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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 93

by Angel Medina

  Chapter 24


  Luis and Angel open up their respective elemental gates. They are awaiting Maria and Dayvon to escape from their elemental worlds. She is thrown into a body of water after going through the black hole. She ends up in Neptune, a planet that is composed of 95% water. The planet is rather cold on the surface with temperatures reaching as cold as 300 degrees Fahrenheit, however underwater the temperature actually increases dramatically up to 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. She sees a temple up ahead. However, she has to cross a whole body of water. Water is not necessarily her cup of tea. In fact she has a real bad fear of water. However, water is simply a fear that she has to overcome, so she begins to swim towards the temple.

  At first she panics as the water is as deep as ocean water and the fact she never learned how to float makes the situation worse. She flaps her arms forward vigorously to pick up momentum and she finds herself actually moving forward. She also notices that the surface feels colder than the water itself.

  “Wow I’m actually doing it, I’m swimming!” Maria cheerfully says.

  However a group of Spinys begin to spin around her location creating huge waves. The waves approach her and she has no time to react to the waves. She is hit with the waves really hard and falls underwater. When she is underwater she sees a group of poisonpus’s and clams that spit out poison. With no gun, she has to maneuver her way around the creatures. The poisonpus’s try to grab her, but they all miss grabbing her. The water is extremely dark. As a result, she has trouble seeing where she is going. All of a sudden a clam shoots out poison gas that she becomes exposed to. She falls to the bottom of the ocean floor unconscious and a gang of poisonpus’s ready to pounce on her. She remains on the ocean floor unresponsive.

  One of the poisonpus’s grabs her and throws her towards the clam that is ready to devour her. Out of nowhere a man comes and grabs her. He screeches out which scares away all of the poisonpus’s away. With Maria on his back he swims towards the temple and then he heals her back to health with water that is native to the planet of Neptune.

  “Feeling better?” The unknown man says.

  “Aghh… Yeah I am feeling better. Who are you? Don’t… mean to be… mean, but… thanks for saving me.” Maria asks for the identity of the unknown man while weak.

  “My name is Fontus, named after the Roman God of fountains. I’m one of the last surviving people here on Neptune.” The unknown man reveals his identity.

  “”Well anyway… thanks so much… for helping me out…” Maria thanks Fontus.

  “Take it easy, drink some of this water and you should be ok.” Fontus gives Maria a zip of water.

  “You sure, this looks… like any… old water.” Maria questions the water.

  “Just drink it please.” Fontus keeps calm.

  Maria drinks the water and in minutes she feels her body start to feel better. She also feels much stronger than before, she wonders about the source of the water.

  “That is Neptune Water, you maybe saying isn’t Neptune full of water? You would be correct, but ever since the gloobas have taken over the planet our water supply has been poisoned. I was lucky to find this authentic Neptunian water before the gloobas go and poison it. In fact there is only one source of this fresh water left in the entire island” Fontus explains the source of the water.

  “Why doesn’t the guardian do anything about this?” Maria asks in concern.

  “Most of our forces have been defeated and the aliens have simply overpowered us. To add insult to injury our guardian has pledged his allegiance to these creatures of Hades. If we can kill off the guardian we might have a shot to overthrow the aliens rule.” Fontus explains the guardian’s betrayal.

  “To be honest taking out the guardian will not be enough, we have to get inside of the elemental gate to get to the ultimate warp hole.” Maria says to Fontus.

  “Why? Do you not know that going through the gate is dangerous unless all four gates are open we will be stuck inside forever!” Fontus says frantically.

  “Fontus relax! I have three other of my friends who are in the elemental areas who will unlock those gates.” Maria tries to calm down Fontus.

  “However all four have to be successful, even if one fails you will be stuck in the warp for all of eternality!” Fontus says still worried about possibly being stuck in the wormhole.

  “Well that’s the chance we just have to take, its better than staying here watching your planet continue to fall.” Maria still tries to knock sense into Fontus’s head.

  The temple of Neptune is mostly blue in nature, as most of the walls are of a sea blue, turquoise green color. The walls are made out of a special waterproof limestone similar to that seen on the homes of the Troopias back in the planet of Koopia. It’s a dull and to a certain degree an eerie looking temple, although the colors are mostly a reflection of the water.

  No response comes from Fontus except for a nod, which means he’s prepared to take on the guardian of his home planet. The two of them begin their journey through a hallway where Neptunian guards try to defend against spiny Troopias, but are out powered by a large margin. Maria does a sweep kick on one of the Spinys causing it to fall and Fontus uses his lance to stab the head of the creature. As for the other two Troopias, the two use their speed to tire out the creatures and they simply move on to the next area. Approaching the next hallway they see a hole which leads all the way down to the bottom most level. A rope is also found that the two can use to head down. However, they decide to jump across to the other platform.

  When they jump they see a spiny waiting for them next to a pool of eels. The spiny tries to knock the two of them down the hole, but they both dodge the Troopia’s attack.

  “Let’s kick it down the hole!” Fontus says.

  “No, I gotta better idea. How about throwing it to the pool of eels, they’ll fry him and we can use its shell to get to the other side.” Maria crafts a better idea.

  She and Fontus both grab the turtle and flip it into the pool, where the creature is electrocuted by the eels and the smell of fried turtle can be smelled by Maria and Angel. They jump on the shell and they grab a key that is for the lowest level door.

  “Maria…” Fontus calls.

  “What is it?”

  “I think we make a good team and I have to say I’m glad that I found you here. Not only because I saved you, but now I have a new friend.” Fontus says while blushing.

  “I’m glad you feel that way, if all men could be like you. The world would be a much better place.” Maria replies.

  “Anyway let's head down to the lower level shall we. I’ll go down first to see if the coast is clear.” Fontus says with a bigger blush.

  Fontus heads down the rope only to see hovering electric eels around the area. That means that the two of them have to make sure the eels don’t make contact with them. Fontus slides down the rope easily all the way to the bottom level. Maria begins to slide down, but all of a sudden she gets cold feet and stops.

  “Those eels look ready to shock the hell out of me! I’m too nervous to go on!” Maria says hysterically.

  “Sweetheart you gotta calm down, worse comes to worse just jump down! I’ll grab you I promise you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you. You gotta trust me; Neptune’s existence depends on it!” Fontus says as he is trying to cheer Maria on.

  Maria jumps down avoiding the eels, while falling down though she recognizes the words that Fontus uses. Some if not most of the words sound alike to what Angel would say to her as he was trying to get her attention or worse he was fall in love with her. Eventually Fontus does catch Maria and the two are on the lower level, one of the eels from the upper level comes down to attack the two of them. The eel shocks Maria and tries to tackle Fontus, but he proves to be extremely flexible and dexterous. Fontus is able to dodge the eels attack. He wall jumps and with his lance stabs the eel right in the mouth killing it. The lance handle is made out of wood so the electrical properties
don’t ever get to him.

  He goes and checks on Maria to make sure she is ok.

  “Hey sweetheart, are you ok? You took quite the shock there?” Fontus says in a comforting tone.

  “Yeah… I’m fine, thanks again. I owe you again.” Maria gives Fontus her gratitude.

  The two of them head for the door that the key opens and they enter the room. At first is an empty room with another key on the other side. Maria goes and grabs the key. After she grabs the key a couple of holes open and water begins to come gushing into the room. At first the water brings her up to the same level as Fontus, but under her a whirlpool was developing. The force of the whirlpool was pulling down all of the water. She swims to the middle of the room to a loose floating stone board, but she begins to lose her grip.

  “Maria, grab my hand! Trust me I won’t let you go! You gotta trust me on this one please!” Fontus urging Maria to give her hand so he can pull her to safety.

  “Ok hun here’s my right hand, don’t let go!” Maria says hysterically.

  Fontus is able to pull Maria out of the water and up to safety. She is also able to maintain control of the key that she had just picked up. The key reads “Use at the middle level”. After reading that, the two of them head up to the middle level of the temple. She couldn’t help but to realize that Fontus was acting rather strange. Yeah he’s acting noble because he’s a man of honor, but he’s acting like he has feelings for her. She decides to keep her thoughts to herself though, fearing that if she’s wrong she may offend him.

  “Well it’s time for us to go back up, shall we?” Fontus asks.

  “After you kind sir.” Maria acts formal to see how Fontus reacts to her words.

  Before the two of them can go up however, a couple of Spinys drop down from the top. Maria pushes Fontus out of the way before the one of the Spinys fell in him. One of the Spinys tries to attack her with its back, but she is able to sidestep out of the way. The other spiny uses its claws to attack Fontus and misses. He wall jumps and tries to use his lance on the spiny. However the spiny catches him in midair. The Spiny throws him down and cracks his lance that was given to him by his father, which was passed down over different generations. He is crushed while witnessing his most prized possession of his family being torn apart. All of a sudden the sadness in his heart turns into pure anger and he decides to show the creature his true power. He grabs the spiny that is attacking him by his tail and throws him towards the room where the water is being sucked in. The turtle creature does not fall in at first. He puts his hands within 2 inches of each other and shoots a high-powered ball of water. The ball hits the turtle and the creature gets sucked into the whirlpool.

  “Argghhhhhh!!!!” The spiny screams, as it’s getting sucked by the whirlpool.

  Maria finds herself cornered by the other spiny and is desperately trying to find a way out.

  “Oh man if only Angel was here, oh well here it goes…” Maria braces for impact.

  “Hey you infidel! Get away from my woman and fight me like a man, if you have any honor that is!” Fontus demands the spiny face him in battle.

  The Spiny turns its attention towards Fontus and he battles for his life as Maria is still down on the floor. He dodges the direct claw attacks and he runs around in an attempt to tire out the Spiny. He takes the water from the other room and uses telekinesis to bring in the water to the hallway. The water causes the spiny lose its balance and it’s now floating in the hallway. He heads towards her and tries to awaken her.

  “Come on Maria you can get up! Just focus, I need your help here.” Fontus cheers on Maria to get up.

  She begins to open her eyes and regains her equilibrium. She and Fontus team up and push the spiny towards the other room where he the creature is sucked in. After that he holds Maria’s hand in order to comfort her and reassure her that everything is ok. That is what at least he wants her to think for now, not knowing that she is already happily married to Angel. Will Maria remain faithful to Angel or has the heroics of Fontus proven enough that she will fall in love with him?


  The two begin to climb up the rope. There are several small eels hanging on the wall. There is just enough moisture that these creatures are able to hang on to the wall. That means the two have to be careful to not go anywhere close to the eels to avoid being shocked. They climb to the middle hallway of the temple and see a door. Fontus warns Maria of the door and what will happen when the door is opened.

  “Wait Maria before we open this door, I have to tell you something.” Fontus says nervously as he was ready to reveal his feelings for Maria. He begins to hold her hand tightly and rub them softly.

  “What is it Fontus? I’m sorry your lance was destroyed I’m sure it was a prized family treasure.” Maria asks figuring it was going to be her feelings for him.

  “Listen Maria, I been here in Neptune all of my life and I been with some women that have been great. However, as I see the chaos unfold here by the gloobas, I began to realize that we Neptunian’s will be extinct and I’ll never find true love. Seeing you though has changed that mindset of mines in a big way. It’s crazy that I feel this way for a person from Earth, which is a place that is only a myth in our lands as we live too far from the planet to see it for ourselves.” Fontus begins to explain his feelings to Maria as he begins to sweat due to nervousness. “Yes my lance is a family jewel that has been passed down generation to generation, but treasures are replaceable. Love on the other hand isn’t replaceable.”

  “That’s true Fontus and I’m glad you see past losing your prized lance, but…” Maria is cut off by Fontus.

  “No Maria when I meant true love I meant you. I have this love for you like you could be my queen and rule alongside me here in Neptune. We can repopulate Neptune back to its former glory and defeat these aliens. Maria I lo…” Before he could finish his statement he is cut off by Maria.

  “I’m flattered, really I am. However, my dear Fontus there’s a few things you have to know. First is that us two don’t stand a chance of killing all of these aliens here or anywhere for that matter. Second, I didn’t come here to stay, I came to reverse time. I know it’s a hard concept to explain. However in short if I and my friends defeat the alien race back at their hometown, everyone that was killed by the aliens will come back to life. That’s because if you help me and my friends out we can reverse time to the point where none of this even happened and you’ll think it was just a real bad nightmare.” Maria gives Fontus her explanation.

  “What are you saying darling?” Fontus asks.

  “I’m saying that I must decline your proposal of love, for I am already happily married. Besides when your planet returns to normal, plenty of women will look at you wanting you. Plus you’ll get back your lance that was destroyed just now, so look at it that way. Don’t take it personally, you’re a fine man and any woman would be lucky to have you as their man. So let's say we get out of here!” Maria declines Fontus proposal and lets him know his world will return to normal if he helps out.

  “It’s fine I understand you Earthlings don’t understand us very well and I hope your husband is treating you well.” Fontus says in a kind tone.

  “He is treating me well and thanks for understanding.” Maria replies.

  “Anyway, you have to insert the key in the hole and brace yourself. A huge gush of water is going to come bursting out and the water will fill in the big hole that is the hallway. The water will continue to rise until the very top where Neptune’s room is and our guardian will be located. This is the only way up there is to overfill the hallway with water, so here goes nothing I guess.” Despite the rejection Fontus quickly switches gears and focuses on how the two will get up to the guardian.

  Maria inserts the key into the hole, the door opens and a whole gush of water comes barreling out. The water fills the hallway just as Fontus said it would and the water level begins to rise until it gets close to the ceiling. The two arrive at the door leading to the guardian, wh
ose name is also Neptune. They both enter the guardian’s room which is a bridge with water underneath it and a throne made out pure Neptunian water. Both Maria and Fontus look for the guardian, when neither of them are looking the water guardian shows up from a puddle of water and ambushes the two. The water guardian is in no mood to talk to the two, as he immediately begins to attack the two.

  The water guardian shoots a quick water attack at the two which hurts more than meets the eye. Maria gets up right away and tries to attack the guardian, but her attack goes right through the guardian just like real water. The guardian does a water filled uppercut to take her down. Fontus tries to shoot a water attack of his own, but the guardian evaporates into the puddle. The guardian pops out of the puddle behind him and shoots another jet of water at him taking him down.

  “Ouch! How in the hell do we defeat something that is made out of pure water and can’t even be touched?” Maria asks in agony.

  “Wait a minute I might just have the solution, but I have to go back outside. Just hold him for a bit, I’ll be back” Fontus says as he heads outside.

  Maria comes face to face with the water guardian that is made up of water and upon further review has no legs. In fact it uses the puddles of water to teleport itself around the room. Determined not to give in, Maria jumps and tries another drop kick. The guardian once again is one step ahead of her shooting a jet of water at her at the perfect angle. She falls to the ground once again and gets right back up. The guardian teleports himself behind her and begins to unload kick after kick. When she falls to the ground the guardian begins to spread its hands out and raises them slowly. While the guardian is raising his arms the water begins become choppy and rise up. She realizes that the guardian is preparing to hit her with an epic sized wave.


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