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DeLeina, Maya - Veil of Seduction [Ambrose Heights Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 36

by Maya DeLeina

  “I didn’t see anything. Did you?”

  Anya laughed. “Nope.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Cutting it close, aren’t we?” Rhys said to Anya and Steffan as they walked through the door, rain soaked and windswept. “What happened? Anya get stopped by five-o on the bike?”

  Anya smiled.

  I am starting to understand what you explained about Rhys.

  About him studying and memorizing movie lines?

  Yes. And I am trying not to laugh.

  It takes practice. You’ll get used to it soon enough.

  “Not exactly. Is Alex here?” Steffan asked as he broke the inward conversation with Anya.

  Anya moved quickly, making her way up the stairs to their bedroom. Steffan followed, with Eilian and Rhys close behind.

  “We have a problem,” Eilian said.

  They made their way through the double doors of the master bedroom to find Catrin and Brynne waiting.

  “Oh, hello, ladies,” Steffan said, smiling as he gave them both a peck on the cheek. “Are you here to help my Anya get ready?”

  “Yes. Come, Anya. Let’s get you ready for the meeting.” The women scurried off into the master bathroom.

  “All right, what’s the problem?” Steffan walked to the massive walk-in closet and shed all his clothes right in front of the two men.

  “Towel?” Eilian asked as he grabbed for the thick cotton towel that hung on the hook right next to the robes.

  “Thanks. So what is it?” Steffan asked as he dried his body off.

  “The injections. They’re gone.”

  “All of them?”

  “No. There were only four left. By the log inventory count, we should’ve had at least twenty-two.”

  “Shit! What about Alex?”

  “Can’t find him either. No one has seen him the past couple of weeks.”

  “And Madeline?” Steffan reached into the drawer and slipped on his black briefs.

  “We don’t know what she is up to.”

  Steffan slid his legs through black slacks and adjusted a belt around his waist. His mind raced as he shook his head.

  “Sorry, Steffan, but we’re not any closer to knowing what to fucking expect tonight,” Rhys said with an air of anger and disappointment.

  “That’s all right. I still feel good about the meeting,” Steffan said as he reached for a form-fitting, gray sweater and pulled it over his head and down his chest.

  “We can’t find Ryan either, Steffan,” Eilian jumped in. “I don’t know what is going on.”

  “I think Ryan is just fine.” Steffan started laughing.

  “What?” Rhys said.

  “Did you do something to him?” Eilian asked.

  “Not me, my mate,” Steffan said. “She has kinesis abilities.”

  “No shit! That’s awesome!” Rhys said.

  “What did she do?” asked Eilian.

  “I think she would rather tell you herself. Hang on.” Steffan slipped on his shoes and communicated inwardly with Anya.

  Anya, the guys want to know about Ryan. Are you decent?

  Yes. They have me in a thick robe and insisted on doing my hair and makeup.

  All right, the boys are coming in then.

  * * * *

  “I thought this was going to be an informal meeting just to gather the facts,” Steffan said as he entered the mass enthrallment room with his immediate family.

  The entire family was packed in the stadium-style seating that soared up several feet. The center of the room was notably rearranged. A long table with seating for six was arranged in front. A laptop and projection system sat behind the table facing the wall. Two smaller tables were positioned perpendicular to the long table. Four council members were seated at each table, notably missing their two remaining members, one being the head of the council.

  A twinge of panic raced through Steffan, and he squeezed Anya’s hand.

  “Steffan and Eilian, please take a seat,” said one of the council members. Steffan and Eilian gave Anya and Catrin a kiss before they took the seats with the general public seating with Rhys and Brynne.

  “Anya, I am sorry, but you must take a seat up here as well.” The council woman pointed to a seat at the far end of where Steffan sat.

  Steffan? What’s going on?

  I’m not too sure, love. Just do what they say. It’ll be okay. I’m right here.

  “Steffan, Eilian, and Anya. You are all facing your formal proceedings that will pass final judgment on your offenses against our family’s creed and laws.”

  “Formal proceedings? How did it get to this stage already? Where is the informal inquiry to gather information?” Steffan asked, rising.

  “Steffan, we realize your familiarity with the process. But since you were the chosen leader of this family and head of this council, a new process had to be developed and enacted in light of this rather delicate proceeding.”

  “All right, I understand the need to develop new processes because of who I am, but I’m afraid that you’re putting us at a great disadvantage. We are not prepared with anything at this point as we thought this was an informal inquiry.”

  “Your concerns have been noted, but are not being taken into consideration in light of the evidence that was provided to the council this evening.”

  “What evidence? From whom? Don’t you think we have a right to see what’s being provided to the council?”

  “Steffan, please take your seat so we can begin. Remember, you had selected every one of us on this council for consideration and we were voted in by the family. As you stated, we were selected for our integrity, equality, and ability to make sound judgments to uphold our creed and laws. Let us do our job.”

  Steffan nodded and sat back down. He glanced in Anya’s direction. She appeared unnerved.

  I feel your nervousness. I feel your heartbeat racing. I feel your pain in your gut. You can’t tell me that this is going to be all right anymore. I can feel the exact opposite stirring inside you.

  Steffan glanced down at the table. He couldn’t lie to Anya.

  Anya, I hate to admit this to you, but I am afraid. I have no control here. I don’t know what to expect and I don’t know what evidence they’re referring to.

  I’m right here, Steffan. No matter what, we’re here for each other.

  “Steffan Matthews, could you please disclose all of your abilities to this council?”

  Steffan shook his head in response. “Disclosing all of my abilities would in fact cripple me against any enemy. And I do believe I have an enemy who wishes to harm me and my mate who resides among this family.”

  “That is an unwarranted accusation. We are just trying to get to the bottom of all of this,” replied the council member.

  “Then let’s compromise. Ask me what you think I have the ability to do or control, and I will answer you.”

  “Agreed.” The council member paused as he focused on a notepad before him. “Do you have the ability to enhance and strengthen the powers of other vampires?”

  “Yes. But, for only those who share in the same ability as me.”

  “Do you have the ability to manifest?”


  “Do you have the ability to alter moods in vampires?”


  “Can you read the minds of all vampires, communicate inwardly with anyone of our kind?”

  “No. I share that only with my mate.”

  “Do you have the power to enthrall another vampires?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  The council took a brief moment to deliberate among each other on one side of the room while the other side of the council continued to take notes on Steffan’s responses. The crowd took the opportunity to whisper comments to each other.

  “Steffan, when Ryan was turned, why did you never provide the opportunity for a formal introduction with the entire family?”

  “I regret that I couldn’t devote more time in transitioning
Ryan. He was my responsibility. However, I had discovered my mate connection the same night I turned Ryan. My natural instincts to devote my efforts to my mate quest consumed me. I apologize to the council and to the family for not making a formal introduction for Ryan.”

  “And you never disclosed to Anya that you had turned Ryan, nor did you disclose to Ryan that Anya was going through the claim ritual with you?”

  “No. I never told Anya. I was under the impression Ryan was her sister’s fiancé. Anya was already dealing with the sudden death of her sister, and I thought it would be too overwhelming emotionally for her if she was to also learn that Ryan was turned. As you know, I couldn’t risk any emotional breakdown, since the claim was already started. But Eilian and Rhys did disclose to Ryan on my behalf that I was in the claim ritual with Anya.”

  “Anya?” The council member adjusted in his seat to address Anya directly.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Before the claim process began, did you not disclose to Steffan that you were already spoken for with Ryan?”

  “No, because I was not spoken for. Ryan left. He abandoned our marriage in October of last year. He left me for my identical twin, Anise. He did not want to be married to me any longer and said that he found another love, which was Anise. He also funneled all of our assets and funds in Anise’s name so I had no rights to the money. He deserted our marriage and left me destitute. I was granted a divorce a couple of months later. All of this happened before I met Steffan.”

  “What proof do you have that Ryan had indeed abandoned the marriage?”

  “There was a letter that he had left me. He didn’t even have the courtesy to do it in person. I burned it after I was granted the divorce, but my best friend, Michelle Ocsil, can serve as proof. She read the letter and saw all of the bank statements where he drained all of the money that I had access to. She gave me a job to work part-time just to help me make ends meet.”

  The council deliberated once again briefly, and the crowd exchanged opinions and notes in a low mumble.

  Did I do all right?

  You were perfect.

  “Anya, the council finds that there was indeed an absolution and dissolution of the union between you and Ryan that no longer bonded you as man and wife in you human life. Therefore, you were free to be claimed by Steffan. You are to remain Steffan’s chosen mate. You are also being dismissed of any reprimand on your attack on Ryan. The council recognized the duress you were under and your inability to harness your innate behavior in the situation. You are free to join the family.” He motioned Anya to take a seat with the family behind Steffan and Eilian.

  Steffan breathed a sigh of relief as Anya walked past him to sit next to Rhys and Brynne. One of the council members removed Anya’s chair from the table.

  I love you, Steffan. I am accepted as your mate.

  I love you, Anya. This will be over soon, and then we can celebrate.

  Steffan, how do we change my name officially to Matthews?

  We have someone in the records department. But I see what you’re thinking. Yes, I agree, this is definitely the way it should be done.

  Thank you.

  “I think you’ll be fine, Steffan! Look, they’re thinking outside the box with this human marriage thing. Everything will be all right,” Eilian whispered.

  “I hope so. I’m still trying to figure out what the three chairs are for and where Ryan and Madeline are at. Surely, they wouldn’t miss this for anything.”

  Right on cue, the council member spoke. “Madeline, Ryan, and Alex, you may join the proceedings up at the council inquiry table.”

  Steffan turned around, watching as the three made their way down the stairs from where they sat disguised in the general public seating. Ryan looked like he had aged ten years as the black burn lines remained etched in his skin. Alex looked dazed, as if under a trance. Madeline walked tall with an air of confidence. She raised her eyebrow in a small gesture toward Steffan as they took their seats at the table.

  Anya, do you see what I see?

  Yes! I can’t believe it. The lightning seemed to steal years from him! I didn’t know that was possible!

  Neither did I. And I believe his healing mechanisms to repair aesthetics have been damaged. He shouldn’t have that burn mark across his face.

  Steffan, we ruined his looks! He is going to be furious. Watch yourself up there!

  “Ryan, what happened to you? You look horrible,” the female council member stated as she gazed at Ryan.

  “I got struck by lightning earlier this evening. It wiped out most of my memory of what happened. And I do believe I’ve suffered quite a bit of damage to my abilities.”

  “How so?”

  “A metal stake hurled at me in the storm and stabbed me in the leg. The repair mechanisms were employed and repaired the damage, but my mechanisms to fix the damage across my face weren’t. I also seemed to age.”

  A male council member spoke in response. “It looks like the lightning robbed your of your ability to repair aesthetics and altered your cells to age you. Son, these are all things that can be remedied in other ways. Be thankful that your repair mechanisms are still intact.”

  Ryan nodded and looked down at the table.

  The male council member looked down at his notes and resumed the proceedings.

  “Eilian Matthews,” his voice boomed in the room.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “As the alternate leader of this family—”

  “Wait, Eilian is our alternate leader? When did the family vote on this?” Madeline blurted out of turn to the council.

  “Madeline, Steffan was free to choose an alternate to assume his responsibilities in times of need. We would still have to vote as a family to make any permanent changes.”

  “Thank you. I apologize for the disruption.”

  Wow. Is that what she wants? To take your place as leader of the family? Anya whispered to Steffan inwardly.

  It sure sounds sound like it. By the way, I can also hear what you are not saying.


  Miss innocent! Just remember, I was intrigued with her ability. That’s what attracted me to her.

  Sorry. She’s a little tacky for my taste. I couldn’t image you finding that appealing.

  I was too focused on her mate-matching abilities, thinking she could help me find you, that I didn’t even take notice.

  “Eilian, did you take steps to confirm Anya’s identity while Steffan was indisposed in an effort to uphold and protect our creed and law?”

  “Yes. I went to M.J. and did some legwork recon as well.”

  “And what did Madeleine tell you?”

  “She told me that Anise was Ryan’s fiancée. When I inquired about Anise, M.J. told me she had been killed in a car accident mere days after his turning. She confirmed that Anya and Anise were identical twins and that Anya’s husband had passed from a sudden aneurysm years before.”

  “What did she mention about Steffan?”

  Eilian searched his mind to recall the conversation.

  “She didn’t mention Steffan at all.”

  The council deliberated.

  “Eilian, the council finds that you had no wrongdoing in the situation. You are free to join the family.” He motioned Eilian to take a seat with the family behind the Steffan.

  Eilian patted Steffan on the shoulder as he left his seat to join Catrin. The council member removed Eilian’s chair from the inquiry table.

  “And now, to the matter of our leader, Steffan Matthews. Ms. Doyle has brought forward evidence in this case to the council earlier in the evening that we will share with the entire family. Ms. Doyle, am I to assume that Ryan Evans and Alex Stemper are the last parts of the evidence that we requested?’

  “Yes, sir.”

  Steffan turned around and glanced at Eilian and Rhys. They both shrugged, not knowing what was going on. Steffan’s gaze met Anya’s. She was riddled with fear.

  Cariad, calm yourself. Your heart feels
like it’s going to jump right out of your chest.

  I can’t help it, Steffan. What is she planning? What did she tell them?

  Anya, promise me something now.


  While it may be hard to find, there can be multiple mate matches for a vampire out there. Everything is based on complete capability between two souls.

  What are you asking me to promise?

  If this ends badly for me, I need you to promise me you will search for another match. Someone who would love you the same way I do. You have an entire century to find another mate, should I die.

  No. You’re hurting my heart. Don’t talk like that. Turn around and concentrate. They can’t do this to us.


  No! Don’t talk to me like that. Don’t say those words to me!

  Steffan retracted his mind from Anya and returned his focus back to the proceedings.

  “Please disclose the family members what you informed the council of in the matter of Steffan Matthews.”

  Madeleine turned around and addressed the family. “I held this information from the council and you because I was in fear for the life of my mortal daughter, Lisa. But I’m not going to burden myself with this anymore. Unforeseen events have occurred, and Lisa is no longer mortal. He has nothing to hold over my head.”

  Madeline took a long pause as if to regain her composure. She snuck a little glance at Steffan before proceeding. “Our leader, Steffan Matthews, visited me a few nights after he turned Ryan. He told me about the connection he’d made with an object that belonged to Ryan. He asked me to get all the background I could on Ryan. Alex and I gathered all we could at Steffan’s request. I called him the next day to arrange the meeting at his home. Instead, Steffan asked to meet me at my cabin to go over the information. Here is what I gave to Steffan.”

  Madeline turned on the projection unit that displayed a PowerPoint presentation from her laptop. With a click of the mouse, she engaged the slide show. One by one, the contents of the box she’d shared with Ryan displayed on the screen. The family gasped and mumbled as wedding photos, love notes, and the marriage certificate that belonged to Anya and Ryan played out in slow motion.


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