he realizes his plasma cannon has a secondary feature which shoots out a heat ray instead of a plasma blast. He runs around the creatures and tries to go behind them to shoot them. With the backs of the bears turned, he shoos his plasma ray which rips off the back of the creatures. The bears groan loudly before going down and dying. After dealing with a few more GloobaBears, he is able to escape the barren snowy section of Fortuna.

  He enters the “Mountains of Neptune”, at least according to the sign. The snow and wind really calm down drastically, as he looks at the horizon. There is indeed a huge mountain, but at the center there is a huge gap with broken platforms of what were fallen chunks of stalactites big enough to cross what is the “Pit of Neptune”. He carefully jumps to the first stalactite, there is wild life here. However it is limited to harmless snow snails that are rather big, bats and snow hedgehog’s that mind their business unless one gets to close to it, then it will shoot up it’s spikes as a defensive mechanism. Another thing he notices is that the sky is white just like Earth when it is snowing.

  “Wow for a foreign planet this sure feels like Earth and it’s not even extremely cold.” Luis says as jumps across the pit through the Mountains of Neptune.

  After he gets through the mountains he sees a glooba base, which is probably their laboratory. He notices as he walks towards the glooba building he notices the temperatures starts to increase and the environment turns to more of a climate that is temperate. Also the skies change from pure white to an orange/reddish sky, while it feels like Earth the sky reminds Luis that is not Earth.


  In the river of Fortuna, Angel and Maria drive the ship through the river as the rain begins to come down harder. The river of Fortuna contains various sea creatures including sea dragons of various colors, algae that reach the surface of the water, Fortuna sea flowers which shoot energy balls and troops hidden underwater. In other words the two of them are in for a rough ride. Luckily there is a turret that Angel could use while Maria drives the ship. The turret has hyper lasers and smart bombs although in limited quantity. He shoots the algae rather easily despite them trying to reach for the ship. The sea dragons fly and while Angel shoots some of them, several of them dive underwater. The sea dragons try to take down the ship with its toxic gas and its strong tackle. The Fortuna sea flowers turn out to be really hard to take out with the lasers. So Angel uses the smart bombs to take out the sea flowers. The two keep on moving through the Fortuna River, as they head to the glooba base.

  Meanwhile on the eastern side of the river Dayvon and Thomas deal with the big Troopia turtle. According to the little knowledge these creatures come from the planet of Koopia, but have migrated to Fortuna or have been forced to migrate by the gloobas. Thomas manages to come up with a plan. If the turtles have a hard shell, it must mean they have a very soft head. Contrary to many living creatures, Troopias have very strong backs that only explosive weapons could penetrate, but their heads are vulnerable like glass. Thomas takes a shot with his ray gun killing the Troopia. The two decide to catch their breaths for a few minutes and look in the sky. They notice that the sky turns from the beautiful reddish/orange color to a more dismal greenish/grayish color.

  “Shit it’s about to come down and with a vengeance. Hope you’re ready to get wet or at least I hope its rain that comes down from these clouds.” Dayvon warns Thomas.

  “I’m not worried about a little rain. I’m worried about getting across this river. This river is huge and deep!” Thomas replies

  “It seems you know so much about Fortuna, do you live here?” Dayvon asks Thomas.

  “I’m not going to lie, I’m not human I do live here in Fortuna. This is what I really look like.” Thomas reveals himself as a dragon like creature. Dragons are the primary race that lives in Fortuna and Thomas goes on to explain to Dayvon that his race is being taken over by the gloobas.

  All of a sudden the two of them see a ship and Dayvon says to Thomas, “That my friend is out ticket out of here.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, it’s an enemy ship.”

  “Look we gotta try. Either that or we’ll be flooded to death this rain looks like its ready to come down big time.” Dayvon explains to Thomas.

  “Hey over here!” Dayvon screams on top of his lungs trying to get the attention of the unknown alien vessel. The ship begins to head in their direction. What Dayvon and Thomas don’t know is that that same ship is being manned by Angel and Maria.


  Angel and Maria spot two people on the east side of the river waving their hands. Maria has second thoughts fearing they were just gloobas trying to fool the two.

  “Angel I think we should keep going I don’t like the look of those living creatures.”

  “No I see clear as a bell that’s Dayvon, I’m not sure what the other dude is, but we’ll find out soon enough.”

  “How you know honey?”

  “Because that’s where we’re going, full speed ahead to Dayvon!” Angel orders Maria to Dayvon.

  She drives the ship towards the direction of where Dayvon and Thomas were located. She still has her doubts that the two people on the coast are Dayvon and Luis, but she decides to go on anyway. When the two get to the coast they find Dayvon, but not Luis. Instead they are introduced to Thomas a Fortunaian dragon resident.

  “Dayvon I’m glad you’re ok. I got two questions where is Luis and who’s the dragon freak?” Angel asks Dayvon.

  “Hey he’s not a freak he lives here…” Feeling like Angel’s question was insulting. Dayvon rants towards Angel and begins to close his fists like he’s ready to hit Angel.

  Thomas cuts Dayvon off calmly, “Calm down Dayvon, forgive him he doesn’t know who I am.” Thomas calms Dayvon down and Dayvon opens his fists. “Let me introduce myself I’m Thomas I’m a Fortunaian Dragon and I live here in Fortuna. I live close to the mountains or at least I used to live there until the gloobas came in to invade us. Unfortunately for me many of my fellow people decided to take the side of the gloobas or were infected by the devil juice of the gloobas. The ones like me who remained loyal were outnumbered and except for me all of them paid with their lives. I want my planet back the way it was, it’s so bad that the government here is no longer existent. We were once a very intelligent civilization and our intentions were to welcome the residents of Earth. I know you humans have been watching us for many years and I finally got a taste of what humans are, and I like the feeling. I believe if we can defeat the aliens our races can trade and grow together!”

  “Ok… when it comes to the �
�getting together” part you’ll have to work that out with our foreign diplomacy team back on Earth. However I say you should tag along with us, you will be of great use to us!” Angel tells Thomas in an excited tone.

  “Thanks honorable Angel that means a lot. The glooba base is across the river, the waters will be rough though so we’ll have to be careful!” Thomas gives his thanks to Angel and warns the three of the impending danger ahead.

  “To answer your second question Angel, Luis was taken by a pterodactyl believe it or not.” Dayvon says answering Angel’s second question.

  “I don’t find it hard to believe at all, this world is full of strange or should I say exotic creatures.” Maria responds to Dayvon. “Anyway lets go it’s about to pour the same thunderstorm we got caught in before is heading this way!” Maria tells everyone as they proceed into the ship.

  The four of them head into the ship and make their way towards the ship. Maria starts up the ship again and drives the ship towards the island where the glooba base is supposedly located.

  Chapter 9

  Gloobas Invade Fortuna

  The chosen ones find themselves closing in on the glooba base. Luis has just passed through the Mountains of Neptune and sees what looks like a glooba base, but he couldn’t be too sure. Meanwhile Angel, Maria, Dayvon and now Thomas were heading for the island via alien ship. However as Thomas predicted the waters of Fortuna were not going to be calm at all.

  The current and waves of the pure blue water begin to pick up in intensity as the storm begins to come in their direction. The amount of hostile native forces also begins to increase. Huge bees, sea dragons and Troopia turtles come to attack the four. Maria is busy navigating the ship, while Angel deals with the huge Fortunaian bees. Dayvon would take care of the sea dragons and Thomas helps out in anyway possible. The bees go in for the sting, but Angel gets out of the way quickly. The sea dragons shoot off energy balls to the crew, which knocks them down to the floor. He nearly falls out of the ship, but Thomas is able to grab Dayvon with its tail.


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