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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 101

by Angel Medina

  In essence time has already been reversed, but the two of them need to escape from Chronos otherwise the process will be incomplete and the time reversal will fail.

  After 5 minutes, Angel gets back on his feet and says, “Honey I’m lucky to have a woman like you, not a girl, but a woman. Now let’s say we finish off the piece of shit on the floor.

  Orlando gets up and tries to shoot another green energy ball at the two. However Angel grabs it and throws it back at Orlando knocking him to the edge of the island. Orlando finds himself holding on for dear life, just like Maria was trying to hang on just moments ago.

  “No, Ángel tu no va…” Orlando stutters while saying to Angel that he wouldn’t.

  “Si yo voy ase, te voy a matar aquí y ahora! Orlando, vete al infierno! Adiós puta!” Angel tells Orlando that he will kill him and he can go to hell.

  Now the two are watching events from Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Angel steps on the hands of Orlando, while Maria kicks him in the face. Orlando falls into the negative zone, while screaming in agony.

  “Good riddance!” Maybe just maybe we’ll get some peace here!” Angel says.

  “I hope so as well, I was getting tired of hearing that loser anyway and how better than to trap him in time where he can never escape.” Maria replies.

  “We’re not done yet though we still need to get out of here and that warp is getting dangerously far from us. Not to mention that we are getting very close to the beginning of mankind’s existence.” Angel says.

  The two prepare to jump as far as they can from where they are into the warp. At this point all the two can do is hope for the best…

  The two hold hands as tightly as they can and begin to say what could be possibly their final words to each other. The two begin to sweat like crazy and they are nervous as heck with butterflies going crazy in their stomachs.

  “Maria the love of my life, this may be the last time I get to say this… I love you with all my heart!” Angel says ready to let out a tear.

  “I love you too Angel! Anyway let’s see what out fate will be with this jump. Even if we don’t make it we’ll still get to be together in the afterlife.” Maria becomes acceptant of the possibility of not making it back to Earth alive.

  The two prepare their jump and move as far back as possible to gain as much momentum as possible for their leap of faith. The two run sprint as fast as possible and take the leap of faith…


  Back on Earth, Quentin and George are counting their last 10 minutes of their lives. They decide to eat the last few rations of food like it’s the last supper, similar to Jesus Christ. They are hiding out in the basement level of Virtual Labs Inc. hoping for a miracle to happen and to hide from any aliens that might be looking for them. However, a black hole appears in the basement level to the surprise and shock of the two. The two fickle scientists run for their lives until they reach a dead end at a door which they don’t have a keycard for. A squadron of aliens comes towards their direction, ready to finish them off.

  “It was nice knowing you Quentin! No!!!” George screams out loud.

  “It… just can’t be… is this what death… is?” Quentin says out of breath as he stares death in its face.

  Quentin and George save their prayers hoping for a last minute miracle…


  The two by some miracle make the leap of faith it into the warp and then they transport to back to August 15, 2016, which is exactly 10 days ago. The Elder God comes out to congratulate the two.

  “Congratulations on a job well done you two, for a moment I didn’t think you would make it out of there. I have to say, you have just pulled the biggest miracle of the universe. Many of your friends on Earth were literally seconds away from being killed in the corporal world.”

  “Wow we were just moments away from another massacre! My lord, we were just in the nick of time. You hear that Maria, we’re heroes!” Angel says in excitement with the bright yellow light surrounding him.

  “You two have grown quite a lot together and this is why my confidence is high with the four of you. Now just like before, I want you to tell me who you don’t want back in the corporal world that you killed in the virtual world.” Elder God asks Angel for his wishes.

  “That’s easy enough, the entire glooba empire. I also want the universe to go back to the way it was, even if it means we’re never get to see the cool unknown planets ever again. However it probably is better that way anyway, there’s a reason those worlds are hidden from us and should stay that way. Finally I want Orlando gone, assuming no one else can resurrect him and Darkgaryl or should I say Meta-Garyl.” Angel tells the Elder God his wishes and the Elder God gets busy granting Angel his wishes.

  After a few moments the two get out of the warp and end up back in their house in Brooklyn.

  Angel receives a call from an unknown number. He decides to pick it up.

  “Hello who’s this?” Angel asks politely.

  “It’s Samantha! You forgot I’m not really dead, am I glad to hear your voice.”

  “So am I, when are you coming over or I should ask, are you ever coming over?”

  “Actually I’ll be on two month break next week, so we’ll have plenty of time to catch up and hang out like normal human beings.” Samantha answers cheerfully.

  “That’s awesome to hear! Sorry that I have to let you go quickly, but I gotta get ready for work. I’ll see you next week!”

  “I can’t wait! Have a good day at work, talk to you soon.” Samantha says bye and then hangs up.

  “Wow it’s all over, I can’t believe it honey we did it!” Angel says in excitement.

  “It’s a shame we have to work today, so we really can’t celebrate. Well then again I don’t feel too good anyway, I’m all sore.” Maria says in response.

  Angel receives a call from Manny, “Hey Angel, just wanted to tell you because of your good work I decided to give you the day off today. Enjoy it buddy you deserve it.”

  “Thanks Manny, see you tomorrow.” Angel answers Manny. “Wow I have to admit, I am sore thank goodness Manny was nice enough to give me a day off. Hey how about we call Dayvon and Luis for a get…” Angel says until he’s cut off by Maria who grabs his boxers and strips them down like she was determined to have sex with Angel.

  “Honey I can’t let you do that, I’m horny and I been keeping it in for too long. Call them afterwards, besides its only 7:30 in the morning and I have a whole 4-pack of condoms with extra lubricant for extra fun. Mmmm… I know you want it baby.” Maria seduces Angel into having sex.

  “Well you got me there, let’s go in and have some fun! Oh yeah baby! Woohoo!” Angel cheerfully accepts Maria seducing invitation to the bedroom.

  The rest of the day is history, they both enjoy the whole day in the living room. Except for a wet bed and some wet sheets the two enjoyed themselves a much deserved day off.


  Angel and Maria end up spending August 15, 2016 enjoying each others attention and a well deserved day off. The two discuss plans for the future such as perhaps having kids and Maria perhaps joining the NYPD herself. They become excited about the possibilities about taking their lives to the next level. Maria however does disagree with one thing, she will never join the force as her dream has always been to be a journalist.

  “Hey take it easy honey I was just playing around with you!” Angel laughs and then Maria kisses him while laughing as well.

  “I know baby, besides I would just go in the force and kick your butt. Think about it I wouldn’t want to go in there and crush your manhood by having all your friends see you lose to a girl.” Maria jokily says.

  “Oh yeah, here take this!” Angel says while hitting Maria with a pillow, the two get into a friendly pillow fight.

  Quentin calls Angel afterwards and Angel answers, “Hey Quentin, we survived! The world isn’t gonna to explode, we gotta celebrate. Let’s head to Conley Island and have some fun in Luna Park, my treat! “
  “Word? I’m down with that, I’ll see you later. I’m about to clock out early so I can get home at a good time, my boss won’t mind if I sneak out a little early. Hehehe.” Quentin answers yes to Angel’s question.

  Afterwards Angel and Maria enjoy a nice walk on the boardwalk by Conley Island beach along with some good ole Nathan’s Hot Dogs while watching the fireworks.

  The two of them enjoy the night more than ever knowing that the evil glooba empire is no more, Bill is also gone for good and Orlando is trapped in time forever. The two believe now more than ever that they may have a chance to enjoy a normal marriage. However, he isn’t holding his breath just yet and for good reason. As long as the virtual world is still standing Earth is still in danger, as another evil force can still use the virtual world for their evil intentions.

  Nevertheless the two decide to put that in the back of their heads and decide that they will try to enjoy life the best they can.

  A half-hour passes and then Dayvon along with his fiancé, Serena show up to the boardwalk. A few minutes later Luis shows up to the boardwalk with his wife, Erica. Ten minutes later Quentin and George show up fashionably late, like they do any other event. Angel or anyone for that matter is bothered by their delayed arrival. The crew decides to enjoy themselves as much as they can before they have to get up for work the next day. The fact they have to work the next day doesn’t really bother the crew, they are just relieved to be able to live a normal life again.

  After enjoying all of the rides, including the new Thunderbolt roller coaster ride the four decide to call it a night. It is eleven o’clock and they decide to see the news that was being shown on a television screen on one of the attractions. Most of the news is just the normal things you hear about everyday. However one story catches Angel and his crew with a sense of shock. Russia has gotten a whole motherload of nuclear weapons and along with the deteriorating relationship of the United States and Russia one can only imagine a second cold war is inevitable. It may also be the signal of WW3 or even worse the next major battle of “The Thousand Years War”. Angel thinks in his head that this is normal politics, but decides he has to keep an open mind that Russia might have gotten the weapons from the virtual world. Besides the news doesn’t elaborate on where Russia got its weapons from. Then the newscast finishes…







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