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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 89

by Angel Medina

  “Alright brother, I hope that rat Orlando is ready to be diverted!” Luis says in excitement as he pushes the switcher.

  The switcher switches the track of the train from the airbase to making a bee-line for the weapons facility.

  “Hopefully Angel and Maria get out in time, because I sense a big boom is about to come down!” Dayvon says.

  Angel and Maria sense that the train is moving in direction, indicating that the other two were successful in altering the track of the train. Now Angel starts to get cocky towards Orlando.

  “Mira Orlando si tu no sabes ya, este tren no va por el aeropuerto. Este tren va por el infierno, come tu va allí a el infierno para sufrir por el resto de tu vida! Que tu dice ahora!” Angel says that the train is no longer going to the airbase, but instead is going to hell just like he is about to go.

  No response comes from Orlando, the two realize that they have to get out before the train crashes or they were going with Orlando to hell.

  “Come on baby, let's jump out of here!” Angel says.

  Angel and Maria jump out of the train just before the train crashes to the gloobas weapons facility.

  “Yeah now those are the fireworks I wanna see, the gloobas precious facility going up in smoke!” Maria says in a happy tone.

  “Not only that, Orlando has gone to hell where he belongs!” Angel assumes Orlando didn’t get out in time and is dead

  The two are joined by Luis and Dayvon celebrating their victory on Mercury. Now they needed to get to the airbase so they can get back on track to the planet of Goo. However before they could head that way there was still something they forgot to account for the slimers. The slimers fuse and transform to the Super Slimer, just like back in the laboratory in the first adventure.

  “Oh! You gotta be kidding me, not this guy again. He was only next to impossible to kill!” Dayvon is in shock.

  “Well the only thing we can do is make a run for the airbase, but this thing will probably give chase towards us.” Angel says in a defeated tone.

  The Super Slimer makes its return to the dissatisfaction of the four, out of the destroyed train. The creature uses its arms, which are vines to propel itself into the air. The four try to shoot it, but the creature comes down too fast to get off any good shots. It comes down with some great force that it causes the surface to shake violently. The Super Slimer uses its vines to grab Maria and Luis. Then it tries to spit its green web spit, but misses Angel and Dayvon. Angel jumps right towards the creature fearless and cuts the vines of the creature to free Maria and Luis. The zap-gun falls to the ground, which Dayvon is able to see.

  The vines of the Super Slimer that were cut off begin to grown right back.

  “Son of a bitch! I should have remembered this bastard he’s doesn’t even have a backbone.” Angel says as he remembers the first adventure.

  The creature begins to bull rush towards the four taking all of them down to the floor. The Super Slimer begins to gargle what seems to be the devil juice and threatens to poison the four by vomiting out its toxic devil juice. With Maria, Dayvon and Luis unconscious on the floor, Angel was left by his lonesome to deal with the disgusting but yet intimidating green creature. Angel spots the zap-gun that Maria was holding and he rushes to the weapon. At the same time he dodges the vine whips from the creature, however he gets hit by the green slime which traps him on the floor. Angel who’s unable to break out of the slime braces for what is perhaps his last moments of his life.

  The creature lifts up its foot ready to crush Angel, until Maria is able to recover and shoot the creature. While the shots are simply swallowed up it does buy Angel some time to find a way out.

  “You want a piece of me you green slimeball piece of crap? Then come and get some if you got the balls!” Maria says with much heart even though she knows she had nothing to kill it with.

  Dayvon gets up as well and says, “That’s right you want to kill us, you gotta get through me as well!”

  Luis gets up a few minutes later although in a weakened state and says with much heart, “I might be weak and down, but I’m not anywhere close to being down, you green bastard!”

  The Super Slimer continues to use its vine whips to continuously beat down the three. However the three remain determined to survive and do not easily submit to the constant attacks. Angel is also determined to break out of the green slime. He grabs his shadow blade and begins to cut through the slime. His determination is made more intense as he watches his fellow mates continuously get beat down. Eventually he is able to break out of the slime and grabs the zap-gun. Angel takes aim at the creature.

  “Hey you vial son of a bitch, I hope you like 5,000 volts of electricity up your ass!” Angel angrily says as he shoots the zap-gun.

  He shoots the zap-gun at the creature and the Super Slimer begins to weaken even kneeling down to a certain point. Angel shoots another bolt, which weakens the creature even further. All of a sudden an unidentifiable non-glooba ship heads towards the scene. He looks at the ship with the zap-gun at the ready just in case it was an enemy ship or an outside mercenary force. However to Angel’s pleasure the ship was shooting at the creature.

  “What the hell? Who in the hell are you?” Angel wants to know who is helping him.

  “Angel did you forget already, it’s me Samantha. I didn’t forget about you. Now let’s say we kick this creature to the curb!” It is Samantha who is in charge of protecting the international space station.

  “Oh my god, are you kidding me, Samantha! Isn’t this a surprise! Now as for you… you fat tub of goo it’s time to meet your maker!” Angel says in a surprised tone at first, but then regains confidence knowing that Samantha is on his side.

  “Angel use this, blow that bastard to pieces!” Samantha throws down a homing rocket launcher.

  Angel picks up the rocket launcher and says loudly, “Everyone prepare for quite the mess here and as for you… you abomination to life itself its game over! See ya!” Angel shoots the rocket towards the Super Slimer and the Super Slimer explodes into pieces. “Boo ya! The bigger they are, the harder they fall!”

  Samantha comes and lands the huge ship on the surface. Angel meanwhile checks on the others to make sure they are ok. All of them give Angel the thumbs up. Samantha comes over to everyone to make sure they are ok.

  “Glad you came when you did. That monster almost had us, what are you doing here anyway?” Angel asks Samantha.

  “We got a distress signal from this area and we were planning to attack the gloobas here anyway. It seems that you did most of the work for us though, but I’m glad you guys are alright. We’re not far from the planet of Goo, just one more stop before that. It’s the glooba space armada, which is the last line of defense for those goons. We’re so close hun, will you help us?” Samantha explains to Angel and asks Angel to join forces.

  “Hell yeah we’ll join you, we could use more heads. Besides you probably know more that I do about the path ahead.” Angel agrees jubilantly.

  “Then it’s settled! Come on everyone follow me, don’t worry we got our own ships that you can use to just in case, if we should need them. Anyway I want everyone to meet my right hand woman Leslie.” Samantha introduces everyone to her right hand man.

  “Glad to meet you les, if it’s to call you that?” Angel replies.

  “No worries that’s my nickname anyway.” Leslie answers happily.

  “I’m so glad to meet you. Hopefully you aren’t as annoying as Maria here.”

  “Oh shut the hell up Dayvon! I wish I could pull those ears of yours right now or if I was wearing heels, stick them up your ass!” Maria says in a rage of anger.

  Everyone laughs at the little argument between Maria and Dayvon.

  “I’m Luis. As long as you don’t mess with me we’re cool, ok?”

  “Don’t worry I won’t cause much trouble for you guys. I’m so happy to meet some new people for once. It’s kind of a depressing job when you have to protect space from aliens.” Lesli
e says still in a jolly mood.

  “So what are we waiting for let’s take the can of whoop ass right to the gloobas themselves. Now that Orlando is gone, there’s no one for the evil emperor to hide behind from. If you can hear me you evil son of a bitch, your ass is mines!” Angel says with great determination.

  “Hahaha, we’ll see about that Angel!” The voice of the evil one says.

  “Come on out if you got the balls to!” Angel demanding the evil one to show itself.

  “Like I said Mr. Medina, in due time. There’s no rush for me to crush you, besides that will be your fate anyways! Hahaha.” The evil one says evilly.

  “Fine! If I gotta come to your house and lay the smackdown on your ass I will. I’m sure that’s where you will be waiting anyways. You don’t have the guts to even show yourself!” Angel taunts the evil one.

  “I’m looking forward to it! Hahaha! Good luck, you’ll need it!” The evil voice disappears.

  The crew enters Samantha ship and they begin to fly towards the glooba space armada, prepared to head towards the heart of the Glooba Empire.

  Chapter 20

  Glooba Space Armada

  After destroying the weapons facility back in Mercury, the four head towards the glooba space armada. The crew is now joined by Samantha and her right hand man to Leslie. They head back into the hyperspace and see the space armada up ahead as well as the main base. They can also see a small green dot up ahead representing the planet of Goo. The crew can sense the hometown of the enemy is closing in and Angel’s date against the devil himself.

  Samantha has Angel manning the controls as they approach the enemy armada. Many enemy ships come to attack the ship, but with Angel’s quick reflexes he’s able to take down the ships with relative ease. Then a group of battleships appear in front of the ship. At first the crew is able to break through easily through the battleships, but the number of enemies begins to overwhelm the ship. Angel uses the missile launchers on the ship to take on the overwhelming number of ships!

  “Yeah babe! You’ll not only cute, but you’re also so good with a spaceship. No one can take you down!” Maria cheers her husband on.

  “Thanks babe. However we shouldn’t get too cocky just yet, these guys are bound to have a trick up their sleeve.” Angel warns Maria not too get too cocky.

  “Come on Angel you’ll kicking ass right now, these guys got nothing on you right now!” Dayvon cheers Angel on along with Maria.

  “Hey I think we should listen to Angel, these guys don’t ever play fair. We gotta stay alert here.” Luis says.

  “Agreed!” Samantha says in agreement to Angel.

  A battleship approaches from the right and salamander troopers on jetpacks head towards the ship. Another battleship attacks from the left side and a group of iguana enforcers come out to the left side of Samantha’s ship.

  “What did I tell you? These aliens don’t ever play fair! It looks like we gotta take the battle to them.” Angel says.

  “If it’s a fight they want we’ll give them one, that’s for sure!” Dayvon replies.

  “Leslie you open the hatches, the rest of you take care of the aliens outside and I’ll take control of the ship!” Samantha says trying to keep calm.

  Angel and the others get out of the ship to meet the aliens that are trying to break into the ship. Angel, Maria and Luis take the left side to take on the iguana enforcers, while Dayvon and Leslie take the right side to deal with the salamander troopers. The low gravity makes it challenging for the crew to get off any solid shots. Somehow the lower gravity had no effect on the gloobas and the crew find themselves floating on top of the ship.

  “Man this is one time I wish there was gravity!” Angel says.

  “Just shoot and hope for the best!” Luis says.

  “No. I have a better idea. Shoot the jetpacks. I’m sure that is what is keeping the aliens stable.” Maria comes up with an idea quickly.

  Angel, Maria and Luis begin aiming at the aliens jetpacks, but the low gravity proves to be a hindrance to the three. The three are hit by the alien projectiles and they begin to fly off to the hyperspace, until Angel is able to grab onto an asteroid. Then he grabs Maria and she grabs Luis, the three hang on to the asteroid for dear life. From that point they begin to shoot the gloobas and actually begin to hit them. However there are still many iguana troopers beginning to open up the left part of the ship.

  “Damn those bastards are still opening the ship up, we gotta get them or they will take the ship out!” Angel screams while trying to find a way to get back to the ship.

  Meanwhile Dayvon and Leslie take on the salamander troopers on the outside of the ship. The two float towards the aliens, however Dayvon is able to latch him self to one of the aliens and grab his jetpack. He sends the alien flying to the hyperspace. The jetpack doesn’t lower the gravity level all the way, but lowers it to the point where the user has control where they go and not subject to flying off to the middle of nowhere with just one hit.

  After that Dayvon cleans house of the salamander troopers and grabs Leslie.

  “Hey Dayvon inside of the ship is a gravity gun we can use to pull the others towards us, hurry because these bastards are starting to attack the hull of the ship.” Leslie says loudly.

  Dayvon goes inside of the ship and grabs the gravity gun. Then he heads back out, heads towards Angel, Maria and Luis and uses the gravity pulling gun to pull them back towards the ship.

  “Good riddance! I thought we were going to be thrown into the space abyss!” Maria screams after a near-death experience.

  “Thanks Dayvon, now let's say we start to turn the tables on these alien bastards!” Luis gives his thanks and with enthusiasm tells everyone to attack the iguana enforcers.

  The five of them begin to pick off the iguana enforcers until the last one is killed. The ship is still in good condition to everyone’s relief despite the vial attack by the gloobas. However the celebration would come to a fast halt as more battleships can be seen in the distance from both sides. Angel makes an executive decision that they cannot risk staying where they are and possibly be overtaken by an overwhelming attack. Everyone heads inside the ship and Angel tells Samantha to go full speed ahead.

  “Ok Angel, we’re about to go full speed ahead. Everyone hang onto your hats, this is going to be a bumpy ride!” Samantha warns everyone.

  Samantha takes off with the ship deeper into the armada of the enemy or in Angel’s eyes the crust of the devil’s playground. All is well until they reach a gate which is blocking their way. There are four energy towers blocking their way which are powering the gate. The problem is that the four towers are not next to each other, they are in four separate areas. While not too far, but far enough that the ship won’t be able to take them down before the enemy battleships arrive.

  “Shit we got a problem we got these towers to take down and a whole horde of ships hungry to take us down. Well it’s time to go with the backup ships!” Samantha says.

  “I, Maria, Luis and Dayvon will take control of the ships and take those energy towers down. You two hold the fort here because there are not only enemies coming from behind, but also right in front of us!” Angel comes up with his plan.

  “Oh lord, look at all those damn ships!” Dayvon looks at the amount of ships coming out of the defense gate.

  “Think of it this way though. Once we break through I’m sure the main core of this fleet is bound to be behind this gate!” Angel says.

  “Then we can really stick it to them!” Luis follows.

  “Well no use standing around, let’s go before we’re toast!” Maria hurries everyone to get to the ships.

  The ships are located in the bottom of the ship and appropriately there is a runway for them to take off from. Each of them gets into their respective spaceships. Angel quickly takes the blue one, with his fetish of the color blue. Maria goes into the purple ship as that is her favorite color. Luis carelessly takes the red one as he could care less about the color of th
e ship. That leaves Dayvon with the black ship to his disgust as he hates the color black.

  “Everyone ready?” Angel asks

  “I’m here my love!” Maria says flirtatiously.

  “Luis here, I’m fine” Luis says apathetically

  “I’m good, I’m good.” Dayvon replies with a bit of subtle disgust, as he is stuck with the black ship. He decides is best to leave his feelings to himself as there is a bigger mission ahead.

  The four head out and fly towards the battlefield. The first thing they do is take out as many enemy ships as possible to ease the pressure on the master ship belonging to the international space station. All of them get a thrill of shooting down the enemy ships, it is almost like target practice.

  “Yee-haw! This is what I call fun!” Angel says in excitement and with lots of adrenaline.

  “You’re not getting away from me that easy!” Maria says in an arrogant tone.

  “Time to take the devil’s trash out!” Luis says in an almost sinister tone.

  “Time to show these rotten lizards what hell looks like!” Dayvon says letting out his disgust, but using it towards the enemy.

  The four make easy pickings of the enemy ships, but realize that they have to go after the energy towers before the battleships get too close to the master ship.

  “This is fun and all, but we need to take those towers down, those battleships are getting dangerously close to us!” Angel urging the others to focus their efforts on the energy towers to open the gate.

  The four separate and head to each of the energy towers. Despite the large amount of enemies the job is made easier by the master ship being able to defend its self taking out most of the enemy. After the towers are brought down the gate opens and everyone proceeds through the gate to the heart of the glooba space armada.

  The core of the space armada can be seen in the distance, everyone takes out the enemy ships guarding the space armada main base. Angel spots an entrance to the base, however it is only big enough to for him, Maria, Dayvon and Luis. The master ship would have to defend its self.


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